Skye without Claude ........(...

By Deedee104624

71.7K 3.5K 285

perfect would have being the word used to describe Skye's marriage to Claude but all the dream of happy ever... More



1.8K 91 2
By Deedee104624

Please ignore all mistakes.


Martha sat on her office desk thinking of what she needed to do to find Skye and finish what she started so no one can know of all the things she had done, even though she told Claude that she was on vacation no she was in the city of gold. She needed to avenge her family her father in particular, he died in vain and she had vowed she would get back at those who killed her family even if it was the last thing she did.
Martha Rose Delgado is from a Spanish and English heritage, grew up in the city of gold but moved to the capital with her uncle after the death of her parents and he took care of her till she turned eighteen and inherited her father's property.
Her father was known as Diego Delgado, he was the head of a large and well known mafia group. They were known for being drug and human traffickers, they own series of brothels, drug joints and many others. Diego Delgado was the biggest enemy to the Feds, the military and police force, this was because they couldn't catch him. He sleep with anything that moves and had a hole, change lovers like clothes. He only married one woman and that woman was Martha's mom Catalina Rodney who he had forced into marriage, it wasn't that he loved her or anything of that sort instead he married her because she was the most beautiful woman he had met and was more appealing than his other lovers. She looked physically weak but in fact she was Far from its and she was mentally strong a fighter to be precise.
He killed her family with no one left so she won't have anyone to defend or help her and she won't have anyone to run to for help. She always pretended to be deeply in love and happy with Diego in front of her naive daughter Martha. She had a secret she planned on telling Martha when she grows up or might even take that secret with her to the grave if necessary, unfortunately she ran out of luck when Diego found out.
Before she was forced to marry Diego she had a lover who was the love of her life and the man she wanted to spend her life with, when she had found out about Diego wanting to force her since he had killed her family she then decided to meet her over one last time before she is forced to her doom. She slept with her lover giving up on the idea of them ever getting married at the end of the day, after her lover fell asleep she left him with a note telling him not to look for her that she would find him if it was necessary and it was for his safety. The order papers she had left for him are the properties and wealth her father willed to her, she had transferred everything into his name since she didn't want Diego to take over anything that belonged to her father including his company. She also told him to live well since they might not meet again in this life.
That night of sleeping with her lover she was blessed with Martha and after a few weeks after getting married to Diego then she noticed her changes within her body she gave her self up to Diego without struggle so she won't hurt her unborn baby, she then made it believable that she was pregnant for Diego for the safety of her and her baby. Instead she kept a diary with all the truth hidden from everyone so that in case she died it would be kept only for Martha to find.
After eleven years Diego met a woman who was beautiful and classy but couldn't compete with his wife and she wasn't even interested in being his lover or whatever he thought about she was there to get Catalina out of her way. She revealed everything she found about Catalina to Diego, at first he was confused as to why she was giving him this information he didn't know existed .
"Oh please my husband is your wife's ex and he isn't over her or neither are they over each other" she paused for effect before continuing "I just want her and her bastard child away from from my husband and children she has you and I want my children to inherit what is rightfully theirs" Diego could see how bad a person this woman facing him was she was a small mouse feeling like a bear.
After the strange woman left he secretly carried out a paternity test and he finally knew that the strange woman told him the truth, he also traced who her husband was so he could get rid of him once he was done with Catalina. He was very angry to have been taking care of another man's child for over ten years, he was also angry that the woman he gave the privilege to carry his next generation betrayed him. It explains why she offered her self suddenly to him one day and avoid him touching her even after she had given birth to Martha. To make matters worse she removed her womb under the pretext of going through an operation to give birth to Martha, she went too far with that.
Diego wanted blood and he was going to get it, even though he found out that Marty wasn't his daughter he would keep her by his side as a downfall for her real father and when he is done he would dispose of her. He got home and went straight into Catalina's room and before she saw him she knew the cat was already out of the bag and it was her time to die at the hands of the fuming man.
"Why Catalina? Wasn't I good to you?" She laughed at the statement in her head. 'Sure you killed my family, you rape me daily and you call that good to me ? Ha ha what a narcissistic piece of bull crap thinking he was a god place on the earth'.
She had already known about when he found out and who he had found out from and she wasn't planning on running away. Before he returned she had contacted her ex lover finally even after so many years he was very happy to hear from her, she told him her address that he should come as fast as he could if he wanted her alive and to know the secret she had been keeping from him all this years. She had also told him to bring as many of his men over because a battle would commence and he should be well prepared, before she could say anything else to him she heard Diego's angry footfalls heading towards her door. She placed the phone in her open bed side drawer without hanging up the phone so her lover could hear everything.
"Am I not taking enough care of you, wasn't I too good to you that you decided to play with me like this" he shouted
Catalina just wanted her suffering to end, so she replied him calmly with which she knew that it would anger him more.
"You call this life and you being good to me oh please even a shoe can do better than you, don't flatter your low esteemed self you inconsiderate, pompous piece of bull crap" his veins on his head popped in full on rage as his eyes became redder by every word she said without fear in her eyes. He pulled out his gun and pointed it at her.
"You don't feel afraid that I could kill you and burn your body before Sharing it between the seven cities and no one will know you are gone not even your daughter " he growled but when he looked into her eyes instead of seeing fear he just saw insanity within them. Then in a crazy manner she sad.
"Do it Diego" her calm façade was gone instead she showed how she had gone over the brink of insanity through the years she had been with him.
"Do it Diego or I will do it myself" she hissed every word out slowly. Saying this she brought out the gun she hid under her pillow an pointed it to her head. Diego was extremely shocked but he tried not to show it but his hand flattered a little, he removed his gun from safety . Catalina was well prepared she knew once she had fallen over the edge of insanity there was no coming back so why not she end it all.
"Sweet Diego are you scared to shoot, come on just pull the trigger and save us the stress. Hahahahahahahahhahahhahaha" she had gone completely mad as all the emotions she hidden all this years appeared. She had gone through a lot for twelve years and now she was done.
Diego couldn't watch the once beautiful who look more insane every passing second so he finally shot her, as the bullet pierced her skin through her cranium she gave a smile finally she would get the rest she deserves. 'Daddy your little catty is coming home' was the last thought she had as he pulled the trigger and ended her life.
Few minutes after Catalina died, gunshots sounds started up Diego rushed to the window to see most of his guards and men were dead. When did this happen without his knowledge, how did it happen were all questions Diego was asking himself.
"Daddy what is going on?" The scared ten years old Martha ran into her moms room and hugged her father's leg. She was very terrified with the sound so she rushed into her moms room for comfort.
Diego told her to hide under the dresser, he was about to abandon her and her mother's body and ex cap then blow the house up. As he was about to escape a man who looked about 29-30 year old came into the room pointing a gun on Diego's head, Diego recognized this man as his wife's lover. The said man kept glancing at the dead woman on the bed.
" this is your end Diego " his voice sent chills down Martha's back as she looked at the man's face. The said mad didn't notice the child that was hiding.
"Oh please a child like you can't do anything, I am Diego the untouchable, the un....." He was cut off by the series of bullets pierced his body with wide eyes he collapsed unto the floor and his lifeless eyes stared at the shaking Martha who held her cry within .
The young man didn't bother to look around the room and just picked the body of the love of his life and walked out.

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Thanks for the love♡˖꒰ᵕ༚ᵕ⑅꒱

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