Being Parents

By acarolnmartins

326K 3.5K 4.9K

Over 110,000 reads!! After the Golden Trio plus Ginny have been through so much in their short lives, are the... More

Telling Harry
The Weasley's Reaction
Telling Teddy
Carrier Changes
Godparents' Secrets
Christmas Spirit
New Year's Rough Start
New Beginnings
Old Grudges and Lovers
Bonded for Life
A Trip Down Memory Lane
Girl Talk
Meet J.S.P.
Couple Time
Party Much
Place Your Bets
First Times
Trick or Love
A Tradition of Sorts
Love Vacationing
Meetings In Diagon Alley
New Friendships
Best Gift Ever
Boy Talk
Red It Is
Christmas Madness
Lateness Nightmare
Love Is In The Air
New Additions
Potter Vacation
Ten Years Later
Wedding of the Century

A Family of Families

9.5K 121 129
By acarolnmartins

The Weasley's youngest son woke up that Christmas morning with his wife kissing his shoulder, making her way through his neck until she finally reached his lips. It was the couple's first holiday since they've been married. 

"Well, Happy Christmas to you too!" Ron said after a long morning snog session. Hermione blushed and smiled to him. She couldn't be happier than she was at that exact moment. Both got up and after much of Ron's insisting, they headed to the living room instead of the kitchen so they could exchange their gifts before breakfast.

"Very well, since I've married a child, you'll probably like your gift." Hermione announced picking up a blue package from beneath the medium sized tree they had put up together. Ron grinned and pulled the present off her hand. He rapidly wrecked the wrapping to get to the present inside. When he did so, he noticed a brand new wizard chess set. "I was thinking back to when we met and how amazed I was by your chess abilities. It was that ability that helped us on our first year." She explained. Ron was through the roof with his new board game and kissed Hermione several times to thank her. 

"Can I bring it the Burrow to play with Harry?" Ron asked as if he was 5 years old. Hermione just rolled her eyes and nodded. "Now, your present," he searched between all the wrapping beneath the tree they would have to bring to the Burrow later for lunch and finally found a small package with yellow wrapping paper. "I hope you like it" he completed handling her the present. After she took the wrapping off and opened the little box, she gasped in surprise. It was a pendent with both their Patronus. 

"WOW, it is beautiful, Ronald! Thank you!" Hermione said with tearing eyes, before she kissed him again. Soon though the kiss deepened and they ended up forgetting all about breakfast and just stayed on couch, thanking each other for their gifts. 


At Grimmauld Place, the young couple was sleeping deeply, holding each other after a night of passion when suddenly they felt something jumping up and down on top of them. Ginny turned on her back and slowly opened her eyes to check what was causing the noise and bothering her sleep only to find Teddy waking them up. Automatically she pushed the blankets to cover her up as a reflex rather than a need and nudged Harry. The young man was exalted but soon was laughing at his godson's excitement.

"It's Christmas, it's Christmas!" The boy screamed when he realized both adults were already awake.

"I see you're all better, hah, Teddy boy?" Ginny joked. The boy went a little red, but was grinning the next instant, begging them to get up to go to the tree. Harry and Ginny exchanged a smile before getting up and heading to the drawing room. Ginny went with Teddy while Harry stepped into Mrs. Tonks room to wake her up. 

Moments later, all the three adults were sitting around the tree, watching Teddy unwrap his gifts. He thanked Harry and Ginny with a big hug for his new training snitch but wasn't too thrilled for his grandmother's clothes, as it's expected for a five-year-old. When they thought it was done, Teddy took a little envelop from under the tree and handed to his godparents, smiling. Harry took it from him and opened, taking out a parchment with a drawing of himself, Ginny, Teddy and a baby. 

"Mummy, daddy, me and new brother" Teddy said pointing as both Ginny and Harry's eyes started to water. Ginny called him for another hug and after she kissed the little boy's forehead he caught her baby bump and kissed it softly. Ginny couldn't hold it and started openly to cry. "Mummy, don't cry! I love you!" Teddy said, thinking he had done something wrong. Harry caught Teddy and placed on his lap.

"She's not crying because she's sad, bud, it's because she is happy!" Harry explained to his godson while Ginny nodded, agreeing with him but not being able to stop the tears.

"If she's happy, why she's not smiling?" Teddy asked.

"It's because there are two types of tear, sweetie." Andromeda answered this time, smiling widely to her grandson. "The happy tears and the sad tears. You should be worried when they are sad tears.” 

Teddy nodded, not understanding completely, but clearly accepting the explanation. Harry gave him a hug and told him to go get his broom toy to play with his new snitch. After the boy left, he asked Andromeda if she could keep an eye on Teddy, while he took Ginny to her present. Harry lifted Ginny from the couch and leaded her to the basement. There he summoned some robes and stepped into the Floo, instructing his wife to go to their new house.

"Potter Cottage" Harry yelled while letting go of the powder.

When Ginny stepped out of the Floo at their new kitchen, Harry immediately covered her eyes with a blind, stealing a quick kiss while doing it. 

"Hey, Harry, you are starting to be too weird. Why the eyeblind?" She asked, trying to figure out what her husband was trying to achieve with all that. "Your present isn't sex in the new house, is it?" 

Harry started to laugh really hard making a mental note as how great idea was that. "No, although it would have been quite easier if it was." He leaded them outside and placed her on a good spot to clearly see the three large goal posts, composing half a Quidditch pitch. "Ready?" Harry asked before taking her blind off. Finally when Ginny saw the posts out on her backyard, she started to frenetically sob, grabbing Harry for a tight hug. 

"So, did you like it?" Harry slowly asked, not being sure of her reaction to the gift. "I know you'll only be able to use it after James is born, but still, I thought you would like to be able to play a proper Quidditch when you want, after you left the Harpies. I know how hard that must've been on you and you haven't said a word about it."  

Ginny stopped her sobbing, turning to a soft tearing instead. She took in her husband's words, before she grinned ear to ear. "I loved it, Harry! Of course I love it! Oh, honey, yes it was hard to leave the Harpies." She admitted, finally externalizing her fear of never being able to figure out what to do next. Harry took Ginny inside and listened to everything she had to say while they cuddled comfortably on their new couch. When she was done, he was smiling.

"What are you smiling about?" She asked.

"I'm glad you shared your fears with me. I missed talking like this. We've been so busy with everything around us that we haven't done it for a while." He said, kissing her softly on the lips. Ginny smiled between the kiss before turning it to a more passionate one. Though, before anything happened, Harry parted the kiss, remembering Teddy and Mrs. Tonks back at Grimmauld Place. 

"Yeah, you're right." Ginny sadly agreed when they headed to kitchen to Floo back. "I forgot we are mummy and daddy already."


George and Angelina were the last ones to finally arrive at the Burrow that late Christmas morning for the traditional lunch with the whole Weasley clan. Mrs. Weasley was getting worked up while everyone else was just chilling in the living room chatting about the presents each one had given the other. Teddy and Victoire were excitedly playing with one another near the tree with all the gifts they had gotten from everyone else. 

"And then he said 'There's mummy, daddy, me and my new brother'. How does one hold their tears?" Ginny told the rest of the family about Teddy's little surprise that morning. All the women had given up holding their tears and the men were still trying to keep it together. Harry was holding Ginny on the couch, caressing her belly when George came into the room.

"Don't you get tired of that, Harry?" He joked before he had his mother hugging him as usual.

"I guess not," Harry answered grinning. "I think you'll understand it someday, right, Bill, Arthur?" Both men nodded in agreement.

"Maybe soon enough. Guys, we have something to announce!" And with that everyone went silent and stared at the couple. "We are engaged!"

"And I'm pregnant!" Angelina said before anyone could absorb the previous news.

And with that the whole room exploded with the double news. Everyone, except Ginny who preferred to continue where she was, got up to congratulate the couple for their announcements. As lunch was ready, all the Weasley's and Potter's excitedly talked about the upcoming year that already promised them so much. Two work promotions, a wedding and two additions to the family, 2004 would indeed be a very full year. 


After lunch, the mothers and mothers-to-be gathered in the kitchen to talk about pregnancy and baby related subjects. Ginny and Fleur were sharing their experiences with Angelina, with the Do and Don'ts and also on how to manipulate her future husband on doing stuff for her. 

"Oh, I manage to get Harry to do all sorts of things for me. It's getting kind of old actually." Ginny laughed as she told how she got Harry to get her toe nails fixed as she couldn't see them anymore. "But did my brother proposed to you after you told him you were pregnant or before?"

"Believe it or not, before! We got up and went to the tree to exchange presents and he got down on his knees and made this beautiful speech and asked me to be his wife. I started crying and said 'We accept'. It took his awhile to figure that out!" She explained, laughing with the last bit.

"I wouldn't expect anything different!" Mrs. Weasley joked.  

Suddenly, two toddlers appeared from the living room running around the table the women were sitting, giving a couple of turns before returning back from where they came.

"No running, Teddy!"

"Act like a lady, Vic!"

Ginny and Fleur screamed at the same time, scolding their respective child. They exchanged a glance, before grinning and finally laughing. Who would think Ginny would end up having fun with her sister-in-law. Mrs. Tonks was grinning softly at the two. 

"They really like each other!" The older witch noted. 

"They've been growing up together forever. I think is really cute!" Ginny replied. 

"Molly, you must be really proud for your daughter." Mrs. Tonks added.

"Yeah, I am." Molly automatically answered. "But, why am I proud?" 

"Your daughter is a really gifted mother. I see it with Ted, she’s a natural! So is Harry. Your baby is very lucky." Andromeda explained. Ginny grinned self-consciously while turning seriously blushed. 


Back at the living room, Hermione was holding an asleep baby Dominique while she sat with the kids by the tree. Harry noticed how she was alone and excused himself from the chat with the other Weasley's men. He went to his best friend and sat down with her. 

"Hey, why is it you're not with the rest of the girls in the kitchen?" Harry asked.

"Oh, I don't know... They are talking about pregnancy and baby stuff. I just felt a little out of place, you know?"

Harry considered her words before saying anything. "It's not because we are all having kids that you have to be too, Hermione. You and Ron have just gotten married. Enjoy it!"

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I want to think about my career as well. And I'll have James to spoil and have fun with, right?" As Harry nodded, Ron came to them just as Hermione reveled their godson's name. 

"You've picked out a name already?" Ron asked peppery. 

Harry turned quickly and hushed him to shut up just as the men talking by the couch turned their heads. "Yeah, we've picked out a mission name already!" Harry said a little louder. When the others thought the couple of Aurors were talking about business, they returned to their conversation without a question. 

"Oh, I'm sorry, Harry!" Hermione excused her, blushing of embarrassment. 

"No problem, Hermione. And, yes, Ron, we have." Harry finally answered. "I guess there's no problem for you to know since it's your godson." He played. 

Ron grinned and started to talk about all the plans he had to do with his unborn nephew/godson. Harry smiled at his friend's excitement and was surprised to her Hermione joining him at the planning making as well. I guess whenever me and Ginny need some time alone I know what to do then, Harry thought internally giggling. 

"Have you thought about his middle name yet?" Ron asked with a tone like he wanted to suggest one. 

"Actually, Ron, Ginny and I were meaning to ask your opinion about it. Do you have something in mind?" 

Ron hesitated a bit, before answering. "As a matter of fact, I do." He paused to look to his friend's green eyes before carrying on. "You are honoring your dad, right? What about your dad's best friend and also your godfather?"

"Sirius?" Hermione pointed out. 

"James Sirius Potter. I liked that." 

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