Skye without Claude ........(...

By Deedee104624

71.7K 3.5K 285

perfect would have being the word used to describe Skye's marriage to Claude but all the dream of happy ever... More



1.6K 95 1
By Deedee104624

Please ignore all mistakes.


Sasha drove the car slowly still in deep thoughts, she was still confused with Louisa's appearance, wasn't she suppose to be somewhere enjoying her self but what was she doing here and looking like she was already knocking at the gate of death.

Louisa kept looking around in fear of being found, she was feeling very anxious and her scar around her wrist covered from the eyes by her long sleeves she had on was suddenly itchy. She needed to stop the itch unknown to her she has started to reopen her recently closed cuts and the feeling made her feel numb and better as if she was suddenly feeling free.

Finally they reached Sasha's home, Louisa slowly walked behind Sasha still looking behind her to make sure no one was following them. Sasha opened the door to see a smiling Skye who signed a welcome as Sasha nodded, Louisa's body was covered totally by Sasha's body. She noticed Sasha hadn't entered the house so she shifted from behind her body only to see Skye smiling and standing before them.

"S-Skye ?!" She was shocked. Skye who was smiling turned to looked the woman who just stood beside his sister, the woman looked oddly familiar but he couldn't remember who she was. Looking at his sister for help she just entered the house then locked the door , Skye didn't know how to respond to the woman who knew his name.

Happily Louisa bought down the scarf and her glasses as she smiled at Skye whose smile became frozen as his smile fell off his face.
"Skye you're okay" she laughed as she rushed over to hug him, Skye was slow in noticing the rushing woman so he couldn't side step her quick enough so she was already hugging him. Skye was shocked as he struggled to free himself from her, Sasha saw her brother trying to free himself from the overly excited Louisa so she pulled Louisa away as she glared at her and said a stern 'seat down'.

"Louisa you said you had a confession to make for recording, so let's just do that I will be right back" Sasha said while she handed the shopping bag to Skye who in turn followed her into their room. Sasha knew what her brother was going to ask so she started explaining how they had met coincidentally while she was busy searching for a recorder and her camera.

"Just go to the living room and watch her " Sasha said as Skye nodded in understanding. Skye entered into the living room but stood at the far corner looking at Louisa with suspicion who was also smiling weakly at him, her eyes and cheeks were sunken. Sasha rushed back into the room with everything she needed and sat before Louisa setting everything up then signaled her to speak. Clearing her throat she looked into the lens of the camera and she started to speak.

"This is an authentic video recording of my confession, my name is Louisa chevalier. I did a lot of wrong to the people who had never done anything wrong, I'm talking about Skye and my brother Claude. Starting from high school, I followed the wrong people and let them turn me against innocent Skye . Listening to my friend well ex best friend Martha and my mother that Skye was a gold digger who would finally destroy my family when he finally got married to Claude." She paused as she almost laughed at how dumb and naive she had always been If only she had let her self feel all those years ago like her brother had maybe she would have gotten married and have kids with the person she loves, but all her dream had shattered due to her stupidity, naivety and overly trusting her mother and Martha. As she thought all this tears rolled down her face and she saw no reason to wipe her face

"We tried to convince Claude that since he was married to Skye he would never have children of his own and Skye didn't deserve him, I know stupid right for believing all this. Skye shocked us a year later after their marriage he revealed his pregnancy. Martha and my mom were furious that Claude was still loving Skye more and more and Skye getting pregnant was the icing on the cake. Mom also said that the perfect match for Claude was no other than Martha, I didn't want to support them anymore and they decided to blackmail me with the safety of my biggest secret and I couldn't let that happen so I followed them" Louisa looked at Skye who was quietly watching her then she turned back to the camera to continue.

"One day they called me that they had found a way to get rid of Skye and said we should pay him a visit with my mom's excuse of wanting to see her grand babies, then stupid me agree to go with them. I knew normally Skye won't let us into the house without Claude being there and that was justifiable, when we got there I knew nothing about how they wanted to get rid of Skye and I should have known by rid they meant make him disappear from existence. I originally thought they would just threaten him and set him up by planting something Claude hated" she couldn't say anything for a while as she choked on her sobs. Skye was getting angrier with every word that Louisa was saying but he hated Martha and Claude's mother the most, if only he had their kind of heart he would have killed them both without blinking well that's after he tortures them.

"When my mom asked to see her grand babies I too was happy to see them up close since Skye never want me close to them and he was right to do that. I wondered why Skye was willing that day to allow us into his home in the absence of Claude. I looked at him as he left his juice unattended and went to bring his babies himself, Martha suddenly sent a message on her phone to God knows who before bringing strangely transparent liquid in a little bottle as she poured it directly into his juice" she remembered how shocked she was, she never agreed to this kind of means even her mother wasn't even moved neither did she show a single sign of worry or shock.

"I had panicked whispering to Martha 'what are you doing?!' She smiled as she replied me 'we shall soon see' and she sat back like she did nothing, then Skye returned with the kids. I knew I couldn't ask to hold them so I just watched as mom carried them but in just a few minutes they started complaining about wanting to seat with their mama, I also wanted to laugh at mom that even the children knew how evil she was. They rushed to where Skye was seated then he picked them up and I remembered the poisoned drink I was then restless again, I wanted to scream that it was poisoned then it was already too late. I watched as his kids took gulps out of his juice instead of him" Louisa was sobbing into her hands she was asking herself why did she stop it then, why did she freeze till it was too late. Skye wanted to scream and ask her why didn't she stop him but he said nothing, she was as guilty as the two women maybe she was just saying all this to curry favor from him so she won't suffer the consequences of her actions. Finally Skye sat beside Sasha crying silently, but looking back he saw how she had stretched her hand forward a little but he thought nothing of it and let his kids drink it. Why didn't he reject than and maybe drink it instead at least they would still be here and we'll taken care of by their father.

"I was so scared so I rushed after them not wanting to be the one they use as a scapegoat, as we got to Martha's home I confronted her and my so called mother 'this was not right, why did you do this' I shouted at them but laughed heartedly ignoring my questions ' we don't even need to do anything anymore since the hole we wanted to bury him is now his downfall ' Martha said while my mom nodded in agreement. Finally my eyes opened to all the bad things I followed them to do against people I loved, I could see clearly very clearly. I cried falling to my knees telling them if anything were to happen to those innocent souls I would personally confess and implicate all of us the consequences be damned jail was better than living everyday with guilt ".

Skye was shocked to see so much pain in her eyes as she spoke, looking into those grey pools he could see a lot of emotions from self loathing to anger to so much guilt and pain. Sasha rolled her eyes then when the kids died why didn't Louisa say anything or confess, she was about to ask the question but Louisa continued with puffy eyes and a running nose.

"When it was announced that day that the children had met with untimely death and Skye was arrested I went to Martha to tell her how disappointed I was that I was naive enough to stay with her and I promised I was going to make her pay even at the cost of my life. I didn't meet her in her home in the capital city her uncle told me she wanted me to meet her at the capital city airport since she called me to meet her there I agreed stupidly as always, so I went without telling anyone she told me she had a private plane that we could talk there and stupid me found it reasonable. When we had gotten to the gold city she was driving us to an unknown place as she kept interrupting me when ever I was about to talk about Skye, noticing we were already going to the outskirts of the city I was now tell her to stop the car but she stopped the car as about five huge men came out from the bushes. I rushed down from the car but before I could get to the trees they grabbed me and I panicked throwing my purse under a marked tree that I could remember even the season changed. They took me away and locked me up for five years and only my mom knew about it claiming I needed space since I was planning on making the wrong decision" Louisa looked at her trembling fingers as she laughed, Sasha and Skye's heart squeezed tightly after hearing her laughter which was of a degrading kind of treatment. They could see she was mocking herself.

"I was too trusting in fact I was too dumb would probably be called a dumb blonde if I was blonde and I deserve everything I have suffered" she whispered to herself so they couldn't hear her. She didn't tell them about how she would be killed by Martha if caught or how she would probably kill herself instead she smiled sadly at Skye and Sasha before saying.
"I better be going so that I don't cause you guys anymore trouble, me being here for too long might cause a lot of troubles. Skye I know my apologies will do nothing to bring back Milo and Mira nor would it bring back the lost years in prison or you once happy marriage. All I can say is I am very sorry for all the pain I have caused you and I hope I could make it up to you" she said but she said the last part in her heart 'make it up to you with my life'
"Thank you guys for hearing me out and not pushing me away, so I'll be going back now" she knew because of her guilt and adrenaline rush she was able to stay strong up till now and now she had gotten it off her chest she felt lighter. Suddenly she started to feel tired but she didn't want to burden them so she decided to leave as quickly as possible before she collapse.

"Where do you plan on going?" Sasha asked after making sure everything was saved she planned on making three or four copies. Louisa didn't have were to go because her mom could sell her out to save herself and if she goes to her brother's place Martha's people were also there watching the house but it doesn't matter to her anymore since she had finally confessed. She shrugged and began to head for the door when suddenly she started feeling drowsy and her breathing seems to speed up and black spots started to appear before her eyes. She staggered backwards before finally having no strength to stay awake so she let the darkness consume her, Sasha notice her staggering she quickly rushed towards her catching her before she fell. She was hardly breathing and Sasha rushed her into the extra bedroom, Louisa was extremely light and that scared Sasha while Skye handed the phone over to Sasha who called the family doctor and their father.

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Sorry for the slow updates I have been busy with a lot of things

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