A Renewed Friendship [An Adri...

By Mystic_Raven20

115K 4.1K 3.1K

Adrien Agreste was a famous Olympian. He'd given up everything to pursue his dream, much to his fathers disli... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32 ⚠️
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35⚠️
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Epilogue - The Best Man's Speech

Chapter 2

2.7K 107 34
By Mystic_Raven20

For the first time in two months Adrien had pulled himself out of bed, showered and shaved, and was now on his way to see Nino. He felt slightly better after scrapping the unwanted hair off his face, yet he still didn't feel right. Perhaps he'll get a hair cut later, that might help a little but for now it was tied back in a low ponytail.

Adrien walked down the road nearest to the cafe where he had planned to meet Nino and Alya, he placed on his Ray Ban sunglasses to protect his eyes and also to protect his identity, one thing he did not want to do was talk to anyone. Although, since his return to Paris, on the few occasions he did step out the house no one seemed to talk about fencing to him, or his ex-modelling. The issue was, he wouldn't mind talking about. Instead it was full of crappy small talk about as interesting as watching paint dry. Taking a deep breath he removed his leather jacket from his thick muscular arms and slung it over one shoulder. Since when did Paris get this warm in the summer? He thought to himself, if only it was raining. That would have given him a reason to stay locked up in his apartment for another day.

His sudden motivation to leave the house had nothing to with Marinette's visit yesterday, nope, nothing at all. But on the subject of Marinette, since when did she get so feisty. She'd always been so quiet and stuttery around him, and that body of hers? Where had that been hiding all these years. She'd definitely grown up from that gangly girl she once was. He directed his thoughts else where only to end up back on yesterday.

For some reason he couldn't stop thinking about what she'd said to him. She came in and straight away busted his balls. Who throws food on someone whilst they're sleeping off the days six pack of Bud's? She waltzed into his apartment like a small whirlwind and caused him hell. She's the only one who'd had the guts to do it.

You know what Adrien, you used to be a nine point five but looking at you now I'd say you'd be lucky to be considered a seven.

He snorted to himself, yep she was something alright. Little Miss Marinette Dupain-Cheng. The biggest pain in his ass since he came back home. Why couldn't she just have tried to baby him like the others had and then when he got cold, distant and angry, leave and go home. At least that way he wouldn't be still finding noodles in his bed sheets.

As Adrien reached the cafe, he peered in through the window only to see both Alya and Nino sitting looking all cosy up in the corner. Adrien looked at them wistfully but he knew his screwed up past wouldn't allow such an intimate relationship, hell he didn't want one either they only seemed to cause pain. He had been abandoned by his mother and raised by his dick of a father. His biggest form of commitment was the brand of beer he drank in a day to day basis.

During his time travelling the world and taking part in fencing tournaments he had formulated a nickname for himself. 'Two sabres'. He was often photographed with different women leaving his room each night never to return again. This included one compromising capture with an American superstar adding fuel to his nickname and placing it in concrete. That was one of the reasons he was no longer with Kagami Tsurugi, France's number two top fencer. They'd fallen together through her mother and his father's neglect, finding support in the other and pushing on with their sport. They travelled together for a little while until he decided why ruin her life when she wanted commitment and a family. He couldn't give her that. He'd never be able to give anyone that, it wasn't in his blood. He hadn't seen or heard from her since.

He moved away from the window and rested against the wall on the side of the building. Closing his eyes he took off his sunglasses and rubbed his palms over them.

"Oh my ... is that the famous Adrien Agreste?" Adrien stopped the rubbing and cringed inwardly at the voice. Lila Rossi. His fathers top model. He'd gone to school with Lila so he knew all her little tricks. He'd never forgotten the day she tried to get Marinette expelled following his fathers orders. Putting his sunglasses back on he looked up to someone who he didn't want to see.


"Is that all I get after all this time? Seriously Adrien, what would your father say about that greeting?" She moved close enough to him that he could taste her perfume. A year ago he would have taken her home, done what she wanted and then sent her packing. But these days he seemed to have lost his desire. Well at least for this one particular girl.

"Don't you want to know how your father is? His business has never been better you know. People keep trying to pay me to move to their brand as they believe I'm the reason for success. Although, working along side Gabriel has its plus points like keeping Dupain-Cheng's label blacklisted." Adrien looked at Lila, what the hell did this have to do with Marinette? As if by magic she appeared along side him.

"Oh hey Adrien, you ready for your doctors appointment?" Marinette was staring straight into his eyes acting as though she hadn't registered Lila was even standing there. Adrien did a once over her body again. She really knew how to dress accenting her features.

"Excuse me, Marinette, but I think we were just about to organise a date." Lila said. The bluenette turned her head to look at Lila.

"Oh dear. I am sorry but Adrien really needs to go now. You see if it pops there's going to be mess everywhere." Marinette began to explain with elaborate arm movements.

"Ok Mari." Adrien commented leaning down towards her ear.

"Puss everywhere." Marinette continued whispering to Lila.

"That's too far." Adrien looked at Marinette who just smiled sweetly at him.

"I better ..." Lila coughed gaining their attention, "just, excuse me-" she pushed through the middle of them and carried on walking down the road.

"You're welcome." Marinette said, smirking at Adrien before skipping off and into the cafe. He followed after her.

"I never said thank you."

Adrien continued following Marinette into the cafe only to see Nino and Alya wave her over. Great, he thought sarcastically, more time with Mari. Just what he wanted.

"Hey guys," she announced in an insanely happy voice. Seriously, what was wrong with girl? How can she be so perky? "Look who I found outside scaring children with his 1970's hair style. Seriously dude, get a haircut."

"Sorry Princess, I think I might just keep the long locks to annoy you." Adrien retorted. He just couldn't help it, something about her just made him want to bite back.

"I wasn't implying it was annoying me, I was implying you look stupid." By the time Marinette had replied back they had reached the table. Nino had obviously heard the last comment as he let out a rather loud snort of laughter.

"Dude, I love seeing you out and about but I've got to admit the hairstyle is not quite your normal style." The friends all greeted each other before Adrien and Marinette sat side by side opposite Alya and Nino.

"So why have you gathered here on this beautiful day?" Marinette asked. A waiter appeared just before Alya could make her announcement. Each of the friendship group ordered their drinks before the waiter moved away again. "No alcohol this morning, Agreste. Wow! Anyone would think I made an impact on you yesterday."

"It wasn't you, it was Nino. I said I'd be here for him so here I am." Adrien responded, his eyebrows creased in a frown.

"Yeah ... OK." She winked at him before turning back to Alya. Alya and Nino were staring. Properly staring at them with their mouths open. Marinette couldn't help but let out a laugh much to Adrien's confusion. "What?" She said.

"Well you and ... how you're talking? Him?" Alya looked even move confused, so confused she couldn't get the words she wanted to use out of her mouth. How can Marinette suddenly be ok with talking to Adrien, like a normal person? It made no sense. Marinette just shrugged at her best friend and nodded as if to move the conversation on.

"The reason we've asked you here? Right?" Alya pulled herself together. "We've decided to have a joint bachelor and bachelorette party." Alya claimed.

"And we want you two to plan it. As you're going to be our best man and maid of honour." Marinette squealed and jumped up hugging both of her best friends. She was so excited. Alya had already commissioned Marinette to make her dress which thrilled her but now this. She could not control the excitement.

The drinks arrived causing Marinette to sit back down. She smiled up at Adrien who looked at her like she was some sort of space alien. They all continued to talk about possible ideas for, as Nino called it, 'the party to end all parties', resulting in a usual heated discussion from Alya and Nino. Marinette and Adrien obviously being forgotten in the conversation. Adrien took the opportunity to lean down and speak directly into Marinette's ear.

"You do know as best man and maid of honour, there are certain traditions we need to uphold." He looked her in the eye and winked. Suddenly her beautiful pale face turned a bright shade of plum and Adrien let out a laugh. There was the Marinette he knew.

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