The Devil's Daughter

By Werepanther

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Angelica Shanley is beautiful. She is so beautiful that she can't stare at her own reflection for too long be... More

Author's Note
It's a Blaz piece
Ask the Characters
BOOK 2: The Kingdom of Nightmares
Hi. 01/05/2019


1.3K 65 13
By Werepanther

Not properly edited and I'm not too sure what to rate this chapter so I'll leave that up to you. 


🎼 “Do you seriously picture me in that slutty warrior outfit?” I asked him to lighten the mood. It worked.

His stern stare off at nothing softened up as we walked with Michael between us down the street.

“It’s not slutty. I know heaps of well educated ladies that wear armour like that.”

“Armour? Seriously? That was not armour that was a stripper’s costume. I’d never wear an outfit like that ever in my life.”

“You’ll also never have boobs like that ever in your life.” He muttered under his breath. I shot a glare at him then swung a punch at his arm to which dodged and grabbed Michael to use as a shield.

“You’ll eat those words one day Blaz.” I threatened.

Am I seriously threatening to grow boobs?

“Alright how about when you do grow breasts I’ll be the first person you tell?”

“I’ll be first to look.” Michael said and we both looked at him incredulously.

“How come he gets to look and I just get told?” Blaz complained.

“Neither of you get to look!”

“Awwwww.” They whined and my incredulous glare came back. Blaz sent me a wink and I rolled my eyes.

“You’re a bad influence on him Blaz.” I hugged Michael and held him away from Blaz.

“Like you’re any different.”

“Don’t listen to him Michael he has no idea what he’s talking about.”

“I don’t understand what’s going on.” Michael admitted.

I giggled. “Blaz where are you taking us?”

“We’re already here.”

“The park?”

“Yeah… Michael’s here so plans have changed.”

“From what?” I asked suspiciously. He only winked again.

That’s not concerning…

“Mike?” Blaz started.


“Wanna see something really cool?”

“Blaz…?” I said nervously.

“Put him down.” He ordered. I only held onto Michael tightly but he began to shimmy out of my arms.

“Bl…” He put his hand up to silence me then began leading Michael into the foresty part of the park.

“Oh no he didn’t just throw his hand in my face…” I muttered crossing my arms over. I could burn him with my actual newly discovered fire powers but I settled for just burning holes in the back of his head instead. Although I’ll admit, regretbly I’ll admit and I mean nothing by it because I’m just stating fact it means literally nothing.


Seeing him with Michael, the way he softens up to him and molts off bad boy exterior it’s incredibly cute.

YES I SAID IT but I mean nothing by it.

It’s true he’s. I shook my head shooing away the thought. I’m just flustred now I mean I kind of know what Blaz’s lips feel like and Henry ruined my look on love.

I probably have a hormonal imbalance to add to the torure.

“Hey princess! You coming?”

“Come on Jelly!” I beamed at them but I looked around the empty park wondering why I really feel like we’re not alone. The atmosphere is uneasy, like someone is watching us.

I’m just being paranoid because it’s Blaz. I’m always either scared or annoyed around him so I guess we’ll be fine.

I guess.

“I’m coming!” I shouted back.

“That’s what she…” I slapped the back of Blaz’s head before he could finish and shot him a deadly glare.

“Race ya!” I exclaimed picking up Michael and running ahead of Blaz.

“He’s catching up Jelly!” Michael laughed.

“Not for long.” I whispered but Blaz appeared ahead of me smirking and it was too lat to even slow down so toppled over arms and legs flying all over the place. I lifted my heated face up from Blaz’s chest almost knocking into his. His smile made my stomach flip.

I should probably move but I can’t bring myself to. His intense stare kept me locked in place and found my eyes trailing down to his lips but quickly back up to his eyes hoping he blinked too long that he didn’t notice. I’m such a fool of course he noticed because he’s staring directly at me.

“Be gentle I’m fragile.” He purred pouting.

I scowled. “You’re such an ass.”

“But a cute one.”

“Oh please…”

“You said so yourself.”

My face is probably tomato red by now. “I did, didn’t I?” I covered my face my hand giggling in embarrassment. 

“How could you forget?” He asked faking offence.

“I’m surprised Michael hasn’t said…” I froze leaning up searching the trees for him. “Oh my God! Michael!” Before I could push myself onto my feet Blaz had his arms enfolded around me securely. “Blaz?” He abruptly bounced up onto his feet then jumped to fly up. “Oh God!” I clung onto him, my legs wrapping themselves around his waist. His hands groped my butt and I gasped before my head snapped to glare at him. He grinned at me showing off his pearly white teeth and just squeezed it again. “I told you to give me a better warning.”

“We can find him better up here.” He said.

“Still gives you no excuse to be touching my ass right now.”

“It’s for your safety.” He said with a boyish smile.

“Oh shut up.” I leaned all the way back looking at everything upside down. “We’ll be seen in the daylight Blaz.”

“They’ll assume I’m a bird.”

“And me?”

“My love bird.”

“In your dreams. Or should I say in your drawings?” He let me fall and I screamed until he grabbed my ankles. “Don’t do that again!”

“I miss your ass already.” I rolled my eyes which helped me spot Michael. I mean what else could that purple speck be? He was wearing a purple top right?

“Down there.” I pointed at Michael then noticed to black shadows following his. I remember seeing them today as well and panic overtook me. “What are those?”

“What?” Blaz questioned

“Blaz hurry there are these shadows following him.” The two shadows are getting closer and I kicked out of Blaz’s grip because he wasn’t going fast enough.

“Shit! You stupid…” I couldn’t catch the rest of it because well I’m falling.

I did not think this through… Great now I’m going to die.

Goodbye world, goodbye angels, goodbye demons that want to kill me… Goodbye Mr Cat…

Before I smacked into the Earth I grabbed a branch but the rest of my swung and I bashed my knee on the branch above before I was left just dangling there. “Ow…” I cried almost forgetting what I fell for in the first place.

“Are you suicidal? If you want to die that badly I can easily arrange that myself!” He hauled me up and shook my shoulder violently. “I’m happy to snap your head off and I will if you pull a dangerous stunt like that again!”

“So you’ll save me only to kill me.” I said balancing on the branch. He shot me a stern glare then smacked my ass so I fell off the tree. He was already at the bottom and caught me just in time.

I whimpered then hit his chest with clenched fists. “What the fuck?”

“You were pissing me off.” He growled. Yet he gently dropped me on my feet which sent me mixed signals.

“Me nearly dying makes you angry and here I am thinking you dark angels didn’t have hearts.” I said dusting myself off.

 “Don’t act like you know us angels!”

“I’m just assuming.”

Tell me exactly what you think we do!” He shouted.

“Leading souls to hell? I don’t know!”


Angrily I shouted back. “I said I don’t know that’s your job! You’re supposed to be teaching me!”

“We’ll we’re not collecting souls and dragging them to hell! Unless we become reapers but even then we give them fair judgments.”

“What the hell are reapers? No pun intended.” I added sarcastically.

“Grim reapers! Ugh you’re hopeless!” He shoved past me nearly knocking me over with his strength.

I scoffed. This is unbelievable. “Excuse me for not having my own personal supernatural encyclopedia!”

“It’s common knowledge princess.”

“Why do you do this? Why are you being such a prick all of a sudden? You were so weirdly cool before.”

Flames flared on his hands. “I’m anything but cool also I tend to react badly when people I like are purposely falling to their deaths.”

“It was to save Mi… Michael… Michael!” I turned in a circle with the sudden realisation that we’re meant to be looking for him.

His little sweet voice called out from behind us. “Here.” He stood staring blankly at us and I ran at him falling to my knees to check if he’s hurt.

“Are you okay?”

“Why were you two yelling?” He asked ignoring my question.

“I did a stupid thing.” I admitted despite the argument. Blaz snickered and muttered something under his breath.


“You fell, you fell from the sky and Blaz he had…” Michael stared excitedly at Blaz and so I looked over my shoulder to stare at Blaz myself. “Wings…” I winced.

“Oh no…” Blaz said cried sarcastically. “He saw me with wings the world is going to end! Relax RG he’s cool. You can keep a secret right Mike?” Michael nodded quickly looking like his head will fly off. “See.”

“Don’t call me RG.” I snapped.

“Why not?”

“They’re the initials of Regina George. If I’m going to be a bitch I want to be a classy one.”

Michael giggled. “You said bitch.”

Someone groaned animalistic so he and I immediately turned to Blaz.

“That wasn’t me. That was the bear.”

“Bear!” Michael clung to my leg as I stood up shaking. I thought Blaz was fooling around until I saw the bear for myself that Blaz was backing away from.

“I know you.” I smiled at the bear and forced Blaz to hold Michael’s hand. “You’ve grown.”

“Jelly…?” Michael called out as I walked towards the bear unafraid.

“I sang to you.” The bear cub now bigger but not a full adult stared up at me then stood up on his hind legs. He’s hugging me! “Aw I missed you to!’

Twigs snapped and birds chirped and a herd of animals started crawling out from hiding. I let go of the bear and began backing away, somehow in Blaz’s arms but I’m too awestruck to care.

 “Blaz?” I was about question.

“Blame the cat.” He whispered beaming.

Michale stepped out of hiding and pointed at all the animals. “Jelly look.”

“I’m looking.” I leaned to whisper in Blaz’s ear. “This is amazing.” Mr Cat uh I mean Javier actually no I like Mr Cat better strutted out with a few pitbulls lingering around him like body guards.

He is one epically cool cat.

“It’s the cat!” Michael ran to the crowd of squirrels, chipmunks, foxes, cats, dogs, birds and Blaz started pulling me in the opposite direction.

~ 🎶~

We walked for ten minutes stopping at big clearing. How big is this park?

Blaz suddenly pulled his jacket off and I didn’t much of it until his T-shirt came off. “What are you doing?” His sharp black wings expanded to their full size making look miniscule. I admired the muscles on his back and blushed.

“The animals will look after him.”

“Yes I know I trust them but what are we doing?” he seemed to be ignoring as he walked around scanning the area then ordered me to stand with him in the middle of the clearing. I shrugged and followed his order standing in front of him but avoiding looking at him. I already know how well toned and buff he is.

“Okay let’s see what flames you have. You’ll probably have little flickers of light on your first try.” I mentally whispered forth fire my arms blew up into bright purple flames burning the jacket before I demanded they went out.

“Was that bad?” I asked. I just ruined Erica’s jacket…

“No let’s um see your whole body burst into blames.” I stared at him dully. “What we have to test your powers out.” He said with serious eyes but his boyish smile he’s trying to hide makes it so obvious.

“Well I don’t want to ruin all of Erica’s clothes maybe I should just take them off.”

“Whatever you want?”

“Oh God… You’re so confusing.”

“What do you mean?” He stepped close, too close. What is he doing? If he was fuly clothed I would think he’s trying to intimidate me and maybe he still is but I can’t tell. “I’m sorry.” He purred. “Am I making you uncomfortable?”

“Back away, over there go on.” I shooed him off and he frowned disappointed. This confused me but he didn’t give me a chance to really access his face because he stared down at the ground and backed away. “Stop messing with my hormones I will bash up anybody who sets me off.”

“I saw.” He created a fireball the size of a golfball and threw at me. Out of instinct and stupidity I tried to catch ready for it to burn me but it just hovered wherever my hand moved.

That is epic. I grinned at it then tossed it back. “I didn’t mean to hurt her.”

“Why did you then?” He threw it again and I caught it.

“You wouldn’t believe me.”


“Try me.” I remember him saying that for the hug.


“Alright you would only pick on me and blow me off.”


“See that would be one of my fantasies if you were…”

Catch and frowning in disgust.

“Yeah I get Blaz I get it.”


“Why didn’t you fight back? You started but then you lay there like you deserved the blows.”


“I was afraid… and why are we throwing this around?” I asked throwing it back. He caught it perking his brow then spun around and threw back an even bigger fireball with a face. I screamed and rolled to the side dodging it. “You’re not afraid to hurt girls are you?”

“I hit Nicole to protect you. If you weren’t such a chicken you would have hit her yourself.”

Angrily I jumped up and threw my own fire orb at him. “I didn’t chicken out because I thought I was going to lose! I fell back because… because it just didn’t feel right.” He leaped up and floated above the ground avoiding the fire.

“Her friends were beating you to a pulp.”

“If it was an inconvenience to save me Blaz you didn’t have to. I felt dangerous not in danger something in me shattered…” I hurled another globe of fire at him then I couldn’t stop. “I saw myself, visions of myself doing something unimaginable to he  clown face.” I ran my hands through my hair and felt down to my knees. “I wasn’t myself.” I felt a hand touch my shoulder but I slapped it away. “Don’t. I was angry okay. She said something that set me off and I lost it. I couldn’t control the power burning in me and I panicked because the visions showed me as a monster. I was tearing her to pieces Blaz so I just dropped and let them do whatever they wanted.” He grabbed my shoulder again and gave it a gentle squeeze.

“Would it make you feel better if I told you that those girls were possessed?”

“If it were true not really but as a lie… kind of funny.” I sniffled and felt him kneel down next to me rubbing my back soothingly.

“Did it feel right to hit Henry?”

“No. It felt strange. I feel like I’m in a parallel world or just in hell.”

“If it were hell you wouldn’t have cared. Love is the least of your worries down there.”

“I know you probably don’t want to hear this…”

“Is it going to make me vomit?” I frowned. “Ugh go on.” He gave in which just made me frown more.

“I didn’t realise I had feelings for him unitl...”

“Stop before I vomit.” He abruptly straightened then stormed off.

“Sorry I forgot you were the insensitive type.” I watched him stand on the other end putting onut the fires we started but then he just stood there. The muscles in his back tensed and his amazing wings slowly rose up as if he were about to fly off. “Where are you going?” I stumbled a bit as I pushed myself to my feet.

“He is faker than me and you still like him.” He stated his hands clenching into fists. “He isn’t even a great angel, he is a human weak against your pretty face. They all are, you can never tell when a human is really in love with you or if they are just obsessed with your face, with your company or even just your voice. You deep down know that… Yet you still fool yourself into thinking you are in love with him.” He sounds older and his voice is a powerful wind pushing through me even though he’s facing away. The words struck me hard in the chest but I don’t get why.

“I never said I loved him. I’m too young to have feelings like that anyway.” After I said that he half turned and stared at me so perplexed, like a lost boy.

“A…” He looked like he was about to say my name. He’s never said my name before just the stupid nicknames. “I can only really teach you once you’ve grown your wings. But I will try out one thing.” His expression turned blank. Why does that scare me more than his evil smirks?

“What?” I breathed unsure if he can hear me. That was a quick subject change.

“I promise not to hurt you but you might be afraid.”

“What are you going to do?”

“I’m going to try and unlock something but you have to promise that you will not move from that spot. I want to see if your power automatically fight back a threat.”

“Why does that chill me to the bone?”

“Just stand completely still.”  After some thought I nodded, I mean it can’t be that bad right? We’ve gone past the tricks and the hate for each other. I think… “Close your eyes.” I glared at him suspiciously. His calm face terrifies me though. “Just do it.” I sighed whilst closing them waiting for impact.

I was not ready for what happened next.

Good? Bad? Are you excited to know what happens? Vote and comment if you are! 

P.S. Mr Cat did that on purpose. Blaz owes him a favour for getting Michael out of the way and you'll find out why in the next chapter!


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