Amour - Fred Weasley

By robinbuckleyasf

248K 4.8K 6.9K

*** Arabella is a transfer student from Beauxbatons after she pulled a dangerous prank that got her expelled... More

authors note
the test
Old Books and Campfires
Truth or Dare
March 13th
Last day
The Triwizard Tournament
Swedish Short-snout
The First Snow
Mermen and Magnolias
Conquering the Curses
Summer with the Order
Lonesome Town
Dumbledores Army
First Year in the Job
The Wedding
The Beginning of the End

The Sorting

33K 452 1.1K
By robinbuckleyasf

"Bye Fleur, I will miss you" I said on my last day of my year at Beaubaxtons Academy.

It was my last year there and even though i loved it, it was time for a change. The truth is I had a few run ins with one particular professor there and was advised to transfer to Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Honestly, I wasn't the best student there. I was voted Class clown and Most disruptive for the 2 years i was there. I had some of the best marks though for causing the most chaos. I was also a member of the Quidditch team and won most of their games as a chaser.

My best experience there was when I set my herbology teachers hair on fire. it wasn't a real fire of course but just the illusion of it. I had about 5 weeks of detention and the teacher almost quit out of embarrassment. If I was that teacher I would've been dying of laughter, I guess she just didn't have the best sense of humor. Most people told me i was expelled but they merely advised me to leave, they never forced me.

The thing that ended my Beaubaxtons experience was a bit over the top but if i was gonna leave, i was gonna go out with a bang. The bang in my case, was what sent me to Hogwarts so i guess i have to thank myself for upgrading.

I was pretty nervous for my first day but I've heard very good things about the school. I had enough time to worry about making friends and getting lost though, I had all summer to figure my new year out. This summer so far has been pretty boring. I was grounded for most of it so that probably didnt help but sooner or later i would get sweet, sweet freedom.

I have a week left until I depart for Hogwarts. Today in fact my dad was taking me to Diagon Alley to get all my school supplies. Out of both my parents, dad was the most understanding. he was quite the troublemaker before he met my mom, he's where I learned most of my skills. He gave the general pep talk in the car about behaving myself, he gives it to me before we go anywhere new. Even if its just a quick shopping trip for school supplies.

"Now Arabella, I will be in the Leaky Cauldron while you get your books, robes, and cauldron. If i hear even as much as a scream from someone outside we are attached at the hip for the rest of the trip. Understood? I will apparate to your exact location and stand by you the whole time. No funny business." He said. I nodded and gave him the all clear.

My mom put a tracker in one of my robes for when i go out with them so they know where i am. It's a little childish in my opinion, but I'd rather just go along with it for the summer and be ungrounded by the time i get to go to Hogwarts then have to wear it at Hogwarts too. I wear the robe pretty much every day, so by the third day i found the tracker. They weren't slick sewing it into the lower most button. I took the robe off as it was the middle of summer and put it in my bag. They cant tell if I'm wearing it, and dad doesn't mind as long as its on me.

I checked my book list again and went into the book store next to me, the sign read in big black letters FLOURISH AND BLOTTS. I walked in as the room was filled to the brim with witches and wizards.

I had learned some appearance alternating spells over the summer and since I wasn't enrolled in a school at the time i could try them out without getting in any trouble. I ended up only using one of them and keeping it which was the hair dye and cut spell. Since Im not a skilled wizard or Metamorphagus the spell needed a photo, I used a photo of Narcissa Malfoy- a woman they interviewed in the daily prophet.

She had all black hair but underneath was bleached. I tried it out since it was the only good hair style i could find in the old books and scrapbooks my parents had. I actually enjoyed it, it made me feel powerful and somewhat mean. I am a little worried now that I'm enrolled in Hogwarts, i wont be able to switch it back for a while. I could always use basic muggle dye but that's too much work.

I looked around the store for a bit and grabbed my books. When i turned to get in line there was a very large wizard family. They were all very bright red heads. All 6 of the family members had bright red hair and were particularly short other than 2 lanky boys. One turned around as we were in line and made eye contact with me. He didnt break it until the line moved.

His brother turned around and saw him looking at me. He laughed and hit him on the arm. They must be twins. They finished checking out and i was almost up. I finished fairly quickly and started to walk out the store where there was some sort of hold up.

The same family full of gingers were standing in front of the door fighting with a family of blondes. I told myself I wouldn't get myself in any trouble until  next summer but i decided to listen in anyways.

I stopped to "look" at a joke book when i heard what was going on.

"I'm surprised you could even afford all those books" a deep monotone voice said.

"This isn't right" I thought to myself and turned to leave when i saw a lady who looked very familiar. It was Narcissa, and those were the wealthy wizards i saw in the book.

"I like your hair young lady, I have the same style" A soft voice said, Narcissa's soft voice.

"I actually did it myself. I used an appearance alternating spell." She looked confused as i said that.

"a young wizard like yourself has to use a photo, whose did you use." I stood for a moment not knowing wether to say i used her photo from the daily prophet.

"I'm Narcissa Malfoy, and you are?" She asked.

" Oh i am Arabella Dupont. I am a transfer student from Beaubaxtons." The conversation behind us had stopped. The mother, father, and youngest siblings of the ginger family had left while the Malfoys were in line to check out. The only two left were the lanky ginger boys standing by the door.

"I actually got your picture from the daily prophet and loved your hair." She smiled and said "why are you transferring?"

"my dad changed jobs and i wanted a change for myself too." It wasn't the whole truth, I did get expelled but either way Beuxbatons wasn't always my speed. Either way, I didn't want the news about my transfer getting out to the public that easy.

"I see, well if you need anything you can always look for my son Draco. I know you are a bit older but he is very mature for his age." I looked at the boy tugging on his fathers robes and smiled.

"I'm George Weasley, and this is my brother Fred." One of the ginger boys said, holding the door to the bookshop open. That was a lie. There was a large F button on his book bag. They must pull this joke a lot.

"That would've been a very good joke Fred." He smiled but soon realized what i had said.

"Are you not going to introduce yourself?" Fred said

"Oh I'm Arabella Dupont, transfer." I said, walking out.

After i got all my school supplies i decided to wander for a bit. I walked into a small shop with big red letters above called Gambol and Japes, it looked to be a joke shop. Wasn't a very good one though.

"Do you guys have any timed fireworks." I asked the man at the counter. They were my favorite thing to have, i always had some on hand but my mom took them away over the summer.

"Are you a Hogwarts student? If you are i am not supposed to sell you anything on the forbidden list, timed fireworks just happen to be at the top of that list." Of course they are.

"You must be friends with those Weasley boys." I heard a bell ring as the two ginger boys walked in the door.

"Gambol!" They cheered. "what did they add to our least favorite list this year?" The old man at the counter immediately looked miserable as they walked in. They strutted up to the counter and saw me.

"Long time no see, Dupont, was it?" Fred said "What are you looking for?" The man at the counter shoved the list at the twins and scoffed.

"Nice try boys, sending in a new girl to try and get timed fireworks for you." George chuckled and Fred gasped sarcastically.

I smiled and nodded.

"That was totally the plan sir. I'm so sorry i was just pressured int0 doing something bad because I am desperate for friends this year." I made the puppy dog face as Gambol scowled at the two boys.

"It's okay dear, you can head out or if you are looking for something else go ahead and find it." As he scolded the boys his eyes traveled off of me. I quickly reached under his desk and grabbed a pack of timed fireworks. Luckily for me they were in the top shelf under his deck. I slipped them in my pocket, put a single galleon on the desk and walked around for a bit longer.

Gambol walked back over to his desk, calling someone on the phone.

"Yes Molly, Yes. They roped in a young girl" He said, a tired tone ringing through his voice. Gambol hung up the phone and continued scolding the boys.

I looked around and as Gambol got another call he told us to leave. I headed out in front of Fred and George. I could see Mrs. Weasley walking very furiously torwards us. She yelled at the two boys for a solid 5 minutes in front of me. I'm surprised they still pull jokes with a mother who yells like that.

"YOU TWO ARE LUCKY YOU ARE LEAVING IN A WEEK OTHERWISE YOU WOULD NEVER LEAVE THAT DREADED ROOM OF YOURS." She glanced at me and shook my hand, "oh and you must be that poor girl they tricked, I'm so sorry."

"It's quite alright Mrs. Weasley. My name is Arabella. I'm a transfer 5th year." I said to the woman    

The mom pulled Fred and George and told me they were going to the Leaky Cauldron to grab their dad. I followed and told them about my dad. Fred fell back and walked with me as I couldn't keep up with Mrs. Weasley.

"That was pretty wicked." he said, leaning down to my height. I smiled and thanked him. I wonder if he knew about the fireworks.

"How did you know where the fireworks were?" He must've saw me. I was truly shocked, for such an idiotic boy he was pretty observant.

"All the joke shops I've been to keep the restricted things locked below the desk. He unlocked it before asking me if I went to Hogwarts. Then just to my luck, you two strutted in and made my life even easier." He nodded along, maybe he wasn't as stupid as I thought.

"I'm a fifth year too, Gryffindor." He said, earning a small chuckle from me.

"what're you laughing at? If i didnt just waltz in there, your ass would've been on the chopping block." He said. He wasn't wrong, he did sort of save me right there without meaning to.

"Isn't Slytherin the house for rebels? And anyone whose known so well by the joke shop owner seems like a bit of a troublemaker." He nodded and laughed too.

"So why are you transferring?" The one question i didnt want him to ask. I'm trying to make friends here not be that weird girl who set the teacher on fire.

"Oh my dad transferred jobs" I said, a small smile forming on my face.

"Haha good joke. What really happened?" He said, again in a whisper.

"Needed a change for myself. Wasn't into the uniform very much." I lied again. I wasn't going to tell the only friend I've even gotten close to making the truth.

"Why do you lie so much?" He asked "You lied to Gambol and now you're lying to me. I thought we were friends" He said in a dramatic voice while putting his hand to his head in fake despair.

"Okay first off, since when are we friends? And second how do you know that I'm lying? Not that i am but how?" I asked. He looked off-put by the first question.

"Okay first, you told that old man were friends. You're very lucky to befriend such a man like me." He stopped talking for a bit.

"George and I. Second, you were obviously lying to the shopkeeper and you are not the most subtle liar. You also did it when talking to that old crow, Narcissa. Then you did it while talking to me." Fred smirked, knowing he was right.

"Now, how did you see the Fred pin on my bag so quickly." I almost laughed out loud when Fred asked this.

"You were trying very clearly to hide it, George not so much."

As I said this he sighed. "I will need to have a stern talking to with my brother when we get home tonight."

We arrived at the Leaky Cauldron and my dad and I said goodbye to the Weasley's.

"So did you make any friends?" He asked. I thought about Fred and George, were we really friends or was that a joke? I decided not to tell my dad, especially cause it would mean bringing up the joke shop and all the lying.

"No, but I got all my supplies".

"So no friends?" He asked again.

"Okay, well I met a set of twin boys named Fred and George. they could be good friends."

"No funny buisness Bella" I nodded along knowing they wanted me to focus on my studies.

Besides Fred, George, and I were just friends. Nothing more than friends. We arrived back home and i told my mom about the twins, my supplies, and everything else (other than the fireworks which were already put in my chest for school).

"So, are these boys cute?" My mom asked. I made a fake throw up face in disgust. She quickly realized that i had no interest in them beyond friends. Fred was cute but we just met, and who knows what the other boys will even look like at Hogwarts.

September 1st , 10:30 AM, Kings Cross station, Platform 9 3/4

My parents sent me in alone and we said our goodbyes at the car. I had been here a few times before on holiday when my parents took me to Hogsmeade. I found the platform where many wizards were standing. The Malfoys were there and were talking amongst themselves. The son went through and then the dad.

Narcissa turned around and asked me, "Oh good morning dear, that is a beautiful owl!" She told me. It was a snow owl my dad had bought for me at Diagon Alley.

"Do you need help?" Narcissa asked. I shook my head no and went through before her. On the other side of the platform i saw the train and many students boarding. I looked at the clock which struck 10:40.

A booming voice came over a loud speaker, "Hogwarts express, now boarding. Please find your seats as the train leaves in 10 minutes." I started torwards the train as Narcissa grabbed my hand.

"Good luck this year darling." She slipped a piece of paper in my hand with an address, "feel free to write if anything happens."

Holding the note in my hand, I boarded the train. Opening the note and staring down at the address.

"Why the bloody hell would she give me this?" I mumbled to myself. Almost every seat was taken on the train, no compartments not filled with excited students.

"Is there room for one more?" I said, approaching the Weasley twins as they sat in a compartment.

George smiled and Fred stood up, grabbed my luggage, and said "There always room for you."

"So Arabella, You played for Beuxbatons?" George asked

"Yea I did, chaser" I said

"How did you know that Georgie?" Fred asked

"Daily Prophet did an article, really a spectacular player she is. Suprised you haven't heard dad talk about it, he's all for international quidditch." George said

My dad told me the Daily Prophet wrote a piece on Beaubaxtons quidditch and i was in it but i didnt think i would be recognized. I grabbed the latest issue out of my book bag and saw my picture and name in there.

" Beaubaxtons recently lost their best player, Dupont , whom is transferring to Hogwarts for undisclosed reasons. Will Hogwarts be getting the next Chudley Cannons chaser? Or will the transfer be too much for Arabella to handle?
                           article by Rita Skeeter"

I folded the article up and put it back. Fred looked confused.

"You play quidditch? Are you gonna join the team here?" Fred asked

"Yes I do. But i dont know if i'll join" I said

"Thank god youre not a beater or else I would be worried. So is it true? You were their best player?" George asked

"I'm okay. Not the best but i love playing so that helps" I sort of hate when people say i'm the best, i'm no Viktor Krum. I don't view myself as the sole reason my team always won. It's not like I'm a seeker or anything. I just throw a ball through a hoop.

"i- I'm gonna go find Jordan." George said, standing awkwardly.

There was a long space of awkward silence but once we got talking we couldn't stop. We didnt even notice that George didnt come back. Finally the train came to a halt. I looked out the window and saw Hogwarts. my jaw literally dropped.

"Beautiful isn't it" Fred said. I was speechless. I nodded and we grabbed our luggage and dropped it in our common rooms before we could get assigned rooms.

A tall, older looking lady appeared and said, "Mrs. Dupont, is it? You must be sorted before the 1st years so you can take a seat with the rest of your house. Im professor Mcgonagall, Gryffindor Head of house" She grabbed me and brought me in front of all the returning students to be sorted.

There was a stool with an old beat up hat on it. There was a fair amount of room at each table for new students luckily. I walked up to the stool and sat down.

"This is Ms. Arabella Dupont she is a transfer who must be sorted." The sorting hat walked me through all the houses and what they stood for. The hat was placed on my head and immediately had something to say.

"hmmm interesting. Slytherin?" The slytherins all cheered and as the Professor grabbed the hat, it snapped at her.

"Halt! That was not my decision. This is quite a difficult one. You have lots of ambition. Which could by Slytherin. You are in fact loyal and true no matter if you dont show it. You could be Hufflepuff. But there is bravery and brains in there. I will have to take an even deeper look." The hall was dead silent as the hat examined my brain. I locked eyes with Fred, he looked very nervous and had his fingers crossed.

I"Please be Gryffindor. Gryffindor. Hat if you can hear me my only friends are from Gryffindor" I thought. The hat started murmuring to itself, so quietly i could barely hear.

He raised his voice barely and said "the weasley boy? Really. Alright." I was sure everyone heard him say it. I turned beat red and prayed that no one heard.

The sorting hat then screamed, "GRYFFINDOR" The gryffindors were screaming and cheering. Fred stood and was screaming. He quickly realized he was the only one who stood for me and sat down. He moved over a bit to let me sit next to him.

"Woah, welcome to the best house. We may not all be rebels but we're much cooler. " he said still blushing. He pulled out his wand from under the table he tapped his head and pointed his wand at my bleached part. My hair turned a orange color just where it was dyed.

"Look, house colors. Now we match." I smiled knowing i probably looked ridiculous with orange hair but decided to keep it.

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