The Mitchell Boys

By FightingAndSurviving

445K 16.5K 4.6K

𝐌𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐚 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝. 𝐌𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐠... More

Chapter 1
Character clear up.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
chapter 43
Chapter 44
chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 50

6.1K 263 140
By FightingAndSurviving

Chris POV

There were faint voices and noises surrounding me, threatening to pull me out of my sleep. My body went cold for a second before being wrapped by warmth again. It felt as if someone's arms were holding me. whined and curled into whatever was warming me. It was hard and had a faint scent of musk and soap.

Whatever was holding me tightened their grip as I heard the noises getting louder. I groaned trying to tuck my head further into my exceptionally hard pillow. Curling my hand into it to get into a better position.

I heard a faint grunt as the noises began to fade. The farther they went the more my body began to slack again into them. Soon the feeling of something soft and plush being pushed against my back came to my senses. All the movements started to wake me up a bit. I slowly peeled open my eyes to my dark and blurry surroundings.

"Ash?" I muttered quietly. Confused at seeing a blurry image of the giant Mitchell over me. I smiled to myself, I'm probably lucid dreaming. I giggled quietly at the thought of being carried to my bed. His face came closer to me as I felt a callous hand brush my hair off of my forehead.

"Go back to sleep baby." A soft voice rumbled through the silent room. I smiled at my dream Ash finding it hilarious he called me baby. There is no possible way he's real. I turned and curled into my bed feeling the same throb in my head.

I heard shuffling on my carpet before I felt warm hands on my ankles. I tensed for a second before I felt my left shoe come off my foot, and the light thump it made on my floor. He unlaced and took off the second one before light came from my doorway.

Is this really a dream? There is no possible way, I think my light concussion is getting to me. "Hey red, Austin said you should take these medicines." Another voice whispered in my room. I grumbled my response curling my face into my pillow.

"I've brought some water too." The voice added. "Shut up Cameron." Ash's voiced calmly. I felt my bed dip down besides me as a hand touched my arm. "Come on red, it's going to make you feel better. And hopefully fix that headache." he offered, his voice honey smooth.

"Honey." chuckled at the comparison of his voice before slowly turning to my side. "Honey?" He muttered quietly not thinking. Why would he randomly say honey? Can he read thoughts too?

I opened my left eye half way, keeping it low. So I could only make out the thigh besides me as I held my hand out. Two pills were placed in my palm and I quickly threw them into my mouth. Not in the mood to even question what kind of drugs they gave me.

I held my hand up again for the cup and drank it. Getting half the contents over my face, up my nose, and on my collar. I gagged and snorted for a minute, trying to keep myself from drowning as the person besides me started to shake. Then the person quickly left my bed with a grunt and I heard hushed whispers.

"Night red." Was the last thing I heard before I was quickly submerged in darkness again. Sleep calling to me.


I woke up groggy and sore as they blinded me from my curtains. I felt like I had the worst hangover. Thank god I was used to hangovers so it was bearable. My hand wasn't hurting as much as yesterday and I could form full thoughts, so I didn't get it that bad.

My fists were throbbing like they usually did after a fight and my neck felt sore and stiff. My shoulders and back hurt, most likely bruised from the ass-hat throwing me to the ground.

I sat up taking a deep breath and looking around. I stretched back trying to release the tension from my muscles when I paused. I wiggled my toes to realize I wasn't wearing socks or shoes. I threw my blanket off of myself and checked if anything else was missing. But everything but my socks and shoes were still on me.

Gross, I really need to shower. But when did I take off my shoes? Last night was kind of fuzzy so I don't really remember anything past the car ride and laying on Austin. But for some reason I thought of Ash, did he carry me to my room last night?

Whatever. I just want to shower and change. I got out of bed and grabbed some random shirt I permanently "borrowed" from one of my friends. It was torn in some places from how old it was but went down to my knees and was comfortable. Then I pulled out some blue pajama pants to wear underneath the white shirt and a pair of underwear.

I looked at the clock, reading 10 AM. I'm surprised Alyssa didn't barge into my room like some spawn from hell. Waking me up at the ass crack of dawn to do yoga or something with her. I love the woman but sometimes I want to shove a sock into her mouth.

I trudged out of my room as if I stayed the whole night at one of the old parties I used to go to. Wow this is bringing back unneeded memories. I guess this is karma because I didn't beat him up enough. Maybe next time.

I slammed open my door and grabbed a towel from the closet before heading into the bathroom. I've noticed something odd the longer I've been here. The guys were using the shared bathroom less and less. It was weird and somewhat worrying. Like I'll see their hair dripping wet with the freshly showered look and the smell of soap. But never saw them go into or out of the bathroom. It was weirding me out to an unholy extent.

I shut the door to the bathroom as the sunlight from the window flooded the large bathroom. I splashed my face with water to see what remained of my makeup. Yep, it really looked like I stayed up for two days partying at Sans Club again.

I sighed before brushing my teeth, washing my face, and attempting to untangle my hair. Everything but the hair was successful, it was more like ripping my hair out then untangling.

Then I turned the water to scorching hot. I wanted my skin to be tomato red and I was borderline cooking myself. I undressed and stepped into the shower quietly singing to myself. While Addy was driving me she was playing music I wouldn't usually listen to but I was lowkey vibing. Now I have the song "golf on T.V" stuck in my head.

"Some people want to switch it up, they just want love. It'll never be enough, some people watch golf on t.v~." I was singing what I remembered, swaying left and right in the shower as I shampooed.

Then I did a complete switch in genres to singing Simply Plan "You suck at love". Once again trying to be quiet in the shower as I rocked out while conditioning.

"Guess what? Not a game over, got burned but you're the real lo-ser. I don't know why. I wasted my ti-me with you~!" I turned off the water I hummed the lyrics to myself as I dried my body and my hair.

I posed a few times in the mirror while doing dance moves to the song in my head. Acting like I was having a concert with my deodorant bottle.

Once I was clean and presentable I walked out the bathroom still humming to see Jordan leaning against the wall. I screamed and dropped everything I was carrying. Before I realized it, I dropped my underwear and bra and quickly grabbed everything.

"God! Why are you all silent creeps that like to lean on things in silence and wait to scare people. Calm down Edward Cullen we get it." I snapped at him trying to not die of a heart attack.

He snorted and looked at me amused, "I didn't know you could sing. You should sing for me sometime, you have a great voice." he said leisurely as he picked up my discarded deodorant on the floor.

My whole face flushed red in an instant, unable to control it. I snatched my D.O back from his grasp and crossed my arms. I turned my head to the side, "I have no idea what you're talking about." I grumbled wanting to hide in the bedroom they gave me.

Jordan, noticing my embarrassment, smirked and tried to put his face in my view. I kept on swerving away, trying to not let him see more of my ruby red face. "What?" he asked, feigning innocence, "You were good, I didn't know you knew Simply Plan."

I sucked in my bottom lip before trying to bypass him. I don't know, I've never been good with compliments. Especially about my voice or any kind of work I do. "I don't need your sarcasm. Now excuse me, I need some coffee."

He grabbed my arm as I tried to walk away halting me. He didn't put any real force or strength behind it. It was just to stop me from walking forward. "I was being serious by the way, I like your voice." He stared into my eyes as he said it causing me to flush brighter. Fuck.

"Also, how are you feeling. I wasn't meant to be a creep, I needed my hairbrush, I left it in the bathroom." I swallowed my lip again trying to calm my racing pulse.

"I'm feeling peachy. A good comparison would be chugging a whole bottle of vodka only to start taking tequila shots." I annoyance dryly, rolling my eyes to the side.

He slowly released my arm and cleared his throat. "I'm pretty sure you would be dead if you chugged a bottle of vodka in one go. But i'm assuming bad" I snorted at that. "No, I'm just being overly dramatic. I feel fine, thank you."

We both stood there looking at each other or something else for a second in silence. "Well, fun talking to you. I'm going to head downstairs." I pointed to the stairs awkwardly with my thumb. "Ah, yeah. I'm gonna get my hair brush." he smiled back at me. I'm not sure if it was an awkward smile or not because his face was too beautiful to really notice.

I turned and went to go downstairs before I realized I was still holding my shit. I quickly opened the door to my room and threw it in before quickly shutting it and heading downstairs.

I really hope Alyssa and Mr. Mitchell wasn't here. You can't really tell that i got into a fight, but anyone can really tell that i look like shit.

I glided down the stairs and headed to the kitchen to make myself a coffee for breakfast. I walked in to see Austin sitting at the island and looked at the wall. I paused for a second before shrugging it off.

"Where do you guys keep your coffee?" I asked him. I saw him tense for a minute, clearly not noticing I was there till that moment. ""Up in the cabinet there." He pointed to the one next to the stove vent. I headed over and went through all of Alyssa's keurig flavors.

"So how are you feeling?" He asked me, sounding concerned. He stood up and went to a different cabinet and shuffled through it. I heard the faint sound of pills shaking as he went through it.

"I'm feeling absolutely perfect. Well if perfect meant someone taped a 10 pound weight on my head." I chirped happily. "Okay, so you're feeling bad?" He questioned sounding confused.

"Yes, no." I said back. "What?" He replied. I sighed before clarifying, "Yes and no. Like yes but no." He paused what he was doing to look at me like I was a peculiar existence.

"Here are some pills you can take. It'll help with the heavy feeling, pain, and headaches if there are any." He informed me as I put a mug underneath the coffee maker. "Thank you." I said as I plucked them from his hand and swallowed them without any water.

"Blech, nasty. I don't know why medicine has to taste so bad. If you're going to force feed your children might as well make it taste better than grape, piss, or plastic. Like be creative." I complained as he sat down and watched me.

"If you're hungry we went to a chick fil a yesterday and got you some nuggets." I froze and I picked up my coffee at his statement. I forced a laugh, "Why?" I was confused as I prepared my coffee.

"Well who doesn't like Chick Fil A, including we didn't want you to feel left out." I turned and looked at him skeptically. "Yeah, i don't believe you for a second. Your tunes are all changing real fast after I ended up kicking some ass hats ass." I accused.

"I can't speak on everyone else's behalf but i can at least speak for mine. I apologize for how I acted before. You were a stranger coming into our house that nobody knew, and we haven't had a lot of good experiences with things like that." he apologized sincerely. I sucked in my cheeks looking at him.

I took in a deep breath before leaning on the counter and stared at him, "I understand that, but have you ever considered to get to know me first before jumping to conclusions?" I asked him, not trying to sound mad or aggressive. Just questioning.

He leaned on the island facing me, "Isn't it easier avoiding what you don't know then going after it. Why go out of your way to see if you might get hurt when you can stay where you are comfortably. Why set yourself up for a chance to get hurt when you can just be happy where you are? If five people went to the unknown and no one comes back alive, then a new unknown show's up. Would you want to try going into that one seeing how badly the last one ended?" He asked and answered at the same time.

Shit, I completely understood what he was talking about. Whatever anger I might have been feeling subsided, understanding what he meant. It would be completely hypocritical being mad about the exact same things i did in the past. Damn it, I hated being reasonable.

I took a long drink of my coffee and rubbed the bridge of my nose in between my pointer finger and thumb. "Yes, I understand it. I forgive you but that doesn't mean i'm just going to forget everything. I am reasonable." I flipped my hair over my shoulder overdramatically.

I set my coffee down and went to his face. "But I have one more question. If I am part of this unknown, what makes you want to venture it?" I looked up at him meeting his dark eyes. "History has proven fearing the unknown never got anyone anywhere, the little unknown that has wandered into our house and disturbed the peacefulness we had before has gotten my curiosity. We're all going to die one day." He took a step closer to me and bent down, he was a breath away from my face.

"So little fox, will you be the death of us or an amazing discovery. Which kind of unknown are you?"

I swallowed thickly staring into his bright eyes. He backed up and smiled before grabbing his bagel and walking out of the kitchen, leaving me by myself. I stood there confused before yelling out irrationally, "I asked why! Not for a whole psychological lesson about the universe and shit!"

I heard a bark of laughter as I crossed my arms over my chest. Fuck me, why was that kind of hot. I shook my head and went back to my coffee. Which wasn't overly complex and going to give me a headache of over analyzing and overthinking.

Hello everyone, I am in a dilemma. I don't know what I want Austin's nickname for Chris to be. Here are the options.

Kit (Baby fox)

Vixen (Adult female fox)

Foxy girl

Little fox


Or (Your Choice)

P.S The romance scenes will be coming super soon. Like in a few chapters is going to be the first kiss!!!! So be ready for that!! 

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