Thinking About Them

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March 2030

Alexia's POV:

After Mariana relaxed, Lola and I sat with her. "How'd you know what to do?" I looked at Lola.

"Carmen had a panic attack once. When we first started dating. After that, I looked into panic attacks just to be ready in case it happened again. I didn't know how to help her the first time. I needed to know." She looked at Mariana. "Now I can help you too."

Mariana put her head on Lola's shoulder. "Thanks," She smiled. "mama Lola."

"Anytime kid." 

"I miss my brother." She whispered. "He always helped me with this." She shook her head. 

"I know I'm not him, but I'm here to help you too." Lola said. "Call me whenever you need me."

"Me too." I said. "I'm your Spanish mom after all. That's what I'm here for."

"Carmen has panic attacks too?" She asked.

"She hasn't had one. She goes to therapy. You should talk to her about it. She can help too, we're all here to help." 

She nodded. Once she felt ready, we went and joined the party.

Jenni's POV:

"We're gonna adopt." Leila smiled. "We're looking at some older kids."

"I'm happy for you guys."

"We keep going back to one boy. Leila's very excited about him." Mariona smiled. "I am too but, look at her." 

"Because he's not a baby. He's been waiting for that one family to take him home and love him. I can't wait to have him here with us. Hopefully he'll let us become his family."

"He will. He'll love you guys and you'll love him. You guys are going to be great parents."

"How's Enzo?" 

"Awesome." I laughed. "Maxi keeps asking when he goes back. I don't think he likes having a brother."

"My brother didn't like having me." Leila said. "Look at us now. He's loves him, don't worry."

Alexia walked over.

"How's Mari?" I asked.

"She's ok. She's going to need us though, all of us."

"Of course." Mariona said.

"So tell me all about your future son." Alexia smiled. 

April 2030

Alexia's POV:

I woke up and looked around. "Jenni?" She wasn't in bed. I got up and looked in the living room. "Jenni?" 

She wasn't in the kitchen either. 

I went to Lorenzo's room and smiled. Jenni was in the rocking chair, Enzo laying on her chest. Both of them asleep. "Mama I'm hungry." Maxi walked over to me. 

"Let's go make some breakfast." I picked him up and we went to the kitchen. 

"Can I see aunt Mariona today?" He asked.

"She's busy today. Maybe tomorrow." I smiled.

"Why is she busy?" 

"Her and aunt Leila have boring adult stuff to do." 

"Is it a baby?" He grabbed his juice. "Lola said everyone was getting babies. Can I get a baby?"

"You already have a baby brother."

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