Stay with me

By iliqblack

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This story is about hope and devotion. About loyalty to yourself and your feelings. About true friendship and... More

Chapter 1 When dreams come true
Chapter 2 - When dreams come true. Omer
Chapter 3 - Bring back life
Chapter 4 Reach the Heart
Chapter 5 - How to bring back happiness
Chapter 6 Give me a chance
Chapter 7 - Let the Past Go to Hell
Chapter 8 - Farewell
Chapter 9 Loneliness
Chapter 10 Confrontation
Chapter 11 - I choose you
Chapter 12 I love
Chapter 13 Theorems and Axioms
Chapter 14 - Why?
Chapter 15 - While I'm breathing!
Chapter 16 - The Road to Happiness
Chapter 17 - Day of Open Hearts
Chapter 18 - Dreams
Chapter 19 - Jackals and Falcons
Chapter 20 - Life goes on
Chapter 21 - Healing
Chapter 22 - You are the Best!
Chapter 23 - Fulfillment of desires
Chapter 24 - A roller coaster
Chapter 25 - Endless love
Chapter 26 - Angels and Demons
Chapter 27 - Prelude to the miracle
Chapter 28 - A Miracle
Chapter 29 Light and Darkness
Chapter 30 - Think About Me
Chapter 31 - Windows
Chapter 32 - Above the clouds
Chapter 33 - Old Secrets, New Hopes
Chapter 34 - Redemption
Chapter 35 Fate
Chapter 36 - Loved ones are always forgiven
Chapter 37 - We will call her Emine
Chapter 38 - Because of you
Chapter 39 - Sapphire's birthday
Chapter 40 - Necklace of fiery opals
Chapter 42 - Happiness in the hands
Chapter 43 - At the edge of the abyss
Chapter 44 - Storm in Paradise
Chapter 45 - Kinship not by blood or cuckoo and Madonna
Chapter 46 - Serpent in paradise
Chapter 47 - You are my breath
Chapter 48 Time for Change
Chapter 49 - You are my medicine
Chapter 50 - Angels on guard
Chapter 51 - Doubt
Chapter 52 - Love and pride
Chapter 53 - Watchful eye
Chapter 54 - We are crazy
Chapter 55 - Big tragedies and small mischief
Chapter 56 - Exposure
Chapter 57 - Trust
Chapter 58 - Treachery
Chapter 59 - I love you, Mom
Chapter 60 Surprises - pleasant and not so
Chapter 61 - Turn upside down
Chapter 62 - Dreams Come True
Chapter 63 - Best Day of Life
Chapter 64 - I will be with you
Chapter 65 - What the coming day tells us
Chapter 66 - Almost a detective story
Chapter 67 - A Miracle is born
Chapter 68 - Emine Diana Iplikci
Chapter 69 - The Gift
Chapter 70 - How happiness begins
Chapter 71 - Prophetic dream
Chapter 72 - A stranger
Chapter 73 - Such different fathers
Chapter 74 - One for all and all for one!
Chapter 75 - And in sorrow and joy
Chapter 76 - Wolf Laws
Chapter 77 - Playing without rules
Chapter 78 - Through hardship to the stars
Chapter 79 - Blood relationship
Chapter 80 - God works in mysterious ways
Chapter 81 - Epilogue
Note from the writer Marina Victoria
84 Taming the stubborn ( Тhe story of Jansu and Niko)
85 Taming the stubborn
86 Taming the stubborn
87 Taming the stubborn
88 Taming the stubborn
89 Taming the stubborn
90 Taming the stubborn
91 Taming the stubborn
92 Taming the stubborn
93 Taming the stubborn
94 Taming the stubborn
95 Taming the stubborn
96 Taming the stubborn
97 Taming the stubborn
98 Taming the stubborn

Chapter 41 - Paradise Island

2.7K 67 27
By iliqblack

- This is a well-built house. It was built in 1928. The basic materials are stone, brick, and wood. Solid tiled roof and a spacious basement. For ninety years, it has been renovated several times. A modern water supply and sewerage system was built, as well as room heating. The fireplaces remain, but they serve a decorative rather than a basic function.

Ahtem listened to the realtor's recitative with half an ear. He saw that the house was solid and built to last. But along with the aura of history, it contained everything necessary for a comfortable life. Only the color of the walls was depressing. It was too dim and gloomy. But if you plaster them, repaint them in light colors and make the ceilings white, there will be a completely different look. And the stone floors in the rooms are better covered with wooden parquet. Remove old furniture and bring new ones. Replace chandeliers and curtains. Ahtem imagined all these changes and, as if with his own eyes, saw how the old mansion breathed with warmth and comfort.

- There is a wine cellar in the basement, - the realtor continued her story with a gesture inviting the client to go downstairs. - But it has not been used for a long time and everything is covered with dust.

"It's not а problem," Ahtem answered mechanically and examined the basement critically. It was large and spacious. If you put good lighting, then you can equip another workshop here.

- Let's see the yard? The woman suggested.

- Yes with pleasure.

The realtor led the man outside through the back door. The yard was square, with a small garden and flowerbeds lined with paths. Now they were empty, but Ahtem imagined when Laura takes over them, and they will turn into a blooming carpet.

The yard was surrounded by a brick fence. It was tall enough to hide the inhabitants of the house from prying eyes. The southern side is completely overgrown with wisteria.

"When it blooms," thought Ahtem, "the yard will look like a fairy garden."

His gaze moved to the wall separating the estate from the neighboring house where the Iplikci live. It will be possible to cut a gate in it. And then, in a few years, their children will run back and forth and, with their mischievous tricks, drive caring mothers crazy.

- Mr. Ahtem, - the voice of the realtor brought him out of his reverie, - if you wish, I will show you other houses in the area.

- Thank you, no need, - he said.

"This house is a good choice," the woman said again. - Moreover, the price ... for such a house, and even in this area - it's low. It would have already been bought, but the former mistress set a condition - the estate should be sold to the young couple for life. She doesn't want a mini-hotel or office to be opened here. For a family - was her words.

- Then we fit perfectly, - smiled Ahtem. - I will have a request for you.

- I'm listening.

- Could you give me the keys to the house for a couple of days? I want to show it to my bride. If she likes it, we will start the sale and purchase procedure on Monday.

- Of course, Mr. Ahtem, - the woman handed him the keys.

Something soft touched his feet. Ahtem looked down and smiled. The gray cat, purring, rubbed against his legs. He sat down and stroked her ear.

- Hi, Gri! Are you waiting for the house to open its doors and come to life again?

The cat looked at him with slanted, intelligent eyes. Although they say that animals cannot do this, Ahtem was sure, the gray beauty smiled at him.


Iplikci got stuck in a traffic jam on their way to the airport and almost missed their plane. They ran into the terminal building when the check-in was already coming to an end. Mentally thanking Sukru, who rolled their suitcases after them, Omer and Defne stopped for a minute at the information board and rushed off to look for their check-in point.

- Off! Defne gasped as the pretty girl checked in their tickets and took the luggage. - I thought we will miss the vacation in paradise.

- Yes, we got a portion of adrenaline, - agreed on Omer and asked anxiously: - Are you feeling well? Wasn't baby hurt by this race?

"Of course not," she smiled broadly and folded her palms on her belly. - Our girl, like her daddy, loves sports. While we were running, she flapped wonderfully in my belly and is now happy. And she wants something tasty.

Defne turned her eyes innocently and looked sideways at the pastry cafe. Omer laughed. Putting his hand on her back, he pushed her to the checkpoint of hand luggage and ordered:

- First, we will pass the inspection, and then we will go to drink tea with ... What do you want to eat? - asked, leaning to her ear.

"Eclairs," Defne said happily.

- Won't you get sick on the plane? - Omer worried.

- Nope! She said confidently.

Tea with eclairs had to be drunk in a hurry. There was a queue at the checkpoint, and when they finally settled all the formalities for tasty treats, there was only half an hour left.

Omer, finishing his coffee and glancing at his watch, confessed:

- Never before have I landed on a plane at such a pace.

Defne laughed and, pushing him with her shoulder, warned:

- Get used to it! I'm Defoe, there's no other way with me.

On the plane, seeing their places, Defne blinked, shook her head, and turned to her husband.

- What is this?

"First class seats on this plane," he replied smiling.

"More like a hotel room," Defne muttered, examining the wide armchairs, a small TV fixed just above the eyes, and a folding table. - Only there is no bed.

- Why not? - Omer pushed her to a place and sat down. - There is. These chairs unfold in a bed. Quite convenient, according to the brochure. Or did you think that I would make my beloved, pregnant wife suffer for more than twenty hours in an uncomfortable chair?

Defne looked at him with admiringly and said:

- You're incredible!

Omer winked at her and replied with her own words:

- Get used to it! I'm Omer Iplikci. There is no other way with me.

The plane took off and gained altitude. The stewardess, having familiarized the passengers with the flight information and allowing them to unfasten their seat belts, approached Iplikci. Smiling affably, she asked if the passengers had any wishes.

Omer asked for orange juice and water.

When she walked away, Defne suggested:

- Let's watch a movie.

- Choose one, - Omer turned on the playlist on the TV.

"Pride and prejudice," she said instantly. - Your favorite movie and mine too, and we still haven't watched it together.

"Okay," he agreed. - What kind of adaptation?

"You choose," Defne said briskly. - I only saw the last one.

Omer thoughtfully scrolled through the list of films and stopped the cursor on one of the frames of the film. On it, a man with lush curls looked hard at a shy girl.

- Let's watch the 1995 series. It has five episodes. We will fly for a long time, we will pass the time. This adaptation perfectly captures the atmosphere of that time.

- Oh, I want it! - Defne's eyes lit up with anticipation. - And then for some reason, my book with the film that I watched did not fit at all.

Omer laughed and replied:

"You're not alone."

He turned on the film, removed the partition between the chairs, and moved closer to Defne. She put her head on his shoulder and stared at the screen with interest.

By the time the film ended, Defne was so enamored of Colin Firth's Mr. Darcy that Omer was even jealous.

"The puzzle is now complete," she chirped. - Indeed, as if the book came to life before my eyes. Imagine, I watched a movie for five hours and did not fall asleep. Progress! But what a man is this Mr. Darcy. Noble, strong. Just a dream!

Omer turned off the TV with his finger on the remote control.

- You don't want to sleep? - asked gloomily and took out a blanket and pillows from the shelf. - Let's spread out the chairs.

- Hey, - Defne, bowing her head to her shoulder, looked into his face, - why are you angry?

"Don't make it up," he looked away. - Why would I be angry?

A knowing smile crossed Defne's face.

"You know, you look like Mr. Darcy.

- In what?

Defne turned his face to her and looked into his eyes.

"You both humbled your pride and didn't let it rise above love." She smiled cockily. - And both are so jealous. Although you are trying with all your might not to show it. She stood up and took her purse from the shelf. - Unfold the chairs. I go to brush my teeth.

Omer watched her trail and his lips quivered in a faint smile.

The plane flew all night but landed at Tahiti airport not early in the morning, but in the evening. Twelve hours of time difference ate half a day. The cheerful and well-slept Iplikci transferred to another plane and after half an hour of flight over the Pacific Ocean found themselves at the airport of Mute Island, from which Bora Bora was a stone's throw. A representative of the hotel was already waiting for them - a frail, dark-skinned man of undetermined age in a white shirt and flower garlands on his arm. He threw bright, sweet-smelling flowers on the neck of the guests and took them to the boat, which, easily gliding along the golden waves in the sunset, brought them to the hotel in just fifteen minutes.

Omer helped his wife out of the boat. She stepped onto the wooden pier and stopped, fascinated by the surrounding beauty.

The air smelled like the sea and something else unfamiliar and heady. It seemed to Defne that she was not inhaling it, but drinking a sweet exotic cocktail. The sun was hiding in the ocean and its last rays gilded the jagged top of the mountain and the low clouds hanging over it. The colors of the sunset painted the sky softly and muted. Raspberry flowed into gold with orange streaks and melted into the deep blue. The twilight swallowed the green and the tall palms looked black against the sky. Far out into the sea were lines of buildings shining with lights.

- Is this a hotel? - asked Defne, looking at the wooden bungalows frozen over the water, under the roof of banana leaves. Long labyrinths of graceful bridges connected them to the shore and each other.

"Yes," Omer confirmed and took her hand. - Let's go.

In the office building, a smiling girl in a white uniform checked them in and gave them the keys, nodding to the porter to escort the guests to their bungalow.

The bridge, which seemed fragile and narrow from a distance, was quite wide, with a strong, wind-polished deck and high railings made of ship ropes. Clay pots with flowers were fixed on them. Smelling them Defne said:

- So that's where the scent comes from. They smell like the sun.

Omer picked one white flower and stuck it in her hair.

- Now you will smell like the sun.

Defne smiled at him and pressed her cheek to a strong and warm shoulder. He put his arm around her waist and like that, hugging, they walked to the brightly lit bungalow.

It stood in the water on high piles. The bridge ended beside it with a wide terrace covered with palm leaves and a small pool, the bottom of which was illuminated by small, firefly-like lanterns.

"Water from the lagoon," Omer whispered in his wife's ear. - You can't get away from bathing.

"And I'm not going to," she threw back her head and boldly looked into his eyes.

Omer smiled and his eyes flashed with fire. But the porter's delicate cough brought him back down to earth. Omer turned to him, thanked and, having paid a tip, let him go. Then through the glass sliding doors, brought the suitcases inside and, placing them against the wall, turned to Defne. She examined the bungalow with admiration. She was pleasantly surprised by the interior. The walls, floors, and furniture were made of wood in a warm reddish-brown hue. The high, vaulted ceiling felt spacious. Pictures on the walls, mirrors in carved frames, tall vases with fresh flowers added the zest of local flavor. Soft sofas, comfortable armchairs, low tables, and wardrobes built into the walls created an aura of unobtrusive comfort.

"Wow," Defne's voice came from the bedroom.

Omer followed her in and saw her looking at a huge bed. Even the one in their Istanbul house was quite modest compared to this one. Defne raised her astonished face to her husband and said:

- We will get lost on it.

- We won't get lost, - smiled Omer. - But what room for imagination.

He pushed her lightly, and she fell down on the soft bed. A split second later, Omer's hot body was near. He straddled her legs and captured her wrists.

- Gotcha, - grumbled and with his teeth unbuttoned the button on the white shirt. A part of her chest appeared in the neckline, and he pressed his lips to it.

Butterflies swirled in her stomach, but Defne still found the strength to pull away. Raising her head, she looked into the face distorted with desire and plaintively asked:

- Omer, we're from the trip. I need a shower. And I want to eat.

He sighed in disappointment and rolled onto his side.

"You're going to kill me," he got out of bed and pulled her hand. "Okay, get in the shower and I'll order dinner.

Through the sliding doors, Defne entered the bathroom, which was part of both the bungalow and the terrace. One wall consisted of sliding glass doors and overlooked the ocean. Defne lowered the blinds on it, stroked the high, curved faucet above the sunken bathroom in passing, and undressed, entered the shower stall. She took the white flower out of her hair, inhaled its scent deeply, and, smiling dreamily, put it on the shelf. Before she had time to lather her hair, the door opened and immediately closed behind Omer's large and completely naked body.

- What are you doing...

He did not let her finish. He kissed her greedily and informed:

- We have forty minutes. Let's not waste time.

Removing her hands, Omer washed her hair himself. Defne poured a spicy-smelling shower gel into her palm and ran her soapy hands over his body. It consisted entirely of muscles that contracted under her palms and turned into a stone covered with satin leather. When thin fingers touched his stomach, Omer intercepted her hand and put it where he most wanted to feel it now. Defne looked at him with huge, confused eyes and froze.

"Don't be afraid," he said hoarsely. - Touch ... I will give my life for your touch...

When dressed in comfortable clothes that did not restrict movement, they went out onto the terrace, where the table had already been laid. Defne removed the silver cap from her plate and sucked in air.

- Oh, how it smells! What is it?

- Fish soup. I thought it would be better to eat something light after the flight. We will have another whole eight days to taste all the local delicacies.

- You correctly decided, - she agreed and sat down at the table. Rubbing her palms together, she picked up a spoon and tasted the soup. - Oh, how delicious! Just don't tell grandmother, but I didn't eat soup tastier.

The dishes were emptied pretty quickly - both were hungry, and the sea air increased their appetite. When Defne finished the last spoonful of soup, Omer pressed the call button and ten minutes later a waitress girl came to their bungalow. She cleared away the dirty dishes and placed a tall glass cup on the table filled with a purple, sweet-smelling mass, which was decorated with bright flower petals. Having bowed, the girl left. Defne, examining the dessert, asked:

- And what's that?

"Tradition," Omer replied smiling. "The fact that we're in Polynesia doesn't mean you won't eat ice cream. It is a local variety - it is mixed with tapo root vegetable powder. It is it who gives this color. Try it.

He scooped up ice cream with a spoon and in a moment it was in Defne's mouth.

"Mmm," she closed her eyes. - Tasty. Almost not sweet and not cloying, but the aroma ... I can't even compare it with anything.

- Let's try, - Omer sent a second spoonful of ice cream into his mouth. He listened to the taste and agreed: - You're right. Doesn't look like anything. Tomorrow we will try ice cream with the taste of a flower – tiaré. The one with whose smell you fell in love.

- Ay! We are definitely in paradise! Defne exclaimed and opened her mouth for a second portion of exotic purple ice cream.

After dinner, Defne decided to unpack the suitcases. She was putting clothes and shoes in the closet, and Omer shamelessly interfered with her work. Leaning back on his elbows on the bed, he told scary stories about local pirates, and when she, naively believing his every word, shivered in fear, went to lock the door, he laughed loudly and caught her hand.

- Did you fool me? - Defne scowled offended. - Again? No, that's not fair!

"I can't help myself," Omer confessed, repentantly looking into her eyes and smiling a boyish smile. - I love your naive state. You are as sweet as a child.

- And when will I learn not to take you every word on faith? She asked herself angrily.

"I hope never," Omer smiled recklessly.

It seemed to him that the tropical air had destroyed all the inhibitions inside him. Restrained and serious Omer Iplikci disappeared, and the new one wanted crazy deeds and madness. He wanted to breathe deeply and feel life in every cell of his body. He jumped out of bed and pulled Defne with him.

- Where are we going? - She asked barely having time to catch up.

- To swim in the lagoon!

- Wait, I'll put on a swimsuit.

Omer stopped and took her face in his hands. Boldly looked into the eyes and asked:

- What for? - His hands dropped to her shoulders and squeezed them. - It's night now. We are at the end of the world. Alone. Let's go naked.

He picked up Defne in his arms and carried her lightly, like a feather, to the exit from the bungalow.

"You're crazy," she said.

The water in the lagoon was as warm and gentle as silk. Omer and Defne went down the stairs, which began with the deck around the bungalow and ended under the water.

- Sharks won't eat us? Defne asked, stepping on the sandy bottom. The water reached her armpits and caressed her breasts, which had become too sensitive for some time.

"I won't let them," Omer said cheerfully. He swam up to his wife, but she splashed water on him and sailed away. "Ah, you are!"

Omer chased after her and a second later caught up with his mischievous wife. Picking her up in his arms, he spun in the water. Defne laughed and fought back.

They played like children. They splashed each other, swam and dived. Defne dodged Omer's hands and slipped into the depths like a fish. He caught her in his arms, and, tightly pressing to the body, kissed her laughing lips.

"I'm tired," Defne leaned back with the back of her head on her husband's chest and, raising her hands above her head, hugged him by the neck.

- Rest, - he lay down on the water and, with the help of his legs, holding himself and her on it, put his palms on her belly. - Today we have completed your gymnastics program for a week ahead.

Exactly, - smiled Defne. - Can we get out? Let's get dressed and lie down by the pool and watch the stars.

- Come on, - agreed on Omer and, gently turning her over on her stomach, pushed her towards the stairs.

They lay on a wide trestle bed covered with a soft white mat by the pool and looked up at the velvet sky. Large stars, completely different but the same as in Turkey and Italy, sank very low and looked at the lovers with their golden pupils.

"How beautiful," Defne whispered softly as if she was afraid to scare them away.

"Yes," Omer agreed.

- Darkness like velvet. Soft. It seems you can touch it.

"Yes," he agreed again, breathing deeply in the thick, moist air.

- And there is no wind at all. So quiet and warm...

- Yes Yes...

"And you also agree with everything I say," Defne mocked. - Just like a year and a half ago, when we also looked at the stars.

"Not at all," Omer protested without changing his relaxed posture. - Then I only dreamed of touching you. I wanted it very much, but I was afraid that there was another in your heart and you would reject me. And now you are mine. I can hug you as much as I want, kiss, love ..., - Omer, looking at the sky, smiled, - what a happy person I am after all.

- Who else? - Defne stood up and leaned on her elbow. Her husband's phrase about another in her heart intrigued her.

Omer turned his face to her and answered:

- Sinan.

- What? Defne exclaimed and laughed. - You were jealous of Sinan?

- And even very much. You were so sweet that I wanted to strangle you both.

Defne leaned back on the pillow and laughed.

"Laugh, laugh," Omer said good-naturedly. - But I was not at all laughing. I had never experienced anything like this in my life and went mad with anger.

- Well, you later took revenge on me with interest. Feryal, Iz ... I thought I would burst.

Now Omer laughed and confessed:

- I wanted you to be jealous. To get interested in me. Fell in love. I wanted to be sure ... You know I have a problem with pride. Confessing my love for you and then being rejected - that was my nightmare.

- So that's why you pressed me the poor girl like a roller and demanded a frank confession?

- Yeah.

- Bad, - Defne hit him on the side with her fist.

- I am still bad, - Omer pulled her to him. - I want to constantly see proof of your love. I can't breathe without it. The stone lies here, - he pointed to his chest.

- Even now? When are we married and expecting a baby?

- Even now.

- Stupid, - Defne pressed her cheek to the place to which his hand was pointing. - Forgot? I'm obsessed with you Defne. It always was, it always will be.

- And I am obsessed with you Omer, - he covered her head with his palm and promised: - It has always been so, it will always be so.

A light warm breeze blew from the ocean. Defne smiled at him and said:

- Our wind will never stop blowing.

"Never," Omer promised.

They did not want to sleep at all. They gazed at the stars all night and talked about everything in the world. When the sky began to brighten, they fell silent and watched as the first rays of the sun appeared from behind the highest spire of the mountain. They gilded the tops of snow-white clouds and ran along the flat, bright blue surface of the sea. They looked into the windows of the bungalow and lit them with blinding sunbeams. They kissed Defne's face and she sneezed funny wrinkling her nose.

A new day was beginning. Defne sighed and smiled at it happily.

A flatboat glided smoothly over the crystal, turquoise water. A man stood on it and wielded an oar with dexterous, perfected movements. It plunged into the water from one side or the other of the boat and forced it to fly forward like an arrow. The man had dark skin, muscular arms and chest, a flat belly, and a tattoo on his shoulder. Defne had been admiring him for half an hour. She was lying under a canopy that was part of a bungalow. Its floor was covered with a thick white mat on which pillows were scattered in artistic disarray. The tall, conical roof of woven palm leaves sheltered the sun and was another decorative piece that could be viewed for hours. On a low table was a misted glass filled with a bright orange cocktail of tropical fruits. Defne picked it up from time to time and took a sip. There was a book next to her, but Defne didn't want to read at all. After all, there was such an unprecedented beauty around that she wanted to consider it, drag it into her heart and memory, and leave it there forever as a memory of a moment of absolute happiness. Defne leaned back and lightly stroked her belly.

- Mom's joy, are you also happy?

- I think so! - dressed in only shorts for swimming next to her fell, Omer. He smelled like sun and sea and radiated fluids of power. Opening Defne's lace tunic, he kissed her belly and purred, pressing his cheek to the barely outlined bulge:

- Daddy's kitten, do you feel good there? Does your mom offend you? Maybe you want to eat, but mom doesn't hear?

Defne, holding back a radiant smile, answered for the baby in her belly:

- She says she is very good. She wants to eat, but she won't go without a dad. And dad does not part with the paddle, - she reproached with a sweet smile.

- Dad threw the paddle and is entirely yours for the whole day. - Omer promised. - Let us change and go to a restaurant. I heard that fish is excellent here.

- And we will take dessert? - Defne's eyes lit up with anticipation.

- Definitely! - Omer helped her up and, embracing, they went to the bungalow to change.

For the visit to the restaurant, Defne chose a bright blue loose dress and light brown sandals decorated with blue beads. She wore the necklace of fire opals around her neck. Omer wore light-colored trousers and a white linen shirt. Pointing to his clothes with a careless gesture and with a slight mockery asked:

- How do you like me?

- King! - answered Defne and confirmed her words by folding her fingers in an ok sign.

"Then, Madame Queen," he bowed playfully and held out his hand, "please give me your hand and go to dinner with me."

Defne bowed theatrically and put her fingers in his palm. Both laughed and left the bungalow.

- Wait, - Omer took the phone out of his pocket. - You are so beautiful and so fit this island. I want to take a photo. - he made several frames and promised: - Someday we will show this photo to Emine. And I will tell her how incredibly beautiful her mother was that day.

- And daddy, - added Defne and took the phone from him. Embracing him and leaning her head against his broad shoulder, she took a selfie - happy lovers against the backdrop of a turquoise blue lagoon.

Defne stopped at the entrance to the restaurant. Her attention was attracted by an advertising sign - handsome horses on the background of sunset. At the bottom were the address and a small map with the route on how to get from the restaurant to the stud farm.

- Do you like it? Omer asked. He stopped beside her and began to examine the map with interest.

- Very, - Defne answered without looking away from the black horse. - Such handsome animals.

- Do you want to see it live? It's not far here. Fifteen minutes on foot. Or we can take a taxi.

- Oh, I want, I want! Defne rattled off. - Why a taxi? Such beauty all around! Let's go for a walk. But first, we'll have lunch. To have strength, - laughs flashed in Omer's eyes, and she was embarrassed. - Well, to have the strength for a walk. For the walk.

"Of course, darling," he agreed smilingly. - Let's go and order soup, salad, and fish. To have enough strength.

- And dessert! - She reminded.

- Dessert is a must.

The soup was nourishing, the fish tasty, the salad fresh and crispy, and the papaya pudding ordered for dessert were aromatic and sweet. After finishing her portion, Defne leaned back in her chair and folded her hands on her stomach.

- Off! How much can you eat? I'm about to burst. If we continue this way, then by the end of the vacation it will be problematic to carry me in your arms.

"I can handle it," Omer winked at her. "Besides, we need a lot of strength ... for walks. Let's go?

Defne gave him her hand. Omer interlaced her fingers with his own and led his wife out of the restaurant. People were throwing glances after the young couple. Women appraising, men with interest. But the lovers paid no attention to these glances. Each other was enough for them to be happy.

The path, meandering between lush tropical vegetation, climbed up the mountain. The flowers hanging from the trees, of incredibly bright colors and shades, attracted the eye, and Defne kept stopping to look at another bud or a refined butterfly fluttering above it.

- Look, Omer, look! - Now and then she called her husband admiringly. - Is there such perfect beauty in the world?

- You are more beautiful, - he answered and, as a boy, was glad that his idea with the island was successful. Defne's eyes shone with delight and happiness. There was nothing more important than this. Omer was ready to give everything in the world, if only she always smiled like that.

Behind the next turn of the winding path appeared a large clearing, fenced off from the tropical vegetation. Six horses grazed on it. Five were as in the picture - black, and the sixth - white. Their strong bodies gleamed in the sun, and their thick manes and tails hung down to the ground.

"Ah," Defne breathed out and stared at the horses with admiring eyes. - They are even more beautiful than in the photograph.

She walked over to the hedge and held out her hand cautiously.

Seeing the guests, a thin, swarthy man hurried to them. After greeting them, he introduced himself аs Theo, the owner of the farm, and began talking about horses in good English.

- Can we take a closer look at them? Defne asked.

"Of course, lady," he answered, and whistled to the horses.

White separated from the herd and ran up to the fence with an easy trot. Its large, intelligent eyes looked directly at Defne.

"Can I stroke it," she asked the man. - It won't hit me? Will it bite me?

"This is he," the man corrected her. - Horse. Its name is Ney. Translated means Snow. It is very kind and friendly. It also loves beautiful women. You can pat him and treat him with this. "He took out a few lumps of brown sugar from his pocket and put it in her palm.

Defne glanced sideways at the cunningly grinning Omer and handed the white handsome horse a treat. It took it very carefully, gently touching her palm with velvet-soft lips. Defne smiled and stroked its neck.

- Ney.Handsome boy. You are the most beautiful horse in the world.

"Ahem, ahem," she immediately heard an eloquent cough and rumbling in Turkish above her ear. - I'm jealous.

She looked at her husband with laughing eyes and mocked:

- This time not without reason. It won my heart.

- So how to trust such a windy heart. They'll take you away, I won't have time to blink an eye.

Both laughed and Omer hugged his wife around the waist. Handsome Ney looked at both with intelligent eyes, stretched out his head, and laid it on Defne's shoulder.

The owner of the farm invited guests to drink iced herb tea. His house was very close. Built of stone, wood, and glass, it stood on the side of the mountain and looked out over the lagoon with huge, floor-to-ceiling windows. On a wide, palm-leafed veranda, there was a low mahogany table and wicker armchairs. Bright, multi-colored cushions lay on their wide seats. Defne sat down in one of the chairs and looked around. Trees were planted around the house from the branches of which were hanging strange, unfamiliar fruits. Bright birds flew from branch to branch and announced their cheerful chatter to the surrounding area. A little further away, hiding among the trees, there was another house. It was larger, had several exits and an attic floor with a wide balcony covered with flowers. A path sprinkled with crushed shells led to it.

- And who lives there? - Defne asked the owner of the house. He stood with Omer under a tree and talked about something with enthusiasm.

A beautiful, slim woman in a bright sarong and with her hair gathered at the back of her head came out onto the veranda. She carried a tray in her hands. On it stood misted glasses of tea in which ice cubes clinked and lemon slices floated. Placing the tray on the table, she answered Defne's question in English:

- This is a guest house. We have a lot of guests during the dry season. Parents come with special, sunny children ( Down syndrome). Communication with horses benefits them. And now it is empty. - The woman handed the guest a glass of cold tea and introduced herself: - My name is Maya. I'm Theo's wife.

- Glad to meet you, Maya! I am Defne. You have very beautiful horses.

- And very meek. They are accustomed to carrying children, so none of the six will not allow themselves to move abruptly, even if they are frightened.

- To live in such a heavenly place, to be engaged in horses is, probably, happiness? - Looking at the blue ocean in the distance, Defne asked.

"I don't know any other life," Maya answered softly. "But you're right, I feel like a very happy woman. God does not give me and Theo children, but I give my care and a piece of my soul to every child who is staying with us.

- You are wonderful, - Defne smiled softly at the woman whom she had known for only a few minutes, but it seemed all her life.

She shyly lowered her gaze and quietly replied:

- Thanks.

Maya brought the tea to the men and, returning, sat down in a chair opposite Defne. Taking her glass in her hands, she looked at the opal necklace and asked:

- Defne, are you not afraid to wear such opals?

A chill ran down the Defne spine. The second time she heard about the danger posed by fire opals.

-This necklace is a gift from my husband, she explained. - I am a jewelry designer, and I created the sketch myself. And then I starred as a model for the catalog of my works. Omer saw my photo wearing this necklace and bought it. Said he can not imagine it on anyone else.

- The necklace is beautiful and suits you. But fire opals are notorious. - She smiled softly at the alarmed Defne. - Do not be surprised. I love everything mystical and read a lot about the unusual properties of minerals. So they say about fire opals that they become defenders to people who are honest and brave, true to themselves and their love. But if a person is weak and weak-willed, they attract misfortunes and lead to death.

Defne touched the necklace. The beads under her fingers were smooth and warm. She did not feel cold and evil from them. Clutching the stones in her fist, she replied:

- I do not know if I am that strong, but without love, I have no life, she looked at Omer. He was talking to Theo and looked relaxed. The most important person in her life. Most loved. Defne touched her belly. One more infinitely beloved baby grows there. Her bead.

Maya saw this look and touch. She guessed with a sixth sense what it meant. The internal tension in her chest eased. She looked at the opals, smiled, and said:

- What if you need help here, on the island, do remember that you will always find it here.

- Thank you, Maya, - Defne thanked her sincerely.


It was cold and damp in Istanbul. But the festively decorated showcases, the Christmas trees sold at the bazaars, and the sparkling decorations for them reminded that soon a holiday is coming and smiles appeared on the worried faces of passers-by.

Ahtem took Laura from work and drove her in the direction opposite to their area.

- Where are we going - she asked.

- I want to show you а house.

- House?

- Yeah. Enough with us in Bakirkoy and rented homes. It is time to get our own and build our nest.

- How beautifully you talk - Laura smiled and gently stroked his hair. - I have never heard anything more beautiful. Our home ... our nest.

- Here it is, - Ahtem stopped near the house next to the Iplikci estate.

Taking Laura by the hand, he led her to the door and, unlocking, opened it wide in front of her. She went inside, walked through the rooms on the first floor, and returned to Ahtem. He was tensely frozen in the middle of the hall. Looking into his eyes, she smiled and said:

- Yes. This is it. Our house.


The Iplikci returned to their bungalow. The heat outside tired both of them. Omer jumped into the pool, and Defne lay down to rest on the big bed and did not notice how she fеll asleep. A quiet click-click of a mobile phone woke her up. Rubbing her eyes, she looked at the screen. The message was from Omer.

"Change your clothes and go to the end of the beach of our hotel"-

Defne shook her head. Is this still a dream, or is it already a reality? But the phone felt real in hand. And she was very thirsty. She got up, took the juice out of the refrigerator, and drained the whole glass in one gulp. And then, to finally wake up, she took a shower.

She did not put makeup, just touched her lip with a gloss. She put on a white light dress and the opal necklace, put on comfortable sandals, and went out into the transparent lilac haze of the tropical evening. On the bridge, reaching the beach, she stepped onto the white sand and walked along the water's edge. The beach ended with a row of palm trees, which came close to the lagoon. The sun was going down, and everything around seemed to be bathed in gold. Defne smiled and breathed in the air filled with salt and the scent of flowers.

A rider on a white horse appeared from behind the palms. His black hair shone through the rays of the setting sun, the wind blew his white shirt like a sail. He looked like a prince from a fairy tale. The same beautiful and flawless. Smiling cunningly, he rode up to her and held out his arms. She, trustingly held out hers.

Omer easily grabbed her, sat her down in front of him, and, touching the reins, turned the horse around. And then he leaned over to her ear and whispered:

- Princess Defne, a miracle awaits us. Do you agree to share it with me?

She raised her face to him and answered in a voice hoarse with emotion:

- Every minute!

Omer pulled on the reins. Clever Ney started off smoothly and galloped along the surf at a leisurely trot.

The sun touched the water and, having lost its blinding radiance, turned into a fiery red disk. The opals on Defne's neck repeated his color and shone with red fire. They talked. They taught, warned. But the people who were careless in their happiness did not understand their language...

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