By crimsonlightening

211K 4.4K 4.4K

This is just a bunch of x reader one-shots about Harry Potter characters (mostly the Marauders ngl). I'm doin... More

1- (Young) Remus Lupin
2- Oliver Wood
3- Draco Malfoy
4- Harry Potter
5- (Young) James Potter
7- Sirius Black
8- (Young) Regulus Black
9- (Young) Remus Lupin
10- Ron Weasley
11- Fred Weasley
12- Neville Longbottom
13- Draco Malfoy
14- Blaise Zabini
15- Tom Riddle
16- Pansy Parkinson
17- (Young) James Potter
18- George Weasley
19- Cedric Diggory
20- (Young) Sirius Black
21- George Weasley
22- (Young) Remus Lupin / (Young) Sirius Black
23- Remus Lupin (Part 1)
24- Draco Malfoy / Harry Potter
25- Blaise Zabini
26- Ginny Weasley
27- Remus Lupin (Part 2)
28- (Young) James Potter
29- Neville Longbottom
30- George Weasley (Part 2)
31- (Young) Bellatrix Black
32- (Young) Remus Lupin (Part 1)
33- (Young) Regulus Black
34- Blaise Zabini
35- (Young) Remus Lupin (Part 2)
36- (Young) Remus Lupin (Part 3)
37- Remus Lupin (Part 3)
38- James Sirius Potter
39- Harry Potter
(Letter) George Weasley
40- (Young) Lucius Malfoy
(Letter) Oliver Wood
(Letter) (Young) Remus Lupin
(Letter) (Young) Remus Lupin
(Letter) (Young) Lily Evans
(Letter) Hermione Granger
41- James Potter (Part 1)
42- (Young) Remus Lupin (Part 4)
(Letter) (Young) Regulus Black
(Letter) (Young) Sirius Black
(Letter) Luna Lovegood
(Letter) (Young) James Potter
43- James Potter (Part 2)
44- Fred Weasley
45- Oliver Wood
(Letter) Fred Weasley

6- George Weasley (Part 1)

6K 106 53
By crimsonlightening

Y/n smiles kindly at a third-year student holding a small bottle full of a specific reversal potion she created to reverse the Weasley twins' newest prank. "Trust me, just pour that into your goblet at dinner and your boils will be gone as soon as you finish drinking your pumpkin juice."

The third-year returns her smile, thanks her gratefully, then quickly starts on his way to the Great Hall, ready to be rid of his unwanted blemishes, not realizing that dinner doesn't start for another few hours. At the end of the hall, he turns around and waves to her happily. She waves back and as soon as he is gone, she drops her sweet persona and smugly pockets the money with a content smirk on her face.

She continues on her way to the Ravenclaw common room, wanting to send out a few letters, however, when she rounds the corner she runs into someone, stumbling a little from the impact.

"I'm so sorry," She looks up, her sweetness dropping instantly and a slight frown overtakes her apologetic smile, Standing before her stand the Weasley twins who had just eavesdropped on yet another one of her sales. "Oh, it's just you two. What do you want?"

Fred tries in a pleasant tone, a hint of his true accusatory tone slipping in, "We know what you're doing."

Y/n crosses her arms and rolls her eyes, not at all trying to mask her annoyance. "And what exactly am I doing?"

"We know you've been selling potions to fix our pranks, and we want to cut a deal with you," George offers, he, as opposed to his brother, doesn't sound accusatory in the slightest. In fact, he sounds pleasant to talk to.

"What kind of deal?" She asks, suddenly interested in the conversation, although she tries not to show it.

The boys smirk and take this as a good sign. Fred continues, "We've been thinking of partnering up with you. We'll do the pranks, you make the potions, and we all split the money to keep our little games going."

"And what makes you think I'd be willing to do that?" She casually leans against the wall, the look of her carefree stance effects George in an unexpected way. He feels more attracted to her than he previously thought he did.

"Well," George gives her a confident smile, pushing aside his emotions. "you've been successfully doing this for a while, and we hate to tell you this, but we're broke. So, if we can't continue doing our pranks, you won't have your business."

"And I'm supposed to believe that you won't find some other way to continue what you're doing?"

Fred smirks down at her, bending down a bit to match her height, which visibly irritates her. "You know just as well as we do that we're stubborn enough to stop until you agree."

"Keep doing that," She points to his bent knees, "and I'll decline your offer."

Fred quickly straightens himself, knowing that at any moment she would walk away. She knew just as well as they did that they would continue with their pranks, even if she didn't agree to work with them.

"So, is that a yes?" George asks hopefully.

She thinks for a moment then smirks as she says, "I'll consider it, but you'll have to let me in on your pranks beforehand so I can help my loyal customers."

"We will, but you have to agree first. We all know we can help each other and we can all gain something from this arrangement." George bargains.

Y/n sighs and reluctantly, disliking the fact that she no longer has the upper-hand in the situation, and holds out one of her hands. "Fine. But I need at least fifty-five per cent of the money because some of the ingredients I use cost a lot of money."

Fred nods thoughtfully, racking the new offer in his mind, then shakes first, a single firm shake. George shakes her hand next, giving her a friendly smile, trying to make her feel like she made the right decision.

Y/n starts walking away, feeling satisfied with the agreement, when Fred calls out, "Where do you think you're going? We've got pranks to plan."

"Already?" She asks slightly dumbfounded.

"Hey, it's a business now," Fred shrugs nonchalantly. "we're eager to make some money from all of this."

"Yeah, yeah, don't get too cocky about it. I'll catch you up, I need to get a few things from my room. Where should I meet you?"

"At the Fat Lady portrait at 3:00?" George suggests and Y/n nods in agreement.


Already late, Y/n briskly walks through the last hallway until she sees the twins waiting for her impatiently.

"You're late," Fred states sounding mildly annoyed.

"Sorry, I had to write a few letters to three of my suppliers. Not only did I run out of lacewing flies, but dragon scales and shaved goat horn."

George asks, "What do you need those for?"


"Well, I knew that-"

"Then ask the right question next time," She interrupts with a teasing smirk on her face. "I've been trying to brew a potion to stop your rapid hair growth pastie."

Fred leans slightly closer to George and murmurs, "I forgot about that one."

"I think we used it on some Hufflepuff."

"Juliana Meadows, second-year Hufflepuff. You two cast it three days ago. The poor girl refuses to come out of her room until I make her a potion to fix it."

"Do you know how well it worked?" Fred eagerly asks.

Y/n sighs but smirks a bit anyways. "Let's just say, every time she tries to cut it, it starts growing faster. I have to hand it to you both, whatever it was that you created was brilliant. Usually, I don't have any sort of problem figuring out how to fix your messes, but it's trickier this round."

"Thanks," George smiles.

"Let's go in so we can discuss this further and come up with new ideas," Fred says, earning a sharp look from the Fat Lady.

"She can't come in here. She's a Ravenclaw." She turns up her nose huffily.

The twins roll their eyes and state the password anyways. Much to the Fat Lady's annoyance, she reluctantly opens the portrait revealing the entrance hole to the Gryffindor common room, grumbling about how the Weasleys' shouldn't tell a student from a different house the password.

"Lady's first," Fred says, making an exaggerated sweeping arm gesture toward the door, signalling for her to lead the way.

Y/n walks in first and as soon as she steps into the actual room, she looks around in awe at the cosy atmosphere. The mainly red room doesn't feel overwhelming due to the gold accents and accompanying furniture. The fireplace fills the room with comforting warmth and a soothing glow. This pictures in the wallpaper didn't seem at all eerie, but, instead, very beautiful, whereas anywhere else she would have frowned upon them.

A few students turn curiously to look at who entered and are surprised when they see a Ravenclaw instead of a Gryffindor. Their surprise amplifies when they see the Weasley twins are the ones who let her into their common room and are leading her up into the boys' dorms.

As soon as the three reach the twins' room, George gestures for her to sit on his bed while he and Fred sat on Fred's.

Y/n's eyes casually scanning the room to take in the new room. Instead of a neat room with the colour blue varnishing almost everything in the room, which she was accustomed to, she sees red replacing blue, a slightly untidy room with hastily made beds, and items hidden under different pieces of the larger furniture. She sees pictures of family, not only the Weasleys' but of their dorm mate's as well.

The boys give her a few more moments to look, and Fred is about to bring her back into the conversation, but she beats him to it.

"So, where should we begin?"

"Well, we've recently created a new product called Ton-Tounge Toffee that we want to spread around the school," Fred says.

"It makes people's tongues grow. We gave one to Harry's cousin, Dudley, once and his tongue grew four feet long before his dad let ours use a shrinking spell," George explains.

"That sounds gross. Can I see what it looks like?" She asks.

George gets up, opens a drawer attached to a bureau and digs through some shirts until he finds their stash folded in a grey T-shirt. He takes one and tosses it over to her. She misses the catch and the two look at her weirdly.

"I'm smart, not athletic," She says nonchalantly. She reaches behind her and grabs the small toffee then brings it to her so she can examine it. She first looks at the packaging, noticing that the wrapper has the name of the product printed on it, revealing the secret. She untwists the ends and slips the candy into her hand. It a rainbow coloured toffee that looks very appealing.

"What do you think?" Fred asks.

"Well, it certainly does look delicious, but if you're planning on giving this to a lot of people, you might want to transfer it into some other wrapper. The label might give the surprise away and people won't eat it. Change it into something more descript and you might have people taking handfuls of the stuff if it tastes good. How quickly does it start taking effect?"

"A few seconds," George answers.

"You might want to find a way to delay the effect if you want people to share the toffee."

"And how exactly do you think we should do that?" Fred asks, leaning forward, hanging onto her every word.

"Powdered root of asphodel, used in extremely small doses, in this case, can be an undetectable, temporary stopper to halt the effects from instantly taking effect and spoiling your fun."

"How do you think we should infuse it into our premade batch?" George asks.

"Make sure the powder is as fine as it can get, dilute it with water, and insert a single drop into the centre of a piece of toffee, then wait an hour or so for the candy to absorb the liquid. It's quite simple, really."

"Wicked," The twins' chorus.

"Do you have any parchment and a quill I can use?" She asks. Fred gets her what she asks for as well as a pot of ink, both curious about why she needs it. "Now, let's start with the hair growth..." She pauses, not knowing what exactly they made. "thing. What was it made out of?"

They slowly list out all of the ingredients they used to make the potion they baked into a pumpkin pastie, and watch as she writes down everything they say as well as each counter ingredient. Once she is done with that, she has them move onto the Ton-Tongue Toffee, doing the same with that, knowing that she could easily use a spell to reverse the effects, but knowing some of the younger students will immediately go to her for help as they had done for the past four years.

"How do you know exactly which things are needed to reverse something?" George questions curiously.

"Oh, my grandmother was a healer so she's taught me the basics of potion-making ever since I was able to understand complex sentences. She gradually taught me almost everything she knows over the years, which included every counter to every common potion ingredient that balances the effects." She explains with a fond smile which seems to be contagious to George as he starts smiling as well. "Is there any other product you have that that I can see?"

"Yes, but it's not something we can use on anyone," Fred says, hanging over the edge of the pull to pull out a box full of various inventions.

"Is that a frisbee with fangs lining the edges?" she asks judgingly.

"Yeah. We just call it a fanged frisbee," George explains.

"What's the purpose of it?"

"There isn't one, it's just fun," Fred says, digging deeper into the box an pulling out a muggle toy. "Our dad says this is called a yo-yo."

"What does it do?" She asks curiously.

"A normal one is supposed to move up and down on this string," Fred lightly pulls on the white string for emphasis. "but this one screams when you use it. Want to hear," He offers, ready to demonstrate.

"No, no no, no, no! I'm good, thank you," Y/n hastily shouts, covering her ears just in case he decides to use it anyways.

Both boys start laughing and Fred puts it back into the box.

"I was only joking," He chuckles, grabbing for a small tray of custard creams. "We also keep a small stash of sweets in here so our dorm mates won't find them. Would you like one," He offers her the half-full trey.

"No thank you. Don't take any offence by this, but I don't trust that those are ordinary sweets." She declines.

"Suit yourself," He smirks.

George lets out an amused puff from his nose and rolls his eyes. "Those are the canary creams, aren't they?"

"Indeed they are," He flashes a deviously charming smile.

George turns back to Y/n with a gentle smile. "You're wise not to have accepted. Those turn people into canaries for a minute or so. They do taste delicious though." He takes the chocolate covered custard and pops it into his mouth, quickly transfiguring into a large canary after he swallows the treat. Y/n laughs amusedly as he quickly flies in a loop then lands on his bed next to her and she watches as his feathers soon wilt and he reverts into his normal appearance, sitting smugly next to her.

"I think I'll stick with the original, thanks," She giggles, not noticing the faint blush creeping onto George's cheeks and ears once he realizes that he landed too close and their thighs are lightly brushing against each other. Fred, however, does, and he gives his brother an amused look. Her laughter dies down and a content silence fills the room for a brief moment. "I never would've imagined that I'd partner up with you two."

"Why's that?" George asks, a fluttering feeling in his chest when he realizes that she hasn't moved her leg away from him.

"Well, I never considered that you both would even want to collaborate. It makes sense that you would want to, you know, make some money, but I just didn't think that you'd be willing to spend a sliver of time with me, or even want to share your secrets so I can undo everything you do" She explains.

Laughter sounds in the hall then a few seconds later the door opens and Lee Jordan and Kenneth Towler walk in, their conversation stops as soon as they see Y/n sitting with the twins.

"Wait, she actually agreed?" Lee asks surprised, jumping onto his bed.

"Ooh, custard creams" Kenneth exclaims excitedly, plucking one from the still open trey and pops it into his mouth.

"Canary cream?" Lee asks after Kenneth swallows.

His eyes grow wide after the realization and he, too, turns into a large canary. The boys' roar with laughter at the genuine mistake as Y/n tries to smother her laughter by hiding her snickers behind her hand. He soon turns back with a look of embarrassment on his face.

"So, she agreed?" Kenneth asks, trying to change the subject.

"Yes, I agreed," She answers, mildly annoyed that they weren't asking her directly. "Well, seeing as we've finished discussing everything we needed to, I think I'll be taking my leave now." She says, standing from the bed.

"I'll walk you to the door," George says, quickly standing as well.

"Alright, thanks," She gives him an appreciative smile and the pair go on their way.

"He's into her, isn't he?" Lee questions as soon as the door closes behind them.

"Definitely," Fred answers.

"You're not going to let this go, are you?" Kenneth asks.



A few months go by and the three become fast friends, quickly shifting from only meeting up to discuss new plans, but to hang out as well.

Fred, being the good brother he is, leaves Y/n and George alone quite often in order to let his brother spend more time with the girl he fancies. That, and he was distracted by a few of his other friends. This allows their pair to get closer and Y/n starts catching feelings for the, slightly, younger brother.

At times it is hard for the lot to meet up, whether it be in the Gryffindor or Ravenclaw common rooms, because of Umbridge. Not only was she already suspicious of the twins because of their pranks, but also because of her suspicions of their involvement with Harry Potter and whatever they were doing.

Y/n stays on her good side, always being respectful and never talking back to her, to her face, so the cruel woman trusted her to fix whatever the Weasleys' did. What she didn't know, is that Y/n was apart of their plans, going as far as planting some of their edible creations throughout the castle.

Umbridge became slightly suspicious when she saw the girl talking with the Weasleys, but they came up with a secret signal for whenever the ugly toad was behind them. So, one day when the woman tried to sneakily eavesdrop on their conversation, Fred clears his throat, discreetly tapping his forearm twice to indicate to Y/n that she was behind her.

Y/n quickly shifts the conversation.

"You both should be ashamed of yourselves! I mean, really? What have any of the other students done to you? Your pranks go way too far and I'm always the one cleaning up your messes. Do you know how many first years you've traumatized this year alone? Thirteen!"

Fred watches the woman smirk, nod approvingly, and turn down a different hallway. He nods and Y/n drops her act.

"She's been spying on us a lot recently. What do you think that's all about?" She asks, adopting an annoyed tone.

"She most likely wants to make sure that we haven't converted her favourite student,' George states dramatically and smiles when Y/n snickers slightly.

"Well, you two really are bad influences, but I am most certainly not her favourite student. That would be the ferret. Probably some of those brainless idiots as well,"

"Oh please, you can't deny that she gives you special privileges," Fred points out.

"Like what?" Y/n asks defensively.

"She lets you use magic in classes for demonstrations, she lets you leave class to get stuff for her, she-"

Y/n cuts George off. "Alright, alright, I get it. She likes that I follow the rules," She drops her voice, just in case any prying ears are listening. "even though I find almost every single one of them complete and utter rubbish."

"I'm surprised she hasn't begged you to be apart of her stupid Inquisitorial Squad yet."

"I wouldn't call it begging, but she has asked me a few times. I've considered being a spy for the DA and trying to mislead them, but I'd much rather join the lessons."


George spots Y/n walking down the hallways and increases his speed to catch up with her.

"Hey, Y/n," He smiles, slinging his arm around her shoulders. She looks up at him in concern and gently takes his arm off her.

"George, you know the new rule. Umbridge doesn't want boys and girls are not permitted within six inches of each other," She takes a step away from him.

"It's a stupid rule. I know it. You know it. Everyone else knows it," He huffs. "Besides, since when was I ever known for following the rules?"

"Since when was I known for breaking them?" She asks. He gives her a pointed look. "Fine, maybe I do break a few, but it makes us money, so should you really be judging me for it?"

"Hey, I'm not judging you. Some rules are meant to be broken."

Anyways, I'd rather stay on her good side. She trusts that I'll fix your messes and I'd prefer not to have to use the black quill," George subconsciously holds onto his forearm, something Y/n immediately notices. She instantly stops walking, George stopping as well. "You've used it, haven't you?" He avoids her gaze. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want you to worry."

"George, I'm more worried about you now than before," She reaches for his hand, avoiding the back of it, and examining his lettering carved into the back of his hand. "When did you get this?" She asks grimly.

"Two nights ago. She caught me giving someone one of those nose bleed gummies we created."

She closes her eyes and exhales through her nose.

"You should have told me," She reaches into one of her deep, robe pockets and pulls out a small jar of a soothing paste she has on hand, just in case she runs into anyone with a bleeding hand. She's never charged a single person in need of the cream, not wanting to be cruel by withholding the instant relief.

For a brief moment, she releases his hand and unscrews the lid. "Hold this," She holds out the lid, and he goes to take it. "Not that hand, your noninjured one." He takes hold of it with his other hand and Y/n reaches for his injured hand again, then has him hold the jar for her as well. She dips two fingers in and looks into his eyes. "This might sting a bit, but as soon as I'm done rubbing it in, it shouldn't hurt anymore. Ready?" He nods and she starts lightly rubbing the remedy into his cuts. He winces, hissing in a breath. "Sorry."

"It's alright," He replies through gritted teeth.

"Just a little longer. You're doing great, George." She continues rubbing the cream in circles, the look of pain on his face slowly melting into one of pure bliss.

"Woah, I can't even feel it any more" He smiles, lunging forward and pulling her into a tight hug. "Thank you." He tucks his head into the crook of her neck and her face feels like it's been set aflame.

"No problem," She says, awkwardly patting his back.

"Miss L/n?" The pair jump apart, quickly looking in the direction of the voice, a feeling of instant relief floods through them when they realize that it wasn't Umbridge who called, but Professor McGonagall.

"Yes, professor?" She asks, subconsciously straightening her sweater.

"Could you please join me for a moment?" She asks, eyes glancing around the hallway, making sure that her predecessor isn't watching. "Don't worry, you're not in trouble. You may join as well, Mr Weasley."

They nod and follow the older woman into her classroom.

McGonagall shuts the door behind them and leads them over to her desk. She sits in her seat then gestures for the two to sit in the chairs in front of her, which they do.

"I noticed that you've created a cure to her blasted quill. Mr Weasley, how is your hand?"

"I can't feel the sting any more," He smiles gratefully over to the girl sat beside him.

McGonagall smiles at the interaction and holds out her hand. "May I see it?" George, still in possession of the jar, holds it out to the professor. "How long did it take to make?"

"No longer than an hour. It's pretty simple, really." Y/n answers, the weight in her chest lifting when she realizes that the professor is only interested in the paste.

McGonagall nods, pleased at the answer. "Would you be willing to make another jar of it and give it to me? I've noticed quite a few of my students have been having trouble writing because of the pain."

"Of course."


Y/n starts around a corner when she spots Fred and George going to of a young boy sniffing and trying to hold back weak sobs of pain. She watched as George sits next to him while Fred squats on the other side of the crying boy. She curiously watches the interaction.

"What's your name?" Fred asks in a whisper.

"Michael," The boy replies.

"It's going to be fine." He tries to comfort, Michel still sniffling beside him.

She notices Harry a bit further away start walking closer to the three. She takes a few steps forward and leans up against a wall to hear them a bit more clearly.

"Yeah, it's not as bad as it seems. See? It's fading already." George holds out his own hand. "You can hardly see ours anymore, and the pain stops after a while."

"Yeah," Fred agrees.

Something about watching the twins trying to comfort Michael causes Y/n to feel her heart swell in her chest. Maybe it was the fact that they put aside their usual antics and showed genuine care for the boy, but all she knew is that the moment makes her soft.

"We have a friend I know would like to make the pain disappear," George glances up and sees Y/n gently smiling at them. "See? She's right over there," He points at her and the other two boys look her way.

Michael cries a bit more but immediately stops when Umbridge makes her presence known by clearing her throat at the entrance where Y/n had just walked in from.

"As I told you once before, Mr Potter, naughty children deserve to be punished." She looks at all of the boys lined up a few feet away from her, not seeing Y/n practically beside her, and gives them all a fake, eerie smile before turning around and walking back the in the direction she had come.

As she leaves, Fred says, "You know, George, I've always felt our futures lay outside the world of academic achievement."

"Fred, I've been thinking exactly the same thing."

"I know those looks," Y/n says. "You're planning something, aren't you?"

George smirks at her and nods his head.

She makes her way over to the twins and they start on their way to the staircases. Completely disregarding the rules, she wraps her arms around the boys' shoulders, walking on the balls of her feet in order to reach up to their height.

"I thought you aren't known for breaking the rules," George says teasingly.

"Some rules were meant to be broken." She smirks up at him.

"Did I miss something?" Fred asks, not understanding the looks between them.

"Yes," Y/n answers curtly. "Yes, you did."


After the last few months of planning and hiding their secret final surprise from Y/n, they decide to finally let her in on what they have decided to do.

"So, why'd you ask me to meet you?" Y/n asks, taking her usual seat on George's bed next to him.

"We need to tell you something. George?" Fred indirectly asks his brother to explain.

"You know how Harry won the Triwizard Tournament last year?" Y/n nods. "Well, we bet all of our money with a bookie named Ludo Bagman, but he ran with our money. Harry felt extremely guilty about receiving the money because of Cedric and Bartie Crouch Jr., so, he gave his earnings to us. We've used the money to buy ourselves a store in Diagon Alley and start our own joke shop."

She sits there in shock. "What?"

"Yeah, we're planning on leaving today and preparing the store before the summer holiday and we were wondering if you'd be willing to help us with one last prank."

"Today? We still have school!" She exclaims.

"We can't stay here any longer. That woman is horrible and we've been planning everything for quite a while now."

"Don't forget to ask her the other thing," Fred says.

"What "other thing"?"

"We're wondering if you'll come with us. You can't deny that we make a brilliant team. We know that if you agree to come with us and help us with our shop it will be fantastic. Just imagine, we continue inventing new ways to create mischief, and you come up with products that will reverse everything we do. It'll be an actual business and we can make a lot more money than we ever did here."

"I can't. I'm sorry."


"We still have a few more weeks until we graduate. Why can't we wait?"

"We can't stay here any longer. You know we're no longer welcome here. Please, Y/n."


"If you won't leave with us, will you at least help us with our last prank here at Hogwarts?"

"Of course I will," She smiles sadly, tears starting to build up in her eyes.

"Are you crying?" Fred asks, surprised at her reaction.

"Not yet, but I probably will soon," She replies in a shaky voice, a bitter laugh finishing her sentence.

"What's the matter?" George asks, placing a comforting hand on her knee.

"I'm just going to miss you guys so much."

"You can always come to work with us after you graduate. We'll always have a spot in our shop just for you." Fred smiles.

"I was wrong about you guys. For years I thought you were self-centred lunatics, but you're really just teddy bears," She laughs. "Come 'ere." she opens her arms and Fred is the first to give her a quick hug, then she wraps her arms around George's neck, a tear dripping onto his shoulder.

"Hey, don't cry. Please don't cry," George brushes his fingers soothingly through her hair.

She nods, collects herself, then pulls away.

"Come on, we've got to prepare for our goodbye," Fred says.


"Already." George agrees.

They quickly fill her in on their plan then the three stand and the twins grab their prepacked trunks and broomsticks. They make their way down the stairs, and out of the common room, then mount their brooms, Y/n getting on the back of George's.

She holds onto him tightly, afraid of falling off. George chuckles.



"Just keep on holding tight. I won't let you fall. I promise."

She nods and starts relaxing against him, her chest presses up against his back. He floats up, flies around in a few circles to get her accustomed to the feeling of flying, and then the three take off through the school.

Y/n lights a few fireworks, handing them up to George, and he throws them. Loud cracks from the explosion echos through the school creating a distraction for the students.

With each boom, the more irritated Umbridge gets. She opens the door, looking around the hall, then sees a small spark fly in front of her face. She looks at it in confusion as it shakes quickly back and forth then flies into the testing room where it explodes into a blue firework.

She takes a few steps further into the hallway, wondering what was happening, when she sees the twins and Y/n rushing past her on broomsticks, tossing up fireworks into the air, everyone watching them explode.

Test papers fly up into the air in a trail behind them, the student watching the scene in amazement while Umbridge looks on in horror.

The room turns to utter chaos as sparks fly everywhere creating even more of a beautiful disaster.

"Would you like to do the honours?" George asks, lighting their most exciting firework.

"Sure," She agrees. He hands it back to her and she throws it up into the air.

The firework explodes only to take the shape of a massive dragon that starts hurdling through the Great Hall toward Umbridge. She lets out shrieks and starts running away from it, her pink heels clicking on the floor. As soon as she reached the door, the dragon reaches her and encompasses her in fireworks starting to explode around her.

She watches as the sparks shatter every one of her rules, glass shattering and papers burning until each frame falls to the ground around her.

Distracted, she doesn't see Fred, George, or Y/n flying through the door behind her until the wiz past, startling her.

The fly out of the castle the students running out of the Great Hall to watch their departure. The boys continue throwing the rest of their fireworks, listening to the cheers behind them.

For their last trick, two of their fireworks come together and form a giant W in the sky forming their logo for their future shop.

George lands in a clear, grassy area and lets Y/m get off of his broom.

"I'm going to miss you both so much," She says sadly.

"We're going to miss you too. Don't worry though, we'll send letters every week until you graduate and then you can visit us this summer as much as you'd like, even if we aren't open," He says, trying to cheer her up.

"It's been so much fun spending time with you both, I just don't know if the last few weeks will even mean anything at all if you aren't here."

"Well, the offer still stands. I can take you with us and you won't have to be miserable. Umbridge saw you with us and she'll most likely find any way to torture you. You should just come with us."

"As much as I'd love to, and trust me, I do, I want to graduate to make all of the years feel completed."

"Are you sure?" She nods. "Alright. I'll be waiting for your visit then."

He positions himself to start flying, but before he can do so, Y/n quickly envelopes him in a tight hug. He drops his broom to the ground and quickly wraps his arms around her and pulls her even closer to him, gently rubbing her back.

"I love you, George," She mumbles into his shoulder.

"I love you too, Y/n," He replies, lightly placing a kiss to her temple.

They stand there for a few more seconds before Y/n decides it's finally time to step away and let him go.

"Goodbye, George. I'll see you later."

"Yeah. I'll see you later," He gives her a soft smile.

He reaches for his broom, mounts it, and takes off with Y/n watching him hurdling through the air. Just as he reaches the forest, he turns around and waves to her. She waves back, knowing that she made the wrong decision. She should have gone with him, but it's too late now. He flies off, trying to catch up with Fred, and she sullenly walks back toward the castle, already starting to count the days until she graduates and can see them again.

To see George again.

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