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April 2022

Alexia's POV:

"Hey." Sandra walked in. "How was your short break?"


"What'd you do?"

"Ummm." I thought about it. "Nothing special." 

"That's good. I guess." She walked away.

Jenni walked in smiling. "Hello!"

"Stop it." I said.

"Goodbye!" Jenni walked out.

"She's weirder than usual." Leila said. 

"I know." I said. 

"That's your problem though." Leila got her stuff and walked out of the locker room.

"Yeah it is." I smiled.

Jenni's POV:

"How was England?" I asked Mapi.

"It was a lot of fun. Mariana had a good time so it was great." 

"1 year down." I said.

"Yeah." She said. "Can't wait for the next year."

"You think Mariana is it for you?"

"I don't know. You know how I am, Jenni. A take every day as it comes type person. But I really hope Mariana is it for me. No one's made me feel the way she does. No one makes me happy as she does." Alexia walked up behind her. "No offense to your sister, of course."  

"No please, offend her. If she hooks up with one more teammate, we're going to have problems."

"Lola and Mapi are fine now!"

"I'm not worried about them. I'm worried about the other idiot!"

"Should I be offended by that statement?" Mapi asked.

"Yes. Walk away now Mapi." Alexia said. Mapi did as she was told and I looked at Alexia. "This whole secret marriage thing is tough."

"We've been married for a month. You're already struggling?" 

"Yeah. You've really rubbed off on me." She sighed. "I'll be fine. As long as people stop asking what we did during our break."

"How was your break guys?" Aitana walked by.

"Run." I said to her.

"What?" Aitana smiled. Alexia started running and Aitana ran away. "I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" 

I smiled and watched. "Yeah. That's my wife." I whispered. 

May 2022

Alexia's POV:

"Hide me." Jenni said.


"Mapi's having a meltdown."


"I guess Mariana got taken off Utah's roster again."

"Again? How many times is that now?"

"I don't know but Mapi's on a warpath!" She looked out the door. "Poor Leila is the current victim."

"And you're next?"

"Probably! You have to hide me!"

"Why would I get involved in this?"

"I'm your wife! You ready want me to get murdered?"

"It's been a good 2 months of marriage."


"I'm kidding. Get under the bed." 

"I'm having flashbacks to our first relationship."

"I will get Mapi in here so quick!"

"Ok I'm going!" She crawled under the bed and waited. The door opened and Mapi stood there.

"Hello, Maria." 

"I need Jenni."

"I haven't seen her." I said. "I think she was going for a walk last I saw her." I shrugged. "If you find her tell her to answer her damn phone when I call."

"You know what. Coming in here was a mistake. I don't like getting involved with your relationship." She walked out. 

I got up and looked out the door. Mapi kept walking until she stopped at Patri's door. I shut our door and walked to the bed. "You can come out now."

"Yep. This is exactly like our first relationship."

"Oh Mapi!" I started to walk to the door. 

"YOU WOULDN'T!" Jenni grabbed my legs. 

"Aw look at you. Thinking this is going to stop me from getting Mapi." Jenni smirked and pulled on my leg. I fell and she climbed on top of me. "Ok. You win." I crossed my arms. 

She leaned forward and kissed my forward. "I won the day I met you." 

"Then you lost when you signed for Paris."

"You're never going to let that go are you?"

"We'll see." 

She laughed and got up, helping me to my feet. "As long as we stay together, you can bring it up as much as I went. Remind me of how stupid I was to leave."

My phone rang. 


I sighed and grabbed it. "Hey Vir." I looked at Jenni. "What do you mean? When? What did she say? Isn't that good?"

"What happened?" Jenni whispered.

"Shh!" I waved my hand at her. "Vir just give her some time. You know how she is. Yes, please give me updates." I shook my head. "Uh huh. Ok. Bye, Vir." I hung up.


"Nahikari talked to Vir and basically said that there are some feelings."

"That's great!"


"Oh no."

"She isn't comfortable with a relationship right now. Especially with a teammate. She said she needs time but does like Virginia." 

"And now what?"

"And now Vir took that as a complete rejection and is ready to give up on finding happiness." I sighed. "Mapi did it all by herself, Leila did it all by herself and managed to hide it, and now there's Virginia."

"As long and Lola and Carmen stay strong, I can deal with Virginia." Jenni said. "Wait. Why did she call you she's down the hall?"

"She's in bed and doesn't feel like moving." I rolled my eyes. "She's dramatic you know this." 

"Should we go check on her?"

"Do we have to?" I pouted.

"Not when you make that cute face!" 

"I can literally kill you."

"I know you're just the cutest." Jenni sighed. "Man, I love you."

I laughed. "I love you too."

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