Falling For My Bully {Complet...

By muslimah_07

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Amira was called everything in the book. Fat, ugly, stupid, a worthless nobody. Suddenly she leaves for Turke... More

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[Another A/N]
Eid Mubarak
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Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chpater 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

[7] Edited

11.4K 862 116
By muslimah_07

**Amira's P.O.V.**

It's been two days since the incident at Mazin's house. We haven't had another tutoring session since then and I couldn't be more grateful. The two of us didn't talk, but I would sometimes look up and catch him giving me this intense stare. Whenever he caught me looking, he would automatically look away and once I think I even saw him blush, which was a rare sight to see. I didn't understand why he would be blushing, but weirder things have happened.

"Amira, please pay attention," my English teacher scolds.

I nod and try to focus on what she's teaching us, but it's hard to concentrate. We got a new student today, named Adam, and he had been glancing in my direction every few minutes. It was a little unnerving. What was he looking at? He probably thought I was ugly, just like everybody else. I didn't understand why people had to hurt others. I was always taught that some people make fun of others to feel better about themselves, but I never understood how. I mean who got pleasure out of hurting someone else? I couldn't even hurt people that hurt me.

"Partner up with the person closest to you," the teacher says, interrupting my thoughts.

Adam just so happens to be the closest one to me. Great.

"Hey I'm-"

"Adam. Yeah I know," I interrupt, "Let's get this over with."

"Okay," he replies, looking a little dejected that I brushed him off. I only did it because I don't want him to ruin his reputation by talking to me. That would be social suicide. I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just doing him a favor.

He suddenly smiles again, leaning in closer to me. I flinch back a little, which confuses him, but I'm just not used to being close to anyone unless it's because they want to hurt me.

"Did I say something wrong?" He asks.

"No, nothing is wrong. Sorry, I'm just a little jumpy."

He doesn't seem to believe me, but he just smiles and we begin the assignment together. We're supposed to ask each other questions to get to know each other better.

"So have you ever had a boyfriend?"

"Um. No," I reply, confused as to why the teacher would care about our relationship history.

"Have you ever kissed a boy?"

"Absolutely not."

"Have you ever-"

"No. Are these questions even on the list?" I ask angrily, my cheeks burning red.

"Nope. But these questions are boring, so I thought I'd spice things up a bit," he says with a grin.

Normally I would be mad, but all I can manage is a laugh. I've never laughed like this with anyone before. Adam was being extremely friendly to me and I was giving him the cold shoulder at first, thinking it would help him, but somehow he still got me to open up more than anyone else ever could.

"I think we're going to be great friends Amira," he says, playfully putting his arm around my shoulder.

I don't even cringe this time. I feel as if someone is staring at me and I glance across the room to find Mazin looking at us, particularly at Adam's arm around me, with a scowl on his face. Jeez, what's his problem? I turn around and Adam and I go back to questioning each other, with me thinking why Mazin looked like he was going to kill someone.

**Mazin's P.O.V.**

Why did Adam put his arm around Amira? Are they together or something? I thought she didn't like to be touched anyways. She shrank in fear when I tried to touch her hand yesterday.

Well Adam didn't hurt her like you did.

I hate when my mind is right. Adam didn't cause her years of pain. He didn't scare her. He didn't hurt her, both physically and emotionally. No, he didn't do any of those things. But I did. I did all of that and more. How was I supposed to make up for it though? How was I supposed to show her that I was sorry? How was I supposed to prove to her that I had changed. It was hard just thinking about it. How do you get someone you bullied for years to forgive you?

Adam had been walking her to all her classes today. They already seemed to be great friends. I would always see them laughing and talking loudly together in the hallways. They even ate lunch together. The whole cafeteria had been watching them. It was strange for everyone to see Amira talking and laughing with someone, to see her actually enjoying herself for once.

All the girls had also taken a liking to Adam. Apparently they found him "cute". A couple girls had tried sucking up to Amira to get closer to him, while others were angry that she was in the way. I'd overheard a couple girls saying that Amira and Adam were actually a "couple". I was hoping that was just a rumor though because I didn't want that to be true. I didn't want her to date him, but I didn't even know why.

You're jealous.

Am I? I wasn't sure. It pissed me off whenever I saw them close together and whenever his arm was around her. It seemed like he liked her as more than just a friend. But Amira was too oblivious to see it. She didn't notice how he looked at her. I couldn't tell how she felt about him though. She didn't look at him the same way he looked at her, but whenever he put his arms around her she didn't stop him. She let him. So maybe she liked him as well? That thought pained my heart.

It would only pain your heart if you liked her.

My eyes widen as I realize this. I had feelings for Amira. The realization made me smile, but then I realized who I had feelings for. Amira, a girl who couldn't even look me in the eye, who hated my guts, who I had hurt so much. That turned my smile into a frown. I stood no chance against Adam, heck against anyone else. Adam was a nice guy, he was always making Amira laugh, and he could obviously make her happy. Why would she ever want to be with someone like me? All I could do for her is hurt her and bring her pain. I had never made her smile or laugh, I had probably destroyed her self-esteem, and I had no doubt made her terrified to ever trust someone again.

Adam was slowly breaking her out of her shell. She was always smiling and laughing now. She looked the happiest I'd ever seen her. She stopped being uneasy around people, heck I'd even see her talk back to a girl that had insulted her. She was finally happy. And I wasn't about to destroy her. That's all I wanted right? All I wanted was for her to be happy. I wanted her forgiveness, but seeing her happy was enough for me. If Adam could make her happy, then she deserved it. She deserved that and so much more. She deserved a guy that could treat her with respect, that could make her smile and laugh, that could give her unconditional love, and make her so happy.

As long as she was happy, it was fine by me. Even if I wanted to tear Adam's arm off whenever he put it around her.

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