Family Comes First

By CRAZY40429

1M 31.9K 33.5K

Being alone? Check. Being afraid? Check. Being abused? Check times 3. Honestly, my life wasn't this bad befor... More

Before Continuing...
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Author's Note

Chapter 6

28.4K 784 597
By CRAZY40429

- S a l v e s t r o  R u s s o - 

"Do you know how much trouble you are in?" I shouted furiously, my temper flaring at his sheepish expression.

"Sorry, brother." he winced looking down at his shoes as if they were the most interesting things in the world.

"You better be sorry. Salvatore will have known of this by now, and he will definitely know of this now." I stated, nose flaring. 

At his guilty and apologetic expression, my anger fizzled out and my soft side returned.

"Let's just go home. I'll treat your wrist and your cuts. Salvatore will deal with this when he comes home." I sighed, and pulled him into a hug.

"Damn." someone awed, and I looked behind me to see the twins laughing their butts off and Amara looking frightened. With her skin pale and lips quivering, her eyes held a distant look to her face.

"Enough." I stated quietly, and the twins both stopped laughing, though it didn't stop the muffled snickering. 

"Bambina... Are you okay?" I asked softly, shaking her gently as she jerked out of whatever daydream she was in.

"Y-yeah. I'm good." she swallowed, though she still looked agitated. About what, I didn't know.

"Are you sure?" I asked, brows furrowing in concern.

"Yeah. I-I'm good." she gulped, and I nodded my head, albeit a little hesitantly. 

"Alright. If you say so." I conceded as I saw her arm wrap around her ribs and wince.

She's probably just thinking that roll down the escalator would hurt. I thought, because it was true. All the small spikes, those hurt, a lot actually.

"Let's just go home." Sandeo suggested, tired of the twins' constant teasing and I sighed.

"Yes, let's go." I agreed, and took Amara's hand in mine, leading her to the exit. "We'll get some take out."

Just thinking about Salvatore's reaction tonight... It will be bad.


"Do you have any idea what you've done? To not only me, but his reputation!" Salvatore shouted, face red in anger as I sent Amara and the twins to their room, not wanting them to see their brother explode.

"I'm sorry, Salvatore." Sandeo grimaced, playing with his fingers.

It was dinner time, and we were at the dinner table, talking about what happened today when Salvatore exploded.

"You better be sorry! Give me your keys. All of them." he growled, and with his head low in shame and disappointment, he went to his room to come back five minutes later with three different keys. 

"Your phone as well." Salvatore added, "I'll be taking this away for three days."


"Be quiet, Sandeo Russo." Salvatore snarled, and Sandeo snapped his mouth shut. "Do you know how worried I was? Romano hasn't even called yet, and when he does, you'll be the one talking to him."

"What?" Sandeo whispered in horror.

"Yes, you'll deal with the mess you created yourself. How many times have I told you to not run and act professional when outside in the public, huh? You just never listen, and today, you'll be paying for it."

Damn, that was harsh. I would never want to deal with Romano either, and the one time I had the unfortunate luck of trying to calm Romano down resulted in me with a broken arm. Not a good experience, just saying.

As if it was timed, Salvatore's phone started ringing, and he picked it up. 

"Yes... Of course. Yes," Salvatore said, "Yes, he'll be talking to you." Salvatore finished, and shoved the phone into Sandeo's hand. 

Indistinguishable screaming was heard from the other end of the phone, and Sandeo's hand started shaking as he paled until the screaming stopped, and the person at the end of the phone stopped.

"Sandeo." a male voice was heard, and I instantly knew who it was. 

"Yes?" he gulped.

"You're in big trouble, young man." he admonished harshly, no warmth in his voice.

"I know." he replied tersely, and a sigh was heard from the other end of the phone.

"You're lucky, Sandeo. I'll be busy for the next few weeks, so I won't be able to come and give you a firm talking. But, you will have severe consequences for your actions. You have no idea the amount of danger you put yourself in by running and being stupid on an escalator." he continued, and even though Sandeo was 18, it was like he was 5 at the moment with the way he was being scolded. 

"Okay." he whispered.

"Give the phone to Salvatore. Let me talk to him." he sighed, and Sandeo passed the phone to Salvatore.

Ten minutes later, Salvatore had ended the call and was also now writing down Sandeo's punishment from Ace Romano.

You might be wondering why he had so much control over us, and it lies in one sole answer: You'll find out soon, but I'll give you a hint: MAFIA... Boss of all Mafias.... Pretend I didn't say anything, alright?

"Romano said that you are to write a five page essay on what you did wrong. He also said that you are to write all the family rules you broke, 10 times. Take away your car keys-" he held up the keys he took before the call, "- for 30 days, and your laptop for a week starting now." he said, and checked the clock to see that it was nearly 8 in the evening. 

"As for my punishment for you, I am going to be grounding you for three days as well, which means that you phone will be staying with me like always, and you'll be doing the maid chores as Stella is still on vacation." he said, and Sandeo nodded his head obediently, no protests coming out of his lips.

He probably knew that if he fought on this, the consequences would be even more severe.

"Go upstairs and start on your lines. You can start on your essay when you get your laptop back. By the way, your essay is due by the twin's birthday." he added, and Sandeo left the room, his left hand still in a brace. 

Unfortunately for him, Sandeo had sprained his left wrist and not his right, which means that it won't impact his writing. If Sandeo had sprained his right wrist, Salvatore would not have asked him to write lines, instead maybe take away and limit his food intake. 

It won't affect Sandeo's health, as he already eats more than is necessary, and only eats to satisfy his cravings. Salvatore would just restrict Sandeo from eating his desserts and his junk food, only allowing him to eat his three meals a day. That would be torture for Sandeo, as he loves his food, especially junk food.

Sighing, Salvatore sat back down, letting his guard down in front of me.

"That was harsh, bro." I commented, finally opening my mouth and speaking my opinion.

"I know, but Sandeo never learns." Salvatore sighed, and I had to agree. 

Sandeo was like a kid. He didn't care about his grades and would rather have fun and party. All the things we say to him goes through on ear and out the next. It was pretty annoying at times, but if you wanted someone to cheer you up and be brutally honest with you, he was the guy to talk to. 

I would probably comfort you and sugar coat my words while the twins would just stare, not knowing what to do. Slavatore would probably awkwardly try to comfort you with a weird pat on the back. 

"True." I murmured, getting a chair and pulling it out from underneath the table, sitting down. "Our guardian will be coming for the twin's birthday, right?" I asked.

"Mhm. The Romano family will be coming as well. They're turning sixteen. It's going to be a huge party." Salvatore said.

"Do you have things planned already?" I asked.

"Pretty much, but I still have a little over a month to prepare. Their birthday will also be in the middle of school, so I'll probably have them, Sandeo, and Amara skip school." he confided.

"You'd really let them skip school for a birthday?" I repeated in shock.

Salvatore never lets people do that, he just doesn't, because to him, education is much more important than holidays and birthdays. 

"Only this once because they are turning sixteen." he chuckled. "I got a sweet sixteen birthday party. We've all had one. It wouldn't be fair to the twins if they didn't get one." he said.

"M'kay." I shrugged, "Onto serious business, how are our shipments going?" I asked, and his eyes darkened at my words.

"Someone's been stealing and stopping out shipments from going through."

- A m a r a  W i l l i a m s - 

Hearing yelling down stairs, I tried to block out the sound with the sound of music blasting through my room. When that didn't help, I decided to take a shower. 

Making sure that my burned hand didn't touch the water too much, I started rinsing my hair with my left hand. Although I was worried about my right hand, the pain has started diminishing, which I was thankful for. 

Since my hair was like the hair of other black women, I am not supposed to be washing my hair everyday as managing it will be too taxing. It will also damage and dry up my hair, making it lose their natural slick and shine. 

Unlike many people with naturally straight hair where they can wash their hair every day, if I did that to my hair, it will only cause it to dry up, get frizzy, and create chemical build up. Obviously, I am not saying that women with long straight hair are better than curly hair.

However, I am saying that people with straight hair have it much easier than people with curly hair as brushing it, washing it, and taking care of it is an easier task. I love both styles, but I sometimes do wish that I had straight hair so that I can have a change of setting and scenario.

In the shower, I couldn't help but feel guilty about letting Sandeo hold all of my clothes and then him spraining his wrist thanks to the bags not letting his body roll down the escalator properly. 

What I mean by that is that when someone rolls down, they usually tuck their arms around their head to protect it right? Well, Sandeo wasn't able to do that with his arms full of bags, and when he did try, the bags prevented him from rolling down and he ended up stretching out and partially tearing his wrist, causing a sprain.

'It technically was your fault.' someone whispered, and I instantly froze.

'Get the freak out of my head!'

'We were always here, you just forgot about us. We had to give you a reminder that we are here for you.'  the voice pouted, and I rolled my eyes.

'Here for me my ass.' I retorted.

'We are.' the voice insisted. 'We've always helped you, you just don't see it.'

Right, like teaching me how to cut myself isn't bad. I thought sarcastically, looking at my stomach with pale lines from my cutting years ago. I haven't cut in days now, and I was hoping that it will last as although I am reluctant to admit it, I have been enjoying the days I've spent here. 

'Trust us. We've helped you but you've never seen it.' the voice hissed before fading away. 

Letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding, the tension that was in my shoulders vanished. Getting out of the shower, I dried myself up, not bothering to look at the mirror. 

I knew that I looked hideous with sunken eyes and pale skin. My ribs protrude out of my stomach nastily, and I could count each rib. My chest was also not developing properly thanks to my lack of eating. 

At 13, my boobs should be growing, but it was honestly just like two small slices of salami right on my chest. I wasn't even an A cup! The only reason we even went to Victoria's Secret was for me to get bras that can cover my nipples from poking out of my shirt and showing everyone its colour when wearing a white shirt. Awkward, I know.

Putting on my new pair of pyjama shirt and bottoms, I started applying the disgusting smelling paste on my hand. Wrapping the bandage around it, the thing prevented my hand from touching and spreading the paste to other objects. 

'You look ugly...' the voice came back.

'Tell me something I don't know.' I countered back. 

'You made Sandeo sprain his wrist.' it said, and I froze.

I did not, it wasn't my fault. 

'You just don't want to admit to yourself that it was your fault for letting him hold all of your clothes, making the bags prevent him from tucking his arms in. The bags caused his wrist to tear, and you were the one who gave him the bags.' it said.

'I did not, I said that I can take it!' I protested, but I can feel my resolve breaking.

'You took advantage of their love for you, Amara. You only asked to take back your bags when the twins started complaining. You're so spoiled.' the voice mocked sighed.

'I'm not spoiled. And I didn't take advantage of their love for me.' I whimpered.

'You did, and they probably don't even like you anymore. You sprained their brother's wrist. You are nothing compared to him, and they will always choose him before you. After all, you are only their half sister. We're not wrong, are we?'  it cackled.

'They don't like me?'

'Who knows?'  the voice answered, leaving me hanging as their presence left, leaving me with a speck of self-doubt and wondering if what they said was true.


- T h i r d  P e r s o n -

Amara woke up to an urgent knock on her door. 

Sitting up groggily, Amara dragged her feet to the door and opened it to see Sandeo there, a huge grin on his face. 

"Good morning, sis." he greeted.

"Good morning." Amara answered, rubbing her tired eyes. "What time is it?"

"It's only 7 am." Sandeo answered, and Amara groaned in response. 7? It was only 7 in the morning?

"Why did you wake me up this early? It's not like it's Canada day." Amara grumbled.

"Well, although it isn't a Holiday for a Canadian like you, it is for us Americans. It's July the 4th." Sandeo stated. 


"That means that Salvatore has the day off. We'll be going somewhere together. Family time, y'know?" Sandeo said, and Amara just stared at him.

Sighing, his shoulders slumped. "Just get ready alright? We'll be going somewhere today." he said, and Amara nodded her head. 

"By the way, wear shorts and a t-shirt. We'll be out the whole day, and you'll pass out from heat exhaustion if you wear your regular hoodie and pants." he added, before closing the door to start annoying the twins. 

Going into her now filled closet, Amara pulled out a floral patterned dress that went to her knee cap. She dressed like this so that it would be able to hide her stomach and so that it wouldn't slide up whenever she stretched out her arms. The top was shoulder length, and it covered her boobs and her back well. 

Obviously, this dress did not stick to her like glue, but instead flowed out. There was a ribbon that tied the waist, and when Amara made the bow behind her back, the top part of her dress was puffy enough that you couldn't tell that there were cuts and bruises on her. Her boobs were also barely seen by the puff, which Amara loved. 

To hide her right ankle injury, Amara wore a pair of socks paired with calf leather boots. Honestly, the look wasn't that bad, and the only thing that made it bad was her hand that was giving off the most nasty odour she has ever smelled.

Walking out of her room, Amara still had trouble finding the right way to the stairs, and ended up walking aimlessly for a good 5 minutes before someone found her. 

"What are you doing, Amara?" Salvatore said, wearing for the first time ever shorts and a white t-shirt.

"I, uh, I couldn't find the stairs." Amara said sheepishly, looking down at her feet.

"That's alright. Come, I'll bring you down." Salvatore said, and led Amara down multiple corridors and down two flights of stairs.

"You're finally here!" Sandeo exclaimed. 

"You should teach Amara the right way to go down the stairs." Salvatore advised. "It's too much trouble for her to keep wandering the house for ten minutes just to find her way down."

"Sure, I'll do that when we come back." Sandeo said, and started dragging Amara to the van. 

"Where are we going?" Amara asked when she was in the van.

"We're going to an amusement park." Santino answered.

"Did you guys eat yet?" she continued.

"No. We'll be getting some food on the way." Salvestro answered this time, getting into the passenger seat. 


An hour later, we were in the amusement park and were looking and deciding where we want to go.

"So, where do you guys want to go?" Salvatore asked, when we entered the place.

"Obviously the roller coasters first." Sandeo said as if it was obvious.

"Alright. Choose one that Amara can go on though." Salvatore warned. 



Turns out, the 'Amara allowed' roller coasters weren't approved by both Salvatore and Salvestro. 


"Come on! This'll be fun!" Santino whined.

"I bet Amara has never been on a roller coaster before, Salvatore. Let her enjoy it!" Salvino added. 

"It's too dangerous. That's literally a straight drop." Salvestro worried, brows furrowing in concern as he stared at the railroads. 

This ride was a three minute long ride that went downhill and in circles. The only reason Salvatore and Salvestro weren't allowing Amara to ride this was because they were scared that she was going to fly off the cart when upside down or going downhill. 

"It's fine." Amara joined in, and the three of them shot smug looks at their older brothers.

"See? Even Amara's fine with it." Sandeo said, when in reality, Amara was not.

Amara was actually scared to death about the ride, and can literally see herself falling off and dying. She didn't say anything though, in fear of disappointing her brothers.

Sighing, Salvatore relented. "Fine. Only once, though." he said, and proceeded to start up the stairs to the entrance to the cart. 

"Yes!" Sandeo whispered in triumph, before running up the stairs with his left wrist swinging back and forth. 

"Slow down, Sandeo, or I will be rethinking my decision." Salvatore called, and Sandeo slowed down dramatically, making his movements slow and exaggerated. 

"Sure, if you want to do that, go for it. You'll be here all day." Santino snickered, and left his older brother there as he and his twin went up the steps.

"No- wait! Wait for me!" Sandeo said frantically as he started rushing for the twins who were now many steps in front of him. 

"You're such a slow loser, Sandeo." Salvino cackled as he and Salvino ran up the stairs.

"I'm not slow! I'm not a loser either." Sandeo protested as he blushed a furious red and started chasing the twins.

"You're both! You just won't admit it." Salvino teased, and Sandeo exploded, sprinting after his younger brothers as they ran away, laughing their heads off. 

When did Amara's life become this enjoyable?


I really can't thank you guys enough for more than 800 reads and 55 votes. I can't believe it. It had only been like three weeks since I've started this book, and I'm only on Chapter 6 when I already have this many reads and votes. Thank you and please continue reading and voting. I appreciate it!

For this chapter, I wanted to balance out the anger and the fun. I also wanted you to see more scenes of Salvatore, so tell me how you like it! Do you like the relationship between the twins and Sandeo? Let me know in the comments!

As I said in the last chapter, if you have any questions or concerns about the book, just pm me or let me know in the comments. I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Love y'all and stay safe from our famous COVID-19!

Follow and stay tuned in my message board for anything related to the next chapter of FCF!

~ CRAZY40429 💋 

QotC: Who here likes bubble tea, and if so, which ones?

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