Stay with me

By iliqblack

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This story is about hope and devotion. About loyalty to yourself and your feelings. About true friendship and... More

Chapter 1 When dreams come true
Chapter 2 - When dreams come true. Omer
Chapter 3 - Bring back life
Chapter 4 Reach the Heart
Chapter 5 - How to bring back happiness
Chapter 6 Give me a chance
Chapter 7 - Let the Past Go to Hell
Chapter 8 - Farewell
Chapter 9 Loneliness
Chapter 10 Confrontation
Chapter 11 - I choose you
Chapter 12 I love
Chapter 13 Theorems and Axioms
Chapter 14 - Why?
Chapter 15 - While I'm breathing!
Chapter 16 - The Road to Happiness
Chapter 17 - Day of Open Hearts
Chapter 18 - Dreams
Chapter 19 - Jackals and Falcons
Chapter 20 - Life goes on
Chapter 21 - Healing
Chapter 22 - You are the Best!
Chapter 23 - Fulfillment of desires
Chapter 24 - A roller coaster
Chapter 25 - Endless love
Chapter 26 - Angels and Demons
Chapter 27 - Prelude to the miracle
Chapter 28 - A Miracle
Chapter 29 Light and Darkness
Chapter 30 - Think About Me
Chapter 31 - Windows
Chapter 32 - Above the clouds
Chapter 33 - Old Secrets, New Hopes
Chapter 34 - Redemption
Chapter 35 Fate
Chapter 36 - Loved ones are always forgiven
Chapter 37 - We will call her Emine
Chapter 38 - Because of you
Chapter 39 - Sapphire's birthday
Chapter 40 - Necklace of fiery opals
Chapter 41 - Paradise Island
Chapter 42 - Happiness in the hands
Chapter 43 - At the edge of the abyss
Chapter 44 - Storm in Paradise
Chapter 46 - Serpent in paradise
Chapter 47 - You are my breath
Chapter 48 Time for Change
Chapter 49 - You are my medicine
Chapter 50 - Angels on guard
Chapter 51 - Doubt
Chapter 52 - Love and pride
Chapter 53 - Watchful eye
Chapter 54 - We are crazy
Chapter 55 - Big tragedies and small mischief
Chapter 56 - Exposure
Chapter 57 - Trust
Chapter 58 - Treachery
Chapter 59 - I love you, Mom
Chapter 60 Surprises - pleasant and not so
Chapter 61 - Turn upside down
Chapter 62 - Dreams Come True
Chapter 63 - Best Day of Life
Chapter 64 - I will be with you
Chapter 65 - What the coming day tells us
Chapter 66 - Almost a detective story
Chapter 67 - A Miracle is born
Chapter 68 - Emine Diana Iplikci
Chapter 69 - The Gift
Chapter 70 - How happiness begins
Chapter 71 - Prophetic dream
Chapter 72 - A stranger
Chapter 73 - Such different fathers
Chapter 74 - One for all and all for one!
Chapter 75 - And in sorrow and joy
Chapter 76 - Wolf Laws
Chapter 77 - Playing without rules
Chapter 78 - Through hardship to the stars
Chapter 79 - Blood relationship
Chapter 80 - God works in mysterious ways
Chapter 81 - Epilogue
Note from the writer Marina Victoria
84 Taming the stubborn ( Тhe story of Jansu and Niko)
85 Taming the stubborn
86 Taming the stubborn
87 Taming the stubborn
88 Taming the stubborn
89 Taming the stubborn
90 Taming the stubborn
91 Taming the stubborn
92 Taming the stubborn
93 Taming the stubborn
94 Taming the stubborn
95 Taming the stubborn
96 Taming the stubborn
97 Taming the stubborn
98 Taming the stubborn

Chapter 45 - Kinship not by blood or cuckoo and Madonna

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By iliqblack

- Defne, - Omer looked over her shoulder. His voice clearly sounded displeased - what are you reading there so interesting that for two hours now there has been zero attention on me?

- I won't tell you, - she answered quite seriously and covered the page with her hand. Omer's eyes widened. Defne sighed and explained: - I will not tell you because you will laugh at me. You say that I am a narrow-minded person who believes in prejudice.

- What? Omer really laughed. "You intrigued me. Now I won't sleep until you tell me everything. "He glanced sideways at the book. - Don't tell me that you decided to invent the Philosopher's Stone and turn everything around into gold?

- Why do I need it? Defne frowned. - An absolutely stupid wish. I don't want gold.

- And what do you want? Omer also removed his joking tone.

- I want to create something that will help one person to change their thoughts. And maybe then her most cherished dream will come true. Just don't ask anything. If everything works out, then I will tell you all myself.

And again Omer froze. Looking inseparably at the sweet, serious face for the thousandth time asked himself: will he ever get used to this feature of Defne - the desire to make everyone around her happy. And he answered himself: no! Her big heart will always surprise and delight him. Taking the book from her hands, he closed it and put it in her backpack.

- So it will be, my soul, - promised. - You will succeed. Now talk to me. I missed your voice and smile.

- Ay! But the stewardess smiled so sweetly at you, - Defne teased him.

- True? He wondered. - I did not notice.

Defne laughed and shook her head.

- Ay-y-yay, Mr. Omer! The girl definitely thought you were an iceberg.

Omer leaned over to her and whispered in her ear:

- Or maybe a man who is madly in love with his wife?

Defne, smiling slyly, looked at him and asked again:

- Up to madness?

"Uh-huh," he shook his head like a boy. Looking sideways at the passengers sitting across the aisle and making sure that no one was paying attention to them, he kissed the laughing lips and suggested: - Shall we spread out the chairs and lie down? It will be more convenient for you.

"It's a good idea," Defne agreed. - But you know me - just find myself in a horizontal position, immediately fall asleep.

- That is great! It is still fourteen hours to fly to Paris. Get a good night's sleep. And I'll look enough of your pretty face.

Paris greeted travelers with invigorating frost and light snow. From the hot summer, the Iplikci family returned to the winter and remembered that their clothes did not at all correspond to the season and weather. They had to wait for the flight to Istanbul for more than two hours. After going through passport control, they rushed to one of the boutiques, which was located in the Orly airport building, and bought themselves suitable clothes. After changing clothes right in the fitting room, they went to wander around the souvenir shops. When there were forty minutes left before boarding, Omer went to re-register the tickets, and Defne decided to go to a large, panoramic window. She took a couple of steps and ran into her nose to nose ...

Slender, graceful, in an elegant mink coat and a Chanel No. 5 scent, arm in arm with an imposing man, Defne faced her old heartache which looked at her with caramel eyes.

- Defne? Is it really you? - Her mother smiled a serene, puppet smile and took a step, but Defne stopped her with a glance.

- Mum? She immediately scolded herself for this word. And for the pain in her heart. And for the trembling voice. The next line was thrown in with cold irony: "You look good. Didn't expect to see you here."

But her mother did not hear the subtle mockery ... or pretended not to hear. She gestured gracefully to her companion:

- We have been living in Paris for seven years. Today we returned from Berlin. We visited Friedrich's relatives, - she looked tenderly at her husband and asked her daughter: - Do you remember Friedrich?

Defne remembered. She saw him only once, at the airport, where she rushed to get her mother. Went to stop her. To persuade not to leave. After all, they all need her so much! He then stood with a bored smile and looked through her. As it is now. She nodded reservedly to him and turned her gaze to her mother. Defne looked at her, so dazzlingly beautiful, contented with life, and saw her grandmother crying over her empty wallet, the beaten Serdar, Esra, who complains that her shoes are tight. And there is no money to buy new ones. She saw herself mourning dreams of a university, agreeing to a deal with Mrs. Neriman, lying to Omer, and desperately trying to get out of debt. Anger boiled in her soul. Defne clenched her teeth to suppress it.

- Darling! I lost sight of you ..., - Omer suddenly appeared, took her arm, and kissed her on the cheek. And only then he noticed Defne's company. He looked first at a beautiful woman, then at a respectable man, then at his wife frozen in a pillar of salt, and internally shivered. The silence was broken by the woman. She smiled sweetly at Omer and asked Defne:

- Is this young man your husband? - Without waiting for an answer, she held out to Omer a graceful, snow-white hand with a huge diamond on her ring finger and introduced herself: - I am Aysun, Defne's mother. And this is my husband, Friedrich.

- Omer Iplikci.

He briefly shook the outstretched hand, nodded to the man, and looked anxiously at Defne. She stood with her shoulders back and her head proudly raised. Calm and unperturbed. And only the eyes were burning with fire. He recognized that look. How often did he see this in the mirror? But Defne cannot look like that!

- How is Serdar, Esra? - Meanwhile, the woman asked and Defne shuddered. Looking coldly into her eyes, she answered:

- Your children live in the same city, area, the house where you left them twelve years ago. They didn't move, didn't change the address and phone, "Defne's voice trembled. - There is no need to be hypocritical and ask how they are. When a person is worried and wants to know how his family is, whether they are okay, whether they are alive or well, he calls, writes, and comes.

- Defne, do you reproach me? - The woman's face stretched out resentfully, and she piteously twisted her impeccably painted lips.

"No, Mrs. Aysun," Defne answered ironically. - Do I have the right? And it makes no sense. You still won't understand anything!

Omer's hand slid over her arm and squeezed her thin fingers. He nodded discreetly and said:

- They announced boarding for our flight. All the best, - turning to Defne, took the backpack from her hands, and carefully straightened the collar of her coat. - Let's go, my soul?

She nodded and allowed herself to be led away.

Looking after the retreating couple, the man phlegmatically remarked:

"Your ill-mannered daughter has successfully married. The appearance was probably more important to her husband than manners.

The woman said nothing. She looked at the graceful figure in black trousers and a mustard-colored short coat disappearing into the crowd, and confusion was reflected on her doll-like cute face.

Defne was silent. While the passport control was going on, while they were riding the bus and getting on the plane, she did not say a word. Omer looked worriedly at her frozen face but spoke only when the plane took off, and the stewardess allowed to unfasten the seat belts.

- Defne, are you very upset?

She nodded. But she didn't look up at him. She lowered her eyes, staring at the folded hands in her lap.

- Are you mad at her? He asked the next question.

- Yes.

"You have every reason for that," Omer admitted the obvious. "But I don't want you to be upset. To suffer."

Finally, she looked up at him. A rebellious fire burned in her eyes and bitterness splashed.

- Omer, you can't live your life without being upset.

- I know. But when it comes to you, I can't help myself. I want you to be always happy, calm, and contented.

- Now I can't, - Defne honestly admitted. - I thought that I had been through with this situation and let go. But today I met her - and everything came to life. As in the first days after her departure. I'm angry again...

- Because you love her. We are always angry at the most beloved, - Omer turned her to him, and she obeyed. - Do you remember when I was angry with my grandfather, you said that people need to be given a second chance...

- Darling, - Defne interrupted him. Her voice trembled. - These are different things. Your grandfather made many mistakes, but he never stopped loving and caring for you. He wanted that second chance with all his heart to get close to you. And when a person doesn't need it? Not needed at all. No matter how much I give her a chance ... or Serdar ... or Esra ... everything is empty. She doesn't need it. She doesn't need us. She is a cuckoo. Do you understand? And it hurts a lot. "She began to cry softly."

- Come to me, - Omer hugged her and carefully pressed her red head to his chest. He didn't know how to calm her down. He couldn't find words at all. He could only wipe away her tears and hold her in his arms.

Gradually Defne calmed down but was in no hurry to withdraw. Omer's hands provided much-needed comfort. His hugs without words spoke of love, big and unconditional. The one when the happiness of a loved one is your happiness and his pain hurts more than your own. And even if she is no one's child, fate has rewarded her in full. Isn't it а miracle?

As if hearing her thoughts, Omer quietly whispered:

- I love you.

It was sunny and very cold in Istanbul. Sukru was waiting for the boss and his wife in the waiting room. They emerged from the arrival corridor refreshed, tanned, and subtly changed. As if in these ten days they have matured. Smiling at the faithful driver, Omer ordered:

- Sukru, first we will visit Defne's family.

She gave him a grateful look, and he put his arm around her shoulders and led her to the exit.

- Aaa ... luggage? - asked Sukru in confusion.

Omer and Defne stopped, looked at each other conspiratorially, and answered in one voice:

- There is not. Lost in the ocean, - embracing Defne by the shoulders, Omer added: - But we are here! And now we are going to see our grandmother. You take us and go home. It's too late. Then I will drive the car myself.

When Omer and Defne appeared on the threshold of the Topal house, the end of the world began there. The female part was crying, laughing, lamenting, and all this at the same time. Grandmother squeezed Defne with dry hands and thanked Allah for saving her beloved girl. Esra hugged her sister and son-in-law alternately and laughed with joy. Nihan chattered how frightened they were when they heard about the plane crash and saw Defne's name on the passenger list on the TV screen. Baby Iso in surprise clapped his round eyes and, confirming the words of his mother, vigorously gurgled. And Serdar was silent. He just looked at his sister with eyes that glittered with tears. Omer patted him on the shoulder encouragingly and reassured him:

- It's okay, brother. We got off with fright, praise be to Allah.

Over dinner, Defne and Omer recounted their adventures in detail. Relatives groaned, sighed, thanked the kind people for their help, and the Almighty for the miraculous salvation of Defne and the little baby in her belly. When baby Iso began to whimper, reminding his parents that it was time for his parents to bathe him and put him to bed, the Iplikci got up to go home. Serdar went out to see them off. Near the car, he turned to his sister:

- There is something else, right? You haven't told everything?

Wondering when her foolish brother had become so discerning, Defne sighed and replied:

- Yes, - Omer put his hand on her shoulder and gently stroked her. His concern added strength, to tell the truth. - We met my mother at the Paris airport.

- Our mother? - Serdar asked in amazement.

"Uh-huh," Defne confirmed.

"And ... how is she?"

- Just as beautiful. Lives with her husband in Paris. During the New Year holidays, they visited his relatives in Germany. In general, she is doing well, satisfied, and happy.

Defne spoke abruptly, in short, in indifferent phrases. Too short. Too indifferent. Her words darkened Serdar's face and clenched his jaw tighter.

"That's great," he said through clenched teeth. - We're happy too. Without her, - Serdar looked at the windows of the house shining with warm, yellow light. - It's right that you didn't tell our grandmother and Esra. They would be very upset, - he hugged his sister and, like a little one, carefully stroked the head. - And you and I will survive. We are strong.

- Yes, brother, we are strong, - Defne agreed and pushed him to the porch. - Go back to the house. It's cold outside. You will freeze.

In the car, Defne turned to her husband:

- Your grandfather is also worried.

- I called him. I told him that we are at home, safe and sound. I promised that we would go for dinner tomorrow. Let's go? - He looked inquiringly at his wife.

"Let's go," she agreed. - Tomorrow for dinner with grandfather, the day after tomorrow for the wedding. What an eventful life we ​​have!

- Yes, - Omer said driving the car and frowned with displeasure, - the days on the island when you belonged only to me are over. Again I have to share you with dozens of people.

- And me you, - reminded Defne. - But in the evening we will close the doors of our house and remain only us.

Omer put his free hand on her belly and smiled.

- The three of us!

The house was waiting for them. Quiet, it patiently looked with its eyes-windows at the road and counted the minutes until his dear owners appeared. And when it saw, it was delighted. They have returned and it means it will come to life again. It will ring with laughter, sparkle with joy, filled with delicious smells, and at night - with hoarse moans and whispers.

"How I missed it," Defne said as she climbed to the second floor. - There is no better place on earth than our home.

Her words sent a warm wave flowing through Omer's veins. He picked up his wife in his arms and, like a feather, easily carried her into the room.

- Tradition? She smiled.

"Uh-huh," he nodded. - I just don't know if there is ice cream in the freezer. If not, I'll go to the supermarket and buy it.

- What more! Do not even think! The whole day on the road. You are tired. Besides, grandmother fed us so that we didn't want anything.

- And kiss me? Don't you want to? - Omer smiled slyly.

- Well, what a question, - Defne reproached, and reached out to him with her lips. - I always want to kiss you.

In the morning, guests came to the Iplikci house. Ahtem and Laura were the first to arrive. Behind them were Seda and Sinan. And the last to arrive was the Tranba couple. After the first greetings, tears, and hugs, the company split up. The men went into the yard to play basketball, and the girls settled in the living room. Defne talked about Bora Bora, Iz about the ski resort in the Alps, Seda talked about Switzerland, and Laura listened in silence and shone with an inner light.

- Laura, are you not worried? Seda asked her. - After all, tomorrow is your wedding.

"No," she replied, smiling serenely. - I once already had one. But then it seemed to me that the end of my life had come for me. And now - that it is just beginning. I woke up from a long lethargic sleep and can breathe again. I'm happy and I calmed down! I know that everything will be fine tomorrow. I will have the best wedding ever. Because it will be with my beloved man.

Defne put her arm around her shoulders. Smiling, she said:

- How strange. Only two and a half months have passed since our meeting in Milan. Then you dreamed of at least seeing Ahtem again. And tomorrow you marry him.

"A miracle," Laura said, happy.

"Girls," Seda said, "but there have been many such miracles over the past few months. In August we were all lonely and unhappy. And now! Defne made up with Omer and they are expecting a baby. Iz fell in love with Deniz and married him. Laura and Ahtem have found each other again and will marry tomorrow. I met Sinan. Nisa underwent surgery and she feels well. She returned to normal life. Seda smiled broadly. - This autumn was full of miracles!

"Miracles happen to those who believe in them," Iz recalled and poured orange juice from a jug into glasses. - Girls, I have a toast! For the belief in miracles!

- For the belief in miracles! - The others supported her and lifted up the glasses of bright orange juice. And then they laughed, funny and unstoppable.

- How cool it is to drink juice for believing in miracles! - Fervently voiced Seda the thought that was spinning in the language of everyone else. - By the way, in August we did not even know about each other's existence, but now we are the best friends!

- Well, let's say, some suspected it, - Iz squinted at Defne. - But they were definitely not friends.

- We were so stupid! - She answered cheerfully.

- Speak for yourself, - Iz jerked her. - It was not me who was jealous of her husband for no reason.

- You might think - special reasons are needed for jealousy, - Defne did not remain in debt to Iz and winked. "The imagination does a great job there."

Hot from the run, the men went up to the terrace and sat down to rest on wicker chairs.

- How is Passionis? Omer asked his partner. - Didn't Koray kill it?

"Imagine, no," Sinan replied cheerfully. - Everything and everybody is in place.

- And our offices?

- Remained the same.

- Wonders!

- I am in shock.

The men laughed. Sinan took a sip of water from the bottle and enlightened Omer:

- By the way, you have a new assistant. Beautiful!

"You'd think I care about her looks," Omer replied mockingly.

- Nazlidcan says - her brain is also in place, - the friend kept up.

- Then let hеr use it for the intended purpose. Nothing else is required of her.

- Yes?! Sinan was exaggeratedly surprised. - And it was required from Defne.

- Well, you compare! Defne is Defne. My soul. All the rest are hired, workers.

Deniz and Ahtem listened to the skirmish with cheerful smirks. Both knew Defne's history and who she bеcame, from the first minute of her work as his assistant, for the iceberg Omer Iplikci.

- I forgot! - did not lag behind Sinan. "Koray can't stand her anymore.

- He has a syndrome of dislike for assistants. He didn't particularly like Derya either," Omer recalled.

- But he adored your skinny girl! And now he loves her. He almost fell ill with a heart attack when we heard about the plane crash.

"And I understand him," Omer answered thoughtfully and nodded toward the house. - Let's go to dinner. Let's see what our girls have prepared for us.

The girls had prepared pasta, salad, and fragrant candied fruit cake. The hungry men were salivating at the sight and smell of the delicious dishes. But Defne handed them a pile of towels and a second one, with clean T-shirts, and said that they would not get to the table until they had a shower. Omer glanced sideways at the steaming pasta dish and groaned sadly.

"You are wasting time," Defne declared uncompromisingly and the men trudged upstairs.

- I wonder if Seda will also command me like that after the wedding! Sinan rubbed his chin and looked sideways at the grinning Tranba.- Well no! Never!

Deniz's smirk was replaced by roaring laughter.

- Do not renounce, - Ahtem advised mockingly. - Beloved women will always twist us around their small fingers.

"How experienced you are," Sinan said sarcastically.

- Don't be jealous, brother! - Omer patted him on the shoulder. - Yours is all ahead!

After lunch, Ahtem and Laura got ready to leave.

"We have a meeting in the new house," the girl explained. - The former owner, the grandmother of Fikret, wanted to talk to us. She has a request.

The rest of the couples followed them. Iplikci led them to the doorstep. When they returned to the room, Omer put his arms around his wife and said:

- Thanks!

- For what? She wondered.

- For the life that I dreamed of, and you made it a reality.

"Then I have to thank you from morning till night," she smiled affectionately and threw her hands around his neck.

- Why? Omer was surprised now.

- Because you gave me a life that I could not even dream of. Now I know for sure - miracles exist and Cinderellas become princesses.


An old woman in black, simple clothes rang the doorbell of the house in which she lived for almost half a century. It was opened by a girl with a noble face and beautiful, dark brown eyes. She smiled softly and invited her in. She apologized that the house was being renovated, but the living room is ready and there they can calmly talk. The woman walked into the hall and looked around. The house has changed. Became like the one it was thirty years ago. Light and warm, cheerful. The furniture in the living room was replaced and the walls acquired a different, clear, color. The light parquet covered the stone floors. The stucco molding on the ceiling shone with fresh paint. The fireplace has also been transformed. Its walls, stripped of soot, patiently waited for a cheerful fire. The woman nodded in satisfaction. Yes, that's what she wanted for the old house. Family, warmth, light.

There was a man in the living room. He had kind eyes and a friendly face. He smiled at the woman and kissed her hand respectfully. Tears welled up in her eyes, and the hope that she had not come here in vain and that these people would not dismiss her request was strengthened inside her.

The girl invited her to sit down. When she settled in one of the chairs, the new owners sat down on the sofa and looked at the guest with respectful attention. She didn't hesitate. She took a deep breath and spoke:

- I came to you with an unusual request, and if you refuse, I will understand. But I have no one else to turn to. Of my family, only my brother remained, but he is as old and lonely as I am - the old woman's fingers on the armrests of the chair turned white. - In the village for orphans where I work now, there is a girl, Banu. A wonderful and very gifted girl. I got charmed of her heart and fell in love, - she smiled bitterly, - fell in love as I should have loved Fikret. I decided to leave all our family's savings to her so that she could have a decent life. The woman looked up sadly and looked at the young couple. - I'm old. I don't know how much time Allah will give me to live. But my heart hurts for Banu. She is twelve years old. Soon she will start to grow up. I want there to be people in the world that she can lean on. People who will help her with advice and a kind word. That is why I have come to you. I confess, I made inquiries and found out that you are merciful and honest people. So you can be entrusted with an orphan who has not a single soulmate in the whole world. This is my request - do you agree to become the girl's guardians after my death?

Dumbfounded by such an unexpected request, Ahtem and Laura exchanged glances. In a silent question, he raised his eyebrows slightly. She answered with a barely perceptible nod. Ahtem looked at the old woman. She froze in anticipation. The eyes on her wrinkled face glowed with alarm. He smiled kindly at her and replied:

"Live to be one hundred, lady. Thank you for considering Laura and me worthy of such a request. Of course, we agree. Being an orphan is scary and painful at any age. Laura and I know this better than anyone else. Therefore, we will be happy to help the girl.

- Tomorrow we have a wedding, - Laura supported the groom. - Come along with Banu. It will be a good occasion to meet the girl.

"But it's probably uncomfortable," the woman frowned. - You will have a wedding celebration.

"Only for close friends," the girl assured. - By the way, there will be other children as well - Defne's sister Esra, as well as the son and daughter of our employee Mirai. Banu will have fun.

- Only for a couple of hours, - the guest agreed. - The headmistress of the boarding school will not allow the girl to be taken away for the whole day.

- A couple of hours is also good, - said Ahtem. - Bring the girl. We will be happy to see you.

When the old woman left, the bride and groom looked at each other and, as if on command, shook their heads in disbelief.

- Darling, is that what happens - without having time to get married, we became parents?

- Parents? - asked Ahtem. - I do not know. By age, the girl is not quite suitable for us as a daughter. More like a sister.

- Hooray! Laura exclaimed. - All my life I dreamed of having a sister.

- Darling, - said grandfather Hulusi, hugging Defne, - how frightened I was when I learned about the plane crash! The news reported that there was one Turkish woman among the passengers and they called your name. Until Sinan called and said that everything was all right with you, I could not find a place for myself.

- Grandpa, everything is fine already, - Omer reminded of himself, and the old man switched to his grandson. He hugged him, patted him on the cheek, and answered:

- Praise be to Allah, son! I will forever thank him for your miracle salvation. Why am I keeping you on the doorstep? Go to the dining room. Let's have supper. Aras cooked a lamb. With rosemary and basil. You loved it very much as a child.

- I felt the smell from the street, - Omer smiled at his grandfather. Standing near the set table, he raised his eyebrows in surprise. - Why are there so many cutlery?

Grandpa smiled slyly and at that moment the doorbell rang. The silent Aras left the table setting and went to open it.

- Are you a butler? - Тhey heard the loud voice of Nihan. - What, the real one? Wow!

- Darling, stop, - Serdar asked. - Better take Iso. I'm taking my shoes off.

- Do not embarrass yourself! They don't take off their shoes here.

"Kindergarten," the reproachful voice belonged to Esra.

- Everyone to be silent, - the commanding voice of grandmother Turkan was heard. And then her voice turned to honey. - Sir, there is milk baklava in the box. I did it myself. Transfer it to a serving platter and serve.

- What is it? - Defne looked at Grandpa Hulusi with eyes wide with surprise.

- I thought - since it's a family dinner, why not invite your relatives.

- Thanks!!! - Defne kissed the old man on the cheek and jumped into the hall. From there came her sonorous voice: - Nihan, stop it! Serdar, leave your shoes alone! My Sultana Turkan, how beautiful you are today! New scarf? And your cheeks are reddened? Esra, you're a princess! Iso, my chick, come to auntie!

She was sincerely happy to meet her family. Omer stood, leaning on a chair, listening to his wife's voice, and looking at the dining room door with loving eyes. And Mr. Hulusi was quietly rejoicing. The grandson is happy. He has a family, large and warm. Where they love unselfishly and stand up for each other like a mountain. And he, a lonely old man, can warm himself near their fire and feel needed and alive. Finally, the silence in the huge house will give way to funny conversations, jokes, and laughter.

- Look who's here! - Defne appeared on the doorstep with the baby Iso in her arms. He goggled big eyes and examined the unfamiliar room with interest. Catching his gaze on Omer, he broke into a toothless smile and held out his hands to him.

- Hello big man! - Omer took the baby from Defne's hands and brought it to his grandfather. - Meet our grandfather.

Iso touched the old man's nose with his palm and then tugged his ear disrespectfully.

- Son, what are you doing?! - jumped up Nihan, but Mr. Hulusi stopped her with a gesture.

- Don't worry, daughter. We, men, will figure it out ourselves, - he took a tiny fist in his knobby palms and kissed it. - Yes, small one?

Reassured, Nihan pressed her hands to her stomach and offered:

- Can we sit down at the table? I want to eat, I'm dying!

- You'll not die! - said the grandmother and went to the owner of the house. Her cheeks turned red, her eyes sparkled, and at one point she became a couple of years younger. Embarrassedly lowering her eyes, she said in a voice sweet as sugar:

- Dear Mr. Hulusi, how glad we are to be guests of your home.

- That's for sure! - Assented Nihan and squinted at the set table.

- Well, what are you saying, beautiful lady Turkan! It is an honor for me to receive such guests in my house, - grandfather Hulusi pulled himself together, straightened his shoulders, sucked in his stomach, and as a gentleman, scattering in pleasantries, led grandmother Turkan to the table.

Defne and Serdar froze with drooping jaws, Omer chuckled softly, and Nihan finally sat down at the table, satisfied.

- Did you see that? - Defne asked her brother in a low whisper.

- I saw, - he answered, dumbfounded, blinking his eyes.

Omer patted him on the shoulder and, chuckling, whispered:

- I feel in my heart, we will come to you to ask for the girl.

- Which girl? Serdar looked at Omer. He winked and smiled slyly.

"Brother, don't be stupid," Esra interjected quietly.

Serdar got it.

- A-ah! Grandma!

- Hush! - Defne besieged him.

- What are you whispering there? Nihan protested loudly. - Want me to collapse into a hungry swoon? Sit at the table!

- Let's sit down, love, sit down, - agreed on Serdar, and looked suspiciously at his wife. Leaning to her ear, he quietly asked: - Why aren't you surprised?

- I? - She looked around in confusion. - What?

- Stop whispering! It's indecent! - Mrs. Turkan shouted at her grandson and daughter-in-law. - And take the child from Omer! My son-in-law can't eat comfortably with him.

- No, no, grandma! Omer hastened to assure her. - We'll do just fine. Yes, Iso? - he winked at the kid and Iso smiled big.

Late in the evening, Defne lay on the bed, pleased from the soft touch of Omer's fingers on her belly. Sitting down next to her, he rubbed the cream into it and chatted with the baby:

- My sunny, did you like your grandfather? Did you have fun? Not tired?

- And what does she answer? - Defne asked.

Omer pressed his ear to her stomach and answered:

- She says she had a lot of fun.

"It was really fun," Defne agreed. - How well your grandfather came up with this dinner.

"Uh-huh," Omer agreed.

His fingers left her belly alone and crawled up. Lightly tickled the ribs and covered the chest.

- Is the gentleman in a playful mood? - Giggling from his tickling, Defne asked.

- The master is always playful when he is next to you, - Omer winked and then burst out laughing.

- What are you doing? - Defne was surprised.

- I remembered Ahtem, for whom is not sweet now! Turns around in bed and counts the minutes until tomorrow evening.

Ahtem really did not sleep. He wandered around the house, remembered the past, mentally talked to his parents. He told them about Laura, about his dreams and hopes. He tried to imagine tomorrow in small things. And the night. He was waiting for it. How long had he waited for it? From the moment he first saw Laura and realized that he was lost. He always wanted her. And now too...

"One night," he said, addressing himself. - One night and she will not be mine for an hour, not for a day, but forever.

"One night," Laura said, lying in her bed and looking at the ceiling. - One night, and he will be mine not for an hour, not for a day, but forever.

She laughed and closed her eyes. Let this night pass quickly.


- Ah! - Defne exhaled with admiration and folded her hands in front of her chest in prayer. - Laura! You're so beautiful. I've never seen such a flawless dress before.

The bride straightened a curl that had escaped the elegantly simple knot at the back of her head and ran her palms over the milky white silk of the dress. It flowed over the figure and emphasized the high chest, thin waist, and graceful hips. With long sleeves, as simple as possible and closed in front, at the back, it opened the back with beautiful drapery. A row of silk-covered buttons began at the waist and went down to the very edge of the hem.

- Really beautiful? - She asked her friend, and she nodded her head.

- Very beautiful. But something is missing. - Defne took a velvet box out of her purse. "I was asked to give you something."

- Who asked? - Laura asked briskly and, taking the box in her hands, opened it. A sigh of admiration escaped her lips.

- What do you think? - smiled at Defne.

"Ahtem," the beautiful bride breathed out and took out from the box elongated diamond earrings of incredible beauty. - How could he know? He hasn't seen the dress, but the earrings will fit it perfectly.

- Love opens the third eye, - Defne joked.

- Defne, - tears flashed in Laura's eyes, - this is not a dream? Am I really getting married to Ahtem? Sharing my life with him? In joy and sorrow?

Defne hugged her and promised:

- In joy, dear! Only in joy, - from the bed she took a snow-white, thinnest veil and put it on Laura's head. She put it over her face and straightened the folds. And then she took her hand and pushed her to the door: - Hurry up, beautiful bride. They are waiting for you.

Ahtem was waiting for her in the next room. Upright like a string, he stared at the closed door and did not hear the jokes that his friends were pouring. He was waiting for HER. And she appeared. The door opened and a fairy swam into the room, wrapped in snow-white organza. Ahtem forgot to breathe. He just looked at her with admiring eyes. The fairy came up to him. Through the thin fabric, he saw her eyes shine. How softly her lips curl into a happy smile. He held out his hand to her, and she trustingly put hers in it. Applause and wishes for long life in happiness and love were heard.

When the registrar declared the couple husband and wife, Ahtem carefully lifted the veil and kissed the bride on the forehead. And then he let go of the thin fabric, hugged Laura, and kissed her on the lips. The veil fell, covering both figures and the audience exploded with enthusiastic exclamations.

After the ceremony, an old woman approached the bride and groom. She was not in black today. A beige suit and well-styled gray hair softened the austere features. Or maybe it wasn't the suit, but the pretty girl who was walking next to her.

- Happiness for you. Grow old on one pillow, - the woman wished and took the girl by the hand. That eyes burned with admiration. She even forgot about fear and embarrassment. The woman led the girl forward and introduced her: "This is Banu. Banu, meet Mrs. Laura and Mr. Ahtem.

Laura hugged the girl and kissed her on the cheek. And then she smiled at her and said:

- No need for gentlemen. Call us Laura and Ahtem, okay?

The girl nodded and replied:

- You are so pretty! I have never seen anyone more beautiful than you.

Ahtem stroked the girl's head and winked:

"She's also kind," he leaned toward the girl and added in a whisper. - And Laura doesn't have a sister. Me too. And we really want to have one. Princess Banu, would you do us the honor of being our little sister?

The girl gasped and looked incredulously at the smiling bride, and then at her grandmother.

- It's true? She asked. She nodded and the girl smiled broadly. And then she straightened up and answered with the dignity of a little queen: - I really want to have a sister and a brother. People like you.

- That's agreed! - said Laura and hugged the girl.

Mert was frankly bored. Weddings are not a place where a seventeen-year-old is interested in. But Countess Laura got married. And for her, he experienced almost the same feelings as for the carrot Defne. Mert could not yet correctly name these feelings, but he knew for sure that such girls are special. And you need to treat them specially. Therefore, he did not refuse his mother to go to the wedding. And even put on a black suit with a white shirt.

- Hello!

He turned to the voice. A girl was standing nearby. A very beautiful girl. She looked at him seriously with her large olive eyes.

"Hi," said Mert.

- Аre you bored?

- A little. I don't really like weddings.

- And I love it. Brides are always so pretty. I am Esra.

"Mert," he replied shortly.

- Are you a friend of Ahtem or Laura? The girl asked.

- Not quite a friend. My mom works at Sapphire. And me too. In Sapphire and Passionis. As courier.

- Wow! Are you already working? And how old are you?

- Seventeen.

- And I'm soon to be thirteen. But my brother and sister won't let me work. They said that I must study well. So you're finishing school this year?

Mert nodded.

- Yes. And I go to university. Passionis will pay me a scholarship.

"Brother Omer appreciates smart people," Esra said casually.

She looked away. Mert looked around too. A short, puny girl was standing a little further away. She looked timid and insecure. Esra nodded to her and called:

- Come to us! Defne said your name is Banu?

The girl smiled timidly and went up to them. She looked into the guy's blue eyes and her heart suddenly fluttered and froze in her chest.

The guests were having fun and dancing. Ahtem circled the bride in a slow waltz. His eyes burned with fire. Every time his hand touched Laura's bareback, a high-voltage discharge seemed to be passing through him. A shiver ran through his veins and the urge to kiss her was unbearable.

- Let's run away, - he hoarsely asked the bride.

She nodded silently. He took her hand and led her to the exit. The guests pretended not to notice the escape and continued to have fun. Only Omer nodded to Sukru and pointed to the bride and groom. The driver hastened to follow and in a few minutes, the Mercedes was already racing across Istanbul. It was taking the young family to their new home. Although it was not completely renovated, both wanted to spend their wedding night in it. As Laura said:

- Let a happy life begin not in some hotel, but in our house.

Ahtem carried her across the threshold in his arms. Without letting go, he climbed the stairs and carried his wife into the bedroom. Here a bed made with white sheets was already waiting for them. But Ahtem went not to it, but to the mirror. Putting Laura to her feet, he stood by and pointed to their reflection:

- Look, we're together. It'll be this way forever! Never again will the mirror reflect loneliness. I love you very much. I have always loved you and always will.

"I love you more than life," Laura echoed. - I have always loved you and always will.

Ahtem took off her veil. Loosened the heavy knot of hair at the back of her head. They fell in a silk curtain down to her waist. He passed them through his fingers and rubbed his cheek on the soft strands. Then he turned her to him, hugged her, and pressed his lips to the curve of her neck. Kissing the delicate skin, he unbuttoned the button at the waist and slid his hot palm down the waist and below. Laura shivered and, slipping her hands under his jacket, pulled it off his broad shoulders. They undressed slowly. With sensual tenderness, they kissed every bare piece of the body. Ahtem's hands trembled when he first touched the naked chest of his Laura. It was more than a pleasure. Feeling it with his palms, lips, body, it was bliss. What he dreamed of, what he desired most in life, finally came true. He holds in his arms Laura, his wife. And she, submitting to his will, gives herself up to him in body and soul. A beautiful, painfully desirable body. He stroked it with his palms and kissed it. Her scent, tenderness of skin, hot lips, completely demolished the mind. The desire to love her, to fuse with bodies, to become one whole could no longer be controlled. He covered her with him and spread her legs with his knee. He looked at the thrown back face. It was so beautiful... so beautiful. Squeezing between her thighs, he directed himself into her. For a short moment, he felt the obstacle, but he could not stop. Laura screamed in pain and clenched the sheet in her fists. The heart stopped in his chest. Not believing what was happening, he froze and looked at her. She opened her eyes. Beautiful, clean eyes. Looking at them, he exhaled:

- I...

"First," she whispered.

- You...

- Only yours...

Almighty! He died for seven years, imagining that the other touches her body, kisses, take by the right of her husband. But she wouldn't let it! Remained true to him - angry, hating, hurting her, and killing with indifference. Only she remained and forgave him all intentional, cruel words and grievances.

With a trembling hand, he touched her face and asked:

- Forgive me...

She shook her head and wrapped her hands around his neck. She brought her own face closer to his and whispered on his lips:

"Don't... don't say that! Just love me...

He pressed to her lips and began to slowly, very slowly move inside her. His every thrust ripped a soft moan from her lips. She hugged him and leaned forward, meeting every movement with longing and passion. A sweet shiver filled the body. A ball of fire grew inside. It got bigger and hotter. He filled her all with himself. She turned into fire and eagerly caught the pleasure that Ahtem so generously gave her. He was at the limit. The slow movements grew faster and faster.

- Darling, - he moaned hoarsely, - come on...

Laura arched and screamed again. But that was a different cry. Not pain, but pleasure. Ahtem let go of himself. Squeezing her hips, he moved inside her with a furious frenzy. The pleasure was such that it seemed that one could die from it. And he died. He poured out deep into her, dissolved in her, and was born again. Different, happy, and free.

Now he knew what "forever" meant.

Now she knew what heaven was.

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