Mass effect - One Shots, Lemo...

By DarkMistress0420

101K 796 145

okay soooooooo I love mass effect. I've been thinking lately, and I want to try this. here's a list of char... More

Harsh Reality
The EMP Ideology
To Break a Fever
Do it Better
Please Don't Sleep with Your Rifle
I Miss You
A Blind Date, Via Kasumi
By My Side
Thresher Hunting
Love and Affection
Sing me a Song, Little Birdie
New Subroutine
Fade Into You
The Older, The Better.
A Place to Call Home
Oh, Wicked Creature
Careless Conversation
Somewhere Beyond The Sea
The Exception
Refuge From the Storms
When The Roses Have Wilted
Sweet, Sweet Blackmail
By My Side (part 2)
Worlds Collide
Breeding Rite
You did..what now?
Breeding rite pt.2
Sweet, sweet Blackmail Pt.2

Aggressive Negotiations

3.3K 38 3
By DarkMistress0420

Venari Pallin X FemShep (**LEMON**)

Once the looming immediate threat of Saren passed away, reconstruction began on damaged parts of the citadel; all those who died where accounted for, but luckily most casualties were not fatalities.

After destroying Sovereign, the crew decided it would be better to split ways; I chose to stay  behind on the citadel to aid in rebuilding and eventually, once renovations were completed, I went on to train specter recruits.  

It had nearly been four months, and the news have been on the uproar for weeks about geth moseying around the Attican Traverse along with subsequent economic depression due to trade shortages and blah blah blah; therefore funding was shifted less in my organisations direction, more in the direction of more important institutions. 

But now, sitting in front of the Executor of C-Sec, my nerve dwindles beneath his heated amber gaze; unquestionable authority sings true in his critical gaze,  like a krogan battle-master with his eyes focused in on his prey.  Squirming in my suddenly uncomfortable, stereo typical office chair, I clear my throat  before sputtering, "Look, Pallin,"

"Jane, you've know me now for how long, when will you decide to call me by my first name?" he looks up from the computer only momentarily tossing a daring flicker of a glance in my direction.

"Venari," saying his first name felt like putting a g-string on backwards, "i know things are tight around here but the semester just ended, and I'm in for a new batch of students soon; I'm not sure what to do, most of the equipment I have is broken, and I don't even have enough credits to repair our training space from the last mis-hap." 

This finally warrants a pause in his typing, to turn his attention more fully on me, "I'm sorry jane but we can't afford to redirect funding, most of it is being used for the push in the traverse." he states matter-of-factly, setting his elbows on the edge of his desk as he leans forward, lacing his talons together.

"Well I believe that presidents some kind of concern?" my tone flanged into mild annoyance as i smoothed the wrinkles out of the waistline of my thin dress, "I mean, what am i supposed to do, pull it out of my ass?" 

Venari raises a brow plate at my words, mandibles nonchalantly smoothed down, while waving a talon about, "I can temporarily freeze the program, if it truly means that much to you."

My blood begins to boil, as the nerve I had previously lost returns fully fledged, "You can Freeze the program?"  Scoffing,  I shake my head furiously, "I think you've missed my entire purpose for coming by."

"No, You've made yourself clear, as have I." Huffing, the rather bulky turian pushes out from behind his desk to pace the office floor, expression finally showing some hint of reaction, "I've done everything I can." he continues on calmly, as if analyzing the situation from afar.

Rising up from my seat like a torrent of indignant wind, his calm demeanor only manages to irritate my frayed nerves further, "Freezing the program is not an option." growling furiously, i lean against the hard edge of the workspace that now was behind me, casting my eyes over his shapely form.

"It is unclear what you expect from me," The executor draws near, sub-harmonics practically dripping with challenge, frustration


The word hung in my mind, poisoning my perception, as i felt my body flush involuntarily, and any smart comments I had planned to make now died in my throat.

Suddenly, His whole demeanor seemed to shift as he neared me, those same fiery amber eyes swirl chaotically as he brings his face merely inches away from mine; slit pupils barely visible in the glare of over head lights, Pallin appeared much like a predator, swept up in the storm of his instincts. Taking a sharp, deep inhale, his eyes linger on my collar, pupils dilating almost spontaneously, Mandibles kicking out to the side in surprise.

Painfully aware of myself, I decide to look him dead in the eyes, biting my lip and forcing  sultry words to spill from my lips, "I thought i had made myself clear, Venari.

Venari releases a growl, grabbing my wrist, and leading me around the corner of his desk, before turning me around roughly; his hand appraised the arc of my waist, before pressing in between my shoulders. Stubbornly, I refuse his request, standing taller as i reach around to fondle his hip spur, after all , nihlus used to really enjoy that.

when my tender advances are met with swift, rough action, i release a started sound as he slams me down onto the desk; he leans forward, looming over me, finding my ear and proceeding to tease me, "How dare you-" he begins, cinching my dress up a bit, before nibbling my ear, "-come down to my office-" he pauses, using his mouth plates to quickly remove his gloves, "-wearing this sleazy, seductive contraption-" his hands are quick and calloused, much more than expected for an executor, as he makes my dress turn into a tube top in one swift tug, "-throwing your damn demands around like- " his voice halts as he beholds my hefty undercarriage, slender talons ghosting across newly discovered skin, "-like a turian would." 

Growing tired of his rattling speech, I snake my leg behind his, hooking myself in a leg lock with his sensitive spur, drawing a lewd half moan, half growl from him. 

"What's wrong Ven? Bit out of breath?" i throw my gaze over my shoulder to peer up at him, witnessing the lust unraveling his maintained expression; watching as the most primitive parts of him are brought to light. Deftly untucking the lip of his tunic, my nimble fingers finally find purchase on the naked flesh of main spur of his hip; his body turns as rigid as a washboard, "Jane.."  he says my name like a curse, but all the while, like a blessing.

Grasping my hand, gentler now, he returns it to it's place on his desk; I feel him grind against me, before hearing the rustling of buttons being undone.  it's all too much, unable to contain myself, i whimper impatiently; almost certain I'm dripping down the front of his desk in the wake of his frivolous teasing. 

Soon his head is rubbing at my entrance, the scent of our combined sex filled the room, so much so it was nearly dizzying; but it was the fuel for his fire, finally breaking his precious control. 

Surging forward, he takes me to the hilt, bottoming out before grunting loud enough for me to feel the vibrations rumble through us both; his plates press into me flushly from behind, reminding me just why turians were my favorite species. His talons grip my waist, digging into my hips just enough to draw blood; he pulls back slowly, testing the boundaries of my body. 

He reaches up and breaks my hair tie, only to fist up my hair in a tight but forgiving grip; snapping his hips forward instinctively, he begins to increase the pace of our coupling, until he's full out riding into me. 

"Jane," he growls in that deep gravelly voice, sounding like a choir of angels, "Be mine." 

There was no warning, no build up, not even a twitch, when he hilted himself once more, i was thrown aimlessly into the heavenly abyss like never before.

During the height of my climax, I manage to cry out, "Yes, spirits! Venari Pallin, Ah-"  a particularly hard thrust cut me off, as I'm swept up in another climax, "I'm yours!"

Grunting, he leans over me, releasing my hair; he latches onto the crook of my neck, careful for veins, and bt down like a vice. All i can do is cry out and reel at the wonderful mixture of pain and pleasure.

Releasing a deep, encompassing purr, venari sheaths himself one last time before spilling himself inside of me; a knot began forming, linking us together for a moment, mother natures way of ensuring pregnancy. He withdraws his teeth, gently smoothing his tongue over the wound, cleaning it of blood.

"mmmhmm," he starts to purr again before brushing a talon through my hair, "Mine." 

I hope you enjoyed it, i know i did :D

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