
Junie_Bee_Jones tarafından

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🚨DISCONTINUED🚨 i re-read this book and... well, comparing it to my latest works, it kinda sucks. the story... Daha Fazla

France, Yippee!
First Day of School. Don't Screw Up!
Stoneheart - Part One
Stoneheart - Part Two
The Bubbler
Lady Wifi
Dark Cupid
What A Day
Guitar Villain
I'm sorry, Adrien
The Guardian
The Collector
Riposte - Bonus
The Sapotis
The Queen's Battle Pt 1
The Queen's Battle Pt 2
A/N - Sorry
Anansi... kinda
Party Crasher

Captain Hardrock

145 5 10
Junie_Bee_Jones tarafından

SPOILER! Fluff, gayness, and a whole lotta swearing. Enjoy!


Why are streamers so hard? Like, it's a string with paper triangles dangling from it. How the hell does it get tangled so easily? I've been trying to detangle this blasted thing for the past ten minutes!

Kitty Section, a band a few of our classmates made, is having their first concert tonight. Rose is the lead singer, Ivan is the drummer, Juleka is the bass guitarist and her older brother is the main guitarist. Luka, the brother, is apparently really nice. I wouldn't know, I have yet to meet him. I haven't heard their music yet either, but I do know two things: one, that their style is like positive/sunshine metal, and two, that they're awesome.

Alya, me, Nino, Mari and Mylene all came to help set up. Nino and Alya are assembling the speakers, Mylene is hanging the streamers I have already detangled, and Mari was tidying up a bit. Just as I find the right string to pull, a certain clumsy bluenette crashes into me. The jerk made the knot tumble free of itself.

"Oh my goodness," she rushes out, "Sorry Y/N."

"All good, babe," I chuckle. I grab the string and show it to her, "You actually sped the process up by a lot." She giggles a bit and I kiss her cheek; she's too adorable to resist. Blushing like a maniac, Mari continues to tidy.

I walk over to Mylene with the detangled streamer and we begin to hang it. Rose's voice starts to come out of the speakers getting louder and louder until the feedback forces me to cover my ears. How she doesn't make the mic do that when singing is beyond me. I wonder how her voice will sound, I've never heard her sing before.

Looking at our work with satisfaction, I pat Mylene on the shoulder. We did well. I walk up to Alya who's holding the ladder for Nino.

"Have you heard from Adrien?" I ask her. She shakes her head so I yell up to Nino. "Yo! Is sunshine boy on his way?!"

"He said he's got something with his old man," Nino yells back, "He'll be here soon after!"

The displeasure is clear on my face. Yes, I am a little upset that my cinnabun isn't here yet, but I'm more upset about his dad. I've never gotten good vibes from him, especially after The Collector. Thank the Lord I'm in his good books, or else he and I would be at each other's throats 24/7.

My grumpy thoughts are interrupted by a very thick pirate accent. "Captain Arnaka speaking to ya!" I love Juleka's mom. The Captain wears a pink shirt and blue jeans with a black, pirate-style overcoat on top and stylish brown boots. Her wrists are adorned with a variety of mix-matched bracelets and mix-matched earrings as well. She has long, braided grey hair that reaches her butt and her bangs are contained by a purple and black headband. She's awesome. Juleka took me to meet her after Reflekta. Well, not right after, I was a little, uh... busy then, but the day after. Anyway, she's a riot! "So how's it coming along, me young pirates? Ready to celebrate the-" She squints at the space behind me and readjusts her red glasses. "Whatcha up to, there, matey?" She walks past me and approaches Mari.

"Oh! I'm uh, I'm cleaning up for tonight," Mari explains while Arnaka takes the box from Mari's hands. "Your boat will be clean as a whistle!" Mari places her hands on her hips and gives a proud close-eyed smile. Fuck, I love her.

"You're cleaning?" Arnaka asks a little amused. she lets out a mighty laugh then starts throwing the contents of the box on the ground. "Didn't my daughter tell ya? We like the lived-in look," she explains, "There are no rules here on the Liberty! Out of chaos comes creation. Messiness is life!" The Captain really is something else. Juleka has the coolest mom. Mine is cool, Mari's is cooler, the Captain is the coolest.

After the Captain's little performance, Alya, Nino, Mari and I went to the eagle's nest to tidy up. Not clean, just tidy, there's a difference.

I feel a buzzing in my pocket and pull out my phone to see a call coming in from Adrien. This can either be really good news or really bad news. I answer.

"Hey, sunshine!"

"Hey, Y/N."

"That wasn't a happy 'hey'."

"Well, I messed up my piano piece and now my father won't let me come tonight."

I pause for a second to cool down. I'm sure my face is scarlet with anger right now. Mari's also looking at me worried, so I need to take a few breaths. "What me to bust you out?"

"No," he chuckles, "If I need to, I think I can do so on my own." I roll my eyes and smirk. The others are looking at me weird since my mood did a complete 180 in the span of two seconds.

"Well, God's speed, cinnabun." I hang up on his chuckles and look to three very confused friends. "Adrien's pops is being a little bitch. I'm hoping he'll bust himself out." They all nod understandingly. We're at the point of our friendship where they know my mood swings dramatically and I get them all in and out of a lotta shit. They're just used to it at this point.

Nino dips outside to get a duster and places a metal 'rock out' hand sculpture on the massive compass thingy. I'm about to take it off because that's bad for the compass but I'm beaten to it by a strong pirate accent.

"Woah, sailor!" The three of us turn to see the Captain march towards the compass. "Never place a metal object next to a compass, ya hear, lassies?"

"Yup," I say. I take the metal hand from her to demonstrate. "Metal distorts the Earth's magnetic field in the area it's in," I bring the statue closer to the compass making the compass go berserk. "Since compasses read the Earth's magnetic field, bringing a metal object near it will make the compass go crazy."

The Captain looks at me fondly. "Ye be a sharp one there," she compliments, "Ye'd make a fine sailor."

I spread my hands out as if saying 'welp'. "Ye never know?" I say mimicking her accent. We both laugh a little with Alya and Mari just shaking their heads at me. I grab Mari's hand and pull her so she's in front of me and I bear hug her from behind.

"You know," I say suavely, "If I were a compass, you'd be my metal object." Her face flushes and I smirk. I kiss her cheek and whisper, "or maybe it's the other way around." I nip her earlobe quickly before releasing her.

I smile smugly at Alya, knowing full well that she's gonna say 'get a room!' but a different voice pipes up first.

"We're ready, Captain!" Rose squeaks from the bottom of the stair. "But, uh, Luka's missing."

The Captain turns to me. "Y/N, right?"

"Aye aye."

"Since you've done enough cleanin' to be flirtin', could you go tell Luka we're waiting on him for rehearsals?"

I chuckle. "Sure. Where is he?"

"You'll find him in his quarters."

I two-finger salute her and head below deck. The room is lovely. Breakfast bar to the left, couch littered with instruments and ship things in front of me and a hallway across the room. I walk through the doorway, eyes set on the door a little ways ahead. I take two steps then something in my peripherals is moving towards me. My reflexes kick in and I evade the thing - which turns out to be a person - grab their arm and kick out their knees. So now there is a person with a blue jean jacket and black-to-blue ombre hair pinned under me with no chance of escaping.

"Can I help you?" The person asks, clearly, a little freaked out. I roll my eyes, seeing as the person's not a threat, and help them up. I'm met with an older, male, blue version of Juleka. Black hair, black pants, black earrings, and black painted nails. White Jagged Stone shirt under a hoodie and jean jacket. His hair is blue at the tips, like Juleka's is purple, and styled to look like a generic anime boy. Kid's got style. And my gaydar is going haywire.

"You must be Luka," I say.

"Yes," he responds, "And you are?"

"The chick who K-Oed you," I smirk.

"Hello, the chick who K-Oed me," he smiles. I roll my eyes. He frowns a bit then picks up his guitar. "Sorry, I'm bad at introductions. I make more sense with this." He sits on the ground starts strumming which surprises me. He taps the spot next to him telling me to sit. I do. "Strange. It feels like you have something like this in your heart." I am beyond confused to even speak. What the hell is he talking about?

He gives one hard strum then fingerpicks a fast melody that I am vibing with. The sound is beautiful yet edgy, soft yet rough. It's organized chaos, everything is happening at once yet I can perfectly picture every detail. Whatever this dude is playing it's my fucking anthem, my theme song.

The melody ends and I'm starstruck.

"How did you do that?" I ask, my voice a mix of skepticism and awe.

"Music is often simpler than words," he says. I send him a quick finger gun as if to say 'true dat'.

A Jagged Stone poster catches my eyes. I stand and approach it. "You're a Jagged Stone fan?"

"Yeah, he's my favourite singer."

"Y'know, he's my girlfriend's uncle," I say, "If you want I could set up a meet and greet with him for ya."

"That would be amazing, thank you!"

I shrug, "No problem, man. Now, let's head up, they're waiting for you." He nods and follows me up.

We get up there to see everyone waiting.

"What took so long?" Alya asks.

I sit down next to her and Mari sits on my other side. "Dude is like a musical voodoo man. Started playing something that sounded like me. Like, if you listened to what he played you'd think 'oh that sounds like Y/N'," I explain. "Highly recommend."

"So he played you a personalized song?"Mari asks. I slight twinge of sourness in her voice.

I wrap my arm around her and kiss her cheek, "Yes, he did. But believe me when I say the kid's gay." She relaxes a little in my arms and I smile. How could I ever see anyone else when she is right here, the light of my life.

My romantic thoughts are stopped by shouting. "Ho, Ho, Sailors! Let's give 'em a show!" The Captain's booming voice reaches my ears. "Whenever you're ready, Luka!" I look to Luka who readies his guitar. The speakers behind him looking menacing in their size.

Mylene taps my shoulder. "You're going to need these, believe me," she whispers. She hands us some earplugs. Oh boy, this is gonna be good. We put them in and prepare for the worst.

Luka strums the guitar with a strong motion. The sound emits from the speakers making a sound wave powerful enough to move the water surrounding us. The dust on the street is blown back and even the cars parked near us shake a bit. Thank God I have a backrest or I would've gone flying.

We sat there, stunned, for a few seconds. Fuck, that was loud. Ten seconds of shocked silence is broken by sirens and helicopter blades. Soon enough, the boat is surrounded by police. Shit, we're in trouble.

Officer Roger emerges from the closest car with a megaphone. "Mrs. Anarka, are you completely out of your mind?" He booms through the megaphone. He holds up a metre of some sort, "I'm reading 160 decibels! That's ten times the sound of a jet engine!" Oh, so it's a decibel metre. Also, a jet engine?! "You just can't do this! You'll have to play something else." Shit.

The Captain places a boot on the side of the ship and speaks into her own mic. "It's the National Music Festival today, Officer Roger," her voice carries from the ship's speakers, "My crew is allowed to play whatever they want!"

"It's a music festival, not a noise festival!" Roger shouts back. "Either you turn the volume down or I ban your concert altogether."

Okay. I need to throw some water and these coals. I walk up to the Captain. "Um, Captain, maybe we could turn the volume down a little bit?" I suggest, "Then there'd be no more problem right?"

"No!" The Captain turns back and screams. Not the reaction I was hoping for. "Out of the question! I didn't name my galleon Liberty for nothing, you know!" She points to the mast where a large sign that says 'Liberty' sits. "It's a matter of principle! Haven't you ever heard of freedom of speech, Roger?" Um, yes, but this isn't exactly freedom of speech. This is just simple courtesy for others. "This is my home! I do as I want!"

The argument goes on with Roger asking for a mooring permit, insulting her 'lived-in' look by saying it's a public visual disturbance and ticketing her for it. He's ticketing her for public visual disturbance, not the fact that she doesn't have a morning permit. I respect police but what the fuck is Roger doing? This is not how you approach a situation like this. He continues to give her tickets. One for the boat 'being too decorated', one for making him write so many tickets, one for her 'attitude', one because he 'can't sleep', one more 'because he's seasick', and one more 'because he says so'. The Captain stomps off to the eagle's nest.

Okay, I've had enough.

"Hey!" The audience turns to me. I'm seething at this point. "Officer, I understand your concern about the noise. We'll turn down the volume. But what you're doing right now, giving the Captain tickets for no reason is an abuse of power and just being a dick." My friends and the policemen gasp at my curse but I don't care. "You're being completely unreasonable. You angered the Captain by marching in here guns a blazing which made her retaliate the way she did. If you only came in one car, ditched the megaphone and talked to her like a civilized person, we wouldn't be in this predicament and you wouldn't've been making so many useless tickets." He opens his mouth to speak but I cut him off, "Don't you dare give me a ticket. A ticket for what anyway? For knocking some sense into your thick skull? For bringing you down from the pedestal you place yourself on? You're acting ridiculous. I'm supposed to be the child here, not you. So start acting like an adult and stop being a dick."

Before Roger can say anything to me the sip is engulfed by the purple-black goop and akumatization. I lock eyes with Roger and make a gesture that says 'now look what you did'. The goop comes underneath us and I'm hit with the familiar and unwelcome sensation of touching the shit. I hate this.

The goop retreats to leave a red, yellow and black ship with a massive white sail above us.

"Raise the mainsail, me deckhands," the familiar accent speaks from the wheel, "Let's get swashbuckling 'round here! Har ar ar!" Oh my god. Of course, I have to deal with a pirate Akuma the day after a watch all five Pirates of the Caribbean in a row. Of course, the universe would do that. The Captain's hair is now cropped to spike straight up and fiery red, a skull adorned headband keeping it away from her face. She's got black boots, a dark grey bodysuit that has red flames from the waist up and a large buckled belt around her waist and one as a sash. Her jacket is black with yellow trim cuffed elbows and the collar up in a physics-defying way. The shoulders have spikes on them and her fingerless-gloved hands have skull and band rings adorning them. Her face, hoo boy. Her eyeliner is below her eyes in a half oval with drawn-on eyelashes spiking out. Lips as red as her hair and eyes are yellow. To be completely honest, one of the best looking Akuma's yet.

"Mom?" Juleka speculates.

"What's going on?" Luka asks.

"Your mom has weight anchor, me lad," the Captain shouts, "I am Captain HardRock!" She pulls a stick from her hip that turns out to be a fucking lightsaber whose blade is a classic pirate style. Well, I know who I'm being for Halloween. "And today, Paris' timbers are about to be shivered by my cannons!"

The light sabre transforms into a telescope through which she looks. Spotting something she gives an order to the ship to go towards the Effiel Tower where Jagged Stone is. The ships move on its own accord. Oh, so it's like Blackbeard who controls the ship with his sword. Cool.

"We will destroy all the other concerts so we will reign supreme!" The Captain continues, "Now get to your instruments, sprogs, and rock these decibels!"

"Mom, please! You can't ruin the music festival!" Luka pleads.

"You can't force people to listen to your music," Mari adds. Oh shit. I was ogling at how cool the Captain was I forgot I'm meant to save the city.

"No way we're playing like this!" Ivan shouts. Juleka and rose are holding each other. So are Alya and Nino, Ivan and Mylene. Mari and I are standing our ground side by side, holding hands, while Luka is on his own. I gotta get him a boyfriend.

"Mutiny? On my ship?" The Captain says appalled. "Liberty! Seize these scallywags and throw 'em into the hold!" Oh shit.

Chains fly out of nowhere and chain us together in pairs, except Luka. The deck lowers down into a ramp and we all roll into the shadows below.

When everything has calmed down and we're all sitting up, I feel something moving in my inside pocket. I look down to see Melody pointing to the lock. I look around quickly then nod. Melody quickly fazes into the lock and the chains fall from me and Mari. I smile and roll my shoulders.

"Okay, who's next?" I say standing up. Mari looks at me funny but brushes it off, the others are looking at me like I'm magic. Well, they're not technically wrong, there. "I can pick locks, let's move on," I shrug their questioning gazes off.

I go to unlock Luka but footsteps and evil prate laughter cut me off. "We'll be back," I whisper shout and pull Mari into Luka's room. I lock the door and look for a way out. The window might work. There's a bang on the door and I quickly stuff Mari under the bed.

The door bangs again. Melody flies out of my shirt and nods to me. I whisper the words and transform into Perruche. The door bursts open and I ready myself for the attack.

"You pesky bird!" The Captain yells, "Where'd them two girls go?" She raises her sword at me.

"Got them outta here already," I reply with a smirk. Yelling at the ship, she tries to send chains at me but I dodge with a few flips and twists. "Ha! Even with a sentient ship, you can't catch me!" Snarling, she tries again but I launch forward and send her flying through the door and into the wall. I follow and close the door behind me so Mari can transform.

"Perruche?" Alya asks, "What are you doing here where's Y/N and Mari?"

"Already got 'em out," I say quickly. The Captain tries to attack but I grab her arm and toss her across the room into a pile of barrels. I throw four knives, each slicing the chains from my friends. "Everyone, hang on!" I scoop them all up so they're doggy pilled on top of Ivan and I fly out of the ship. The Captain yells at us as I fly but by the time she's on deck, we're too far away to attack.

I place them all on street far from the Seine. "You all get to safety," I order. They nod and run, Alya with her phone out, but the two siblings stay.

"But that's our mom," Luka starts.

I place a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry, your mom will be fine. We'll get everything back to normal," I assure him, "Besides, I can't let Kitty Section's concert be cancelled!" With a wink and two-finger salute a shoot up into the air to follow the ship.

I follow Liberty and watch as it attacks the XY set. XY, himself, running away crying like a toddler. I never liked that guy. The Captain goes to scope out the next set but backtracks to a roof. There sits Cat Noir in all his sassy glory. My Lord, what a guy.

"Fire at Chat Noir!" Cannonballs, that are actually speakers, shoot from the ship right at Chat. He jumps towards them and uses them as stepping stones to get closer to the ship. He misses the last one and falls into the river. I try really hard not to laugh as I swoop in and scoop the cat out of the water.

"Couldn't've given me a ride?" He asks a little annoyed.

"Nah," I shrug, "I wanted to see how you did." He rolls his eyes.

"Seize them!" The Captain commands.

Chat is stunned by the command but I'm ready for it. There were two chains headed our way so I fire a knife at each making the links shatter midair and the knives embedding themselves in the mast. A third one comes from behind and ties us both up. Shit didn't see that one.

A second later, LB pops up and uses her yoyo to free us. "Thanks, babe!" I say without thinking. More chains are shot at us. We all dodged the attacks swiftly but unable to make any headway on her.

Sirens sound from behind the Captain. "I command you to stop! In the name of the law!" I hear Officer Roger shout. God, his dude is an idiot.

"Fire Liberty!" A cannon-speaker fires right in front of the police boat sending the officers flying towards the shore.

Without hesitation, I launch upwards and catch each officer. LB uses her yoyo to create a net where the boats are gonna land so nothing is too badly damaged.

The boat land, I touch down next to my partners and release the officers.

"Thank you, you three!" Officer Roger says.

"Stay undercover," LB says while Chat and I help the other officers to safety, "We'll handle her."

The Captain starts firing at us again so Chat uses the projectiles as stepping stones while LB swings and I fly. We land on the deck on battle stances. She fires chains at us again. The other two dodge and jump on them to get closer while I fly through with ease. Both sides get a few hits in but the Captain backflips to the ladder-net-thing on the side of the ship and evilly laughs.

"Any idea where the Akuma is?" Chat asks us, girls.

"It's gotta be on the ship somewhere," LB speculates.

"In that case," Chat raises his arm, "A cataclysm will settle this."

LB yoyos his wrist to prevent his from summoning his power. "No, there are prisoners aboard, you destroy the ship, they could drown too," she warns.

"I already got them out," I say. The Captain fires at Nightingale. "We gotta stop this ship!"

Chat tries to claw the sail, to no avail. LB tries to sprint the wheel but it's no use. Nothing is moving, the ship's indestructible.

"HAHA! Liberty only answers to me!" Captain shouts. Shit, this really is like Blackbeard and the Queen Anne's Revenge.

"LB, use your Charm! We'll stall her," I say. She nods then Chat and I attack. He doing close combat while I fly over firing knives at her accessories in hopes one of them is the Akuma. Not in her headband, not in her boots, not in her earrings, bracelets, rings, a light sabre. Dammit!

Chat is thrown off the platform and caught by a chain. Double dammit!

"Your miraculous will be my treasure, Kitty Cat," the Captain says while reaching for his ring.

"Oh no, you don't!" I shout. I throw a knife at her hand which goes through. Her hand is pinned to the mast by my knife, that's gotta hurt... I throw another one to free Chat but the Captain blocks it with her sword, frees herself and launches at me. Chat's gonna have to wait.

I dodge her initial attack but am hit by her sword the second time. The sword cuts deeply through my thigh, staining my suit a darker red than normal. Well, shit, that's gonna be a pain to live with for the next few days.

Before she can attack again, LB yoyos the Captain and lassoing her away from me. Fuck, my leg hurts. While LB distracts the Captain, I fly up and hide behind one of the side sails. The Akuma has to be something she was touching when the butterfly got her, and it has to be a part of the ship. What could it be?

LB and the Captain fight but the former is distracted by Officer Roger again. While she's distracted, LB goes to free Chat and I sneak behind the pirate. She turns around to fight LB again but finds no one there.

"Where'd ye go?" She asks the air. "If you refuse to give me your Miraculous, then my next target will be Mayor Bourgeois and his land loverin' orchestra!" She places her hands on her hips as she stands in front of the wheel. "Liberty, next stop, City Hall!" The compass under the wheel spins erotically then the boat moves on its own accord. The compass! Of course!

I pull out a knife and text LB.

Akuma's in the compass. Got anything metal?

I hit send and wait. There's not much I can do with my leg slowly bleeding out. Fuck I should take care of that. I sneak back down below deck to look for some rope.

I search around for a second until I find a belt. It'll have to do. I wrap the belt above the laceration and tighten it as much as I can. Holy FUCK, this hurts! What I would give to have the Cure work on me.

I stand, ready for battle again but the ship takes a sharp turn right sending me flying into the wall. Then the ship rams into something and we're flying! What the hell are those two doing up there?

We land on the ground, hard, and the ship slowly tips over to the left. Fuck this ship. Seriously.

I fly out of the nearest window to see the Captain chained to the compass by a black and red chain and Chat cataclysming said compass. Jesus Christ, what did I miss?

The boat rusts to nothing and the Akuma flies out. LB purifies it while I float down towards the two.

"Pound it!" They fist bump each other. I don't join because it's their thing. I land next to them and almost collapse as pain shoots up my leg.

"Perruche!" Chat runs over to me worried. "What happened?"

"Sword to the leg, nothing I can't walk off," I shrug then force myself to stand.

"Here, lemme help," LB says, "Miraculous Ladybug!" Oh fuck...

The little ladybugs fly around fixing all the damage. The boat disappears, Captain Anarka comes back (hand healed), the concerts are all back. The ladybugs touch everything, except me. The two look at me expectantly. Fuck. I float a little to take the weight off but keep my feet on the ground.

I take a 'step'. "Oh lookit that, good as new. No pain at all!" I say although even a toddler wouldn't believe me. "See you later!" And I speed off as fast as possible.

When I get there, everyone is back on the boat, even Mari. Fuck, I was slower than I thought. I sneakily land on the boat and detransform.

"You okay, Y/N?" Melody asks, gesturing to my leg.

"I'll be fine, Mel, just need to cover it and hide the pain," I say. She gives me a look, which I ignore, and remove my jeans to cover the wound with a towel. I duck tape the towel to me and slide my jeans over it. I just hope nobody looks too closely at my leg. Not my best work, I'll admit.

I walk outside and every rushes to me.

"Y/N! Where were you!"

"We couldn't find you!"

"Are you okay?"

"What happened to your leg?"

Fuck. "Um, nothing don't worry about it," I say shrugging, "We need to get ready for the concert."

The others disperse but Mari stays behind. "What happened?" She asks.

I sigh. "I cut my leg on some glass wen Perruch threw me out the window," I say as convincingly as possible. Mari's face contorts in anger. Oh shit. "It was all she could do!" I say quickly, "Perruche didn't have any other options." Her eyes narrow at Perruche hurting me. Alter egos are hard to maintain, damn.

Mari makes me take off my jeans and she redresses the wound better than I did. She did scold me for my shit job, but eventually cooled down when I gave her a passionate kiss. I love it when she's protective.

The next two hours consisted of us readjusting the sound system to meet the decibel restrictions and cleaning up around the boat. Officer Roger checked everything once we were done.

"It's still a couple of decibels over the legal limit," he starts, "But I'll let it slide this once. It's the Music Festival, after all!" We all cheer happily. Roger gives me a pointed look but I stare right back with a raised brow. He's not gonna intimidate me like that. He glares for a second but eventually turns and walks away. "Have a good gig!" He calls. Mari hugs me. It takes everything I got not to cry out in pain. I need a first aid kit and some needle and thread; won't be the first time I give myself stitches in this context. I'll have to get Mari over later tonight to help.

Not two seconds later, the living embodiment of sunshine waltzes across the plank "Hi, everyone!" He greets. Oh my lord, this kid is too cute! He steps down but trips over a case. I snort, making him glare at me which only makes me laugh harder. Nino goes to help him up but the case catches Adrien's eye. "Woah! An original ZX20.4!" He opens the case to reveal a keyboard. Oh great, he's a dork AND a music nerd. I still love him though. "I love the sound of this instrument!" He tells the Captain.

"Oh, that old thing?" The Captain says, "No one knows how to play it."

"I know how to play it," Adrien says.

"Great!" A hand with black painted nails is offered to Adrien. The blond gladly takes it and comes face to face with Luka. They stare at each other for a moment and I know immediately who I'm gonna play matchmaker for.

"Welcome to the band!" Luka says, breaking the silence. His voice sounded a bit awestruck.

"Thanks," Adrien replies a little dreamily, "Uh..."


"Thanks, Luka." Oh my God, I'm gonna explode from adorable cringe!!!

I feel a hand on each shoulder and two arms wrap themselves around my waist from behind. "I can see what your thinking, Y/N," Alya says from my right.

"And we're thinking the same thing," Nino says from my left.

"They're so cute," Mari says behind me. "But not as cute as us," she whispers the last part.

I smirk. "Operation Lukadrien is a go!" I say excitedly making my three friends giggle.

Night rolls around and the concert is about to start. Adrien and Luka keep stealing glances at each other, which is adorable.

"Evening everyone," Rose squeaks in the mic, "Our name is Kitty Section! One, two, three...!" Here it comes! The first time I hear Rose sing. She takes a deep breath and... "~I love unicorns! I love unicorns! And cute little fluffy caaaaaats!~" Her voice is two octaves lower.

Not what I was expecting, but I kinda like it...


SO LUKADRIEN IS A THING!!! I love them both too much and I wanna see them together, hope y'all ain't mad at me for this.

Hope you enjoyed it!


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!!!CRINGE WARNING!!! this was my first book and it's kinda all over the place, so read at your own risk ig !!!CRINGE WARNING!!! Marinette and Adrien...
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BOOK ONE of the Sweet Tooth storyline. **A story in which Marinette (Aka Ladybug, age 17 turning 18) and Adrien (Aka Chat Noir, age 17 turning 18) f...