Death Girl [Nico di Angelo X...

By kaliko9876

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"An apple a day keeps the doctor away." "Is that why you keep a bag of apples on you?" "Yep!" (F/N) is your... More

Prologue - Different
Chapter One - Family Dinner
Chapter Two -Tree Girl
Chapter Three - The Big House
Chapter Four - Strawberry Bonding
Chapter Five - Hestia
Chapter Six - Butterflies
Chapter Seven - Special Delivery
Chapter Eight : A Dark Future
Chapter Nine - Invisible Girl
Chapter Eleven : Angel
Chapter Twelve - Where's (F/N)?
Chapter Thirteen : The Sacrifice
Chapter Fourteen - La chica fantasma
Chapter Fifteen : I Know Him
Chater Sixteen - Bed Time
Chapter Seventeen : Ares Children Be Like

Chapter Ten - Nightmares

2.4K 69 22
By kaliko9876

I stared quickly at the man who was happily munching on his food. He was big with red troll hair that stuck up in many places. His outfit suggested that of royalty. But that didn't matter.

I stood behind him holding chains. One that was going to hold him down to Tartarus forever. Even if I didn't know what Tartarus was, it sounded pretty bad.

The air around us was tense full of dread. The man had his back turned to me as he shivered feeling the tense atmosphere. He finally turned around and his eyes widened in fright.

"O-Oh Thanatos!" The king exclaimed closing his eyes to smile at me.

It was that name again. Thanatos. It must be the male's voice that came from me last time.

My body flinched as suspicion arose in my chest. My eyes narrowed to observe the troll man closely.

"King Sisyphus." The male's voice acknowledged as it gripped the silver cuffs tighter. "Its time for your death."

King Sisyphus kept his smile up as he got up from his seat and got closer to me. "Really? But do you mind if I see those cuffs of yours?"

"Why?" Thanatos questioned sounding suspicious.

"I mean I can just see the craftsmanship from here," Sisyphus responded looking down at the cuffs in my hands.


"Look at all the details." Sisyphus continued to gush on about the chains. He grabbed the chains that connected the two cuffs. "What are these made of?"

Confusion swept my body at this king who didn't at all seem concern about his untimely demise. Instead, he was fascinated with the handcuffs that were made for him. Sisyphus picked up the cuffs, not at all scared of his fate.

Why isn't he scared? Why isn't he trying to resist?

"And look how easy they snap on." A metallic clicking noise interrupted my thoughts as I looked down at my wrist. The cuff was snapped onto it.


Another metallic click. I stared at my other cuffed wrist.

Before my brain could understand what happened Sisyphus yanked the chained in between both cuffs forcing me to follow after him. Thanatos let out a grumble of curses at the king as he lead me down a hallway all the way to a bedroom.

He lead me to a small chest that had its lid open to reveal an empty chest. My heartbeat quicken as I nervously took a step back. It was so small, it would be suffocating in there. Sisyphus tugged the chain yanking me forward. I tripped over my own feet as my arms and head landed in the small chest.

Something touched my feet making me jump in surprise. "Well, this is the end Death."

The last thing I saw as Sisyphus shoved me into that chest was his grinning face before the whole world became black and a sharp pain erupted from my side.

3rd Point of View

"Hey, Luke!" Annabeth shouted running to her best friend with a smile on her face.

Luke turned around forcing a small smile onto his face. "Annabeth!" He shouted as the eleven-year-old reached his side.

Annabeth paused her own smile fading a bit into a concerned frown. Her grey eyes silently analyzed her blonde, blue-eyed friend who offered a lazy smile. She noticed the dark bags under his eyes with his smile not reaching his eyes.

All she could feel was concern for her childhood friend/crush.

"Luke, are you okay?" Annabeth asked curiously making the other blonde flinch a bit.

Luke let out a chuckle. "Yeah just a few nightmares, you know how it is."

Annabeth's frown seemed to deepen knowing what he meant. All demigods were used to having bad dreams usually for some lesson or if it was related to their quest. And she knew Luke has had nightmares ever since his last quest.

She didn't press the issue further.

Instead she glanced around hoping to see a small (h/c), haired child. But was instead meet with nothing.

"Did you ever talk to (F/N)?" Annabeth asked her friend.

Luke's grin returned as he remembered the eight-year-old girl. "Yeah, I managed to clear everything up." Annabeth smiled as Luke's blue eyes seemed to soften. But she couldn't dent a part of her felt a bit envious of the small child. "I actually need to wake her up."

"I'll come with you." Annabeth volunteered without hesitation. Luke nodded walking away with her by his side. "So, why were you avoiding her?"

"I just-" Luke sighed running a hand through his sandy locks. "I thought she hated me."

Annabeth wasn't too surprised by this revelation. About a week ago, Luke had told her the same thing. He was definitely nervous about (F/N) hating him. It was both adorable and strange.

"Turns out she doesn't hate me. She was worried that I hated her." Both of them laughed at the irony of the situation. "Now I just have to squeeze sword training into all of her other duties."

"I'm sure you'll figure it out," Annabeth told the blonde ignoring the way her cheeks warmed up a bit.

"Thanks for being by my side." Luke grinned opening the door to the Hermes cabin.

Annabeth's cheeks flushed a bit more as she entered his cabin. Luke followed after her. Both of them shivered involuntarily when the door closed.

The Hermes cabin was pretty messy with clothes and trinkets thrown about the room. Even some of the beds were lacking blankets and sheets. The windows allowed sunlight to pool in illuminating the cabin.

Though Annabeth and Luke weren't concerned with the mess. No, they were more concerned with the small whimpers that seemed to echo around the cabin.

Luke was the first one to snap out of his daze. He was quick to rush towards the whimpers. It took a second for Annabeth to register what was happening but once she came to her senses she followed after Luke.

Luke already knelt next to (F/N) who was letting out pained whimpers as she squirmed underneath her big black cloak. Annabeth knelt next to Luke watching as he gently shook the little girl's shoulders.

"(F/N)," Luke whispered gently not wanting to spook her.

(F/N) didn't seem to hear him as her eyebrows scrunched up. She looked like she was in pain.

Annabeth looked over the small girl noting the white sleeping bag underneath (F/N). Her black cloak was draped over her like some kind of makeshift blanket.

Annabeth's eyebrows furrowed slightly as she noted a slight texture change. It was subtle slightly poking out of (F/N)'s dark cloak. The cloak itself looked like a normal piece of cloth but this didn't. It almost looked like a feather.

Ignoring Luke's whispers to the sleeping girl. Annabeth inched closer to the weird feather thing. She lightly tugs on it earning a rather loud whimper from the sleeping girl. The feather disappeared into (F/N)'s dark cloak.

"Uh, Luke," Annabeth spoke up. Luke stopped to look at the eleven-year-old. She lifted up the black cloak tossing it off of (F/N)'s smaller frame.

Underneath the cloak (F/N) was wearing a (f/c) shirt with a pair of white basketball shorts and bare feet. But the pair weren't drawn to her clothes, no they were more focused on the pair of black wings attached to her back.

(F/N) was laying on her left side. The left-wing laid on the floor while the right one was slightly perked up circling the small child. There were rips in the back of her shirt where the wings had broken through.

"Wings?" Annabeth questioned as her brain tried to process this new information. "Black wings."

Unlike Annabeth, Luke was focused on (F/N)'s bareback. The once (s/c) skin had turned red around where the wings broke the skin. Luke felt slightly relieved when he didn't find any evidence of blood. He gently tapped the right black with causing it to curl onto (F/N)'s back with ease.

The girl in question moved slightly leading to her laying on her stomach. The left-wing only shifted slightly so it could rest better against the ground. The wing seemed to be at the least the length of (F/N)'s arm.

"At least she's not crying anymore," Luke remarked breaking the awkward tension that seemed to have formed between him and Annabeth. "No blood but her skin is irritated."

Annabeth nodded keeping a level head. They were demigods they have seen weirder stuff. But this would definitely be one of the weirdest things they have seen.

"Okay, let's go get Lee Fletcher from the Apollo Cabin," Annabeth said. "Or Mr.D hed have to know why (F/N) suddenly sprouted wings."

"Lee Fletcher." Luke decided without a second thought. "Then we'll Iris message both Chiron and (M/N)."

"Why (M/N)?" Annabeth questioned confused.

"(F/N) mentioned itchy backs when she first got here, remember?" It had a been few months since (F/N) had arrived. But hed never been able to shrug off when (F/N) asked him and Annabeth if they had itchy backs.

It was an odd question and she had asked right after he explained all demigods had dyslexia and ADHD. And then (F/N) had mentioned (M/N), her own mother, said it was a genetic thing.

Annabeth's grey eyes flashed in recognition. "And (F/N) said it was a genetic thing?"

Luke nodded frowning a bit. "Maybe this." He gestured to the two black feathered wings. "Is a genetic thing."

"It has to be." Annabeth agreed. "I think we should ask first. She's not bleeding so they're not life-threatening."

Luke grabbed (F/N)'s black clock draping it back over the small child. He made sure both wings were completely covered with the dark fabric. He gently patted her head before he left the Hermes Cabin.

Annabeth offered one final look at the small girls covered form with a smile on her face. "Don't worry (F/N), we'll be right back."

The door closed behind her. Neither one of them seemed to notice (F/N)'s hand slightly twitch.

(F/N)'s Point of View

"Let me out!" I shouted pounding on the top of the chest. My voice was scratchy and my cheeks were sore from crying. But no pain could compare to the sharp pain in my back. "Open it!"

My screams fell on deaf ears. My arms slowly lowered to my side. I took in deep breathes as my heart pounded against my ribcage.

It was dark and cramped. My knees were forced into my chest while my hands rested on my stomach. And my neck was slightly propped up making my neck sore.

I lifted my hand back up pounding it against the top of the chest.




Hey, guys sorry for the short chapter. I'm also sorry for the long wait for me update, I'm really good at procrastinating.

But holy poops this got depressing fast.

Trust me, it'll get worse before it gets better.

I think it'll be one or two more chapters before we get into the Lightning Thief.

Thanks for Reading!

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