All That Matters

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August 2028

Jenni's POV:

"Hate to break up this sweet moment but can someone drive me to the hospital?" Lola asked.

"What's going on?"

"Carmen's in labor." Lola said.

"CARMEN'S IN WHAT!" Mariana yelled. I smiled.

"She's in labor! I'm going to be a parent! I AM NOT READY FOR THIS! I CAN'T EVEN TAKE CARE OF MYSELF!" Mariana dragged her to the car.

"I said the same thing." I mumbled. 

"Stop it." Alexia hit me.

"I'll drive!" Mariana got Lola in the car.

"It's my car." Virginia said.

"I'll. Drive." Mariana said.

"Ok." Everyone got into the car.

"We'll meet you there!" Alexia yelled. They drove off and I looked at my wife. "Everyone's together and happy now. We did good."

"We make a good team." I smiled. "Makes me kind of want to marry you."

"Hmm sounds tempting but," She held up her hand. "already married."

"Damn. Whoever married you is one lucky woman." I opened the car door for her. 

"I'm the lucky one." She kissed me and got in. "Not get your ass in the car before I leave without you."

"Yes, ma'am." I smiled. "We're stopping to get Maxi first." 

"Alba is going to meet us halfway to drop him off." She said. "Let's go." 

We drove and met her. "How was he?" I asked.

"Perfect." Alba smiled. "How'd it go with Mapi?"

"Everyone's together and happy again. Carmen's in labor. Mapi's head is out of her ass." I said.

"Wait what?"

"Mapi's head is out of her ass." I said.

"No. Carmen's in labor?"

"YEAH! We gotta go to the hospital. Bye!" Alexia drove off. We got to the hospital and saw Mapi and Mariana. "We're here!" I ran up to them.

We went inside and met Patri. "You ok?" Mariana asked.

"I'm never hanging around pregnant people again. That was too stressful for me." She sat. "You can go in the room, I need a minute"

We laughed and walked into the room. "You broke poor Patri." I patted Carmen's leg.

"Neither of us were ready for that." Carmen said with her eyes closed. Lola continued to run her fingers through her hair. Mariana walked to her side and grabbed her other hand. 

"You got this." She whispered.

"Thanks, Mari."

The families showed up and then it was time for the babies to come. We sat and waited and heard Carmen scream. "I'm so happy I didn't have to push." Mariana said. I looked at her.

"You almost bled out." Leila said.

"But I didn't have to push. Can't win them all." 

I laughed and patted her back. "But you gave us quite the scare."

"I didn't mean too." She said. "You were never going to lose me." She smiled. 

After more waiting and a scare with the 2nd baby, our family grew by two. 

Xavier Rafael and Isabella Maria Menayo Gallardo.

Mariana and I went into the room with Lola. Carmen was looking at us. "Lola told you right? That we wanted to talk but couldn't?"

"Yeah. What's up?"

"We couldn't decide which one we wanted. But then we found out we were having twins and it was the best thing. Two good picks for grandmothers, two babies. Jenni, I remember you said you wanted to be a godmother. That stuck with me. And Mariana? You've been a great parent since the day you stepped up to raise Gabriel. You're also a great friend to us. Will you be the godmothers of our children?"

"No." Mariana smirked. I looked at her. 

"What." I whispered.

"I'm kidding. Of course I will."

I laughed. "Me too." 

Alexia's POV:

"You two are next." Mapi looked at Leila. 

"No more babies. No more babies." Patri rocked herself back and forth.

We sat around and talked. Jenni walked out of the room. "Hey." I stood up and walked to her.

She wrapped her arms around me and kissed the side of my head. "I love you." 

"I love you too. You ok?"

She smiled. "I'm a godmother." She whispered. "I'm a mother. I'm your wife. I think I want to retire soon." She looked at me.

"Really? You love playing."

"I love you and Maxi more." She smiled. "I don't know when but soon. I'll hang up my boots for good."

October 2028

Jenni's POV:

"Mapi is officially gone." I sighed. "Well, this should be interesting."

"She's happy, Jenni." I smiled. "They both are."

"So am I but I'm not killing my team's defense." I crossed my arms.

Maxi started to cry. "I got it." Alexia walked to get him. "It's ok." She came in with him. "Mama look at me." 

I smiled. "Give me my boy." I held my hands out. I took him and put him in my lap. "You are getting too big and I don't like it."

"Gabriel, Maxi, Felicia, Xavier, and Isabella." Alexia said. "Who do you think is next?" 

"I don't know." I said. "Maybe Mariona and Leila." She smiled. "You know something don't you?"

"Nope." She shook her head. "You didn't hear it from me but if another baby Mariana or Mapi pops out, act surprised." She walked to the kitchen. "What do you want to eat!"

"I was going to say surprise me but you already did!" I heard her laugh and looked at Maxi. "Mama is crazy. Hopefully, you're crazy like her." He laughed. "You're all that matters." 

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