Severus's Love, Harry's Prote...

Por ChristinaPosey3

53.3K 1.4K 247

This is a story of one girl, Amy Links, and how her life, along with the life of Harry Potter and Severus Sna... Más

Amy's Decision
New Friends
A Surprise for Amy
Changing Times
Saving Harry
Starting Life in 1990
Christmas 1990
Finishing The School Term
The Marauders and the Future
Severus and Moony
Christmas 1973
Times Get Harder
Summer Vacation
Malfoy and Wormtail
Hermione Granger and Narcissa Malfoy
The Stone
Prank of the Year
Joining the War
Tragedy Stirkes
Growing Up
Working Things Out
Back To Hogwarts
Going Out With a Bang Part 2
Amy Breaks
Getting It Out
The Marauders are Back
Another Year Gone
A New Plan
Saying Goodbye
Time With Moony
Cedric and the First Task
The Yull Ball Part 1
The Yull Ball Part 2
Severus and Amy
Moldy Voldy
Molly and Amy
The Marauders Tale
The Marauders Tale part 2
The Pink Toad
Amys Revenge
Getting Married
Christmas & Voldys First Move
The Ministry
The Full Moon
The Resurrection Stone
Bringing in Allies
Voldys Wrath
Playing with Werewolves
Amys Betrayal
It Begins Again
Broken part 2
Life Goes On
Wednesday Tea
That Meddling Old Fool
A Dangerous but Brilliant Idea
Introducing the Marauders
Untold Tales
More Untold Tales
Severus's Decision
Moving On
Finally at Peace

Becoming Attached

2.9K 66 5
Por ChristinaPosey3

The next morning I woke around five. I was still wrapped in Severus arms and he was sleeping. I gently kissed his cheek and slowly made my way off the couch. I felt him stir a little and froze just before I made it off the couch. "Where are you going so early?"

His voice was sleepy and sounded like music in my ears. I looked him over wanting nothing more then to curl up next to him. "I need to go do my training. Might only get jogging in this morning."

"Take a break this morning and come lay back down. You really do need your rest." He said holding his arms open for me to crawl back in bed.

There was no way I could turn him down. I laid back down in his arms. "Why did you stay with me?"

"That's the first time you've slept since you've been here. You seemed comfortable and I didn't want to disturb you."

"Thank you. That's the first time I can remember not having nightmares when I sleep. Normally Shy wakes me up from them."

"You're welcome. I will admit I slept the best I've ever slept myself." He said and I could feel him blushing which made me blush.

"I like you Severus." I whispered before closing my eyes and snuggling close to him. Before I fell asleep I heard him whisper, "I am starting to really like you Amy."

Lily woke Severus and I up the next morning. She was smiling ear to ear. Severus and I were both blushing. "Morning sleepy heads, it's time for breakfast."

I sat up and called a house elf and we all gave her our order for breakfast and I got coffee. I did a spell to make a extra wall and went behind it to get dressed then handed Severus some robes and changed them to fit him and to be Slytherin. Lily eyed me the whole time Severus was dressing and I knew she would want to talk about Severus and I sleeping together.

"I feel weird not getting my training in last night. I'm going to go outside for a jog after classes." I stated letting them know I would not be here until after my jog.

"I'll join you if you don't mind." Severus said.


We ate and went to class. I was happy we had Professor McGonagall first class because I was in deep need of understanding. As soon as class was over I went to her ,telling Lily to go on without me.

"Can I help you Miss Links?"

"Ma'am, I'm sorry to come to you with this but I need help understanding emotions and Chris isn't here to help me." I said feeling shy all of a sudden.

"What do you mean?"

"Ma'am I was trained to show no emotion. Last night, lack of sleep got the best of me and I fell asleep on Severus. He stayed with me all night and when I woke we talked. I told him I like him. I didn't mean to but I know it's true. I've never felt all tingly inside before though. I don't know what it means."

Professor McGonagall looked at me for the longest time. For a moment I thought she was going to turn me away. My judgment of people has never been wrong before so I was unsure how to act and what to do. For the first time in a long time, I was scared. This wasn't something I knew how to handle. Finally, as I was getting ready to run out of the room, she responded.

"That tingly feeling is called love. Have you ever felt that feeling before?"

"Not this strongly. I know what love is. I love Chris and Sherry. They took me in and showed me what a family is. This is different."

"That is true. This type of love is something Chris and Sherry feel towards each other. It's a very powerful form of love but let me ask you this, do you plan to return to your own time?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Mr. Snape is about 20 years older then you, how do you plan to explain that to him? How do you plan to explain why you are leaving and It'll be 20 years before you see him again?"

Now I felt like a dementor was in the room. She was right. I couldn't allow myself to get attached to anyone in this time. I couldn't allow these feelings to progress. I knew that when I came and yet, not even two weeks and I was already getting close. I already found myself enjoying Lily and Severus and I already enjoyed pranking the Marauders and planned to help them with a few pranks. I was being a child. Realization downed on me and now I was at a loss on what to do.

I could end it now and go back to my time and never finish this potion to save Chris, or I could stay and give all my friends the cold shoulder and lose Severus forever. I didn't like either choice but I knew I had to make one. This is why emotions were bad. Now I knew. I felt something wet slide down my face and looked a bit confused. Tears? I didn't know I was capable of crying anymore. Professor McGonagall watched me and after a moment wrapped me in a hug and I let the tears come out.

After about ten minutes I was able to stop myself from crying. I took a deep breath. "I'm sorry."

I walked out of the classroom without another word. I walked until I was on the Quidditch field and then started running. Running, exercising, and dueling my duel dummy was how Severus and Lily found me that night. I took one look at them and had to jog again. Severus started jogging and caught up to me. We jogged in silence for about an hour when Severus had to stop. I stopped with him and we slowly made our way to Lily who was watching us.

"You ok Amy? We haven't seen you all day." Lily asked, her eyes full of concern.

"I've been here all day. I need to get that potion done." I said walking back inside and going directly to Gryffindor Tower to shower without another word.

The next few days were not the best days of my life. I didn't talk with Severus or Lily unless it was about the potion. I didn't prank with the Marauders. I went to class, did my homework, worked on my potion and trained all night. On the fourth day of this, the Marauders, Lily and Severus met me on the Quidditch field when I snuck out.

" What's going on with you Amy? You're acting like you did the first few days of being here." James asked for once looking completely serious.

"I came here for two reasons, to observe and to make a potion. That's what I'm doing." I said, keeping my face blank of any emotions. Though inside all I could see was Severus hurt expression.

"Observe what?" Severus asked as Sirius said, "What's wrong with making friends."

"It's not something I can explain."

"Amy we are your friends, if something is bothering you come to us. We are here for you." Lily said and she walked away looking sad. The Marauders muttered their agreement to that. Severus on the other hand didn't leave.

"Amy, can I train with you still?"

Severus looked so hopeful. It was once again something I could not turn away. I reached in my bag and pulled out a Dark Arts book and motioned for him to follow me. We walked to the Forbidden Forest and I found a spot under a tree and sat down. I copied the book I was reading and handed him the copy without a word. I saw his eyes light up. He sat down next to me and started reading. After about an hour Shy came up to me whining.

"Shy wants to play. You can continue reading while we run around. Once she settles down we will practice the spells." I said and transformed into a wolf. Severus watched me completely amazed. He reached out his hand and I let him pet me before running after Shy for a game of tag.

After hunting for Shy and getting her fed on a wild animal, I changed back and pulled Severus to his feet. We dueled using spells we both knew and a few he had just learned. Though I had to go easy on him, I had to admit it was fun. After a while we were both bleeding from different areas of our body and he was panting. I quickly healed myself before healing him and giving him a few healing potions. I sat back down under the tree and he sat beside me.

"How come you train so much?" Severus asked.

"It's how I was raised. I've known how to do everything this school is teaching seventh years since I was 5 years old. That's all I am, a weapon. America's greatest weapon." I muttered, completely unhappy with this fact. For once in my life I realized what I was missing in my life.

"Why would they train a child as a weapon?"

"They wouldn't. I was abandoned as a baby on side of a road. A wizard found me and when he realized I was a witch he started training me in the harshest way possible. Up until I was seven he abused me in every way possible. He was a nasty man. He introduced me to the military with a made up story of how powerful in am. Though I'm a pretty powerful witch, I'm that way because I had no choice but to be. They gave me a job and that's where I met Chris who introduced me to his wife. They adopted me after I killed Tim."

"You killed him?"

"Yes. He went on a rage when he realized I was no longer his little servant. He went to kill me but by then I was to well trained. I killed him."

"Why are you in school?"

"Chris and Sherry wanted me to experience something that people my age normally do. They thought it would be good for me."

"Who are you here to observe? " He asked. I looked in to his eyes. He was honestly curious about me. I took a deep breath. I couldn't lead him on.

"I have a job to do for Professor Dumbledore. He wants me to look after some boy once he starts Hogwarts. I needed time to work on this potion so I decided to observe the boys parents when they were in school to get a feel of what he may be like. Another reason is because I knew my idle came to this school around the same time as this boys parents so here I am."

We sat in silence for a while. I knew that information was a lot to take in. I also knew Severus was really smart and could probably figure out more then he needed to know. I was leaning up against the tree, almost asleep before Severus spoke again.

"Why did you tell me all this?"

I looked him in the eyes again, "Because I like you. I've never liked someone like I like you. However, I can't stay in this time no matter how much I want to. I did think about coming back every year until you graduate. Do a year in my time then a year in yours. However that would still leave a few good years until we saw each other again."

"I'm 20 years older then you."

"I know."

"That doesn't bother you?"

"No. I've always been more mature then my age because I have to be. Now I'm that way because I want to be. Playing with the Marauders is the most childish I have ever been. Though I enjoy it, I wouldn't want to always be that way."

"Who is your idle?"


We once again sat in silence for a while. I wanted to get up and run but I knew I couldn't. I had to let Severus decide if we would be friends or not. "Why don't we go to our potions room and sleep on the couch again tonight. It's already pretty late."

I looked at Severus in complete shock. Did this mean he was still going to chance getting close to me. He laughed at my expression. "Come on." I got up, picked a sleeping Shy up, and followed him. Once back in our classroom I expanded the couch and he laid down with his arms open and waiting. I curled up next to him and he kissed my cheek. We both fell asleep without another word.

The rest of the week pretty much went back the way it was. Lily and the Marauders were so happy to see me talking and pranking again. Sirius actually hugged Severus for getting me back to hanging with them, which caused him to be hexed by Severus and Lily, James, Remus and I to laugh.

I also felt the full moon coming and could see the effect it was having on Remus. Though I wasn't forced to change, I still felt the tiredness and pains that werewolves got around the full moon. My scenes were also on overdrive. Even Shy was restless. Severus and Lily both noticed this and I explained about being bitten and how it effected me being I was already a wolf.

"Shy and I will be out all night during the full moon. Do not come outside to find me. I may be a friendly wolf but it's not always easy to remember that during the full moon and it's highly likely I'll attack you." I told them two days before the full moon.

"I'll be here waiting on you come the morning." Severus placed his arms around me and kissed me on the cheek. Lily beamed at us.

"I'll probably shower before I come back here. I'll skip all classes that day because the full moon wears me out." I said, stretching out on the couch and opening the book called Healing Herbs from Days of Old and New.

Severus lifted my legs and sat down lying my legs across him. Lily said good night to us and left for Gryffindor Tower. As soon as I was sure she was gone I closed my book.

"Would you like to go out on a date with me tonight? Tomorrow is Saturday so we can sleep in."

Severus head shot up from his own book. Though we cuddled every night to sleep, and would hug each other and give random kisses on the cheek. We had never talked about being together.

"Where would you like to go?"

"I was thinking of taking you to my time, well actually a year before I came back in time. I'd like to take you to one of my favorite places."

"Sure." He smiled at me. I could see the excitement in his eyes.

I reached in my bag and found him some muggle clothes, a black t-shirt with blue jeans and a black hoodie. I took out a black shirt and jeans for myself. My hoodie was also black but had a wolf on the front. He put on the clothes which turned out to fit him very nicely and then I dressed myself. He looked at me in amazement when I came from behind the wall. I blushed.

"Ready?" I asked and took him by the hand. We made it all the way outside without being seen and I made a portkey to take us to a ally in Macon Georgia. I didn't let go of his hand and caught him before he could fall. Still holding his hand I set my time Turner to October of 1989. Once the spinning stopped I looked at him. He smiled at me.

"Makes you a bit dizzy, doesn't it." He asked.

"Yes it does. There is one thing I should have told you but it slipped my mind in the excitement of you saying yes. I can't use magic for the next 12 hours. Only very simple spells. This would be what one would call a Dark Time Turner because of how much magic it uses. You are fine because I did a spell before using it to make it only feed off my magic."

He looked a bit shocked then mumbled, "Why wouldn't I say yes?"

I smiled at him and pulled his hand to make him follow me. I lead him down a few roads until we came up to a fair. His eyes lit up again and I smiled. I loved seeing him so happy. I paid our way in. We walked around just looking at things for a while. I bought us both a soda and we played a few games. It took me a while talk him in to riding rides with me but after the first one he was ready for more.

After three hours of being at the fair and laughing and having fun, we left and went to a burger joint and I ordered us two burgers and fries. I couldn't help but think about how amazing this boy was. He was sitting there, seemingly in his own world for the longest time. Our whole meal was in silence.

"You okay Severus?" I finally asked. He smiled at me.

"Want to go for a walk?" He asked and I shrugged and got up. We walked out in to the cool night air. I walked us until we were by the river in Macon and we sat down. It was a very lovely night. He pulled me close to him and kissed me on top of my head. I smiled. "Amy, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes." I said without a second thought. He tightened his grip on me and I snuggled into his arms.

We both fell asleep right there being woken by a muggle cop the next morning. I was laughing the whole time we were walking away from the cop. Severus was shaking his head at me but smiling all the same. After we were out of sight of the cop I pulled out the portkey we used before, which was my hairbrush, and activated it. It took us to the gates of Hogwarts. I then used my time Turner and took us back to two hours before we left. Walking hand in hand we made our way back up to the castle. Before we went inside I stopped and faced Severus.

"Thank you so much for coming with me." I kissed him lightly on the lips and retook his hand and pretty much dragged a shocked Severus back to our room.

After that night, you rarely saw a time when Severus and I were not together. Only on the night of the full moon. On that night, I snuck out with Shy behind me and smelled my way to where Remus was. Though I knew he was a wolf and he knew I was one, we never talked about it.

"Hey Remus." I said walking in and sitting next to him.

"How long have you been a werewolf?" He asked.

"I'm only part werewolf. I can still change at will. I've been a wolf animagus for many many years. However I've been bit by three werewolves. So far the only difference is my size, senses and I feel the plains and tiredness as full moon brings. I'm also aggressive during a full moon but I still keep my mind. I'm here to make it easier on you. It's easier when you have someone to play with."

"Can't take the pain away can you?"

I sat in silence for a moment. I could in fact take the pain of a werewolf a way almost completely. However this was a potion I invented for one of my soldiers in the future. Remus had no idea I was from the future though. I could tell him, but could he keep it from his friends? I reached in to my bag and pulled out my wolf potion and handed it to him without a word.

"What's this?"

"A potion I created to help with the pain of the transformation." I said, still debating telling him.

"I've never heard of it before." He said clearly confused. Of course the smart one had to be a werewolf.

"You wouldn't have, it's a future potion now hurry and take it before it's to late." I said and transformed into a wolf myself. I watched his eyes grow wide in shock then he gulped down the potion. Just as he finished swallowing it all his transformation began. Soon I was standing in front of a very large werewolf. I bowed my head low and Shy followed my movements. After a few moments of him growling at us he accepted us as his pack.

Let's play. I looked at the werewolf knowing it was him and not Shy asking to play.

I'm Shadow and this is my cub Shy. What are you called?

I am Moony.

Follow me, I'll lead you to a forest were we can hunt and play but be warned, we are next to a school, you must not go to the school.

Human meat.

No! We stay here if you can not stay away from the humans.

Why do you care so much for these humans?

I am part human myself. I adopted young cub Shy. I must be wolf to raise her.

Moony stared at me for the longest time. I could smell the distrust. Shy stepped in front of me.

Without Shadow I would be a dead cub.

Moony looked at the small cub then back at me.

Why would a human care about a wolf?

I care about all living things. I do not judge or discriminate.

Show me human.

Will you attack? Shy whined and Moony looked at her again. She was winning his heart.

I shall not attack. I will mark you as a member of the pack. That way if need a rises, you can protect young cub Shy in both forms.

I kept my eyes on Moony, I knew the key was to show no fear. Wolves can smell fear. I transformed into my human form and held my hand out for Moony. He studied me for a moment before coming forward and placing his head in my hand. I petted him behind his ears. He howled and bit me on my upper left shoulder. It was not a mean aggressive bite. Just a small nip. He then licked the wound clean and I transformed back into a wolf.

We will hunt in the forest then play. I will harm no humans for now.

After that we hunted and ran around playing tag. We found a small pound and taught Shy how to hunt for fish. Close to dawn Shy started getting tired so I carried her back to the shack we started in. Moony followed behind me not once going towards the castle. Once inside we all curled up together.

Young cub Shy loves mama Shadow. Will you visit me on a full moon again?

I love young cub Shy. I will the next moon cycle.

Thank you for hunting and playing with me. It is almost time for me to change back.

Before you do, I have one more question. I know three human boys that love the human in you. They are currently working on becoming animals themselves so they can come play with you. May they join us next time to watch us play?

Why would I need them?

Shy and I are from a different time, we will not always be here and I know what it's like to be alone. I wish loneliness on no one.

You may bring them.

Thank you alpha Moony.

Moony drifted off to sleep and I stayed in wolf form until he transformed back in to Remus. Remus sat up and blushed realizing he was nude. I transformed back, keeping my back to him, and pulled out some clothes for him. Never had I been so happy I keep male and female clothes in my bag at all times.

"You can not tell the others what I told you last night."

"How far in the future."

"20 years."

"Does Snape know?"


"I won't tell. Thank you for that potion. I've never felt this good after the full moon." He said and we walked our separate ways.

I made my way to shower then to the old potions room where Severus was sitting, reading a book. "I figured you would be asleep."

"I wanted to wait on you. We can sleep together."

I smiled at him and warded the room so no one could enter and kissed him on the lips. He wrapped me in his arms and held me close. We stayed like that a few moments before he kissed me on the head and we laid down to sleep.

Later that day, James asked to speak with me in private and I followed him to his room. The rest of the Marauders were in there hanging out. I sat next to Remus on his bed.

"Remus told us about last night. Said he's never felt so good after transforming. I have to agree, he looks better then he normally does." James said getting to the point.

"You guys will be joining us next full moon." I said smiling at them.

"How?" Sirius asked.

"Moony will allow yall to come watch us play. Give you a feel of how it will be once you master your animagus forms."

"That would mean he knows you're human as well." James said looking shocked.

I pulled my shirt down showing them the mark Moony left on me. Remus paled and the others looked curious. "I have been marked as a pack member no matter my form. He has respect for me because I take care of Shy. You will not be able to get marked though. This will be a one time thing until you become animagus."

"Why can't we get marked?" Sirius asked.

I transformed into a wolf. I growled and approached all of them. All of them look scared. I transformed back. "That is why. You will show fear and even if you masked it we would smell it. I was trained not to fear such things so there was no fear for me."

"You looked like you were going to attack!" Sirius cried out.

"A werewolf always looks like it's going to attack. I don't like this idea." Remus said.

"Trust me Remus. Oh, and my wolf name is Shadow."

"Well Shadow, we want to make you a Marauder." James said smiling.

I was shocked to hear this. These four were as tight as brothers. "Me? Why? You do realize I'm in love with Severus and that would make him a part of your lives from here on out?"

They all scrunched their faces in disgust at this but then James smiled. "You're a little sister. Of course we are sure."

"Yeah! We've also been very nice to Snape since we became friends with you." Sirius added in.

"What do you say?" Remus asked.

I smiled, "I'd love to."

"Does Snape know you love him?" Remus asked.

I blushed, "No."

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