The Devil's Work || Yoonseok

By mygmarkie

109K 7.2K 4.6K

Yoongi was forced to go out to some stupid club with some friends and he ended up having more fun than they d... More

1: Please?
2: Sweetheart
3: Δεμένη με τον διάβολο
4: Stay away from me
5: Ancient
6: A Day
7: Push Me Away
8: That Guy Was Right
9: That's Because You're All Mine
10: Good News
11: Fallen Angels
12: New Secretary
13: Relationships
14: Life is unfair, deal with it
16: Someone's Got A Crush
17: Who'd You Dream About?
18 : Domestic
19: Friends With Benefits
20: Obey
21: Mistakes
22: There's This Guy
23: Both of You
24: Hoseok
25: Doll Face
26: Out of Commission
27: Out of Chances
28: Let Him Go
29: How Are You?
30: Spill
31 : A Distant Memory
32 : Unfair
33 : Give Me Some Space
34 : Part Of Popular Discussion
35 : Or What?
36 : Fiesty Today, Aren't We?
37 : I'm a Mess
38 : Lost Cause
39 : Apologies
40 : Aphrodite's Curse
41 : Anything For You
42 : I'm Trusting You
43: No More Than This
44: Desperate
45: I Hate You
46 : That'll Be Enough
47 : Too Much
48 : Whatever
49: Can't Get Enough
50 : Come Inside
Lol hi (authors note)

15: I Used You

1.9K 151 49
By mygmarkie

"So, how's it going with your mystery man?" Jimin asked, Jungkook rolled his eyes as he looked at the older, "Good, I guess? We only talked a little yesterday...and we didn't talk about much." Jungkook said, Jimin pouted as he looked at him, "It's probably just awkward right now, just wait it out, see how things turn out."

"Where's Yoongi?" Namjoon asked, walking into the apartment as if he owned the place. "I swore I locked the door when I came in." Jungkook muttered as the older sat on the couch. "In his bedroom, he wasn't feeling well and I offered to help but he said he just needed to rest." Jimin shrugged, "The kid is stubborn, there's not much I can do."

"You know,when I came by last night after he got back from the office, he was acting kinda strange then too," Jungkook said, Jimin rolled his eyes, "Is there ever a time you aren't here?"

"Maybe he caught a common cold or something." Namjoon muttered, the three turned when they heard groaning from Yoongi's bedroom. "Yoongi, sweetie, if you're gonna die, at least do it quietly." Jimin yelled smiling when Yoongi shouted a 'fuck you' back.

Namjoon rolled his eyes as he got up to check on the poor boy. He entered the bed room to see the younger sprawled out on his bed, the covers thrown on the floor as he laid with a tank top and shorts. "I'm dying, Joon." Yoongi muttered, Namjoon shook his head.

"It's a common cold, Yoongi, you'll be fine." Yoongi shook his head, sitting up slightly to look at the older. "It happened again."


"That thing that happened the other day, I blacked out and woke up like nothing happened, I mean I still feel weird and worn out, like I did a bunch of running or something. And now I feel like absolute shit. I dunno what's wrong with me." Yoongi explained, Namjoon sighed as he leaned against the doorframe, his eyes directed towards the ceiling as if the answer would be there. "Did you ever talk to Hoseok about this?"

"Fuck, no! I completely forgot!" Yoongi whined, rolling over in his bed and nearly falling in the floor. He glared at his ringing phone as if it were giving him a migraine. "It's Seokjin, answer it for me."

"What? Why me?"

"You should talk to your future boyfriend more, he was all worried about you answering yesterday." Yoongi smiled weakly at the older, Namjoon blushed and grabbed the phone, glaring at Yoongi before answering.


"Yoongi! Where the hell are you? Work started fifteen minutes ago and I have yet to see you!" Jin yelled from the other line, Namjoon looked at Yoongi and the smaller just shrugged. "Uh, Hi, Seokjin. This is-"

"Namjoon! Hi, I mean't to text you today but my fucking boss kept me busy all morning so I didn't have time. How are you? Wanna go out some time?"

"Well, actually--"

"Hey Jin, so sorry to interrupt but I can't come in today, I'm fucking sick." Yoongi said, snatching the phone from Namjoon, he heard Jin scoff on the other end, "Sick? Nice excuse, Yoongi, I'll see you when you get here." Yoongi rolled his eyes, "I'm being serious, I'm sick. I'm running a fever and I feel like shit. No jokes."

"I cannot believe you got sick the same day Seojun's out, now I'll definitely be bored all by myself. Might as well take the rest of the day off." Jin mumbled, Yoongi raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean Seojun's out?"

Seokjin hesitated for a second before he spoke. "I dunno, he just called out for today, lucky bastard-- Jung Hoseok, you give my phone back right now!" Suddenly, Jin's voice sounded far away, Yoongi could hear him protesting and yelling in the background even as Hoseok spoke. "You're sick?"

"Yeah, I am...and we need to talk." Yoongi said, Hoseok sighed and Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Why do we need to talk?"

"I keep blacking out, I want you to tell me why." Yoongi said, he looked up and noticed Namjoon had left the room and closed the door. Where the hell did he run off to? "Blacking out?" Hoseok asked, followed by Jin shouting. "BLACKING OUT? HOSEOK WHAT DID YOU DO?"

"Yeah, Hoseok? What did you do?" Yoongi asked, he was starting to have a feeling this sickness wasn't just a common cold like Namjoon said. Hoseok sighed on the other line, he heard Hoseok tell Jin to get out, with Jin whining and saying he's staying because the guy still has his phone.

"I'll come over."


"I'm gonna come over and check on you, we can talk then." Hoseok said, Yoongi frowned at that, he was hoping he could go one goddamn day without seeing Hoseok, but he was wrong, even when he's sick he has to see that devil's face. Before Yoongi could speak, the man continued. "Stay in bed until I get there, don't move too much, and if you throw up, stay by the toilet cuz more will most definitely be coming up.." Hosoek said. Okay, now Yoongi was 100% sure Hoseok had something to do with his sickness. A cold had little to nothing to do with throwing up, and saying more would be coming up? Yeah, something shady is happening.


"Good. I'll see you then." Hosoek said and then hung up. Yoongi sighed as he put his phone down and turned over in his bed, looking up at the ceiling. That asshole did something to him. That fucking Devil.

"Yoongi! Is everything okay?" Jimin asked, Jungkook was behind him with wide, worried eyes. "Yeah, Hoseok's coming over to help me." Yoongi muttered, Jimin frowned as he put a hand on his hip. "Oh, so you don't need help from your friend, who you've known for years, but you'll take all the help from your sadistic, devil boyfriend?"

"Not my boyfriend." Yoongi said, ignoring Jimin's scoff. "And I didn't ask him to come, I told him I was out sick and he just told me he's coming over. Not my fault."

"Whatever, I don't wanna be here when he is, considering how things usually go when you two are together." Jimin mumbled, smiling when Yoongi told him to fuck off. "Joonie already left, said he had something to do--"

"I think he's gonna do some more research." Jungkook said, Jimin nodding as he continued, "I'm gunna be with Taehyung if you need me...but don't." Jimin smiled as he turned to leave the room. "Hope you feel better." he said, Yoongi gave him a thumbs up as the two left the room.

"What're you gunna do, Gguk?" Jimin asked, Jungkook smiled at the older, "Well I was gunna follow you wherever, but I didn't know you were going to your boyfriend's." he muttered, "But it's cool, I can follow you there too." he smiled, Jimin rolled his eyes. "Unless you wanna go there to have a threesome, I suggest you find somewhere else to spend your time."

Jungkook pouted at him, pulling those stupid puppy eyes that always made Jimin give in. "Please , I wanna see how rich and cool your boyfriend is, I promise, if it starts to get sexual, I'll leave."

Jimin stared at him for a second before he rolled his eyes. "Fine, but you really need more friends than just me, Yoongi, and Joon."

"I have friends!"


"Yoongi! I'm here!" Hoseok yelled as he opened the front door, he smiled when he heard Yoongi groan. "Don't be like that, sweetheart!"

"Fuck off!" Yoongi whined, glaring at Hoseok as he entered the doorway. The smaller had started getting shivers down his spine and wrapped up in his covers with one leg poking out. "You want me to help or not?"

"What could you possibly do?"

"Well it is my fault that you're sick." Hoseok said, sitting on the bed beside Yoongi. The smaller scoffed but made room for the guy. "Surprise, surprise. The fuck did you do?"

"I used you,"

"What?!" Yoongi asked, suddenly sitting up, he sat up too fast and felt dizzy, grabbing Hoseoks arm and then glaring at him. "You used me?"

"Whatever you're thinking. No, I didn't do that." Hoseok said, Yoongi dug his nails in his arm as a warning, it didn't phase the older. "You know about my fallen angels, right?"

"You sent them to do something to me?"

"For fucks sake, can you let me finish?" Hoseok asked, raising his voice, Yoongi flinched and then sighed, letting go of Hoseoks arm and making a gesture for him to continue. "I used you the same way I would my angels, forced you to do my dirty work."

"I'm not even surprised you asshole."

"Really? Jin was more upset about it than you." Hoseok mumbled, Yoongi rolled his eyes, "That's because he actually cares about me unlike you. So I'm sick because you used me?"

"Yeah, I've done it before, something small like stealing twenty dollars. This time, I made you pin a robbery on someone."

"Pin a robbery on someone? Are you serious?"

"Well, it's not like he went to jail, he got away." Hoseok shrugged, "Anyways, I think that was too big of a task for your second time. So you got sick from it." Hoseok mumbled, Yoongi only glared at him. He hated this man, pure hate. This guy has to get off on making other people's life hell.

"You're a fucking asshole—" Yoongi started, but he was quickly cut off by a gag, he held his hand over his mouth with wide eyes, nearly tripping over his feet to get to the bathroom. "Don't hurt yourself." Hoseok called, making a disgusted face as he heard Yoongi throw up in the bathroom.

He went into the bathroom and rubbed Yoongi's back, soothing him as whined into the toilet. "I fucking hate you." Yoongi muttered, Hoseok smiled as he continued to rub his back. "Hate me later, you're probably going to throw up again, and it'll probably hurt."


"Jin gave me some medicine that really helps for this shit."

"Give it to me now." Yoongi said, Hoseok shook his head, "It'll only work after you throw up, I promise."

"What? You've done this before?" Yoongi asked, Hoseok only smiled, Yoongi groaned as he pushed his hair away from his forehead, "I really hate you."

"Hate me all you want, but I'm the one helping you while you throw up." Hoseok said, Yoongi rolled his eyes. "I wonder who it was that caused it?"

"Who knows?" Hoseok smirked, Yoongi gasped before he grabbed Hoseoks hand, "It hurts.." he whispered, Hoseok nodded, "I know, baby." Yoongi shook his head, tears coming to his eyes. "No, it hurts, Hoseok. Fuck!" He whined, Hoseok bit his lip as he looked away from the younger.

He toned out Yoongi throwing up for a second time, he turned back to see the veins in his neck turning black and black coming out of his mouth. Once he was finished, he spat in the toilet and nearly let out a sob. "What the fuck?" He whispered to himself, looking at the pitch black substance in the bowl.

"You okay?"

"Okay? Hoseok, there's a weird black substance in my toilet, my fucking neck hurts like a bitch, and my head, my fucking head is throbbing! The fuck do you mean am I okay?" Yoongi asked, tears running down his cheeks, he let out a sob before wiping eyes. "Move." He said, letting go of Hoseoks hand and standing so he could brush his teeth.

"If I knew you would have this kind of physical reaction, I would've never made you do something so big." Hoseok mumbled, Yoongi rolled his eyes as he brushed his teeth, spitting out the toothpaste and looking at the older. "You shouldn't have done anything in the first place." He said, Hoseok sighed as he stood behind the smaller, wrapping his arms around his waists and putting his head on his shoulder.

"Get the hell off of me."

"I didn't mean for you to get hurt. That was the last thing I wanted when I used you. I promise you." Hoseok said, putting the medicine in his hand, the two made eye contact in the mirror and Yoongi sighed. "You really promise?" Yoongi asked, something in Hoseok's eyes shined, but it didn't look evil or wrong, it almost looked like he was actually worried.  "Yes, I promise." He said, kissing Yoongi on his cheek.

"I just take this? It's a fucking grape." Yoongi muttered, he had now relaxed in Hoseoks arms, leaning against him as he looked at the medicine in his hand. "Yeah, just eat it, it'll work." Hoseok said, "You'll feel better."

"Okay." Yoongi said, popping the grape in his mouth and chewing, Hoseok's hands wandered around his body, he lightly kissed his neck as he waited for the smaller to say something. "When's it supposed to kick in?"

"Give it an hour or so. If it doesn't work, I'll get Jin to give me another one." Hoseok whispered, Yoongi nodded, they once again locked eyes in the mirror. "Why are you so worried right now?"


"You're being soft and nice..why?" Yoongi asked, Hoseok sighed as they swayed slightly, his arms wrapped tighter around his waists. "I've seen someone throw up like that before...they died afterwards.." Hoseok said, "I was scared you would die. And it would've been my fault."

"Mm. I'm drowsy." Yoongi muttered, a hand raking through Hoseoks hair. He didn't have the energy to unpack all of that. "Let's lay down." Hoseok said.

"Let's?" Yoongi asked, Hoseok smiled as he nodded. "Lets." he said, Yoongi rolled his eyes but grabbed Hoseok's hand and dragged him into the bedroom. "No touching." He said, Hoseok pouted.

"Not even cuddling?"

Yoongi paused and then rolled his eyes. "Only cuddling, hands go lower than the waists and you're sleeping on the floor." Hoseok smiled as he closed he bedroom door and got into the bed.


"Wait, this is his house?" Jungkook asked, Jimin rolled his eyes as he grabbed his key from his pocket. "Yeah, it is. Don't act a fool when we walk in here." Jimin mumbled, Jungkook mocked him as he opened the door, his mouth open wide as he looked around.

"Tae! I'm here with a friend!" Jimin yelled, he got silence back and rolled his eyes. "Stay here and don't touch anything." He said, Jungkook only nodded as he walked off, probably going to go touch something.

Jimin sighed as he walked up the stairs and into the hallway. It was weirdly quiet and Jimin wondered if his boyfriend was even here. "Tae?" He said, opening the bedroom door.

He opened it to reveal his boyfriend with only a towel around his waists, wide eyed as he stared at the older. "Fuck, do you know how to knock?"

"Well I did yell downstairs."

"I was in the shower." Taehyung muttered, going into his closet, Jimin sat on the bed as he waited for him to get dressed. "Figures. Listen, I brought a friend over." He said, Taehyung popped his head out as he pulled a shirt over his head. "Who? Yoongi?"

"Nope. Jungkook. I think you met him the day that fire was started." Jimin said, he didn't pay much attention to the way Taehyung smirked before he disappeared back into the closet. "That's fine. But can I ask why?"

"He wanted to see how cool and rich you are, kill him if he breaks anything downstairs, that boy can't stay still for his life." Jimin said, smiling as he walked into the closet to talk to Taehyung face to face. "I can just replace it." He muttered, running a hand through his hair before he turned to Jimin. "I also think killing him just because he breaks something is a bit extreme."

"You gotta deal with the problem at the source," Jimin shrugged, following the younger out of the bedroom and downstairs. "Jeongguk! If you touched anything you might aswell kiss this world goodbye!" Jimin yelled, he heard some shuffling before Jungkook spoke. "I didn't do anything!" He yelled back, Jimin rolled his eyes as they made it to the base of the stairs, Jungkook was sitting on the couch with wide eyes, looking at Taehyung, then Jimin, and back at Taehyung.

"Hi." He muttered, Taehyung smiled as he looked at the younger. "Hi." He said back before he made his way into the kitchen. Jimin started walking over to the couch, feeling weird because of the tension that suddenly filled the room.

"This man's house is huge!" Jungkook whispered, "I almost got lost." He said, Jimin rolled his eyes as he sat on the couch. "That's why I told you to stay put but you never listen to me." Jimin pouted, Jungkook ignored him as he turned to look in the kitchen, even though it looked like it was miles away. "Your boyfriend seems cool." He said, Jimin scoffed.

"You said one word to him."

"And that 'hi' sounded really cool!" Jungkook argued. Taehyung made it back from the kitchen and sat beside Jimin with a cup of coffee in his hand. Jimin's focus was still on Jungkook before he spoke. "You know, I cannot wait until you finally meet your mystery man, maybe then you'll know what cool really sounds like."

"Mystery man?" Taehyung asked, his voice filled with feign confusion. Jimin nodded, "You weren't there that day, but a friend of Hoseoks thought Jungkook was cute and wanted his number." Jimin explained, "And the poor boy caused a light to shatter cuz he was so nervous."

"Do you know who it could be? Since you're friends with Hoseok." Jungkook said, Taehyung shook his head, "Nah, I don't keep tabs on Hoseok like that. Maybe ask Jin, he's closer to Hoseok than I am."

"Really? But I thought Hoseok raised you.." Jimin muttered, Jungkook gasped, "Hoseoks your father?" He said, Jimin rolled his eyes as Taehyung chuckled. "No, dumbass. His father is Hades."

"Yeah, but my father was always so busy and never really had much care in the world for me, so Hoseok took care of me until I could care for myself." Taehyung explained, Jungkook nodded and then it was silent for a moment.

Jimin sat between the two and he was starting to feel that tension come back. He looked at Jungkook, who was fiddling with his fingers as he nervously looked around then room. And then he looked at his boyfriend. Taehyung wasn't looking back, instead, he was looking more at Jungkook. Maybe he was trying to figure out why the poor kid was so nervous.

It was probably because of the tension filling the room, Jungkook was always able to feel it when things were starting to give off bad vibes or when it was just to uncomfortable to bear. "I'll be back." Jimin suddenly said, standing and walking off before the two males on the couch had a chance to say anything.

"That's weird." Taehyung muttered, Jungkook nodded and then flinched when he made eye contact with Taehyung. "What? Why did you flinch?"

Jungkook shook his head, looking away from the older. "No's just that you're really intimidating. But I actually think it's just the fact that you're rich. Like...not saying that's where your intimation comes from but you know how rich people carry themselves, right? They're like a lot more scary and hard to talk to in person and it takes a lot to see what they really like and what they don't like because— for example— a lot of rich people hang up artwork but don't even like art. Which kinda upsets me because why cover your walls with something you don't even like or appreciate? That's what was running through my head. so I was just thinking about how hard it would be to talk to you." Jungkook said, finally taking a breath. He noticed how hot it had gotten and mentally slapped himself in the face. At least he didn't accidentally break a lightbulb again.

He was getting his breathing under-control when a hand grabbed his chin and turned his face towards Taehyung. "Are you okay?"

"Very. It's just that sometimes I ramble because I get really nervous and never know what to do, and once I start I can't stop. So once I start rambling, it gets really hot and if it gets bad enough, I break something. And I try really hard to—"

Jungkook was going to continue but Taehyung squeezed his cheeks with the hand that was once on his chin. "Calm down. It's hard to understand you." He said, his voice sent chills down Jungkooks spine. "Okay." He said, Taehyung smiled as he leaned closer to Jungkook.

"What you said earlier, you know, about rich people hanging up artworks and not liking art?" Taehyung asked, Jungkook nodded, "I actually really like art, I paint in my free time."

Jungkook tried to opened his mouth so he could speak but Taehyungs hand was still gripping his cheeks. He grabbed Taehyungs hand and the older got the message, letting go and dropping his hand in his lap, still holding Jungkooks.

"That's cool. I'd love to see what you've done." Jungkook said, now, he was able to look into his eyes without feeling nervous, it was still a little intimidating, but it was bearable. "Sure, I hung some up on the walls if you want a tour."

"Really? Like right now—" Jungkook was interrupted by Jimin, who came in with a small pout on his face. "C'mon, Gguk, Namjoon needs us." Taehyung let go of Jungkooks hand and turned to his boyfriend.

"Really? What happened?" Jungkook asked, Jimin sighed as he stood in front of the younger. "Apparently, he got spooked by something he researched, so much so that he ended up splashing water everywhere and damaged one of those ancient computers. He didn't bring his wallet to pay for the damages and is getting cursed out by the librarian as we speak. We gotta help him out before he floods the whole place." Jimin explained, he looked at Taehyung and pouted.

"I wanted to stay here longer but I guess I gotta go." He muttered, Taehyung shrugged, "You know you're welcome anytime." He said, Jimin smiled as he kissed the younger and then made his way to the door, already halfway out the house before he called for Jungkook.

Jungkook hopped off the couch and was going to follow Jimin, who didn't even turn to see if Jungkook was following him, before Taehyung grabbed his wrist. "You too,"


Taehyung smiled, "You're welcome to come by anytime."


Hoseok isn't the only asshole in this story 🤠🤠🤠

I was gunna update this yesterday but I hated how I wrote the part with Jungkook and Tae so I waited an extra day so I could rewrite. And I think it turned out fine 😌

Hope you enjoyed!


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