Black bird

De XsleeplesswritingX

44.4K 867 135

"I'm sorry Gemini." The blonde said to me looking like he was about to cry. "Why? Why would you do this?" I s... Mai multe



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De XsleeplesswritingX

All the signs point to it right? Or maybe I'm just going crazy.

Apparently I was walking forever because I am so late for detention.

I started running towards my fathers office and got there as quickly as I could and ran into the classroom.

"You're late Ms. Myth." He said not turning around.

"I'm sorry sir I wasn't feeling too good." I said with a smirk since he couldn't see me.

I sat down at a desk near Malfoy.

"Don't lie. Why were you late?" He said finally turning to look at me.

"Well you see professor I was walking trying to get my mind off wether or not my father is in some sort of business and I didn't realize the time." I said with a glare.

"Detention again tomorrow." He said in a cold voice obvious that he knows what I'm talking about.

Malfoy gave out a slight laugh and my head whipped to him with a very stern glare.

"This is detention Malfoy. We don't laugh." He said walking towards him slowly. "Do it again and you will also see another day of detention."

"During detention Ms. Myth you will create a truth serum." My father told me. " and for you Mr. Malfoy you will help Ms. Myth and when you guys are done you will turn it in to me. If it is not perfect you will have a week of detention."

"Uh sir? We've only made this potion once." I said knowing I have no idea how to make it. I couldn't even do it the first time.

"Which means you should remember how to make it." He said while staring into my soul.

I flickered my eyes towards Malfoy stating that he has to move to my seat. He grabbed his stuff and sat next to me.

"Please tells me you know how to make this." I begged.

"Of course I do." He said with a smirk. "I'm actually good at potions" he said trying to hurt my feelings.

"At least I know how to protect myself." I said staring at him with a blank face.

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the ingredients cabinet. "I'll help you since you're helping me." He said rather calmly.

"What ingredient is first?" He said to me.

"We could get this done so much faster if you just grab them rather than making me think hard about it." I said With a pouty face.

"Come on blackbird I know you know." He said still trying to help.

"Uh I know jobberknoll feathers are somewhere in the mix." I said shyly.

"Yes but not the first ingredient." Malfoy said although he still grabbed the feathers.

I tried thinking hard and long. I was getting frustrated with myself at this point and all I could think about was how much easier this would be if I wasn't In detention with a potions professor.

"God I seem so stupid I'm sorry." I laughed. A real laugh in Malfoys presence. I surprised myself.

"It's okay." He smiled at me and grabbed the ingredients.

We walked back over to the desk and he set everything down.

And then my father got an owl with a letter.

He looked upset and angry and confused. Basically every emotion in the book was on his face.

"It's your lucky day children. Detention ends early. You may leave now." He said coldly still reading the note.

I looked at Draco confused but willing to get out of learning any type of potion. We both grabbed our stuff and headed out.

As we were walking to the astronomy tower Draco looked at me with a smirk and said "God Half Blood I thought you were actually smart."

Just when I thought he was being nice. "Listen. I'm helping you remember? You were the one who asked for help." I snapped back at him.

"The difference is, defensive spells are way harder than a few ingredients Myth." He said to me still with the beautiful but very annoying smirk.

"Not everyone is strong in certain classes Malfoy." I said angrily.

By the time I said that we were at the astronomy tower.

"Whatever just pull out your wand." I said to him while gritting my teeth.

"We're starting with simple first." I stated.

He nodded his head and started preparing himself for whatever spell he was about to learn.

"Flipendo" I said pointing my wand at him. With that he flew backwards and land very hard in the ground.

"What the hell Myth!" He yelled charging towards me.

"That's the first spell you're going to learn. It sends a person flying however far you think." I said calmly.

"In order to learn it you have to experience it." I said with a smirk while crossing my arms.

He stopped charging towards me and started backing up like he was preparing himself to send the spell towards me.

"Well do it." I said, knowing he won't be able to cast it.

"Flipendo." He yelled. A spark came out of his wand.

"The thing about defensive spells is you really have to mean it, you have to pretend that your life is in danger. That's why it's defensive." I said to him.
"Think about something that would really make you use that spell Malfoy."

He thought for a second and then prepared himself again.

"Flipendo!" He yelled again. With that I got a little push but nothing more.

I walked up to him and readjusted his hand. "Hold it a little more like this." He twisted his wrist a little more with my movement.

"Perfect." I said with a smile while looking at his perfect stance.

"Now remember keep that stance and think of a-" as I was speaking I got blasted back.

"A reason to use it." I finished laying on the ground feet away from him.

"Just like that! That was perfect Draco!" I said happily while running back over to him.

He smirked at me. "I know."

"Don't be like that. If you knew then I wouldn't be teaching you." I said with a slight smirk but also kind of mad that he always has to be so cocky.

"Now let's do it again." I said clapping my hands together.

"Flipen- Gemini!" Malfoy yelled trying to shake me.

I was on the ground in pain. It felt like my head was being split open. Literally.

I was screaming and I couldn't stop myself, everything was spinning and I was on my knees with my hands clenching my head.

"Gemini what's happening? Did I do something?" Draco yelled worried trying to get my attention.

Next thing I knew all I saw was someone getting hit with the killing curse. It didn't show me a face, all I knew was that Bellatrix Lestrange casted it.

And then everything went black.

I woke up to someone shuffling near me. Confused because I sleep by myself always I looked to see what it was.

It was Draco Malfoy on the ground sleeping peacefully and I was on his bed. Holy shit I was in the Slytherins dorm and not just any Slytherin. Draco fucking Malfoys.

I sat up quickly, everything was green and silver, even the sun shining through was green. The room was eerie and quite calm for how dark it was in here.

I got out of bed and rushed to find my shoes.

"Where the bloody hell are they." I whispered to myself.

"Looking for something Myth?" Malfoy said standing up and apparently wide awake now.

"What the hell am I doing here?" I asked very confused.

He looked at me and sighed. "Do you remember what happened last night?" He asked me looking scared and worried.

"Ya of course I was teaching you flipendo and you got the spell and-" I thought to myself for a second trying to remember what happened next. "Oh my god. My first vision." I said to myself sitting down on Malfoys bed.

"A vision? That's what you were having? You sounded and looked like you were dying Gemini." He said still with a slight tone of worrisome in his voice.

"Why did you bring me here and not madam Promferys?" I asked him completely ignoring his question.

"I didn't want to get you in trouble." He said calmly.

"And if I was really dying Draco?" I said with an eyebrow raise.

"Then at least you would've died in a very comfortable bed." He laughed slightly obviously still worried for me.

"Draco I'm fine. I promise. I just need to get in touch with my father." I said to him with a smile.

"Thank you for taking me here. I really appreciate it." I said and with that I grabbed my shoes out of his hand and put them on. I gave him one last smile and started walking out.

"Just so you know Myth. I still hate you." He said as I was walking away.

"Ya ya I'll let you know when our next meeting is!" I said towards him and slipped out of the door.

Luckily no one was awake. I started walking down the stairs and took in how mysterious looking their common room is.

It's so dark but also beautiful at the same time. The windows made it look like I was under the black lake and the fireplace was silver instead of orange. The couch was huge and made out of black leather and the flooring was bright silver wood with an old green rug covering it.

Everything in here seems so peaceful.

I walked out of the door and ran for my fathers classroom.

I barged in to see him simply grading papers.

"Gemini. It's 6 in the morning." He said looking up at me. Then he looked at what I was wearing.

"Care to tell me why you have a Slytherin sweater on Gemini?" He said as his voice grew louder.

I looked down and just now realized I have Draco Malfoys old quidditch sweater on.

"Well fun story." I said laughing.

He got up from his desk and slowly started walking towards me. "Doesn't sounds like a fun story to your father Gemini." He said getting closer and closer to me.

"Well last night after detention I was helping Malfo-" I started saying before he yelled at me.

"That better not be Malfoys Sweater Gemini Myth Snape!" He yelled at me standing less than inch from my face.

Screw the story guess I'll just tell him.

"I got my first vision dad!" I yelled, mad that he wouldn't let me tell the story.

With that he took a few steps back. "You got your first vision?" He said worried.

"You need to listen before you start yelling at me again. Please?" I said calmly.

He nodded.

"After detention I went to help Malfoy with some defensive spells at the astronomy tower. As I was helping him I got this splitting headache and I was on the ground. It consisted of me screaming and yelling. It was the worst pain I have ever felt, and then it stopped with the vision. When the vision was over I blacked out and Malfoy helped me and brought me to his dorm. Next thing I knew was I woke up in his room, and just so you know he was sleeping on the ground and not with me." I said adding the last part to make sure he knew it was nothing more.

"What was the vision about?" He asked worried.

I took a deep breath and told him. "Bellatrix is going to kill someone soon but I have no idea who." I said looking down at my shoes.

He got up and gave me a hug. "I'm sorry this happened sweetie. It's the first sign of your gift." He said.

I wrapped my arms around him giving the hug back.

"It's going to get worse huh? The visions? Each time the vision consists of worse things it hurts more right?" I said pulling away so he could look at me.

"Yes. Each time the vision shows something even more horrible it will hurt even more." He said looking into my eyes.

"But what could be worse than someone dying?" I asked worried that it was just the beginning of the pain.

"Seeing who died, torture that never ends, visions of Voldemort." He said while sitting down and grabbing a quill and paper.

"For the next few days you will be training with Dumbledore okay?" He said to me.

I nodded my head.

"What do I do until then?" I asked worried I might hurt someone.

"Stay with Fred and George. Please." He said to me quietly.

I gave him a slight smile and walked out to find the twins. I walked down the long hall to the Gryffindor corridor and said the password.

The twins had their backs towards the door and were messing around with their Weasley products with the first years.

"Hi boys." I said standing behind them.

"Gemini! Are you okay?" They asked me.

I furrowed my eyebrows confused on how they knew, and before I could even ask they answered my question.

"Dumbledore told us after your dad sent him an owl." George said.

"We're supposed to be your babysitters." Fred said smirking. He knew I hated the idea of being watched.

I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Well lucky for you guys I do for once believe I need a babysitter." I laughed at them.

They both stood up and gave me a big hug.

"Don't scare us like that again." They said as they squished me to death.

"Uh guys, I can't breath." I said In between breaths.

They hugged me tighter and then let go.

I looked at them and we all started laughing. A whole fit of giggles.

"I missed you guys this summer. So much that maybe I can convince my father to let me come with you guys this winter." I smiled at them.

"I'm going to hold that to you little one." Fred said and George agreed with him.

"I'm going to go put my robes on, I'll meet you guys back down here ya?" I said to them.

"Always." They both said to me.

I walked around them and up the stairs to my room. As I opened my door I realized three people sitting on my bed.

A redhead, a curly head, and a Potter.

"Hi guys." I said closing the door and look at them with a smile.

Hermione smiled but Ron and Harry gave me a disgusted look.

"What's with the Slytherin sweater?" Ron asked.

"Oh this? Oh it's nothing." I said awkwardly.

"Ron she passed out and a Slytherin boy helped her." Hermione said to Ron while rolling her eyes towards him.

"Let me guess dumbledore?" I asked.

She nodded her head. "We were just here to check up on you." She smiled at me.

"I'm okay guys I swear." I said with a giggle.

"Look when I have those visions Gemini it puts me in so much pain. So are you sure you're okay?" Harry asked me.

"Yes Harry I promise. The pain is over it's not just lingering around me." I laughed.

"What was the vision?" Hermione asked.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes "Bellatrix Lestrange is going to use the killing curse on someone. I have no idea who she kills though."

I walked past them to my vanity with my robes hanging off of my vanity chair and grabbed them.

"The vision didn't show you?" Ron asked.

I looked over my shoulder to him and shook my head.

I then went to my closet and grabbed a new tie, button up shirt, skirt, and socks.

"Is it okay if we talk about this later guys? I need to get ready for classes." I said with a smile.

They all got up and gave me a smile. On their way out Harry gave me a hug and told me if I need help with my visions that he can help me. I gave him a slight smile in response and they all walked out.

I put on my clothes and started brushing out my hair. Why did dumbledore tell the golden trio? I'm friends with them but I'm not the best of friends with them. I'm sure I would've told Harry about my visions I mean out of all the people who understand crazy it's him.

With that I got a painful splitting headache.

"No not again." I muttered to myself.

It hasn't even been 24 hours.

This one was way less painful and the headaches stopped with a vision of me kissing someone.

The person I was kissing was tall, blonde, and wearing a black suit.

Draco. It was Draco Malfoy.

I came back to reality and this time I didn't black out.

"Draco? In no way would I ever kiss Draco Malfoy!" I muttered to myself while pacing my bedroom.

I'm not going to lie to myself and say it's because he's ugly. No no that man is handsome but his personality on the other hand is trash and we both hate each other with a passion.

Sure last night made me hate him less but I would still never kiss him. Gross.

Maybe the universe got me mixed up with someone else. My father would freak if he ever found out I kissed a Malfoy. Not that he has to find out since it won't bloody hell happen. Ever.

I grabbed my bag and headed down to the common room to grab Fred and George.

"Now you look more like yourself." George said smiling down at me. Now that I'm in Gryffindor gear they love me a little more.

"Sit down." I said pushing them both on the red velvet couch.

"Listen when I tell you this you mustn't tell anyone else. Swear?" I said to them while still standing up.

"We solemnly swear." They both said together smiling still.

I nodded my head. "I had another vision." I said. "And this time it wasn't about killing. It was about kissing someone." I said awkwardly.

"Ooo" Fred said as him and George made kissing noises.

I rolled my eyes. "It was Draco you guys!" I said which made them stop with the kissing noises.

"Like Malfoy?" Fred said.

"Draco Malfoy?" George said right after.

"Yup." I said while nodding my head and smacking my lips together.

"But don't worry I would never kiss him. Ever." I said disgusting with even just the thought.

"You do realize your visions are the future right?" George said.

"Yes George I know. I can change it." I said to him.

"Your visions are stuff that you can't change Gemini. For example Bellatrix Lestrange killing someone, you can't stop her because you don't know when it will be and who dies. Just like you don't know when that romantic evening will happen with Draco." Fred said trying to sound wise while agreeing with George.

"If I avoid him at all cost it will be okay." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"How are you supposed to avoid him when you're helping him with spells?" Fred said raising his eyebrows

"I will tell him that I can't help him anymore due to my vision from last night." I said to them.

"Maybe the vision means you and Draco are going to be lovers." Fred said giving me a wink.

I laughed at the thought of that. "I hate him more than anything, that would never happen."

"Plus how would you feel about me dating Malfoy? I'm pretty sure you guys would disown me." I said with a slight laugh.

"We will always love you, you could be with a death eater and we would still love you." George said while Fred agreed.

"It's a good thing I'll never be with a death eater then." I laughed and rolled my eyes at them.

"Okay okay I'm hungry, breakfast?" Fred said obviously bored of this conversation and probably starving to death.

I nodded my head and we all made our way towards the great hall.

"Are you going to see our first quidditch Match of the year?" George said to me as we sat down at the Gryffindor table.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." I said smiling up at the both of them.

They smiled at me and started putting food on their plates. I grabbed just a muffin on the other hand, I'm never really hungry for breakfast it's too early to eat.

I took a look around the great hall, I don't know why but my eyes landed on Draco who was sitting at the slytherin table. He was laughing and smiling with Zabini and Parkinson, I couldn't tell what they were saying but for some reason I wanted to figure it out. I tried listening and then Draco looked at me with the most disgusted face ever, which is nothing new. I looked away as soon as possible and zoned in on the twins conversation.

"I really hope the quidditch tryouts go well." Fred was saying to George.

"Don't worry brother we will always make the team." George said winking at him.

"And if you don't?" I joked to them.

The two gave me the most flabbergasted looks ever like I offended them in more ways than possible.

So dramatic these two I swear.

"It was just a joke calm down." I laughed while going to bite into my muffin.

"Never joke about that." George said. "Ever."

I laughed at them and rolled my eyes.

Just then Ron sat down next to me and just like the other two red heads he starting filling his plate with all tons of sweets.

"Malfoy is staring at you hard." Ron said while stuffing his mouth with eggs.

I looked to the slytherin table again and there he was staring at me but this time not with a disgusted look more of a curious look, like he was wondering what I was doing sitting with three Weasleys.

And well because I'm a bitch I gave him a disgusted look just like he did before. He looked away but not without flipping me off.

"What was that about?" Ron asked.

"Nothing." I said setting down my muffin and getting up from the table. "I've gotta go to class."

"You have 30 minutes until class Gem." Fred said to me.

"Ya well I've got to see professor Snape before class." I said to him.

With that I walked away. I'm not sure why him flipping me off made me so angry or upset or whatever, but it effected me in some way that I can't explain. For now I'm going to use the excuse of anger issues.

I walked out of the great hall into a fluster of students talking and laughing. I pushed past everyone and walked towards the girls bathroom. When I entered I set my stuff down and looked into the mirror.

I gave a slight smile to myself for how much I look like my mother. From the pictures I have seen I swear I even have the same little sparkle in my eyes just like her. I wish I met her just so I could know if my personality was really like hers.

My father says she had a feisty mouth but could be really sweet if she loved you, he says he sees her in me sometimes with certain things I say and do. I know it hurts him a little when he sees it but he would never admit it.

A few Slytherin girls started walking in all laughing and whispering to each other, when they saw me they gave me dirty looks and one girl who's name was Tracey Davis whispered into another girls ear about me and gave out a loud laugh. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my stuff and headed out to class, but not without whispering bitch under my breath.

I walked into class and a few classmates including Draco were already seated. I sat at my seat and pulled out my textbook.

"Ms. Myth come up here please." My father said while writing on the board.

I looked around and the students that were in class were staring at me thinking I was going to be in trouble. I got up and walked up to my dad.

"Yes?" I said to him.

He looked at me and then looked at the students. "Everyone please turn your attention away now." He said to them.

"You're going to dumbledores office to learn instead of classes today." He said with a straight face.

"But I need to be in class. It's O.W.L year please?" I begged although I knew he was going to make me go.

"No Gemini this is more serious now please grab your stuff and leave." He said to me coldly.

I gave a pouty face and walked to my desk and grabbed my stuff. When I looked up Malfoy was looking at me. It was obvious he was eavesdropping and me and my father.

When he realized I caught him in the act he looked away with what looked like an upset face.

I shook my head and quietly laughed. I headed out of the classroom and started walking to Dumbledores office.

I said the password and walked up the stairs. His door was cracked open so I slightly opened it so he would realize I was standing there. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Ms. Snape come in please." He said to me.

He's the only one to call me by my real last name.

I walked in and slowly sat down on a chair in front of his desk.

"How are you Gemini?" He said looking at me and holding his hand together.

"I'm good professor. How are you?" I said smiling at him.

"Busy very busy but I am also doing well." He said to me.

"Now tell me about these visions. What do they feel like?" He said to me as he tried to read my face.

"Like my head is being split in two by an axe. It doesn't stop until the vision comes." I said to him.

He nodded his head and got up and started looking for something in his cupboards.

"You know Gemini, your mother was very talented with her gift, but when she died you got not only her gift but also her power. You are ten times stronger than her." He said still searching for something.

"How?" I asked confused.

"Well when she died you were given the remaining of her power. The good power and the unknown power. Why do you think you're so good at classes that require magic and not so good at potions and the history of magic? It's because you have a lot of power in you Ms. Snape." He said to me.

I smiled to myself. It makes sense anything that involves using a wand I'm excel at but anything else then you mine as well fail me in the class.

"Ah here it is." Dumbledore said to himself as he pulled out a tiny vile.

"This Ms. Snape is so I can get in your mind." He said calmly

I gave him a terrified look which he saw right away.

"I need to be able to see how far you are in your gift." He said with a slight laugh.

"Can't you figure that out by just having me tell you?" I asked.

"Do you know what your gift does?" He asked me sitting back down at his desk.

"My father won't tell me, he just says it's dangerous." I told him.

"He is half correct. Although I like to call it the unknown I don't want you labeled as dangerous. Gemini your gift has a lot of power, when your gift does come you won't be able to control it, you also won't even need your wand, just your hands. The sad truth Gemini is you will kill anyone who gets in your way." He said calmly like killing wasn't a big deal.

"K-kill? I would never kill." I said worried and scared of myself.

"Gemini, you wouldn't kill, but the other half of you would." He said.

"But why?" I asked knowing I would be eaten alive by my brain if I killed someone.

"The gift is so strong and you aren't yourself. Literally. Your personality will change, your eyes will, you won't be scared of anything and anyone who tries to stop you from doing what you want will be killed if you can't control it. You won't have any emotions and turning this gift off will be very hard." He said wisely while pouring the liquid inside the vile into a gold wine cup.

I didn't say anything, I mean I didn't know what to say. What does someone say when they are told they will kill someone out of their control?

He looked at me and smiled. "You will learn to control it. Don't worry Gemini."

I smiled back, but deep down I didn't agree with him. I don't think I will be able to control it.

"Drink this please." He said handing me the strange liquid.

I took a small sip and almost spit it back out.

"That sir is disgusting." I said with a disgusted look.

He laughed while I finished the rest trying not to spit it out.

He took out his wand and pointed it at me "legilimens!" He yelled.

All I saw was black and then I appeared in a house, it was a huge house with only black decorations, black table and chairs. When I turned around I saw Lucius, Lucius Malfoy with Bellatrix Lestrange.

What am I doing at the Malfoys?

I hid behind a pillar scared that they will be able to see me.

"They can't see us." Dumbledore said appearing behind me.

I furrowed my eyebrows.

How the hell did he get here?

"The potion allows me in your deep mind, you asked that out loud by the way." Dumbledore said smiling at me.

My cheeks turned red from embarrassment.

"Why are we at the Malfoys?" I asked.

And then I saw my father and I walk in.

This wasn't a memory it was the god damn future.

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