Really Strong

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January 2028

Alexia's POV:

"Remember we're helping Mapi with their nursery today." Jenni said.

"I know." I smiled. "It's getting close I'm excited. Once Maxi is better and home, he'll have a cousin."

Jenni laughed. "He'll be home soon. I know he will." She looked down at her phone. "It's Lola." She answered. "Hey. Yeah, what's up?" She walked out of the room. "Did you just say wedding?" I heard the door close. 

"Oh, Lola." I shook my head. "Weird, weird Lola."

After her phone call, we got ready and headed to Mapi and Mariana's. 

Jenni knocked on the door and we waited. Vir opened it and smiled. "Come in. Mama to be is on the couch. Idiot mama is struggling to open a can of paint."

"So help her." I said.

"But it's so funny to watch her struggle."

"Babe just pull it! Why can't you figure this out." I heard Mariana. We walked in and I leaned over the couch.

"Hey, Mari." I kissed the top of her head.

"Hi, Ale." She said continuing to watch Mapi. "Babe just give me the fucking can of paint."

"Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" Jenni smirked.

"Yes." Mariana looked at her.

"Fair enough." Jenni kissed her cheek and patted her head. 

Mariana opened the paint and Mapi stared at her. "How."

"She's can't open a can of paint. She's not ready to be a mother." Virginia said.

"Alright let's go!" Jenni said. We went into the room and started getting it ready. Lola and Carmen came to help too. Lola helped us while Carmen and Vir sat with Mariana.

"This is a big deal Mapi." I smiled. "Your child is going to be here soon."

"I'm excited." She laughed. "A mini Mariana. I'm a little scared though."

"That's ok." Jenni said. "You'll do great."

"Mariana is the smart one and you're just," Lola sighed. "Well, keep doing you, Mapi."

"I have Mariana."

Lola got tired and went to get water. 

We put the finishing touches and looked around. "Done." Mapi smiled. "This room is now 100% ready for our little baby."

"We crushed it." Jenni smiled.

"So the room is ready." I smirked. "Are you?"

"Totally." Mapi crossed her arms. "I'm ready for this kid. Let's go."

"Mapi!" Virginia yelled. "I think Mariana is in labor!"

"IT'S TOO EARLY I'M NOT READY!" Mapi ran to the living room. Jenni and I followed in after her. "What happened?"

"Her water broke." Lola smiled. "It's happening."


"I like how I'm in labor and she's more freaked out than I am." Mariana grabbed her stomach. "Please take me to the hospital." She groaned.

"Mapi isn't driving." Virginia said. "Mapi get everything you need for the hospital."

"The bag is in the kitchen." Mariana said.

Virginia nodded and put her hands together. "Lola help me get Mariana to the car. Alexia call Mariana's parents, Jenni call Mapi's. Carmen, can you text Nahikari for me? Tell her to pick up Gabriel and then meet us at the hospital?"

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