Nothing Lasts

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Double update for this because I feel bad about not being able to get to Daan's story. I'm just exhausted and this was written like 2 days ago... maybe last night I don't remember anymore.


Jenni's POV:

I walked over to the bench. "I'm done." I looked at Jorge. "Take me out."

"We were going to take Alexia out. Leave you in." I looked at Alexia. "Do you really want to come out or are you just getting scared?"

"I want to play as much as I can but I did break my arm."

"I will take you out right now, are you sure?"

I sighed and looked at Nahikari. I shook my head. "Take Alexia. I'll stay in." 

He nodded. "Ok. Nahikari you're good! 11 off 22 in." 

I walked back toward Alexia and smiled.

"There's always next game." 

"Substitution for Spain. Player number 11 Alexia Putellas is replaced by player number 22 Nahikari Garcia."

"Yeah." I looked at her. "There is." I walked away. "This?" I lifted my left arm up. "I'll play through it. I'm not done yet." 

She shook her head. "You're insane." She jogged over to Nahikari and took a seat on the bench. 

"Only insane for you." I whispered. 

Alexia's POV:

The ref ran back onto the field after looking at the replay. She signaled for a penalty and we all jumped up.

"Jenni!" Jorge yelled. "Jenni!" Irene turned around. "Tell Jenni to take it!" She gave a thumbs up and ran over.

I watched Jenni set up the ball. She got it eventually. 

Leila grabbed my arm and we watched. 

Jenni shot it and scored.

"GOAL!" I ran and jumped in the air. Jenni took off running as everyone on the field chased her. I realized she was running toward the bench.

Toward me.

I opened my arms and she ran right into them, holding me tight.

Everyone jumped around us and joined in. She let go and looked at me. Then she froze. "I um." She turned and ran back to the field. 

Jenni's POV:

We won the game 3-1. Lucia scored after I did and put the game away.

I sat on my bed and looked at my phone. 

"Everything ok?" Nahikari sat on her bed. 

"Hm? Yeah. Just waiting for Laura to call."

"Right. Your girlfriend." She smirked. "I always thought you and Alexia were a thing." 

"Join the club." I mumbled.


Incoming call


"Some other time." I got up and left the room. "Hey. I was wondering when you'd call." 

"You're playing in a World Cup. I don't want to bother you."

"You'll never bother me." I smiled. "So what's going on? Tell me everything." I looked up and saw Alexia with Virginia.

"Well, I'm coming to your next few games. I have time off work, want to come support you."

"That's great." I turned and walked away from Alexia. 

"So what's going on with you and Alexia?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that celebration? After your second goal?"

Alexia's POV:

"Oh? The hug?" I heard Jenni said. "That was nothing. Just heat of the moment. I wanted to celebrate with the bench and guess I got to her first. Who knows." I looked down. "You know I'm done with her. That's all in my past." 

I took a breath and looked at Virginia. "I'm actually not feeling that great right now. I'll catch up with you later."

"Oh. Ok, are you sure?"

"Yeah." I walked away. I got to my room and laid on my bed. 

Jenni's POV:

"I'll see you soon." 

"Ok. Bye." I hung up and turned around. "FUCK!" I screamed. "Virginia what are you doing?" 

"Me? What are YOU doing, Hermoso."

"Talking to my girlfriend?"

"Girlfriend? Nah your girlfriend in is her room most likely crying." She crossed her arms. 

"What? Who?" She raised an eyebrow. I sighed. "Alexia?"

"Ding ding ding we have a brain cell!"

"CAN I HAVE IT!" Leila stuck her head out of her room.

"NO, IT'S MINE!" Mapi's head appeared. 

"Back off!" 

The door slammed shut and I turned to Virginia. "What are you talking about?"

"Alexia heard you. Everything you said about the hug and her being in your past. That you're done with her? I thought you two were getting better?"

"We are!"

"You just blew it, Jenni!" I sighed. "You really don't get it do you?" She walked closer to me. "You brought out a different side of Alexia! I lived with her and never even saw her like that. She loved you." She whispered. "And you just forget about it? About her?" 


"Hey." I walked up and sat next to her. "Talk to me." 

"I'm just thinking."

"About what?"


I smiled. "Well, what about it?"

"The future. My family. The usual stuff."

"Am I apart of it?" I grabbed her hand.

"I don't know. I guess that depends."

"On what?" 

"This path we're both on. If they stay together. Or drift apart."

"No matter where this path takes me, I will always end up in the same place. With you." I kissed her hand. I stared into her eyes. 


"You are just so beautiful," I whispered. She looked down. "No." I lifted her head up. "I want you to look at me when I say this." 

"Say what?"

"That when I look into those beautiful eyes of yours, I feel more at home than anywhere else in this world."

"I didn't forget anything. It was just time to move on. Nothing lasts forever, Vir. No matter how much you want it too." 

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