Severus's Love, Harry's Prote...

By ChristinaPosey3

53.3K 1.4K 247

This is a story of one girl, Amy Links, and how her life, along with the life of Harry Potter and Severus Sna... More

Becoming Attached
New Friends
A Surprise for Amy
Changing Times
Saving Harry
Starting Life in 1990
Christmas 1990
Finishing The School Term
The Marauders and the Future
Severus and Moony
Christmas 1973
Times Get Harder
Summer Vacation
Malfoy and Wormtail
Hermione Granger and Narcissa Malfoy
The Stone
Prank of the Year
Joining the War
Tragedy Stirkes
Growing Up
Working Things Out
Back To Hogwarts
Going Out With a Bang Part 2
Amy Breaks
Getting It Out
The Marauders are Back
Another Year Gone
A New Plan
Saying Goodbye
Time With Moony
Cedric and the First Task
The Yull Ball Part 1
The Yull Ball Part 2
Severus and Amy
Moldy Voldy
Molly and Amy
The Marauders Tale
The Marauders Tale part 2
The Pink Toad
Amys Revenge
Getting Married
Christmas & Voldys First Move
The Ministry
The Full Moon
The Resurrection Stone
Bringing in Allies
Voldys Wrath
Playing with Werewolves
Amys Betrayal
It Begins Again
Broken part 2
Life Goes On
Wednesday Tea
That Meddling Old Fool
A Dangerous but Brilliant Idea
Introducing the Marauders
Untold Tales
More Untold Tales
Severus's Decision
Moving On
Finally at Peace

Amy's Decision

7.7K 107 14
By ChristinaPosey3

The halls were dimly lit as I made my way to speak with a Albus Dumbledore. I was recalling the conversation that lead me here. I had just returned home from the War of Demntores. Over 5000 dementors showed up in America taking over small towns and it was my job to destroy them all. This wasn't my first war.

War was my life. I was abandoned as a baby on side of the road. A very nasty man by the name of Tim picked me up and hid me. For the next seven years of my life I was beat, molested, starved and put down. The only bright side is I learned all about magic.

Whenever Tim was at work, I taught myself to read and read many of his books. I cooked and cleaned and when he came home he would test me on my magic and if I missed one thing, that's when things would turn ugly. I learned that normally young witches and wizards were not trained in magic until they were 11. Tim had other plans for me. He wanted America to have a weapon, and I was that weapon.

On my seventh year living with this man a big war broke out in America. I was sent to the front lines. This was what I'd lived my whole life for. Because of me ,the war didn't last long, however, I met a guy named Chris who took me to his home. Him and his wife put up a big fight on adopting me. They found out what Tim had done and after a year, Tim lost his job as top military and lost me. By now, the training was already in me. I could already perform magic most adults struggled with. Chris made me captain of our platoon and I loved my job. However, Chris and Sherry wanted me to at least do one thing that normal children do, school.

I was officially 13 years old. Though we had no clue when I was actually born, medical test showed how many years I'd been alive. We made my birthday November 14th. Tim never gave me a name, we won't say what he called me, so Chris and Sherry named me Amy and gave me their last name.

I disagreed with having to go to school. I'm already past the proper age for starting school for one, also I already know everything school will teach. Another thing, I don't know how to act around people. I don't really fit in and would rather be left alone to listen to my music or work on my potions.

They don't teach Dark Magic in school and I use Dark Magic for a few things. I told Chris and Sherry my reasons, Sherry replied with, "You'll be around people your own age. It'll teach you to be a child."

"I don't want to be a child. I happen to like who I am."

"Amy please, I have a feeling you'll really enjoy school. " Sherry said.

I knew the real reason she was pushing me going to school. It was what Chris wanted and Chris didn't return from the War with me. I could see it in her eyes that I wasn't the only one that blamed myself for this. Before the war Chris set it up for me to go to Hogwarts. It was a big school in England for witches and wizards. I knew he set it up because Severus Snape, my long time ideal from Potions Weekly use to go to that school.

After sitting in silence for so long, I finally agreed to go. I would find a way to bring Chris back to us while I was in school. I packed my bag. Yes I only had one bag, it was Military issued and could fit anything needed in it. I even packed my potions lab in it. Before I left I walked out the back door and transformed into my animagus form, a large wolf with silky black hair. My form use to be smaller, however I was bit by a werewolf a few times and it made my wolf form grow and made my senses stronger. I was glad that's the only effects it had. I howled my goodbye to the pack of wolves that lived outside my home.

One wolf, a small white wolf with a black mask like face, ran up to me. She was letting me know she was coming with me. I tried to talk her out of it but a pack should always stick together. I changed back and picked her up and apperated to Chris' s medical med. He smiled a very childish and goofy smile and made some noise that was more like baby talk. I felt a tear run down my face.

"I will find a way to get your mind back." I whispered as I walked away. I ignored everyone around me as I made a portkey and held tightly to my little cub, Shy.

I went to Diagon Ally, a wizard shopping center in England, and got everything needed to go to Hogwarts, plus extra books that were more to my level of reading and found a small dark ally and a store that sold great potion ingredients. I then went to muggle London and bought more muggle clothes. I only ever wore the color black so that didn't take very long.

Now here I was almost to Professor Dumbledore ' s office. Shy was walking beside me, constantly on guard of the new place. I could tell she was fascinated by it. Once in the headmasters office, she curled up in my lap when I sat across from Professor Dumbledore. A old woman, with her hair in a bun and green robes sat beside me.

"Miss Links, it's a pleasure to finally meet you, Chris has told me all about you. We look forward to having you here this year." Professor Dumbledore said, a twinkle in his eyes.

"Professor Dumbledore, I will need a potions room to use on a regular bases and I would like to place a ward of my own making around it. Chris is currently in St. Augustus Hospital in the mental ward. I would like to use the potion lab to work on creating a potion that will give him his mind back." I said, petting Shy on the head.

"I'm very sorry to hear that. May I ask what happened between last week and now to make him that way?"

"A very bad war. I have a very special time Turner that allows me to travel to and from the past or future. It's how I get my training and personal time in. We used it to go back to a war that broke out a few months ago and end it."

"Miss Links, I would like you to meet Professor McGonagall, she will help you adjust to this school. You'll be granted the potions lab. I have one favor I'd like to ask of you."

"Yes sir?"

"Next year, a very special boy will be joining us. He will need protection in the long run. Will you protect him? Keep an eye on him inside and outside of school? Also, train him in magic?"

"Will you introduce me to Severus Snape? The only reason I even agreed to this school is because he use to come here."

"Severus? How do you know of him?" Professor McGonagall asked, speaking for the first time.

"Potions Weekly. I love his articles when he posts. He's the best Potion Master in the word. It's my dream to be like him." I stated firmly. Though on the inside I was bubbling with emotions, my face remained blank.

"Yes my dear." Professor Dumbledore said, his eyes seemed to be twinkling even more and it was creeping me out.

"Tell me more about this boy I'll need to watch over."

"His name is Harry Potter. Have you heard of him?"

" I've read a little about him. He hasn't had the easiest life from what I've read. His parents were killed by a Dark Lord while he was just a baby. No one knows what happened to him after that."

"He lives with his muggle relatives. He's not happy with them from what I've heard. I think he could use a good influence in his life."

I sat in silence for a while. I could help this little boy. I knew what is was like the have no parents, though I'm sure his wanted him. I knew what it was to have a bad life, though I'm sure his was not as bad as mine. I really just want to meet Severus. Wonder if this boys parents knew Severus? "What year were his parents in their fourth year and what are their names?"

"1972, Lily Evans and James Potter."

"I think I'll join them in their fourth year. I'll have a easier time helping if I understand everything. Best way to do that is live it. I'll arrive back in this time, in this place, in one hour." I said and stood up. I pulled a necklace from under my shirt. It had a gold hour glass hanging from a gold chain. I mumbled a unfreeze charm on it and clicked the side buttons to say September 1st 1972. With a flash I was standing in front of a younger Albus Dumbledore. We were the only two in his office. He looked highly surprised.

"Professor Dumbledore, my name is Amy Links. I am a future student of yours. I have traveled back in time to observe some people in this time. I need to know what house Lily Evans and James Potter be long to. That is the house I'll need to be in." I said, sitting down and placing Shy back in my lap.

"Miss Links, I must ask why you are interested in them two students? "

"You have set me a job to look after their son when he joins Hogwarts. I don't know the whole story of the war or of the people in it, being I'm from America and it never reached that far. I'm here to observe and learn. Also, I will be unable to perform much magic today. My time Turner is special made and takes a lot of magical energy to work. I'll need someone to be around me in case of an attack."

"No one will attack you at my school. You do not speak as if you are a student though you look like one. Why would I ask you to watch over him?"

"He is apparently special. I didn't ask why. I'm not a normal student, I'm an a American soldier. Take a look inside my mind. I'll let you see what lead me to your school and what lead me to this time."

I felt the sensation of someone trying to look into my mind and pushed forth the memory of Chris, Sherry and I talking about me going to school.

"Why a school in England?" Chris asked.

"It's the school Severus Snape went to. You know he's my potions hero. If I have to go to school, that's the one I want to go to."

"I will go speak with the headmaster tomorrow. I'll explain to him that you are war trained and that we want you to go to school so you can experience something of a childhood. Hopefully they will let you in."

Then I could see myself talking to Professor Dumbledore right before I came back in time. I also let him see that I was thinking about Severus when I made my decision to come back in time. I really hoped I'd be able to observe him as well in this time. I had no intention of letting myself befriend anyone in this time. I just wanted to watch them. Professor Dumbledore sat back, seemingly lost in thought for a while. Finally he spoke.

"Students will be arriving soon, I'll show you to the Great Hall. Let us go."

We both stood up, Shy still in my arms, and walked out of the headmasters office. I had to admit the Great Hall was impressive. No book could ever describe just how amazing it was. The four house tables were in place and I sat down at the Gryffindor one. Shy sat perfectly in my lap with her head laying on my leg. I pulled a book out of my bag. It was a old book from before Marlin himself was born. I flipped through the pages until I came across a page that had a potion for brain damage.

I was so zoned in reading about this potion that I didn't notice the other students arrive, nor did I hear the sorting. As a matter of fact, I didn't hear anything until I felt someone tap me on my shoulder. I jumped up, scaring Shy who was sleeping in my lap, and pulled out my wand. I came face to face with this gorgeous red head with beautiful green eyes. I lowered my wand and sat back down, returning Shy to my lap and petting her. I looked around and noticed only four boys were looking at me and the red head. I could smell wolf in one of them. He looked tired and had brown hair with beautiful blue eyes.

"Sorry to scare you, I'm Lily Evans, you must be new here. I was wondering if you were going to eat anything? "

I looked and noticed the food. The smell of food made me feel sick. Here I was in 1972 with all these people and food around me while Chris laid in a hospital bed not knowing who he is. I looked at Lily Evans. She was one of the ones I came to observe. I shook my head.

"No thanks. I really need to figure this potion out. I will take scraps for Shy though." I took some food and sat it on the floor with Shy. Shy dug in to her food happily.

"I'm pretty good in potions, maybe I can help you?" Lily asked.

"No offense but I don't think you can help me with this potion. This has not been made in over 1000 years. The problem is, a lot of ingredients for this potion no longer exists in the world. I need to find replacements and then find a way to make the potion stronger." I said, I was actually listening in to the conversation the boys were having.

"Look Moony she's all smart and stuff, just the girl for you!" Said a boy with shoulder length black hair. I had to admit he was handsome.

"Padfoot, you need a woman that is smart because you clearly lack in that area." The Wolf, Moony, said.

"She seems kind of like a Slytherin if you ask me." The boy with messy black hair, brown eyes and glasses said. The round boy that reminded me off a rat agreed with him.

"Prongs, she wouldn't be in Gryffindor if she had Slytherin qualities." The one known as Padfoot said.

"Hello? Are you listening to me?" I heard from beside me and looked back at the redhead.

"Sorry, I was listening to them." I said nodding to the boys a little down from us.

"The Marauders. I advise staying away from them. James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew. They are bullies." Lily said and I almost laughed from the disgust in her voice. Knowing she ended up with James and having his son.

"Interesting. So what was you saying? " I asked.

"I was saying my best friend and myself are pretty good with potions, maybe we could help you figure out yours."

I thought about this for a moment. I could use the help because I had no clue how I was gonna get this done. However I was here to observe not interact. I was never good at being around people as it was so I could possibly ruin getting anywhere close to learning about Lily Evans. This potion was extremely important though. I needed to get Chris back. Shy whined looking between the two of us. Let her help. I heard in my mind. I looked at Shy a few more seconds then looked back at Lily.

"Fine, but if you end up being unless I'll kick you out of the room. This potion is very important. It's a potion to fix brain damage, however it's not meant for major cases ,that's why I need to strengthen it." I said, I knew I came off as harsh but that's the only way I knew to be.

"What's your name?" She asked flashing me a bright smile that made me want to vomit. How could someone be that happy?

"Amy Links." I replied and made a copy of the pages containing the potion and handed it to her and went back to reading myself. This time I didn't allow myself to zone so far out and kept up with what was going on around me. It seemed Lily was in a talking mood.

"You're new here. Where are you from?"

"America. "

"What's it like?"

"It's alright."

"You're not much of a talker are you?"

"My people skills are not the best, I'm better at just keeping to myself, plus this research is really important."

"My best friend that I'm gonna get to help us is like that as well."

"That's good." I said and noticed people were leaving the Great Hall. I stood up myself and placed my book back in my bag and picked up Shy.

"So is that your pet? She's a cute little puppy." Lily said standing up with me.

"She's not a puppy she's a cub. She's a full blooded wolf. She's actually about four years old. I think she's made herself my familiar because she still looks like a cub." I said. I noticed the Marauders were walking closely behind us.

"That's so amazing! Wolves are beautiful! "

We walked a little further in silence. The boys were whispering to each other behind us. I knew Lily couldn't hear them. The one called Prongs was talking about how amazing Lily looked and the one called Padfoot was thinking of coming up behind me and asking me out. I could feel him approach me and handed Shy to a confused Lily. Right before Padfoot touched me I had his arm in my hand and pulled it behind his back.

"I do not suggest doing that if you'd like to keep that arm of yours."

Everyone seemed to stop and watch what was going on. Lily looked to be holding in laugher and Shy was growling at the boys. Prongs was on the floor openly laughing at a very shocked and in pain Padfoot. Moony looked highly amused and Wormtail was watching James and laughing.

"I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Sirius Black!" The guy I was holding grunted out.

"I don't really care who you are." I said, letting him up and taking Shy back from a giggling Lily. I followed her all the way to a picture of a large woman. The boys followed behind us. Sirius muttered the whole way about me almost breaking his arm and the other three laughing at him.

Once we were all inside the Common Room, I walked to a corner and sat down in the floor with my back against the code stone wall. Shy curled up beside me and I pulled my book out again. Lily followed me and sat cross legged beside me. The Marauders sat a good ways away watching us. Lily took my hint and pulled out the copy of the potion I made her and started reading. She didn't say anything for the longest time.

"This is not going to be easy. I only see five of the fifteen ingredients that can be replaced with things from our time."

"I've noticed that as well. I'm going to need to get a large Herbiolgy book and study more plants. Is there a certain time we must be in the Common Room?"

"Yes, it's already after curfew. We can go get the book tomorrow, I think I'm going to call it a night."

"Thanks. I'll see you tomorrow." I said watching her leave. I got up myself replacing my book and headed to a bathroom. I changed my clothes to jogging pants and a t-shirt and walked back out. The Marauders seemed to be the only ones left in the Common Room. The one they called Prongs smiled at me and slowly approached me.

"Planning to sneak out on your first day?"

"That's none of your business. I suggest you don't follow. " I said and placed a disillusionment charm on myself and Shy.

We made our way outside, the Marauders following though I couldn't see them. Once outside I did a few stretches and started jogging around the Quidditch field. I was no longer under the disillusionment charm, nor was Shy who was running beside me. After a few laps I stopped and conjured a dualing dummy and started shooting off spells at it. An hour later I looked at Shy who was watching and transformed into a wolf. Shy and I played around until almost dawn. The Marauders left a few hours before. I transformed back and went inside to wash and prepare for the day.

After my shower I went to the corner of the room and went back to reading my book while Shy slept. At 9 I went to breakfast, thankful my memory was good enough to remember the way on one trip. After I was done eating Professor McGonagall asked me to come to her office so I followed her. I sat in the chair across from her with Shy in my lap.

"Mrs. Links, Professor Dumbledore has informed me you would like a room to work on a potion. I'm more then happy to show you to the old potion classroom and allow you to use it. I would like to know how advanced you are in other subjects before we start though. Can we start with Transfiguration? "

I placed Shy one the floor without a word and transformed into a wolf. Professor McGonagall looked at me in shock and slowly approached me. I allowed her to pet me for a few seconds before changing back. I then performed a few charms and pulled up my dualing dummy and shot a few defense spells. She watched in amazement.

"I do not fully understand why you are attending school Miss Links."

"My life has not been a simple one. Not to long ago a member of my platoon and his wife adopted me. They are really good friends of mine and decided I should do one thing a child my age normally does and that was school. I disagreed for the longest time but after this last war, I had no choice." I said, I knew I sounded rude but my life was not something I enjoyed talking about and the past war was still to painful.

"I hear you are from the future, why come back in this time? The reason you gave Professor Dumbledore doesn't seem to be a good enough reason to me."

"Chris and Sherry are the only family I have. It's my fault Chris lost his mind and Sherry knows that as well. She can't stand being around me. She's planning to have them put Chris down because we both know he wouldn't want to live the way he is now. This potion is my only hope at saving him, if I can even do it. Time travel will give me the time needed to get it done."

"I've noticed you met Lily Evans."

"I have, she's quite the chatter box and says she's good at potions and asked if she and a friend could help me. I agreed to allow this. Honestly I may need the help. I should have found out what year Severus Snape was in school and got help from him." I said, realizing to late that I'd said something about the future.

"Severus Snape? You know him?"

"No ma'am, I know of him. He's a great potion master in my time. I hope to be as good as him and have always looked up to him." I said, I was unsure why I was telling this woman these things. I just had a feeling in me that this woman would become a big part of my life

"One more question and forgive me for asking, how did you make your friend lose his mind?"

"I invented a potion that connects the mind of two or more people. My platoon and I use it to communicate in wars. We were in a fight against Demntores and we needed to split up. I led one group and Chris led the other. We were using the potion to keep up with each other. I came close to getting the Kiss protecting another member of our platoon. You know the effect dementors have, it brought forth my worst memories which he felt and saw as if they were his own. Tell me how you would you react to seeing and feeling seven years of torture of all kinds in one moment?"

Professor McGonagall paled and stood up. She walked right past me and I followed her without a word. I was thankful she said nothing. We walked deep into the castle and down to the dungeons. She lead me to a old classroom and left me there. I looked around and started unpacking my potions supplies, getting it ready for use. I pulled out the five ingredients I knew I could use for my potion and a few more things I want to try using.

I walked to the library and checked out a few books on different plants and their useses. I then took Shy out to potty and made my way back to the potions room. On my way there I saw the Marauders picking on a boy that looked strangely familiar. I walked over to them and hung them all upside down and tired them to the top of the wall.

"I don't believe in bullying." I stated up to them.

"He's just a slimy Slytherin. He doesn't matter." Sirius called down clearly angry.

"I promise you Sirius, he matters more than you do. Hope someone who can let ya ll down comes by soon." I said and walked away hearing them scream for me to let them down. I didn't say anything to the boy, just walked on past him and continued my way to the potion room.

I spent all day reading. I skipped lunch deciding to snack on some chips I had in my bag and fed Shy some beef jurky. I had soda and water in my bag for if we got thirsty. I only left the room twice to use the restroom and to take Shy out. On my way back through the castle the second time Lily came running up to me with a stack of books.

"I've been looking for you all day! I found some books that might help. " She said sounding out of breath. I noticed the boy that was being bullied by the Marauders earlier standing beside her holding a few books as well.

"Follow me." I said and lead them to the potion room. I transformed a desk into a nice conformable couch for them to sit on and sat down myself going back to a book I was reading before.

"This is my friend Severus, Severus this is Amy." Lily said smiling. My head popped up at the name Severus. That's why he looked so familiar. I was in the same room as Severus Snape! All I could do is stare at him. Inside my heart was pounding and I'd never been more thankful that I was trained to show no emotions. Finally I found my voice.

"Nice to meet you Severus. I'm sure Lily has told you what I'm doing and showed you the potion. On the table is some ingredients I think may work." I said and went back to reading my book, occasionally glancing at Severus.

Dinner came before I knew it and it seemed we were no further on figuring out this potion. I noticed the Marauders were talking in low voices at the table. They were planning on playing a prank on the Slytherins. The next morning any Slytherin that ate breakfast would have red and gold hair by the middle of their first class. I smiled to myself and wrote a quick note to Severus asking him to join me and Lily for breakfast in the potions room the next morning. I gave it to Shy to take to him.

I figured I would tell Lily my plans before bed. I knew Remus could hear almost as well as I did so I had to be careful. After dinner I followed Lily up to the dorm room and told her of my plan. I then changed and went back outside to repeat my exercises that I did every night. I noticed the Marauders once again followed me and watched for a while before going back to bed.

I called a house elf and asked them to deliver breakfast for three to the old potions room for the morning and took a shower and changed. I waited on Lily knowing she'd be up early because classes started today. We made our way to the room where Severus was waiting for us. He and Lily hugged and I transformed another desk in to a table for us to eat on. I had informed Professor McGonagall the night before that we would all be here for our class schedules. I was thankful for coffee by this point. This potion left me no time to sleep.

Lily and Severus talked about classes and teachers while we ate. I had one of the many books we were researching reading it and listening to everything they told me. I could not help but randomly stare at Severus. I had to admit he was just as handsome as I always thought he'd be. I also noticed he watched Lily a lot. I could tell he was in love with her and really hoped I didn't come between their friendship. I also noticed that Lily saw me watching Severus and had the biggest smile on her face.

After we were all done eating, we all sat on the couch, Severus between me and Lily and went back to reading. We stayed that way until Professor McGonagall came in with our timetables. She smiled when she saw us all sitting there reading. And sat down in a chair across from us.

"Miss Links, I know you have a lot on your plate with this potion but I was wondering if I could ask a favor from you."

"Of course." I said without a second thought.

"Would you be willing to help Miss Evans and Mr. Snape with their Transfiguration this year? They are both excellent students but I've noticed they could use a little help with some things."

"If they need help in any lesson I'll be right here to help. I was going to ask them to meet me here after class to do homework before we continue with our research for this potion." I replied placing my time table in a folder after looking it over.

"Oh can we!" Lily jumped up and down excited. I saw Severus smile at her and couldn't help but think how wonderful his smile was. I did not understand these feelings I was feeling and wished Chris was here to explain them to me.

"I would also like to talk to you about where you've been at night." Professor McGonagall said looking me in the eye.

"Out on the Quidditch field training."

"For what? "

"Constantly training is something I learned really quick must always be done. It's something I've been doing for as long as I can remember. " I said and she seemed to understand that it was something I use to be punished if I didn't do.

"When do you sleep? "

"Whenever I have time. Sleep can wait, important things come first." I pretty much recited from memory.

"Amy! Sleep is very important, how can you function without sleep?" Lily asked completely shocked.

"People like me have to earn sleep. I'll sleep when I finish this potion. Coffee keeps me going." I replied pulling out a large thermos full off coffee from my bag.

"Oh my." Professor McGonagall said and walked out. Lily was looking at me in complete shock and Severus was looking at me with understanding. I prayed he did not understand that statement.

To avoid any conversation, I walked on to my first class. Lily was right behind me. I noticed we had potions first and smiled. Severus noticed this, "What's that look for?"

"I had you eat breakfast with me because the Marauders were planning a prank last night. Any Slytherin eating breakfast will have red and gold hair today. Four Gryffindor boys eating breakfast this morning will have green and silver hair."

Lily and Severus looked at me amazed. "No ones ever pranked them before. They will not let this go easy." Lily said.

"I know more spells then they do. I'm not to worried about it." I said walking in to the class room.

Potions went by without a problem. I was way to advanced for this class. I dreaded doing first year after I returned to my time. Half way through class I silently put a spell over all potions so no accidents would happen. The reaction was priceless. The Slytherins, except Severus, were in a uproar over their hair. Males and females alike screamed. The loudest scream however came from Sirius Black. He stood in front of the class in a complete radge.

"Who did this! My hair! My beautiful hair!"

Lily was bent over holding her stomach from laughing so hard and I could tell Severus was struggling to hold in his own laughter. I stood up and walked up to Sirius and gave him a hug shocking the few who knew me.

"Thanks Sirius. I knew pranking you would be good, never knew it would be this good." Then I walked back to my spot between Lily and Severus and let myself laugh at the shocked faces of the Marauders.

After that, a routine was formed. Every night I went out and trained, every morning at breakfast the Marauders would try to prank me. I could smell any potion slipped to me and block any spell. Every day at lunch, the Marauders would have something wrong with their hair or face or speech. I even turned their clothes to Slytherin robes one of the days. After class Lily, Severus and I would work on homework and then continue our research. We had found four more ingredients we could use by the end of the week. While doing homework we would talk about our day and Lily would always ask what I had planned next for the Marauders. On our way to Gryffindor Tower, Lily would ask me how I felt about Severus with which I always replied, "He's a good guy."

After the second week of this routine though, lack of sleep finally started getting the better of me. During research time on that second Monday, I was once again between Lily and Severus on the couch, reading yet another book. The next thing I knew I was waking up with my head in someone's lap and arms around my body and a hand playing in my hair. I looked up to see Severus looking at me. I could tell from the one candle that was lit that he was blushing but he didn't stop.

"How long have I been asleep? " I asked.

"Only a few hours. It's around midnight now." He said, his voice low and soft.

"You need sleep as well, would you mind staying here with me? "

"Sure." He said, sounding a bit scared. I sat up and expanded the couch so we could both lay down and patted the spot next to me. The feeling that went through my body when he put his arms around me and snuggled up is not a feeling I can explain.

"What about Lily?" I asked, knowing he liked her.

"Lily is my best friend. I love her, but not in that way." He said.

"Thank you." I whispered. I felt Shy curl up at my feet and I drifted off to sleep.

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