A Certain Sky Slayer Mages in...

By MisakaMikoto_Railgun

2.8K 122 33

Mikoto Misaka has a younger adopted sister named Wendy and same goes with Kuroko Shirai has a step sister nam... More

The Electromaster
Wind Manipulators (Part 1)
Wind Manipulators (Part 2)
The Truth
Strong Feelings
Saving Wendy
The New Member of Judgement
Poltergeisting at the Festival
Awkward Day
Dark Magic
Sky Sisters with Railgun VS Dark Mage
A Certain Magical Cat
Swimsuit Modeling
A Certain Confused Feelings (Romeo x Uiharu Story)
Mental Out
Shokuhou's Objective
The Ability Game Competition
Magic Portal
The Ability Game Competition (Last Day)
Penalty Game
Wendy's Childhood Friend
Transfer Student
Love Triangle
Shadow Demon Slayer Mage
Carla's Job
Saving Chelia
Wendy Please Tell Me You Love Me
Hidden Feelings Revealed
Mating Season of the Lightning Dragon Slayer
The Mark
Double Date Incident
Inferno District
The Fight of the Goddesses
Wendy is Sick

The Ability Game Competition (Day 2)

39 2 1
By MisakaMikoto_Railgun

Narrator's POV

After eating their lunch, Misuzu, Sherry and Carla decided to go in Fiore to ask Grandeeney about how to lock the magic portal in between the world of mages and the humans. Mikoto and the girls saw them leaving the school. They try to ask where are they going. And Misuzu said that they have something should be taking care of like visiting their great grand mother, Grandeeney. Sherry told them to get back to their competition. The girls get back to the field where the event is on going. Then the competition starts. The game is all about the strength and limits of an esper. The 1st pair to match were Maaya Awatsuki from Dragon's Team and (Unnamed student from A Certain Team of Espers, Level 3 Telekinesis). Then Maaya Awatsuki won the match. The next match would be Yuri Sakibasu from Royalty Team and Kuroko Shirai from Goddess Team. Yuri Sakibasu decides to compete using her Stativarious (most expensive violin), Kuroko Shirai agreed to her offer and each of them must be playing for an exact time of 3 mins. Kuroko Shirai won the match by Yuri Sakibasu declares defeat. Meanwhile Misuzu, Sherry and Carla went to a cave then finally they saw Grandeeney. They talked about how the magic portal will be locked. Then Grandeeney taught them about the Forbidden Spell Book that have a lot of spells including how to lock and unlock the magic portal. But according to Grandeeney, the Forbidden Spell Book vanished after a certain dark mage used to open the magic portal. Will they manage to find that book?

Present Time

Today is the 2nd day of the Ability Games Competition. Misuzu, Sherry, Carla, Uiharu and Romeo are there to watch the game event.

Mikoto: Mama you're here
Wendy: Did you talk to great grand mother?
Misuzu: Yes sweetie. (patting Wendy's head)

Chelia stares at Wendy

Chelia: Aww! She's cute!
Sherry: Now, now Chelia go ask her a date if you really like her.
Chelia: (Blushes deep red) I did. But it's not a date I guess. We just hangout last time.
Kuroko: Come on guys we should prepare ourselves for this competition.
Mikoto: Yeah! You'll gonna loose, cause our team's gonna win. Hehehe (boastful tone)
Kuroko: Fine! Say whatever you want Sissy. You just wait and see.
Misuzu and Sherry: Now, now enough you two. It's time for the game.
Girls: Right!
Uiharu: Goodluck! you guys!

Announcer: Good morning! Today's the 2nd day for The Ability Games Competition. For today's game will be the Balloon Hunter. The mechanics of this game are each teams should pop the opponents teams balloon using sand balls you're carrying. The team who still have their balloons will be the winner. Oh before I forgot Mikoto Misaka cannot use her electric shocks in this game.

Mikoto: (Sighs!) As usual.

Announcer: And Misaki Shokuhou cannot use her Mental Out in this game too. But instead, you can use it for instructing your team's strategy.

Shokuhou: Whatever.

Announcer: Now let's begin.

The teams run to the maze and chase their opponents.

Kongou: I am Mitsuko Kongou of Tokiwadai and from Dragon's Team. No one's going to defeat my team.
Mikoto: Come on guys let's split up and get those opponents' balloons.
Dragon's Team girls: Right!

Goddess Team also have the same plan with the Dragon's Team.

Meanwhile in Royalty Team

Shokuhou: (Uses her telepathy) Ok girls. Listen up, Kobayashi and I will be your instructors. Now this is the plan Cat Claw may use her ability to distract those girls by instructing her rodents. Junko, you may use your speed try not to caught up by everyone. Our main problem is Mikoto Misaka. She's fast as you can see. Just do whatever you can.

The other teams were defeated by Dragon's Team and Goddess Team. Which means there are only three teams were left in this battle. But then when the Dragon's Team and Goddess Team tries to attack each other, the Goddess team were defeated by Royalty Team. Which means the battle is between Dragon's Team and Royalty Team.

Chelia: Wendy win this game for us.
Wendy: Ok. We'll do it!

The girls from Royalty Team surrounds Mikoto and tries to pop her balloon. But then Mikoto manage to pop Kobayashi and Cat Claw's balloons.

Mikoto: Hahaha. So it's just only you three left!
Shokuhou: (Uses her telepathy) Alright! Let's all get Misaka's balloo...

Shokuhou did not finnished what she's instructing her team cause Wendy uses her wind magic in order to lift her sand balls then hit the balloons of her team's opponents.

Announcer: Wow! It looks like Dragon's Team are undefeated. The winner of this game will be the powerful, Dragon's Team! I guess dragons are trully strong.

This is the updated scores of each teams

1st Dragon's Team - 50 pts
2nd Goddess Team - 38 pts
3rd Royalty Team - 35 pts
4th Glamour Knights - 15 pts
5th A Certain Team of Espers - 15 pts

Kuroko: Geez! I thought we're gonna be 3rd place after that. I hate that Royalty Team. Especially Misaki Shokuhou. Grr!!!

Announcer: Alright folks! It's time for lunch. Get ready for the next game. This will be testing your strength and limits based on your personal reality.

Mikoto: Alright Wendy, let's find Kuroko's team.
Wendy: Yeah.
Kuroko: Hey Sissy! I gotta say, your team's pretty strong.
Mikoto: Hold on! The event is just getting started. Maybe you're team gonna win next.
Kuroko: (smiles) Yeah.

Chelia comes to the three of them.

Chelia: Wendy! (Hugs Wendy so tight like she missed her.)
Wendy: (Grunting) Chelia! You're choking me! Let me go!
Chelia: No. I don't think so. (Still hugging Wendy)

Then Misuzu, Sherry, Carla, Uiharu and Romeo comes to the four of them.

Uiharu: Congratulations guys!
Romeo: Wendy, you're awesome!
Wendy: (smiles)
Uiharu: (Looks down for a while, trying to get Romeo's attention.)
Chelia: (Glares at Romeo) (Looks at Uiharu)
Romeo: Oh I'm sorry. You're awesome too Uiharu. (Pats Uiharu's head)
Uiharu: (smiles)
Misuzu: Alright that's enough. Now, let's go to the family restaurant.
Wendy: Yay! I'm gonna eat 4 plates of steak! (acts like a spoiled brat)
Chelia: Wow! You're really hungry little kid. (teasing Wendy)
Wendy: Hey don't call me little kid! (pouts) (looks embarrassed)
Chelia: (giggles) (In her mind: Aww! she's so cute! This is what I like her, when she feels embarrassed.)

They went inside the restaurant and they ordered lots of steak, as Wendy requests. While the girls are eating their meals. Misuzu and Sherry starts planning about getting the Forbidden Spell Book.

Sherry: What now?
Misuzu: We need to use the independent guild named Crime Sociere, which are Jellal, Ultear and Meredy. Maybe they know where that book is.

Mikoto looks at their mothers.

Mikoto: Mama, what did you and great grand mother talked about yesterday?
Misuzu: Nothing's important. We only wanna visit her.
Mikoto: (Raises her one eyebrow) Are you sure? But I'm guessing you're hiding another secret from us again.
Misuzu: (Sighs deeply) We'll talk about this matter after this competition.
Mikoto: Ok!

After they ate their meals. They went back to the field. Before the event starts Wendy and Mikoto sense dark magic in the air. They also smell that the wind is poisonous. Wendy goes to Chelia's team.

Chelia: Wendy! What are you doing here?
Wendy: Come with me.
Chelia: Ok! If that's what you want.

Wendy and Chelia goes near by the poisonous air. Both of them use their healing spell to purify the air.

Wendy: Whew! That was close.
Chelia: Is it Zeref who did this again?
Wendy: I don't know.
Chelia: But we did defeat him last time.

Mikoto and Kuroko came to them.

Mikoto: What's wrong here?
Wendy: There's poison in the air. So we used our healing spell to purify it.
Kuroko: Perhaps Zeref is still alive.
Mikoto: (Thinking) That's what Mama's secret is.
Wendy: She tries to protect us again.
Chelia: Yeah! But we can't just stand here we should do something about it.
Kuroko: We should wait for our mothers to talk about it.
Mikoto: Right! The only thing we can do for now is to observe our surroundings. Wendy and I will use our sense of smell. Dragon Slayers have a great sense of smell. As for you two Kuroko and Chelia, try to use other senses to sense dark magic.
Kuroko and Chelia: Right!
Mikoto: Now, let's go back to the competition.

The girls went back to their teams and the events starts.

Announcer: Good Afternoon everyone! As we resume to our Ability Games Competition. Each teams must select one member to participate this game. As I mentioned to you earlier. This game is about to strength and to push your limits by using your personal reality. The match begins.

For our first match we have from Dragon's Team, Wendy Marvell Misaka VS. Goddess Team's Chelia Blendy Shirai.

Mikoto and Kuroko: (shocked) WHAT!

Chelia: Oh no! I don't want to hurt my Wendy.
Kuroko: But you don't have a choice, they choose randomly. Just go to the battle field and do your best.
Chelia: Ok.

Chelia goes to the match but then she trip on the ground. But then same goes to Wendy.

Wendy: Alright! Let's do the friendly battle. Ready?
Chelia: (Nodds) I won't gonna take easy on you.

Wendy uses her wind manipulation ability in order to create a huge tornado then she casts away to hit Chelia. Chelia managed to dodge her first attack by jumping in the air. She also manipulates the air by creating two black wind tornadoes and casts to hit Wendy. The two of them can't use their magic spells in order not to disqualify their match. This battle is only for espers.

Announcer: Wow! These girls are having the same ability. I wonder which of them gonna win this match.

Wendy: You know what Chelia. This is fun!
Chelia: Yeah I never knew we're gonna play this way.
Wendy: Let's continue this game. We're like in the video games like we were playing last time when we hangout together.
Chelia: Yeah! Like our first date! Hehe

The girls continues the match. Both Wendy and Chelia eats the air then without saying the spell, they did the roar and howl. The whole crowd manage to hold on something cause the wind is so strong that they might fly away to the sky.

Announcer: Whoa! What a great wind. I guess they shall be promoted from Level 4 to Level 5 Wind Manipulators.

Wendy and Chelia use their wind kicks and wind fists to fight each other until the time is over.

Announcer: The winner's of this match are Wendy Marvell Misaka from Dragon's Team and Chelia Blendy Shirai from Goddess Team. Which means this is another draw for the both teams.

The crowd cheers to the both of them.

Misuzu and Sherry: Whoo! Hoo! That's my girl! (cheers so proudly)

Both Wendy and Chelia heal each other's wound and their stamina. Then they walk back to their teams. While they were walking, the faculty staffs and their principal congratulates them.

Principal: I see that your abilities are getting strong. Perhaps we will report your ability to our database that you're no longer a level 4 but you're both now level 5s. I'm so proud of my students reaching this kind of level.

Wendy: (smiles) Thank you Principal.
Chelia: (smiles) And I thank you too.

Announcer: Moving on, the next match is from Glamour Knights, (Unnamed Student, Level 4 Gravahand/Soil manipulator) VS. Dragon's Team, Kongou Mitsuko.

Mikoto: Come on Kongou! You can win this!
Kongou: (blushes) I will for you and our team. No one assults Mitsuko Kongou of Dragon's Team. (speaks show off style)
Kuroko: Grrr!!! That girl! (glares at Kongou)

Announcer: The battle begins.

A certain student uses her ability to create a golem.

Kongou: Is that a golem? Whatever it is I must fight with that thing.

Kongou uses her aerohand ability on a certain road block to create a small jet, she launches the jet and bumps to the golem then the golem explode.

Kongou: Ahahaha. Is that the best you can do?
A certain student: We'll see about that. (glares at Kongou)

A certain student manipulates the soil then it became a golem but then this time the golem holds Kongou and tries to squeeze her.

Mikoto: Kongou! (shouts worriedly)
Kongou: (Grunting) Ahh! I can't move!
A certain student: Why don't you try to give up now? Dragon's Team
Kongou: Our team declares that we are undefeated! I will not g-ggooing t-to g-ggiive up. (still squeezing by golem)

Kongou tries to use her aerohand ability by force then the golems hand explode. She also manipulates the golem and transform into large golem made of jets. She use her jet golem to attack her opponent.

Kongou: Everyone, this is my Ekaterina the 2nd. And as of now, you cannot defeat me.
A certain student: Damn it!
Kongou: Now attack! (points to her opponent)

A certain student creates more golems surrounds Kongou and her jet golem. Then Kongou use the road blocks to create jets that will hit the golem. The golems explode then when the surrounding air is clear everyone sees Kongou's opponent grab and squeezes by her jet golem. Kongou's opponent declares her defeat and she gives up on the match.

Announcer: The winner for this match goes to Mitsuko Kongou from Dragon's Team.

Mikoto and her team cheers to her braveness in fight.

Announcer: Ok this is over for todays event. Tomorrow will know who will be the best team of espers. Have a good rest to all of you.

Mikoto: (stretch her arms) Ahh! This is another tiring day.
Kuroko: Yeah
Wendy: (Stomach growling) I'm hungry right now.
Mikoto, Kuroko and Chelia: (giggles)
Mikoto: Alright! Let's eat!



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