Love Comes To Many In Strange...

Da LadyBrandon23

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A Lucas North Story that has been floating on my computer for a while. It Is not the piece I am currently Wor... Altro

Chapter One: Jilted Lovers and Broken Hearts
Chapter Two- White Blank Page
Chapter Three : Science and Faith
Chapter Four: Arise
Chapter Five: I know You Want Me...
Chapter Six: Time to open up to her
Chapter Seven: Need You Now
Chapter Nine: Lazy Song
Chapter Ten: I was a mess you see. (Give the Strength to me)
Chapter Eleven: I hurt You But I Am Trying To Protect You.
Chapter Twelve: Unspoken
Chapter Thirteen: She Is The Sunlight
Chapter Fourteen How To Save A Life...
Chapter Fifteen: Gave you all...
Chapter Sixteen: Last Night Last
Chapter Seventeen: Learn You Inside Out.
Chapter Eighteen: I May Not Have The Softest Touch...

Chapter Eight: Better Than Love.

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Da LadyBrandon23

Chapter 8: Better Than Love.

Lucas sat in the Grid. He was tired. His muscles ached. He would often feel like this after he had a flashback. Sometimes it took him a few days to fully shake the affects of them. He knew that he would have to speak to someone about these flashbacks. If not just for him now, he had Hayley to think of too. He wanted to show her that he was getting a handle on what had happened in his past because he did not want it affecting his future.

Lucas was never one to be embarrassed about things. However, he was embarrassed that he had awoken Hayley last night. She had a long day in front of her today. She had to contend not only with some of the little buggers at her school. She also had to deal with Dimitri coming into her classroom. Her domain as she called it. Lucas was sorry that he had been the cause for her lack of sleep. She seemed understanding, but it did not make Lucas feel any better he must be truthful with himself.

'Lucas' Ruth looked to her senior officer. 'Harry told me about what happened yesterday at your house'

'I am surprised he did. What did he tell you? The time when he told Hayley that she would sell me to the Russians if she was given the right price? Or that he did not trust me to be able to do my job because I am with a woman?'

'Lucas, Harry has your best interests at heart. But he has a sucky way of trying to show you he cares. I know he trusts you Lucas. And when he asked me for my opinion about Hayley I told him. I thought she was a good fit for you. I haven't of course met her. Except for the hour she was on the Grid that night.  But you are much more focused on the job then you were before. And you are happy. You are happy aren't you Lucas?'

'I am Ruth' Lucas nodded, 'I am much happier than I have been in a long time'

'Then prove that to Harry, don't let something that keeps you sane in this line of work get away'

'I am not planning on it Ruth, let's hope I don't F this relationship up then. Like my others'

'Just be yourself and I am sure she won't be able to resist you' she smiled.

Ruth smiled to Lucas, she felt for him. In this line of work we all needed somewhere to escape although Ruth's was home with her cat. She would love nothing more than to meet the man of her dreams and fall in love with him and her to love her back. She thought she had found that in Harry. But after so many years of them avoiding the feelings that they have for each other and all they have done together. In their eyes to protect the country she was unsure she could ever be with a man she loved. However, she was not bitter about that any more not like she was. God she had turned down his proposal. But Harry being Harry he could not have done it romantically how a woman dreams it to be. He did it at Ros' funeral. No she was not bitter at all. This was her lot in life and she would have to accept that. But by the sounds of it Lucas had found what he had been looking for maybe there was hope for her too.


Hayley had to admit, Mr Scott had made quite an impression on her Year 9 who came bustling in after break. The girls all got their copies of Pride and Prejudice out. Although the boys versions of the book seemed to be pretty much untouched. Hayley suspected the only time the boys opened their copies was for when they had homework or had to read in class. However, it made Hayley smile when she spotted the Girls copies seemed to be a little worn. It meant that they were reading it. Maybe some had gone ahead in the story.

'Miss Tanner, who is the man sitting in the back?' one of the girls asked.

'I quite forgot he was there, my apologies class, this is Mr Scott. He is here to help me with the teaching of Pride and Prejudice. Now a few ground rules. I expect you to show him the same respect that you would if it was me. He is a member of staff and will have the same respect as anyone in this classroom. If you do not then you will be spending time with me in Detention, understood'

'Yes Miss' the class chorused.

'Good, now where were we, ah yes the arrival of Mr Darcy, and would our reader like to continue' Hayley smiled.

The bell rang for the next lesson this meant that Hayley was free. Thank God she had marking and some paperwork to be getting on with. She laughed as she heard the girls packing up discussing Mr Darcy and then whether or not they found Mr Scott attractive.

'So a free period now is it?' Dimitri asked.

'Yes' Hayley nodded, 'Feel free to kick back in the classroom while I work. Or if you need to get in contact with Lucas'

'I need check in. It's okay to ring him'

'Yes of course it is. Oh Dimitri, you made an impression on the Year 9 girls don't be surprised if they start asking you whether you are seeing anyone' Hayley smiled.

Dimitri blushed. 'I'd better check in with Lucas'

Hayley nodded and began to get on with her work. She had to laugh at the situation she now found herself in. Seeing a spy. And having another one in her classroom undercover. She never was someone to be so reckless. She liked her comforts in life but now she was taking risks. She was with a man that she would never have looked twice at because she knew he was out of her league.  And she was enjoying him, in every way she was enjoying Lucas, her sexy spy. Changed her mother would say, Changed for the better perhaps.


Three Thirty at last both Hayley and Dimitri let out a sigh of relief. It had been the year 8 group that they had last thing. It was a trying lesson. Hayley was beginning to get them to get on with some work; she suspected having Dimitri in the classroom may have helped.

'Lucas said he would come and pick you up this afternoon' Dimitri whispered.

'It means he will be here soon then' Hayley smiled.

Andy appeared at her classroom. He knocked on the door. Hayley caught Dimitri eye and sighed.

'So Dimitri, how did you find your first day?' Andy said.

'It was good' Dimitri nodded.

'Hayley not work you too hard then' Andy said.

'Erm no Hayley has been very accommodating' Dimitri smiled to Hayley.

'Watch her she can be a bit of a demanding from her staff' Andy teased.

Hayley pretended not to listen; she was relieved when she saw Lucas walk into the classroom.

'Hey sweetheart' Lucas smiled.  

'Lucas' Andy stiffened as he spotted him.

Hayley grinned to Lucas, 'Lucas, May I introduce you to the new assistant I was telling you about this weekend. This is Dimitri Scott'

'Nice to meet you Dimitri' Lucas stuck out his hand and shook the younger man's hand, 'I am Hayley's other half'

'Are you often allowed in the school?' Dimitri asked. He heard Andy mutter something about seems like it, maybe he should bloody teach here to the amount of time he spends.

'I only come in when Hayley wants some help carrying her books out' Lucas replied.

Dimitri smiled he could see the way in with Andy; he had to use his hatred of Lucas and Hayley's relationship.

'And as much as I would love to keep talking about when Lucas comes into school, we have that appointment honey that we need to keep' Hayley said packing her bag. 'Close the door behind you boys'

Lucas took Hayley's hand, as they made their way to his car. He turned and kissed her.

'I think Dimitri has a way in with Andy and I think my lovely Hayley you are the one to be able to do it'

'What's that suppose to mean?' Hayley said.

'I will explain later' Lucas smiled.

Hayley smiled and kissed Lucas again. 'Thank you for meeting with me'

'Well it's the least I could do after this morning' Lucas smiled.

'You feeling better Love'

'Yes' Lucas nodded, 'still a little sore with my muscles but I always am after a flashback'

'I might be able to make you feel better later' Hayley teased, 'Might be a massage in it and a lovely hot bath if you play your cards right'

'I might be able to play them right' Lucas smiled.


 Hayley opened up her flat and smiled. Lucas walked in behind her.

 'Want to stay here tonight?' Lucas smiled.

 'Yes' Hayley smiled, 'Glass of wine, and then I run a hot bath?'

 'That my dear sounds like a very good idea' Lucas sighed.

 Hayley passed him a glass of wine with a smile on her face. She could have laughed. He looked so cute, and kissable. He seemed to have this effect on her. To people Lucas North would be intimidating scary man who could kill you with his bare hands if he needed to. But to Hayley he was a gentle man, a man who would touch her as if sometimes he would break her. He was such a soft delicate lover. He was what her and her friends used to call a TLC man one for keeps. 

 'You seem to thinking about a lot there' Lucas mused as stretched and placed the wine to his lips.

 'Just thinking about you' Hayley smiled.

 'Good I hope'

 'Of course' Hayley grinned.

 Hayley moved away from the living room. She began to run Lucas' bath. Her thoughts began to wander again. She turned the taps off. Walking into the living room again.

 'Lucas, bath's ready'

 Lucas got up and smiled moving into the bathroom.

 'If you need anything give me a shout. I will give you a massage when you get out' Hayley smiled.


Lucas walked into Hayley's bedroom; he had to admit the bath had done wonders to his body. As he felt the hot water hit his muscles, he felt as if this was what he had been missing. A nice long soak, but it was not lost on him that he had not had someone who would run him a bath to help him in a long time.

Hayley sat and pulled her hair down. She smiled as Lucas walked through the room. He had a pair of track suit bottoms on and his hair was still wet.  He grinned at her.

 'You feeling better after that'

 'Much' Lucas nodded, 'But I am feeling a little tight'

 'And where would that be Mr North?' Hayley smiled.

 'Just here above my shoulders, I know someone mentioned a massage if I was a good boy' his eyes glinted.

 'Now I wonder who said that' Hayley teased, 'Was it another one of your women you have hidden away somewhere?'

 'No I think it is the woman standing in front of me' Lucas playfully laughed.

 'Well whom am I to refuse the big bad spy with that gorgeous smile' Hayley smiled, 'on the bed Mr North'

 Lucas did as he was told and laid himself on the bed. He smiled when Hayley sat on top of him. But him facing the other way it would have been preferable for him to be facing her. She began to straddle his back, kneading her hands around the contours. He sighed; it was wonderful what she was doing with her hands.  

 About half an hour later, Lucas again sighed. She had moved on to not just massaging him now. She was placing feather like kisses down his back. This was all too much for Lucas. He flipped her over so now that he was on top of her.

 'Trying to play dirty are you Miss Tanner?' Lucas' eyes burned with desire.

 'I don't know what you are talking about' Hayley smiled.

 He claimed her mouth for his own, happy when she allowed him to place his tongue into her mouth; they began to dance with the other one. Sensually stroking the other, Lucas caught her hand as he moved his hand to meet hers. She groaned.

 'I suspect now you are playing all the dirty tactics Mr North'

 'Well it's only because of you' he smiled, kissing her again.

 'I love you Lucas' she sighed as she began to play with his trousers.

 'You're wearing too many clothes my love' he smiled undoing her blouse.

 'Undress me then' Hayley purred kissing his chest.

 He moved himself and began to undress her. Kissing her body, her breasts gently cupping them. Playfully taking the nipple and flicking it with his fingers.  Hayley smiled as she ran her fingers down his back.

 'Hayley' Lucas growled.

 'Lucas' she smiled.


 Hayley wrapped her arms around Lucas' chest a little while later. She could not help but smile. He in turn held her close to him and kissed her forehead.

 'You my dear have awoken something. I am not sure I want to get rid of' Lucas whispered.

 'I can say to you that you have also awoken something within me, I was never like this before I met you' she smiled softly, 'I know it sounds stupid but I think I was waiting for you to find me'

 'Well its good I am not letting you go anywhere' he laughed, 'And I know what you mean, I have been through relationships that although at the time I thought they were what I wanted, but now I know that I was waiting for you. You have shown me how to feel again'

 'I suppose your muscles are feeling a lot better now are they Lucas'

 'They are love, they are'

 'Funny that' Hayley smiled, 'All you needed was a good work out' she purred the last few words.

 Lucas grinned, 'I can say that I certainly got that' He kissed her lips, 'In fact I think I may need another one very soon'

 She looked down, 'Oh I think you may be' she laughed.


 The Buzzing of the house phone stirred both Lucas and Hayley a few hours later. Lucas reluctantly lets Hayley go to answer it. As she walked out of the room she stubbed her toe, much to Lucas' amusement he hears her swearing as she picks up the phone.

Hayley walked back to the bedroom with the telephone to her ear.

 'Hayley, you didn't ring at the weekend is everything okay?'

 'Mum, I am fine, just busy with work and other things' she grinned to Lucas.

 'I thought something had happened? You always call'

 'I am fine, I promise' she smiled to Lucas, 'Actually Mum I am better than fine'

 'How are you finding London? I know you said that you were missing home when you first got here'

'Mum, I am loving London and I have found a few agreeable reasons to why I should stay' Lucas began to stroke her arm as she settled herself back on the bed.

 'You will be coming to see us when you have half term?'

 'Mum, I have lessons I need to plan during half term, but you know you can come and visit me' she looked to Lucas and mouthed, 'Stop I am trying to talk to mum'

 He grinned and mouthed back, 'Sorry'

 'I will talk to your father, I am sure he is due some leave' her mum replied.

 'That would be lovely, to see you, and I have someone I want you to meet' Hayley explained.

 'Are you seeing someone?' Her mum said.

 'I am Mum, and I cannot wait for you to meet him'

 'Okay I will talk to dad about coming down to see you, and I will look forward to meet your new man'

 'Okay mum, I will speak to you soon and I am sure he is looking forward to meeting you too' Hayley hung up and put the phone down.

 Lucas looked to her, 'So I am to meet your Mum and Dad or is that another man  you have locked away somewhere'

 'Well if he can't make it, I suppose it should be you' she replied back a flicker of a smile crossed his lips as he looked to her. She was lying on the bed, naked and Lucas drank her in. her little curve of her hip in which he loved to trace his finger down in the morning on the chance he woke to find her still with her in bed.  The fullness of her breasts which Lucas loved nothing more than to give his full attention to when he was showing her how much he loved her. Her mouth, her beautiful mouth which would do things to his body that he could never have dreamed possible the words she would use when she spoke to him during sex would make him want her more, but also the cheekiness of her teasing of him. It was hard to describe to a person who had not met someone like Hayley but she was perfect. Cliché Lucas mentally scolded himself but he could not think of a better way to describe Hayley to himself.

 'Lucas, I can practically hear you thinking from here' she said, 'Tick tick tick'

 'I am sorry Hay, I was miles away'

 'Was she any good?' she grinned.

 'Oh she was the best' He replied sultry.

 'Should I be worried about this amazing woman?' Hayley shifted herself so her head was now propped up with the crook of her elbow her eyes looking straight into his own.

 He laughed and gently ran his hand down her back and gently cupping her arse and giving it a gentle squeeze. He lowered his mouth to her ear, 'Jealous my love?'

 'Well, that would require me to know who this woman is?'

 'I can't believe you don't know who she is?' Lucas laughed and encased his arms around her, 'It's you my beautiful, but daft girl'

 'You think I am daft well thank you very much Lucas' Hayley feigned hurt in her eyes.

 'I didn't mean it like that' he gently kissed her lips, 'You know I think you are very intelligent'

 Hayley kissed him back with some intensity, 'I love you Lucas North'

 'I love you Hayley Tanner, No matter what'


 Dimitri had spent a long time at the school tonight digging around on Andy. He had managed to get himself an invite to the social that they would be having after Friday afternoon meeting, it was planned that the teachers and reluctantly their partners if they had them would be going out for a meal and a few drinks. This Dimitri had found annoyed Andy to no end as he would have to spend the evening with Hayley and her 'Golden Boy' the exact words he had called him. Dimitri had to laugh at that and agree that Lucas was a bit of a know- it -all when it came to Hayley. He had also acted surprised when Andy mentioned that he had a brother who Lucas would not know what hit him if they were ever to meet. Dimitri knew then he had his way in with Andy and could get more information out of him about Ryan.

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