A Certain Sky Slayer Mages in...

By MisakaMikoto_Railgun

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Mikoto Misaka has a younger adopted sister named Wendy and same goes with Kuroko Shirai has a step sister nam... More

The Electromaster
Wind Manipulators (Part 1)
Wind Manipulators (Part 2)
The Truth
Strong Feelings
Saving Wendy
The New Member of Judgement
Poltergeisting at the Festival
Awkward Day
Dark Magic
Sky Sisters with Railgun VS Dark Mage
A Certain Magical Cat
Swimsuit Modeling
A Certain Confused Feelings (Romeo x Uiharu Story)
Mental Out
The Ability Game Competition
Magic Portal
The Ability Game Competition (Day 2)
The Ability Game Competition (Last Day)
Penalty Game
Wendy's Childhood Friend
Transfer Student
Love Triangle
Shadow Demon Slayer Mage
Carla's Job
Saving Chelia
Wendy Please Tell Me You Love Me
Hidden Feelings Revealed
Mating Season of the Lightning Dragon Slayer
The Mark
Double Date Incident
Inferno District
The Fight of the Goddesses
Wendy is Sick

Shokuhou's Objective

41 3 2
By MisakaMikoto_Railgun

Narrator's POV

It is already 8 am when Mikoto wakes up, she goes to bathroom to take a shower. While she's taking her shower, she's thinking if Kuroko and Chelia were ok. When she left the bathroom, she greets Wendy.

Mikoto: Hey Wendy. The bath is all yours.
Wendy: Ok big sister. Hey Big sister.
Mikoto: Uh huh?
Wendy: Is Chelia and Kuroko-neechan will be fine? (worried look)
Mikoto: I guess so. I also worried about them since yesterday. After you take a shower we should go check on them.
Wendy: Ok.

Wendy enters the bathroom and take a shower. After Wendy gets out the shower room, she and her big sister left the room. The two of them split in two rooms to check on both of them. When they knock the door, there's no one picking nor answer. Until they noticed that the door is unlock, so they enters the room. When they open the two rooms, they're not there. So the two of them decides to eat at the dining hall since that Wendy's stomach is growling same goes to Mikoto. When they get to the dining hall, they finally see Kuroko and Chelia eat together then they walk close to them.

Mikoto: Hey Kuroko, Chelia. Mind if we join you eating? (smiles relief)
Kuroko: Hey don't call me by my first name, we're not even acquaintance.
Mikoto: Huh?
Chelia: Kuroko-neechan, do we know them?
Wendy: Yes. We're classmates remember?
Chelia: Really?
Kuroko: I don't know very much of them. This girl is Mikoto Misaka, they call her Railgun and she's Wendy Misaka, her sister.

Both Mikoto and Wendy have a confused look on their faces. Then Kuroko speaks to them.

Kuroko: Look. But if you're in trouble Chelia and I will help you.
Chelia: Excuse us.

Kuroko and Chelia leaves Mikoto and Wendy on that table and still they can't believe that both Kuroko and Chelia forget about them.

Mikoto: (Stands up and hits the table) Damn Shokuhou! You're messing with my friends!
Wendy: She also messing up with us! (getting so pissed)
Mikoto: Come on Wendy let's look for that girl. (growls angrily)

The girls decided to split up and look for Shokuhou they went on a park, under the bridge, anywhere else, and  there's no sign of her.

Meanwhile with Kuroko and Chelia

Kuroko: Railgun! When I heard that Railgun, my heart beats so fast.
Chelia: Well then when I look at the Railgun's sister, my heart beats so fast too. I think I'm inlove with her. Maybe you and Railgun would be a good pair.
Kuroko: WHAT! (blushes in deep red) N-No. That never gonna happen.
Chelia: Oh come on, just admit it. I think they were both nice.
Kuroko: That's enough! Let's patrol separately. I'll go right and you go to the left.
Chelia: Copy that. (smiling)

As the two of them patrols at the different directions. Chelia saw Wendy helps the girl who is surrounded by a group of guys.

Chelia: Hey there! You're not a member of Judgement to do this job. You need authorization from us before you beat those punks. You can get yourself into trouble. (She said it worriedly)
Wendy: Yes. I know, I just remember when I saved you when your 1st day in our dorms.
Chelia: Really? You managed to save me? (blushing) But I don't know what you're talking about.
Wendy: Just forget what I've said, I need to go now. (sad tone)

When Wendy walks away from Chelia. Chelia calls her.

Chelia: Hey wait!
Wendy: (stops walking) Huh?
Chelia: Do you think we were friends before?
Wendy: (nodds) Forget about what I've said before. I'm heading to the dorm now.
Chelia: Ok. Take care. Misaka-san.

Meanwhile with Kuroko patrolling at the right side she saw Mikoto zap the guys who's bothering her.

Kuroko: Hey there! You need to surrender now! I'm with Judgement!
Mikoto: Kuroko?
Kuroko: Explain what happened here.
Mikoto: I zapped those punks because they were bothering me.
Kuroko: Well then as I said earlier, if you're in trouble you can call me. I'm here patrolling everywhere. It's my job to protect you.
Mikoto: (blushed) Kuroko. (She hugs Kuroko and letting her go)
Kuroko: (In her mind: What is this feeling? I feel like I'm happy when she hugs me) Ok. I'll let you go for now. But I don't want to see you dealing with these punks again.
Mikoto: (nodds) Ok.

It is already curfew when Mikoto and Wendy meets at the park. The both of them decide to get to their dorm and then they go to their room with Carla.

Mikoto and Wendy: We're back. (Both of them looks sad)
Carla: Welcome home, you two. So how's Kuroko and Chelia?
Wendy: They forget about us.
Mikoto: Shokuhou used her abilities on them even our Head Resident seemed to be manipulated.
Carla: This is getting worst!
Mikoto: Yeah! Wendy and I will settle this matter from Shokuhou.

Meanwhile with Chelia's room (Room 209)

Chelia's POV

It is already curfew time after Misaka-san left me so I decide to meet Kuroko-neechan near Seventhmist to go to our dorm. When I entered my room, I saw a picture of me with Misaka-san together. I feel confused right now. Is Misaka-san and I were friends? And then I lay on my bed and starts thinking about her. Misaka-san, I wonder what is her first name? Her adorable face never gets out of my mind. When I see her tomorrow, I wanna talk to her.

Kuroko's Room (Room 208)

Kuroko's POV

As I walk in my room, I take a shower to relax my body. Then I sit on my chair and brush my hair until it gets dry. Then I grab some books to read and then I saw a photo album of Mikoto Misaka. What is this album doing in my room. But then I saw Sissy's secrets at the back cover of this album. Does Mikoto Misaka and I were friends? Am I calling her Sissy? Everytime I think about her, my heart beats miles away. Perhaps, I shall talk to her tomorrow.

Time skip, it is now morning. So Mikoto and Wendy decide to find Shokuhou. They went on a park, under the bridge, anywhere else, and  there's no sign of her. But then they finally saw Shokuhou in an open field that surrounds with cargo containers. (Location where Accelerator managed to kill the clones of Mikoto Misaka)

Mikoto: SHOKUHOU! (sparking)
Shokuhou: My, my, I'm expecting the two of you came here. (laughs)
Wendy: What do you want from us?
Shokuhou: I just want to settle things with you two.
Mikoto: Ok then! Let's fight! (sparking)
Shokuhou: Who said I can fight you two. When these girls can fight for me. (chuckles)
Mikoto and Wendy: WHAT!!!
Mikoto: Kuroko!
Wendy: Chelia!
Shokuhou: So what now? Are you gonna fight them?
Mikoto: Shokuhou! (sparking)

Mikoto attacks Shokuhou using her electric shocks but Chelia creates a wind barrier to dodge her attack.

Shokuhou: Oh my, it seems I'm their queen now.
Mikoto: (growls so angrily) Like I said, what do you want? (sparking)
Shokuhou: What do I want? I want you two to suffer just like you killed my Junko Hokaze.
Mikoto: What?
Shokuhou: By the time when there's poltergeisting event, you managed to save Kongou but you did not managed to save her. And instead you use your electric shock. Then the books from the bookshelves fell on her body. She can't get up because she was bitten by a phyton. She did save me and our members of my clique to escape from the library and now she's gone. Because of you!
Mikoto: I'm sorry for not saving your friend. I did not see her body. But then I use my shocks in order to fight that mage.
Shokuhou: It's too late for now. Kuroko, I command you to kill Mikoto Misaka.
Mikoto: No! Kuroko!

When Kuroko tries to throw her darts, she feels like stabbing her heart.

Shokuhou: What now Kuroko! You can't kill her? You're not following your queen's order?
Kuroko: I guess I totally forget about Mikoto Misaka but still I believe that she's not only my friend! She's my Sissy!
Mikoto: Kuroko! Does your memory came back?
Kuroko: Yes. Sissy

Then all of them look at Wendy with her Dragon Force look.

Shokuhou: What the hell are you?
Wendy: Big sister, I used my Residual Thoughts of Enchantment to her in order to cancel her manipulating ability.
Shokuhou: You're not an esper?
Mikoto: Yes we are. I'm a Lightning Dragon Slayer and Wendy is a Sky Dragon Slayer.
Chelia: And I'm a Sky God Slayer.

Shokuhou tries to tap the remote switch to use her brainwashing ability on them. But it didn't work anymore. Cause Wendy and Chelia used their combined enchantments. Dragon Slayer's Secret Art: Shattering Light: Sky Drill !and God Slayer's Secret Art: Heavenly Gathering of Clouds! And Mikoto uses her powerful electric shock it is the combination of black and blue lightning tornadoes that will hit Shokuhou.

Mikoto: Ah! That was awesome! (smiles so happy)

After the fight, Kuroko contacts the Anti-skill in order to arrest Misaki Shokuhou for manipulating the students of Tokiwadai Middle School and the dorm staffs including their Head Resident.

Mikoto: Come on guys, let's go home.
Everyone: Ok!

The girls walk together, Mikoto grabs Kuroko's hand while Wendy holds Chelia's hand too. Kuroko and Chelia both blushed when their love ones holds their hands while they walk together.

Mikoto: Hey uh Kuroko.
Kuroko: What is it Sissy?
Mikoto: Can we uh, hangout tomorrow just the four of us?
Kuroko: Aww. Is it like a double date?
Mikoto: Well.....M-Maybe. (blushing)
Kuroko: Yes! (Kisses Mikoto's cheek)
Mikoto: (Blushes in deep red then she giggles)

Wendy: Hey uh Chelia.
Chelia: Yes Wen?
Wendy: I- I uh
Chelia: (Kisses Wendy's cheek) Come on Wen, you can do it. (Is she gonna return my feelings?)
Wendy: (blushes) I just wanted to say that I-I uh.........................................................................

I MISSED YOU! (blushes in deep red) (feels embarrassed then ran away)

Chelia: (Follows Wendy) Hey Wen! Come back here!

Then Shokuhou sends to the hospital to regain her strength. She is guarded by the Anti-skill until she recovers.


This is the end of this chapter. I hope you like it. ^_^

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