A Shadowed Birthright

By IssaQueerCynic

42.3K 838 240

Shades... A race of humans born with the ability to use 75% of their brain. Shades are unwillingly taken fr... More

A Shadowed Birthright - Chapter One
A Shadowed Birthright - Chapter Two
A Shadowed Birthright - Chapter Three
A Shadowed Birthright - Chapter Four
A Shadowed Birthright - Chapter Five
A Shadowed Birthright - Chapter Six
A Shadowed Birthright - Chapter Seven
A Shadowed Birthright - Chapter Eight
A Shadowed Birthright - Chapter Nine {Separo 1}
A Shadowed Birthright - Chapter Nine {Separo 2}
A Shadowed Birthright - Chapter Ten
A Shadowed Birthright - Chapter Eleven
A Shadowed Birthright - Chapter Twelve
A Shadowed Birthright - Chapter Thirteen
A Shadowed Birthright - Chapter Fourteen
A Shadowed Birthright - Chapter Fifteen
A Shadowed Birthright - Chapter Seventeen
A Shadowed Birthright - Chapter Eighteen
A Shadowed Birthright - Chapter Nineteen
A Shadowed Birthright - Chapter Twenty

A Shadowed Birthright - Chapter Sixteen

661 30 15
By IssaQueerCynic

At the same time Remy, August, Clara and Admeta convene together at the workshop...

The Dux sits comfortably in his office as he pours over books and files regarding the slab before giving up, dropping the file with a heavy sigh and massaging his temples with his fingers.

For the life of him, he couldn't find anything that could be remotely useful in deciphering the slab. Even though he was told repeatedly that it can only be deciphered by a Argentum Maria citizen, he believed that the way to unlock the slab's secrets lied somewhere in the books and his building had a limitless supply of them.

But now he's starting to doubt that limitless supply books. What need does he have for them if they can't even give him what he wants? He should just burn them and replace the shelves with better quality ones that are guaranteed to give him answers whenever he seeks them.

The Dux picks up his mug of strong black coffee and brings it to his lip when his office door bursts open. He glances up at it lazily as if the rattling of his ornaments on the shelves doesn't faze him, the mug pausing just on his bottom lip

"You can't burst in there! The Dux is in the middle of his work!" his secretary argues furiously, worried eyes darting to the placid man behind the mahogany desk.

The man that barge through the door, a heavy built, middle-aged man with a bald head ignores her, gazing angrily at the elder though his anger isn't directed at him.

"A word, Sir." He demands tightly and the secretary opens her mouth to argue but stops when the Dux waves his hands to placate her.

"Lucretia, it's alright," he says, briefly flicking his eyes to the blonde. "You can go home for the day and make sure to say hi to Jasper when you get to his school for his winter play."

The blonde gapes at her employer for a few moments, opening and closing her mouth like a fish before bowing. "I will and thank you, Domine."

Throwing a displeased look at the bald man, Lucretia closes the door softly, instinctively coating the office in a tense silence.

For a moment, the Dux stares at the man standing on the other side of his desk, noticing the way the skin of his bald head stretches over as if it was forcibly pulled over his cranium. The roots of his hair look as if they were snatched out, giving the illusion that his close-set eyes were put there deliberately.

All in all, the Dux decided that the man is quite ugly. Not quite, incredibly ugly.

"A drink? Scotch? JD?" he asks politely, striding to his drink set and opening a crystal lid of his decanter full of a dark brown liquid. He smells the quality, swirling the liquid before pouring it into two glasses.

"This is not the time for chatter, Sir," the bald man states stiffly, beady eyes watching the Dux's back as if he wants to burn a hole through it. "The slab has been stolen not too long ago."

Alta's movements pauses temporarily before he picks up the equally crystal glasses and walks over to his subject.

"Stolen by whom?" he questions coolly, placing the second glass down when it's refused.

"My guess is that it was stolen by the Shade and that damn Ember partner of hers."

"Guess?" the Dux interjects as he walks back to his desk. "Tell me, Baptiste. Do I pay you to guess or to know?"

Baptiste hesitates for a split second, trying to discern whether the Dux asked a rhetorical question or not. "You pay me to know..."

Alta nods, perching himself on his black leather seat. "So I'll ask again," he leans back into his seat, crystal glass resting on the arm rest. "Stolen from whom?"

Baptiste straightens himself, clearing his throat. "The Shade and her Ember partner."

"Good." Is all the Dux says before hurling his glass across the room. It smashes onto the wall on his right but Baptiste doesn't even flinch, staying still as a statue as the Dux exhales slowly from his mouth with his head in his hand.

This isn't the first time the Dux has lost his cool no matter how rare it is and he's been around each time he has.

The elder takes a few deep breaths before lifting his head to gaze impassively at his subject. No words could describe his anger at the moment though the Dux knows better than to show it. It makes him more deadly that way.

"Find..." he grits out, slowly inhaling and exhaling to rein in his anger. "Find them. Retrieve the slab and if you must execute every man, woman and child to get it then so be it. Just get me that slab."

A small malicious smile twitches at Baptiste's lip before he quickly corrects it, nodding his head and swiftly leaving the office.

"Baptiste," the Dux calls and the bulky male turns around. "Is there anyone who deserves a well-earned break?"

Baptiste's lip twitches. "James Rigidius, Sir."

The Dux nods impassively and Baptiste leaves his office.

Standing from his desk, Alta exits his office and begins his five-minute trek to the IT department. He promptly passes the rows of computers, stopping at one on the far end.

A scrawny boy in his late twenties sits in front of the Mac but instead of doing his job, he plays World of Warcraft, a Bluetooth mike in his ear.

"Mr Rigidius."

"Dux Alta!" The brunette exclaims, jumping almost ten feet high. "I...uh...I..." He fumbles around his desk, trying desperately to switch off his monitor so the elder doesn't see how's he's been spending his time.

Alta stands behind him casually with a stoic face though he can't help the slight twitch of his lips from finding the whole scene funny.

"Um..." the guy trails off, standing up from his chair and turning to face the Dux all the while pushing his spectacles up the bridge of his nose. "I-Is there anything you need, Sir?"

The Dux tilts his head, smirking at the familiarity he shares with a certain someone before inclining it. He's certainly going to enjoy this. "Follow me, James. I have something to tell you." He informs his subject, taking one hand from his suit pockets to gesture to the door.

The blue-eyed brunette blinks behind his spectacles before hesitantly nodding his head. "Y-Yes Sir."

With a slight smile, the Dux turns on his heels for the door, James on his heels.

Even though the whole IT department didn't stop to register that the Dux was here, two members who had seen the exchange and glance at each other before continuing with their job as if nothing had happened.

They'll need to find someone to fill an empty vacancy.


The Dux fluffs of his suit blazer before adjusting his cuffs, pausing then turning when the door opens, bathing the relatively dark room in a yellowish light.

"Domine, your wife called," Lucretia casually informs her boss. "She wanted to know if you'll still be able to make to your daughter's birthday dinner this evening."

"Thank you, Lucretia. I'll call my wife on my way home." The Dux replies, striding towards her.

"What should I tell this one's family?" The blonde asks, giving the mutilated body a fleeting glance before gazing at the elder.

Alta hums in thought, briefly glancing at the ceiling. "We've had issues of rabid foxes lately, haven't we?"

Lucretia grins cruelly. "As a matter of fact we have," she confirms slowly, an evil twinkle in her eye. "Reports have stated that a pack was spotted not too far from here."

The Dux nods, shrugging. "Then James suffered a grievous fate when he left the office last night." He strides pass Lucretia and up the stairs that leads out of the antechamber of the building.

Lucretia watches as the Dux leaves, glancing back at the mutilated body on the floor of the dark room. "Sorry, James. You're a victim of these horrible foxes. We'll make sure to leave out the gruesome bits when we inform your family about your deplorable death."

With that, the blonde secretary closes the door, leaving the mutilated body of James Rigidius in the dark.

- Remy's P.O.V -

The Medic covers Clara's unconscious figure with a blanket, the Shade's breathing deep.

"Will she be alright?" August asks from beside me, concerned purple eyes focusing on the Medic. The old man smiles in assurance, brown eyes crinkled at the corners.

"She will with rest, August." He answers in his hoarse voice, bowing before exiting Clara's quarters.

"What happened between you two?" August questions after a moment of silence and I glance at him from the corner of my eye to see him gazing at me.

"We were talking," I elucidate slowly, refocusing on Clara. "We had an argument and she just collapsed on me. She was shaking so violently that it freaked me out and then she lost consciousness."

I sense August gaze at me seriously before turning back to Clara. Even though I told August what happened, I genuinely don't know what actually took place. She was fine one minute then the next she was shaking with so much fear she even had me scared.

But saying she was fine is a bit of a tall order. Truthfully, she hasn't been herself lately and it all started when we broke into the archive building. She discovered something along with the artefact and it's been haunting her ever since. But that is what's getting on my nerves. I don't know what it is and I know for a fact she won't tell me despite the many attempts I've proved to her that she can trust me.

It not only gets on my nerves but it's also killing me. I want to protect her but only if she'd tell me what's been bothering her...

Clara stirs in her slumber and my body jerks to Clara's side before I could register it, her face scrunching as if she's having a bad dream. "Clara?" I utter her name gently, sitting on the side of the bed.

The Shade stirs again and her head leans to the side before her stirring ceasing. My eyes lower sadly as I watch her sleep, raising my hand to move strands of her red hair from her face.

"You care about her, don't you?"

The question catches me off guard and I pause momentarily before glancing at August watching me calmly though he smiles a little. Care about her? How perceptive is this guy?

"She's my partner, isn't she?" I respond evenly, repositioning the blanket over Clara and I sense August's smile drops.

"You know what I mean, Remy." He says as I stand up from the bed.

"You sure about that?"

August sighs heavily, strolling over to the seat by Clara's bed and leaning back while staring at me. "You can't hide it forever, Remy. You'll have to tell her at some point and I advise you to do it soon before it's too late."

Pausing with my hand on the door handle, I turn my head slightly to the side. "Just look after her." I mutter, opening the door and exiting the room.

I walk onto the floor of the empty workshop, considering it's a Saturday and the workers have the weekend off, and perch myself on a stool, sighing heavily. And since Elijah's teenager, he does what other teenagers do on the weekend since Addy decided to allow him have the weekend.

They sleep.

August caught on to what I was feeling rather quickly though I was hoping no one would know because I fully don't understand what my feelings are myself. Yeah, I want to care for her but it's starting to feel like something else. Maybe my feelings for her have grown without me realising it?

Initially, what I felt for her was lustful but then it grew to genuine concern and after what August said, I'm now starting to think that the possibility of it developing into something more is...frightening.

I've never cared for anyone other than my mum and little sister and all my other relationships have been strictly licentious. I buried that part of myself after what I went through and I made sure to keep that bit locked away, however not to the extent of Clara's. I empathize a little as evident with Elijah but I'm making sure not to get close with anybody.

With Clara I'm feeling something and I'm scared that it is what I think it is...

"Yo, Elyota."

The greeting snaps me out of my reverie and I glance up just as Addy sits herself opposite me, smiling a little. "Never gonna stop addressing me by my last name, are you?"

The Ember smirks. "Nah, it fits you well." She responds, causing me to roll my eyes good naturedly.

"I already have a nickname." I tell her and Addy shrugs as she fiddles with a piece of equipment.

"'Remy' is overused. I want to call you something original."

"And my surname is original?" I deadpan to which Addy smirks at me, winking. I roll my eyes again before down casting my eyes with a heavy sigh.

"I heard about your partner," Addy speaks up after a moment of silence between us. "How is she holding up?"

I shrug inconsolably.

"The Medic said she'll be fine." I answer, glancing up when I see Addy makes a rolling gesture with her hands.

"But...?" she presses and I arch a brow. "There's obviously something more that you're not telling me so what is it?"

I sigh in defeat. "I don't know how to explain it but she's been off lately," I sigh again as i answer. "She still acts her usual stoic self but there's something deeper-"

I pause, glancing at my best friend, eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Where has this sudden interest in my partner's wellbeing come from?"

Addy inclines her head to the side slightly, eyes closed as her eyebrow twitches. "This isn't easy for me, ya know," she complains, causing me to smirk slightly. "Talking about that bítch upstairs has my blood boiling but because she's your partner and whatever is going on with her is affecting you, I'm willing to put hatred to the side for the moment."

I frown at Addy's insult, knowing better than to reprimand her. When she hates, she hates with a passion and I'm still in the dark as to why she hates Clara.

"The insult wasn't needed." I say carefully, watching Addy in case she decides to reveal her fiery temper.

"Of course it was," she argues, turning to me with a glare. "That good-for-nothing, ass wipe-"

"Alright! Cool it," I interject before she can continue her string of pride damaging insults, glaring at her. "I don't understand your hate for Clara but I'm tolerating it. However, I definitely won't tolerate you bad mouthing her while she's unconscious above us."

Addy scowls deeply, pressing her lips together in a thin line, obviously biting back a retort. Now I understand why guys go for the same sex. Women are too much and I'm surrounded by them.

The female Ember suddenly sighs, pulling her hand back and moving her fringe from her face. "Sorry, sorry," she mutters an apology, causing me to blink at her. "I just...I just don't trust her with you."

Relaxing back into my seat, I raise a curious eyebrow as I slowly cross my arms over my chest. "Why is that?"

My best friend huffs agitatedly, taking off her cap and throwing it on the table between us. Her blonde hair cascades down her face and ends a little past her shoulders. She still kept it at the same length.

"She's the primary target of the Authorities and your collateral damage because of her," Addy explains after sighing. "I don't believe one bit that the Authorities are after you too. How do I know that she's not working with them?"

"That's ridiculous, Addy," I shake my head. "The Authorities have been keeping tabs on both us."

"And how would you know that?" she counters, very much surprising me. "She's a Shade and she's way more powerful than us. She could've fúcked up with your mind somehow to make you believe that you've been watched."

I sigh heavily at Addy's paranoia. "Addy, you know that's not the case," I assert, rubbing my brow. "The Authorities have been watching us and yes, to the outsider's perspective it may look like I'm collateral damage but I don't believe so."

"And why's that?"

I shrug. "Call it a hunch." I'm going to keep my meeting with the Dux a secret a little bit longer.

"A hunch, huh?" Addy arches a slow brow. "Sounds a lot like something else."

It's my turn to gaze at Addy disbelievingly. "Then enlighten me. What does it sound like?" I question, leaning forward a little on the table.

"You're defending her." Addy answers simply and I roll my eyes. This woman, I swear...

"Why won't I defend her?" I retaliate, shrugging my shoulders curiously. "You're so paranoid about her that it's the only thing I can really do."

"Are you sure about that?" she asks sceptically, resting her cheek in her palm and idly checking her nails, as I nod firmly. "Then why defend her?"

I narrow my eyes slightly. What's her aim? "She's my partner." I reply as if she's lost a few brain cells and Addy nods her head sarcastically.

"Is that the only reason?" I make a gesture with my hands.

"Obviously." I say and Addy rests her elbows on the table, leaning forward till her face is close to mine.

"Are you a hundred percent sure that that's the only reason why your defending your partner, Remy?"

Sometimes I feel to smack this girl upside the head. I've done it before and I can do it again. "Of course, that's the only reason." I roll my eyes before frowning at my best friend.

Addy stares at me silently, humming lowly before leaning back. She staples her fingers together and rests her chin on them. I can see the disbelief in her eyes even if she doesn't outright say it.

I wonder why she doesn't believe me. Could she have caught already?

I watch my best friend with curiosity when she suddenly stands up from the table and walks around it to stand in front of me. She smiles down at me before suddenly encasing me in a hug, causing me to gasp.

"You didn't have to say thing for me to know you went through some deep shít before being taken by the Authorities and that's why you don't wanna tell me your feelings yet," she discloses softly, tightening her hug. "But whatever happened, always know that I'm here for you. You don't have to burden yourself with your thoughts, OK? Allow me to help you with some of the weight."

I blink into space, stumped for words to reply with. But that doesn't bother Addy and the blonde continues to hug me before I'm hugging her back, burying my face into her shoulder, not once feeling scared of someone touching me.

I guess Addy is the only one I completely trust to not hurt me. Maybe that's why I'm not flinching away from her touch. My hands curl into the fabric of her shirt as I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to hold back tears.

God, I missed her. I missed her so much. So so much...

Addy rubs my back comfortingly, placing her had on the back of my head when she hears me choking back sobs. I try my hardest to not let the tears spill but they do, escaping the lid prisons like a riot in a store.

"Remy, don't cry," Addy mumbles softly, positioning her lips in my hair. "I'm here, alright? I'm here."

"I'm so sorry for not calling," I sob, my voice cracking distraughtly. "I'm so sorry, Addy. Please forgive me. Please, I'm so so sorry."

"It's alright, Remy. I forgive you." My best friend reassures as I continue to cry into her shoulder. I wrap my arms more tightly around Addy's form, scared that I'll break if I let go and cry harder, muttering my apologies over and over again.

After what seems like a good while, my sobs die down to shaky breaths, my eyes still shut tightly. Addy recommences her rubbing of my back, pulling away. She laughs softly when I refuse to release her.

"Don't let go," I mutter hoarsely, my voice muffled. Addy stops her laughter and I clench my arms around her chest, almost crushing her. "Please, don't let go just yet. I want to stay like this a little longer. Please..."

I sense my best friend smile before returning my hug and not once did I raise my face from her shoulder, content to just have her holding me. "Of course..."

We stay like that for another while, enjoying the silence between us. Around us. The silence that has all our unspoken thoughts held firmly within it and assurances that I can hear clearly, as if Addy herself is saying them.

I'm fine with the silence. It's the only thing I can rely on instead of saying my fears myself. My insecurities. I don't want to say them, not give them substance. But they're there and I hope Addy can perceive them, even if I don't say it myself.


Addy and I abruptly pull away from each other and turn to see Clara standing at the top of the stairs, her expression disorientated.

"Remy?" Her glazed over eyes tries focusing on me and I stand up from my stool, facing her completely.

"Clara?" I ask tentatively, hurriedly wiping away my tears so I don't have my eyes off the Shade for long. Addy narrows her eyes.

"Remy, she looks unstable." She informs me while I intently stare at Clara's imperceptibly swaying figure.

"I know," I answer, taking a step forward. "Clara, I'm here. Stay right there. I'm coming."

"Remy..." Clara trails off, moving towards the steps unsteadily. Her hand shoots out grab the railing but her foot misses the first step.

Everything moves in slow motion as my eyes widen and Clara starts to fall down the steps but I manage to push through the shock and run towards her.

Yet, I'm too late to get to her.

Rigidius - Rivers

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