Stay with me

By iliqblack

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This story is about hope and devotion. About loyalty to yourself and your feelings. About true friendship and... More

Chapter 1 When dreams come true
Chapter 2 - When dreams come true. Omer
Chapter 3 - Bring back life
Chapter 4 Reach the Heart
Chapter 5 - How to bring back happiness
Chapter 6 Give me a chance
Chapter 7 - Let the Past Go to Hell
Chapter 8 - Farewell
Chapter 9 Loneliness
Chapter 10 Confrontation
Chapter 11 - I choose you
Chapter 12 I love
Chapter 13 Theorems and Axioms
Chapter 14 - Why?
Chapter 15 - While I'm breathing!
Chapter 16 - The Road to Happiness
Chapter 17 - Day of Open Hearts
Chapter 18 - Dreams
Chapter 19 - Jackals and Falcons
Chapter 20 - Life goes on
Chapter 21 - Healing
Chapter 22 - You are the Best!
Chapter 23 - Fulfillment of desires
Chapter 24 - A roller coaster
Chapter 25 - Endless love
Chapter 26 - Angels and Demons
Chapter 27 - Prelude to the miracle
Chapter 28 - A Miracle
Chapter 29 Light and Darkness
Chapter 30 - Think About Me
Chapter 31 - Windows
Chapter 32 - Above the clouds
Chapter 33 - Old Secrets, New Hopes
Chapter 34 - Redemption
Chapter 35 Fate
Chapter 36 - Loved ones are always forgiven
Chapter 37 - We will call her Emine
Chapter 38 - Because of you
Chapter 39 - Sapphire's birthday
Chapter 40 - Necklace of fiery opals
Chapter 41 - Paradise Island
Chapter 42 - Happiness in the hands
Chapter 43 - At the edge of the abyss
Chapter 45 - Kinship not by blood or cuckoo and Madonna
Chapter 46 - Serpent in paradise
Chapter 47 - You are my breath
Chapter 48 Time for Change
Chapter 49 - You are my medicine
Chapter 50 - Angels on guard
Chapter 51 - Doubt
Chapter 52 - Love and pride
Chapter 53 - Watchful eye
Chapter 54 - We are crazy
Chapter 55 - Big tragedies and small mischief
Chapter 56 - Exposure
Chapter 57 - Trust
Chapter 58 - Treachery
Chapter 59 - I love you, Mom
Chapter 60 Surprises - pleasant and not so
Chapter 61 - Turn upside down
Chapter 62 - Dreams Come True
Chapter 63 - Best Day of Life
Chapter 64 - I will be with you
Chapter 65 - What the coming day tells us
Chapter 66 - Almost a detective story
Chapter 67 - A Miracle is born
Chapter 68 - Emine Diana Iplikci
Chapter 69 - The Gift
Chapter 70 - How happiness begins
Chapter 71 - Prophetic dream
Chapter 72 - A stranger
Chapter 73 - Such different fathers
Chapter 74 - One for all and all for one!
Chapter 75 - And in sorrow and joy
Chapter 76 - Wolf Laws
Chapter 77 - Playing without rules
Chapter 78 - Through hardship to the stars
Chapter 79 - Blood relationship
Chapter 80 - God works in mysterious ways
Chapter 81 - Epilogue
Note from the writer Marina Victoria
84 Taming the stubborn ( Тhe story of Jansu and Niko)
85 Taming the stubborn
86 Taming the stubborn
87 Taming the stubborn
88 Taming the stubborn
89 Taming the stubborn
90 Taming the stubborn
91 Taming the stubborn
92 Taming the stubborn
93 Taming the stubborn
94 Taming the stubborn
95 Taming the stubborn
96 Taming the stubborn
97 Taming the stubborn
98 Taming the stubborn

Chapter 44 - Storm in Paradise

2.4K 76 28
By iliqblack

The worst nightmare has become a reality.

"I will not wake up ..." - a terrible thought flashed through his brain, and his twisted fingers squeezed his head like a vise.

He looked at the pillar of water rising almost to the clouds and heavy, as in slow motion, settling back into the ocean, but he saw Defne. Her radiant eyes, her smile ... her voice rang in his ears:

"And without you, I don't need anything. The stars are not visible without you..."

"I love you..."

"I love ..."

"I am nothing without you ..."

No without him ... no ... No!!!!

- NOT!!!! – his voice broke through the lump and tore his throat. - Defne!!!! Not!!!

On the surface of the water, dark spots began to appear the heads of passengers getting out of the twisted cabin of the plane. Desperate hope gripped Omer. Defne is alive! She couldn't die!

The baby! Another eerie thought pierced his brain, but he strangled it. He needs to find Defne. She is there in the stormy waters of the ocean. Waiting for his help!

He tore off his windbreaker and, throwing it away, dived into the high waves and, cutting them through with powerful strokes, swam to the plane going under the water.

Airport employees were already running to the shore, lifebuoys in hand. Without wasting time, the men threw themselves into the water and followed Omer to the crash site. From the main island, bouncing on the waves, speedboats rushed. Sirens roared and people shouted. The seagulls whined pitifully, and the wind blew strong. The clouds overhead swirled in an ominous, dark, bloody mist. The island paradise turned into hell.

And in this hell, in the darkened water, Omer rushed about near the wing of the plane rearing into the sky. He looked into people's faces and shouted out a single name:

- Defne!!! Defne!!! Defne!!!

Someone clung to him. He hastily handed over the distraught passengers to the rescuers and again with crazy persistence looked for her - his Defne. But she was not on the surface of the water. Omer, gaining full lungs of air, dived into the depths and looked for her there, among the twisted parts of the plane that had fallen to pieces. When the air ran out in the lungs, he surfaced and again, distraught with fear, shouted:

- Defne!!!

She was not there. Was nowhere. Omer did not know how much time had passed, but he understood that not a single person would survive by remaining underwater for so long. Horror was tearing his brain. His throat was hurting. The broken voice turned into a wheeze and repeated over and over:

- Defne!!!

Omer refused to accept the terrible truth - she no longer exists.

There is none of them.

The sky and the ocean took his life...

One of the rescuers swam up to him and, grabbing the collar of his shirt, has not allowed him to dive under the water again. Shaking him, he spoke clearly and demanding:

- Sir, all the passengers who were on board were taken ashore. There is no one else there.

"My wife," Omer croaked, looking at him with maddened eyes. - Brown-eyed, with red hair...

- A girl similar in the description was taken to the airport building. She was unconscious.

Desperate hope lit up in Omer's eyes. Rushing out of the hands of the rescuer, he began to row with all his strength to the shore. Having got out on land, not seeing or noticing the chaos reigning around, he rushed to the airport building. Inside, he grabbed the hand of one of the employees and, panting, asked:

- The girl from the crashed plane ... redhead ... unconscious?

He pointed to the far corner there was a group of paramedics.

- All the wounded were taken there.

Omer ran in the direction indicated. His legs turned into cotton wool. Everything around trembled and doubled. The world seemed unreal, alien, colorless. Terrible. In this ominous gray, a red hair gleamed like a bright spot. Omer rushed to them and fell to his knees in front of the girl lying on the floor. She was covered up to her neck with a foil rescue blanket. The head was turned to the side and the wet hair covered the face. Omer removed them with a trembling hand and screamed with a terrible, hoarse cry.

It was not Defne.

He darted between the wounded lying on the gray granite, looked into faces, and the darkness inside grew thicker and deeper. It absorbed him and pulled him into its icy abyss.

She's not there. There is none of them. Nowhere. Cruel fate did not have mercy on him. Once again, it took away the most beloved, and, as if in mockery, it left him to live.

Why live? For what? He can't! Without her, he cannot...

Tears filled his face, blackened with grief, but Omer did not notice them. He didn't notice anything. Slouching and bowing his head, he left the building and walked towards the ocean. To the damned ocean that took everything from him...

- Omer!

The voice behind him was so warm ... so dear ... Not fully understanding whether it was an illusion or a reality, he slowly raised his head and looked around.

In front of him, just a couple of steps away, stood ... Defne. She was thin, in completely dry clothes, and with red hair scattered over her shoulders. The orange straps of the backpack stand out against the blue windbreaker. The bag strap is thrown over the neck and shoulder, and it herself dangles on the hip. His windbreaker is in her hand lowered along her body. Defne was as he last saw her, the moment she walked out the door of the boarding corridor.

Fearing that he was going crazy, Omer closed his eyes. And when he opened them, Defne stood in the same place and looked at him with a piercing, amber gaze.

He rushed to her. He embraced her with trembling hands, pressed her into himself, groaned, and pressed his cheek to the top of her head. His palms wandered over her back, shoulders ... squeezing the nape ... His face was buried in her hair. Omer closed his eyes, rubbed his cheek against them, and clenched his teeth until gnashing. Defne was here in his arms. Warm. Tangible. Alive. She smelled pungently of leaves, sea, and something else sweet and bitter at the same time. It was her scent. So dear to his heart. It penetrated his chest and drove the darkness and cold from it. Without words he was convinced - Defne is alive! Omer covered her pale face with feverish kisses. She, embracing him with thin, tenacious hands, caught his lips and incoherent words with her dry lips:

- Alive ... Almighty! Alive!

"Alive," she repeated and clung to him with her whole body.

"I thought you were dead," he moaned and squeezed his hands even tighter. "And then... I lost my mind... died..." He pulled back and looked into her face. - But how?

She took his face in her hands and whispered:

- I couldn't ... I couldn't fly away without you, - Omer shook his head in shock and her speech turned into a tongue twister. She was in a hurry to explain, to calm down. - You said, whatever happens in our life, whatever storms come, we will hold on to each other. I remembered these words and realized that I would not get on that plane alone.

- You weren't on the plane? - the meaning of her words finally reached his consciousness and all the puzzles fell into place. Relief surged in a wave and with it аn euphoria. Defne was not on the plane. She was not hurt. The baby was not injured.

"I wasn't," Defne answered. "I stayed in the boarding corridor. When the plane took off, I went into the departure hall. But you were nowhere to be found. I thought that you sailed by boat to the large island and wanted to call, but at that moment there was a strange hum, a blow, and someone screamed that the plane had fallen into the water. The panic began. I ran out into the street. Only the wing of an airplane peeped out of the water...

- Did you get scared? - Omer asked, embracing her face with his palms and stroking her temples and cheeks with his thumbs.

"I don't know," she replied. - It was scary and I was also worried about you. Your phone didn't answer. I ran to the pier, but there was also a panic. I could not get anything from anyone until one of the boatmen said that none of the vacationers to Bora Bora had returned. And that's when I got scared. I realized that you were here, I saw the wreck and ..., - Defne sighed convulsively. - I ran to the place of the fall. There was no one in the water, and only rescuers were on the shore. And then I saw your jacket. It was lying in the sand, - she closed her eyes and shuddered all over. - And then I saw you...

"My soul," there was a tickle in his throat and his voice was hoarse. - Everything is behind ... You are alive. This is the main thing, - Defne nodded her head and pressed her face to the wet shirt on his chest. Omer looked around. The wind was getting stronger. The waves in the ocean darkened and rose alarmingly high. The leaden sky hung low over the island and threatened to fall in torrential rain. Omer unclenched his arms and, grabbing Defne with one hand, lifted his windbreaker off the sand with the other and led his wife to the pier. She looked at him questioningly, and he explained: - We need to get out of here. It will be safer on the central island.

"Our luggage drowned," Defne recalled.

- Nonsense ... we'll get by, - said Omer. - You are alive! The rest is nonsense.

They crossed the sandy part between the ocean and the lagoon and came to the pier. A couple of boats dangled on the waves near the long pier. Omer hired one and soon they were on their way to the central island. In the lagoon, the storm was weaker than in the ocean, but angry waves beat hard against the side and generously splashed. Even waterproof windbreakers did not protect against cold drops. Omer seated Defne in front of him, wrapped his arms tightly around her, and covered her with his body. But the elements knew no mercy, and both got to the shore soaked to the skin. The wind blew through, and Defne shivered from the cold. Omer hugged her and covered her from the wind. It was necessary to seek shelter, but the coast around was deserted. Shops and restaurants are closed, windows and doors are littered with sandbags. There was only one place on the whole island where they could be sheltered, and Omer took his wife there.

The wind blew strong to their backs, they were thirsty. Defne's stomach was cramping with hunger, but she did not complain. Gritting her teeth and covering her stomach with her palm, she climbed up the slope after Omer and prayed that the owners of the horse farm would not deny them shelter.

The house on the hill greeted Iplikci with an empty veranda and shuttered large windows. Maya opened the door at the first knock. With a gasp, she dragged the exhausted guests into the house and fussed around them like a hen. She helped to pull off wet windbreakers, wrapped them in blankets, fed them with hot soup, and listened to the story of their adventures. Defne spoke mostly. Omer sat in silence and did not let go of her hand for a moment. It was vital for him to feel her. To see, hear, and to touch. Once they were safe, when the worries faded into the background, he was again aware of WHAT had nearly happened and these thoughts terrified him. The heart went into tachycardia. Spasms constricted his throat and made it impossible to breathe. A panic attack came in waves, with which he could fight the only way - by touching Defne.

- So you were left without a roof over your head and without your things? - meanwhile, pouring tea into wide cups, asked Maya.

- Yes, - Defne answered and looked sideways at her husband. His ragged breathing and the force with which he squeezed her hand worried her. - But, praise to the Almighty, the documents remained intact. Compared to what the passengers of the plane had to go through, we are just lucky. Alive and healthy.

"You're right," Maya agreed softly. - Such a horror happened. Theo is helping out at the hospital right now. All the wounded were transported there. He says that many passengers are in serious condition. But everyone is alive - and it pleases.

- The plane did not have time to gain altitude, - Omer, who had been silent throughout the conversation, spoke hoarsely. - Just took off and his engine failed. The height was small and the water softened the fall.

Defne heard the untold. Horror, despair, pain experienced by Omer burned her heart. She knew him too well to understand - he still scrolls these moments in his head and eats himself alive. But this is wrong. It's wrong.

- You are tired, worn out. You need to wash, relax, have a good sleep," Maya spoke softly, looking at the guests." - I'll prepare a room for you.

"Madam Maya," Omer interrupted her, "can we take a room in the guest house till the end of the hurricane? Don't worry, I'll pay for everything.

"Don't even think about paying," she objected. - You are in trouble and it is our human duty to come to the rescue. Of course, you can settle in a guest house. It is fully prepared. Even the food for breakfast. And for lunch and dinner tomorrow you will come to us. I'll collect clothes for you now. "She carefully examined Omer. "Theo's pants will be short, but shorts and T-shirts will do.

She went into the depths of the house and soon returned with a pile of clothes in her hands. Smiling, she called the guests behind her:

- Come on, I'll show you.

Darkness was growing rapidly in the street. The wind turned from strong to a hurricane. It bent the tops of palm trees to the ground and raised frightening waves in the lagoon. Far away, over the horizon, the stormy sky shattered into fragments with thin threads of lightning. Omer grabbed Defne by the shoulders and, covering her himself from the wind, led her after Maya to the guest house. The woman unlocked the door, let the guests in, ordered them to get used to it, and feel at home, and before the sky opened up like a downpour, she hurried to her place.

Defne looked around. On the ground floor there was a large dining room, living room, and kitchen, and upstairs were the rooms. The house was perfectly clean and comfortable. But, most importantly, it is warm and dry. And reliable. Defne turned to Omer. His eyes were fixed on her. He did not notice anything around. He did not see, did not hear, but followed her with an unblinking, sick gaze. She came up, gently stroked his cheek, and, taking his hand, led him upstairs.

"Now we will take a shower, change into dry clothes and it will immediately become easier for us," she said, trying not to frown from the death grip with which Omer squeezed her hand. He followed her step by step, breathing heavily down the back of her head.

Defne chose the first room down the corridor and threw open the door. Omer followed her in. Turning, he pulled her to himself and squeezed so that Defne stopped breathing. Soothing, she gently kissed his chin and ran a hand through his hair.

- Everything is fine, darling, - whispered in trembling lips. - Things are good. We're safe. "With gentle persistence, she unclenched his arms and pulled him into the bathroom." - Come on. Let's wash away all the horrors.

He obediently, without uttering a sound, followed. It was his silence, heavy breathing, and burning fever that frightened Defne. She understood that in the soul, in the thoughts of the introvert Omer, there was now the same storm as outside the walls of the house. In order for it to subside, he needs to release it and allow it to come out. With screaming, tears, madness. But this is Omer! He will keep it to himself, suffer and be silent so as not to upset and not frighten his wife. Only Defne was not going to let him do that to himself.

Near the shower stall, she stripped off her clothes. Then she took Omer's hand and placed it on her chest. She ran it along the ribs and pressed it to her stomach.

"You see," she said, looking into his eyes, "I'm alive and well. Baby too. All the horrors are over. Let them go.

He shook his head and groaned:

- I can't. It burns here. "He put her hand on his chest. "You almost died, and I pushed you to the edge. I made you sit on the plane myself.

- I didn't board on it, - Kissing a strained chin, reminded Defne.

- And if you were? If something happened to you? How could I go on living?

- Omer look at me! - She squeezed his head in her hands and burned him with a glance. - I didn't board the plane! Nothing happened to us! We are safe and sound.

He closed his eyes and clenched his teeth tightly. Words are powerless, Defne understood and sent her innate shyness to hell. One by one, unbuttoning the buttons on his damp shirt, she pulled it off and threw it on the floor. The muscles of his chest and shoulders tensed and showed more clearly under the skin. Defne stood up on tiptoe and kissed his collarbone. Then, lightly touching with her tongue, she went down to the nipple and bit down. Omer twitched and groaned. His skin was salty and cold and smelled of the sea. Defne warmed it with her breath and lips. Unbuttoning his shorts, she pulled them together with his underwear and took Omer into the shower. He meekly obeyed her silent orders. He did not try to seize the initiative, did not dominate. He absorbed her warmth with his whole being and followed her as enchanted.

When the tight streams of hot water hit his body, he trembled. The skin was covered with goosebumps. The inner cold came out and caused physical pain.

Defne, gently fingering his hair, washed it with shampoo. The floral scent emphasized more strongly the other, sharp, disturbing one. The clear gel washed away the salt, but not the fear. Omer, leaning back against the tile wall, shuddered at Defne's touch. She, washing off the foam from him, ran her palms along his neck, shoulders, chest. She caressed his stomach. Thin fingers went down and held his being. Slid along the entire length. Her thumb lingered on the head and easily caressed it. Defne felt a pulsation in her palm. Omer groaned hoarsely and hugged her forcefully.

- Make me! he demanded furiously. - Make me forget ...

She covered his mouth with hers. She boldly burst into it with her tongue and intertwined with his, velvet, hot, burning. Omer pulled her to him with force and his kiss turned into desperately deep. He seemed to be trying to get to her soul, plunge into it, to warm up. To feel with his heart that everything is behind. Embracing Defne, convulsively squeezing her fragile figure, he trembled and desperately pleaded:

- Make me ... make me!

She looked up at his face. Bitterness distorted his beautiful features. They seemed to be carved out of dark stone, on which water fell from above and flowed in streams. And only his eyes burned with torment and desperate fire. Defne hugged him, clung to his whole body, covered his neck, shoulders, chest with kisses. Her hands fluttered like tender butterflies and the tight lump in the solar plexus area began to relax. He sat down on the floor and pulled Defne towards him. She sank on top of him and he filled her with himself. To the brim. To the limit ... touched her soul and made it tremble and moan with acute pleasure. Omer caught her moans with his lips and hurried after her. Pleasure came in a wave. So powerful that he completely lost control of himself and screamed! It was such a pleasure, that scream ripped the web in his chest and the fear shattered. There was only pure joy left. The horror is behind them! They are alive! Really alive! With every cell and molecule!

Warm, sparkling drops fell from above onto intertwined bodies. They washed away all the bad things that day brought.

And outside the walls of the house, the hurricane burst into rain ...


Sinan, looking around with fear, entered the office and stopped near Nazlican.

- Buenos Diaz, Passionis! - whispered in a loud whisper and squinted at the walls. - Praise be to Allah, all in place.

Nazlican laughed loudly and hastened to reassure:

- Everybody and everything is in place!

- A ... Koray? Sinan glanced cautiously at the closed door of the photographer's office.

"Testing Mr. Omer's new assistant," the girl answered cheerfully.

- A new assistant came? How is she?

- Competent enough.

"That's good," Sinan sighed. - There is a lot of work ahead. Everyone would be better off if Omer didn't get angry about the new girl's mistakes. Okay Nazlican, have a nice work! I'll go to Koray.

He went to the office and carefully opened the door. It was suspiciously quiet inside. Sinan stuck his head through the gap and looked around the room. Koray, capriciously curling his lips, watched a tall, red-haired girl who was placing cappuccino, a bowl of cookies, and a plate of baklava on a table littered with magazines and chocolate wrappers.

- Good morning! Sinan greeted cautiously.

- Sinosh! - Koray clapped his hands. - My lop-eared! Are you back ?! How is Switzerland? - he slyly narrowed his eyes. - Did your parents like Seda?

- They liked her, Koray, - he sighed and looked expectantly at the girl.

- Ah, I forgot! You don't know her! But it's not important. Assistant. I don't remember the name.

- Laila, - the redhead introduced herself.

- Shut up !!! Koray shouted at her. - Who needs your name ?! Nasty! Get out! Shoo! Shoo!

"All right, Mr. Koray," the girl agreed meekly. - I'll just open a jar of jam for you. My grandmother made it from oranges herself.

She removed the lid from the small jar. A citrus scent floated through the office. Placing a teaspoon in a transparent, bright orange jam and straightening a bowl of cookies, the girl left. After watching her, Sinan said:

- Grandma's jam, cookies! Beauty. And smart, according to Nazlican. Koray? A perfect assistant has appeared in the office?

- Ugly! Koray barked, grimacing. - Sticky! And-and-and! Thinks she dyed her hair and looks like the skinny girl? I ! I say ! See me! I, Koray Sargin, do not accept this!

"Stop this," Sinan waved him off. - A normal girl. Let her work. You better tell me how is it going? Have you ruined the firm?

- And-and-and, disgusting, - the owner of as much as two percent of the shares squinted offended. - Your boring accountant wouldn't even let me buy a red carpet.

- Why do you need a red carpet? Sinan laughed.

Koray did not have time to answer. The door opened and Seda, white as chalk, flew into the office.

"Sinan," she blurted out. "On the news, there's a hurricane in Polynesia. An airplane crashed near the coast of Bora Bora. Fell into the water on takeoff. "She swallowed. - Defne was among the passengers.

- What? Sinan breathed. - And Omer? Is there his name?

- Not.

- My skinny girl! - Koray leaned back on the back of the sofa and sobbed dramatically. - Oh, my girl! I'm dying! To whom did you leave us?

- Koray, calm down! Sinan shouted at him and ran to his laptop. He ran his fingers over the keyboard and glared at the screen. - No fatalities. But there are seriously injured people. The hurricane is raging. We should try to get through to Omer.

- I tried. He does not pick his phone up.

- How does he not take it? How does he not pick it up? Did his ears get blocked? Cried Koray.

Laura ran into the office and asked from the very threshold:

- Do you already know? Seda and Sinan nodded. - I contacted the Turkish Embassy in Polynesia. But they couldn't explain anything. They just confirmed that Defne Iplikci's name is on the passenger list, but Omer Iplikci is not. The hurricane is in full swing and there is no way to get to Bora Bora.

- Why can't they sit at home? - howled Koray. - What was this to fly to this island?

"Let's try to reach Omer." Sinan grabbed the phone.

He repeatedly dialed the number, but a mechanical voice answered that the subscriber was out of the network coverage area and suggested calling later. The girls and Koray were on the verge of panic. Sinan, between attempts to get through, calmed all three and insisted that nothing had happened to Omer and Defne. Over the twentieth time, there were intermittent beeps and Omer's flat voice:

- Hello.

- Omer, Omer! Shouted Sinan. - Where are you? What's wrong with you? The news announced a hurricane and a plane crash.

- We are safe, - Omer's voice broke off and disappeared, but the friend heard the main thing: - Alive and healthy.

- Defne! - shouted near the phone, Laura.

- She is with me. Do not worry. Sinan, call Serdar and Grandpa. Tell to...

There was a hiss on the phone and the connection was lost.

But the friends heard the main thing - they are alive, healthy, and safe! To celebrate, Seda threw herself on Sinan's neck, and Koray grabbed Laura into his bear hugs. They laughed, cried, and prayed fervently to Allah and Jesus that the hurricane would subside, and the travelers would return home as soon as possible.


- The news announced? - Defne asked upset. - O, Allah! Grandma will go crazy. And she has sugar. She should not worry.

They were lying on a large bed and each tried to mentally return to normal life. Sinan's call was the impetus that reminded them - far away, tens of thousands of kilometers away, family and friends are waiting for them. They are waiting and worried.

- Do not worry. You shouldn't, - Omer put the phone aside and pulled her to his chest. Stroking the narrow back and thin arms, he dispelled all her worries in a murmuring voice: - Sinan will call Serdar and say that everything is fine with us. Soon the hurricane will subside, the sky will open, and we will return home.

- Aren't you afraid of getting on the plane? Defne asked.

Omer shrugged vaguely.

- I do not know. And you?

- I did not see the fall itself. And then I was more afraid for you than for what could have happened. Therefore, the horror of the disaster passed me by. But you saw everything with your own eyes.

- It seemed to me - the end of the world has come, - he closed his eyes and sighed heavily. - It was the worst hour of my life. I was looking for you in the water and underwater. But you were nowhere to be found. Then one of the rescuers told me that the unconscious red-haired girl was taken out of the water and taken to the airport. I ran there ..., - his voice trembled, - but it was not you...

- Hush, my love, hush! - She hugged him tighter and kissed his chest in which his heart was beating rapidly. "It's all over... I'm here with you."

"My biggest fear is to lose you," Omer continued, pressing his cheek to the top of hеr head. - At the moment when I thought that you were no more, the only thing I wanted was to die.

- Don't say that, please don't say that! - begged Defne.

"But it's true." Tugging the back of his head, he tilted her head back and looked into amber eyes filled with fear and compassion. - I cannot live without you. There is nothing without you. I can survive anything as long as you are with me. But without you...

- This will not happen! Will never! I will always be with you! I will always love you!

Omer kissed her forehead and, returning the redhead to his chest, promised:

- I will not let you go one step away from me.

"And you'll do the right thing," Defne agreed and smiled thoughtfully. - It turned out so strange today. Fate itself did not allow me to board the plane. I opened my purse to put my passport. I was about to close the zipper when someone ran into me from behind and pushed me. The purse flew out of my hands and fell to the floor. Documents, wallet, everything remained in place. Only the opal necklace fell from it. I sat down to pick it up and heard your voice. "We will hold on to each other," you said. I realized that I would not get on the plane. So, my love," she raised herself on one elbow and looked into his face, " it was you who prevented me from getting on the plane. You conspired with higher powers and saved us with the baby from trouble.

The soul turned over from her words. It became easy to breathe. Somewhere deep in his chest, an invisible string rang out powerfully. Omer stretched out his hands and called hoarsely:

- Come to me...

Behind the closed shutters of the windows, the wind howled and the rain whipped. The hurricane was angry and raged unmercifully. It envied paradise and wanted to break it, destroy it, to wipe it off the face of the earth. But its strength was lost, and the island of paradise firmly resisted and defended its own. It knew that all storms pass, and the most important thing remains unchanged.


Defne put on Maya's dress and tightened the belt around her still thin waist. It was a little too big for her and tried to slip off her shoulder. Waving her hand at such nonsense, she looked at the peacefully sleeping Omer and tiptoed out of the room.

There was still a storm outside, but there was electricity in the house. Defne remembered Maya's words that the estate had its generator and even in the most severe hurricanes they never remain without light. Mentally thanking Theo's foresight, she went downstairs to the kitchen. As their friendly hostess said, the cupboards and refrigerator were filled with food. There was flour, tea, and coffee, honey, ham, and cheese. Her stomach rumbled and Defne thought with a smile that Omer would wake up as hungry as she is now. Without thinking twice, she kneaded the dough for the gozleme and when Omer, stretching, appeared in the kitchen, a pile of ruddy, fragrant pancakes with cheese stood on a plate.

"Mmm, how it smells," he drawled and hugged Defne from the back. - I miss your breakfast.

- Then kiss me and sit down at the table, - Defne raised a smiling face to him. He turned her towards him, clasped his arms around her waist, and captured her lips. Defne melted. The kiss was so sweet that her soul swoon and her legs gave way.

- Good morning, my soul, - Omer let go of her lips and pressed his face to the neck near her burning ear. - There is no forgiveness for me. I sleep myself, and my pregnant wife prepares breakfast.

- The wife does not complain, - Defne said cheerfully and asked: - Did you have a good sleep? The storm did not bother you?

- Not at all. I didn't even hear it. You were at my side. So warm, soft... - he ran his palms over her thighs and stroked her buttocks - the rest is all nonsense.

- Do you want to eat? - Defne asked, basking in his arms.

"Very," he breathed and kissed the shoulder that peeked out of the neckline of the dress.

- Then sit down, otherwise, the pancakes will cool down. I'll pour you some coffee now.

Defne by the hand-pulled him to the set table and sat him in a wicker chair. And she darted for coffee for him and tea for herself. When she returned, he was already eating hot pancakes with gusto. She sat down beside him and stared at him tenderly, fascinated.

- What's the matter? - Omer asked after swallowing another piece.

- I love it when you eat like that. Greedily.

Defne smiled and looked at his lips. Omer's eyes flashed with a sly gleam. He pulled her closer to him with the chair and asked:

- What else do you like ... when I do it greedily?

Her cheeks blazed with a crimson flame. Omer touched them with his knuckles and laughed.

- You are bad! - Defne was indignant.

- Yes, I am, - he agreed. - Bad and greedy. I don't want to share you with anyone. I want your beauty, every smile, every look to be just for me. Can't I?

- You can't! - Defne answered briskly. - We live in the 21st century and I will not wear a burкa.

"It's a pity," Omer muttered. He pricked a piece of pancake with a fork and brought it to her lips. - Then let me at least feed you.

- Come on! - she agreed with sparkling eyes.

Towards noon, the rain stopped, but the wind continued to rage. Omer went to help Theo with the horses, and Defne ran across the yard and knocked on May's door. She was just preparing lunch, and the girl volunteered to help. As they cut vegetables for soup and kneaded noodle dough, they chatted incessantly. Defne talked about Istanbul and her family, and Maya talked about life on the island, about horses, and about the kids who often visit them.

- How I would like to have a child! She smiled sadly.

- Have you been to the doctor? Defne asked cautiously.

"All the possible ones," bitterness rang in Maya's voice. "Everyone says that Theo and I are perfectly healthy and can have children. But ... Apparently, we somehow angered God.

- I do not believe it! - Defne exclaimed. - You and Theo are such wonderful, kind people and, like no one else, deserve to have a child, - she thought for a moment, and then took Maya's hand and put it on her belly. - Here! They say pregnancy is contagious. I infect you with it! Let it happen to you!

The woman's face changed subtly. As if a light came on inside and illuminated the delicate features. She smiled touchingly and whispered:

- Little ... be happy and healthy!

- Did you address her as a girl? - Defne was surprised. - And why?

- I do not know. It seems to me.

- So, exactly a girl! - Defne was delighted and explained: - Omer and I really want a girl. We even came up with a name. Emine.

- How beautiful! Maya removed her hand and raised her eyes to the guest. - Defne, I know that this storm and everything that happened frightened you and Omer, but still, come to us here again. With Emine. We will always be glad to see you.

- And you come to us in Istanbul, - Defne suggested with enthusiasm. - I'll show you the most beautiful places! And my grandmother will cook her dolma and manti. You will meet my brother and sister. And also Nihan. She is my best friend and also my sister-in-law. In September she gave birth to our nephew, Iso. So sweet. "She trailed off and thoughtfully patted her lips with her index finger. And then she exclaimed: - Exactly! I understood! It was Nihan who infected me with the pregnancy!

- Maybe Omer? - Maya asked slyly, smiling, and both of them burst out laughing.

By evening, the wind died down. In a continuous blanket of clouds, gaps appeared through which the starry sky peeped out. But a thunderstorm was still raging far in the ocean. Thin, branchy lightning bolts ran to the horizon and hid behind its line. Omer and Defne hugged each other on the balcony and watched the leaving storm. It was no longer frightening. Only beautiful. The thick scent of Tiare flowers hung in the humid air. It penetrated the blood and intoxicated more than wine. Omer silently fingered Defne's hair with his fingers and thought that he was wrong. Fate is still merciful to him. It saved Defne and the baby, which means it did not allow him to die. He will be able to continue to live a happy life - to love his wife, raise children. For some reason, he was sure that the bead would not remain an only child. He and Defne will have many children. Their house will be noisy, but always warm and fun. Love and happiness will live in it. After all, where there is Defne, it cannot be otherwise.

- What are you thinking about? She asked quietly.

- About you. I always think about you.

"Me too," Defne admitted. - I think I have always loved you. Even when I didn't know yet. You lived here. "She touched her chest and laughed softly. - I had no chance not to get caught up in Mrs. Neriman's game.

"It's so good that you got yourself into it," Omer said with a smile.

"You didn't think so on our wedding day," Defne reminded him.

"Forget it," he ordered and kissed her temple. - What matters is now. This moment, this minute. We live in it. And now I think so - it's good that everything happened, as it happened, and now we can live a happy life.

Defne pressed the back of her head against his chest and whispered:

- I love you...

"I love you...," Omer echoed.


She was awakened by a cheerful sunbeam. It entered the room through a crack in the blinds and tickled Defne's eyelashes. She grumbled in displeasure, tried to hide, and immediately sat down impulsively. She looked incredulously at the golden path stretching across the floor, then at the specks of dust sparkling in the column of light and she got out of bed. Opening the door wide, she ran out onto the balcony and laughed happily. There was not a cloud in the piercing blue sky. Even the stirring of the wind was not felt in the thick, humid air. The lagoon stretched out before her eyes as smooth as turquoise glass. The sun danced on it with bright reflections. Birds sang loudly in the branches of the trees, and horses frolicked in the corral, shaking luxurious manes. Paradise resisted the elements and was now celebrating its victory.

Inhaling deeply, Defne laughed and called her husband loudly:

- Omer! Omer, wake up! The storm is over!

He appeared on the balcony a couple of seconds later. Sleepy, disheveled, in low-hip shorts and no T-shirt. Squinting, he looked at the lagoon, smiled a boyish smile, and held out his hands to Defne. She threw herself into his arms, laughing. Omer grabbed her above her knees and spun her around the balcony.

While Defne was preparing breakfast, Omer found out that the sky was open and their flight to Istanbul with a connection in Paris left at nine in the evening. After a quick breakfast, they hurried to the town for clothes. Having bought everything they needed in the first store they came across, they returned and began to gather the luggage. Although, by and large, there was nothing to collect and Defne laughed that they had a great trip ahead - no problems with luggage. Sitting down on the bed, she reviewed the contents of her purse and backpack. She checked the passports and tickets, and then took out three small boxes. Opening, she put them side by side on the bedspread and admired the noble shine of pearls.

"Look," she turned to Omer who entered the room. - The most valuable thing remained with us. The pearls are not lost.

Omer hugged her and replied:

- The most valuable thing is you!

Defne pulled the necklace out of her purse last. Taking it in her palms, she brought the sparkling stones to her lips and whispered softly:

- Thanks...

The fire opals flashed and shone with a soft, golden light.

They said goodbye to the hospitable hosts warmly. The men shook hands tightly, and the women burst into tears:

"Write to me," Maya asked.

- Definitely, - Defna promised, wiping away her tears. - I cleaned the room and the kitchen. And I washed and hung things behind the house.

- But why! Maya scolded her. - I would do everything myself.

- No, I can't do that, - Defne objected and hugged her new friend. "Thank you for everything," and added, quietly: "I will pray for you. All will come true. Believe me.

- I believe, - answered Maya.

Omer touched Defne on the shoulder.

- Darling, the taxi has arrived. It is time.

Defne looked around at the car. Maya and Theo stood, hugging each other, and looking at the trail of their unintended guests. Their faces glowed with warm smiles. Defne smiled back and waved her hand.

When the boat sailed to the island on which the airport was located, Omer, looking at the plane's wing sticking out of the water, turned pale and visibly tensed. Defne took his hand and, with all her strength, squeezed his palm with her fingers. He looked at her and his face relaxed.

"It's okay," she whispered with her lips.

"It's okay," he repeated, and, in agreement, closed his eyes.

There was not even a hint of the recent panic at the airport. Everything was measured, clear, and not crowded. Only a few people wandered around the departure hall and, bored, indifferently looked at the view from the panoramic windows.

Omer bought tickets and, taking Defne by the hand, led her to registration. When asked about the luggage, they looked at each other conspiratorially and replied that there was no luggage. The clerk looked at the strange passengers in surprise and silently put marks on the tickets.

On the plane, Defne sat by the window and, until the plane took off and gained altitude, she chatted incessantly. Omer laughed at her jokes and the crash footage faded into the background. The last fear let him go. At the Tahiti airport, the former balanced and self-confident Omer Iplikci got off the plane.

There was a lot of time before their flight. They even managed to go to the souvenir shops and buy new gifts. And also dine at a colorful local restaurant. And visit the bookstore. In it, Defne caught sight of a book about the magical properties of minerals and precious stones. Without thinking twice, she bought it and put it in her backpack.

- The flight is long. And the topic is interesting, - she confusedly explained her impulse to the laughing Omer.

At nine in the evening local time, a big Boeing took to the skies. It carried the happy Iplikci home on his board. Defne, looking through the porthole at the endless ocean and green beads-islands, turned to Omer and asked:

- Will we come back here someday?

- Definitely, - he promised and kissed her thin fingers.

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