Samurai |BNHA|

By akatsukislut

245K 13K 5.7K

Book II of Heroes Don't Exist "It's as they say, you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself b... More

Susanoo Storage
Bonus Chapter
I'm Fine! [1]
Cant We All Just Get Along [2]
I promise [3]
In due Time [4]
A date [5]
Story Time [7]
Heroes Come Home [8]
Past-tense [10]
Apocalypse [11]
Ronin [12]
Dread [13]
Meeting [14]
Hero you Deserve [15]
Yakuza Raid [16]
First Step into Darkness [17]
Fucked up big time [18]
Soul Snare [19]
Gomen, Izanami [20]
Revelation [21]
Bring her Back... [22]
Shoto & Bakugou Vs Izanami [23]
Stage 4: HeartBreak [24]
Madness [25]
Villain [26]
Welcome to the Darkside [27]
Aftermath [28]
School Festival [29]
A Promise [30]
What I deserve [31]
Cutting Ties [32]
Endeavor [33]
Flaming trash [34]
A mission [35]
Suicide Forest [36]
Kirishima? [37]
Ronin vs She-Devil [38]
What the fuck is going on?! [39]
Crossover [40]
Parallel Worlds [41]
Farewell [42]
Mission: JailBreak [43]
Yep thats me [44]
All for One [45]
Confrontation [46]
Murderer! [48]
Seppuku [49]
Tell me [50]
Trial [51]
You... [52]
Civil War [53]
Purgatory [54]
Todoroki brothers [55]
A mothers love...[56]
You've come far...[57]
Susanoo Smash [58]
Not Ok [59]
The End [60]
Time Skip
Time Skip II

Return [47]

1.9K 138 50
By akatsukislut

|Civil War Arc|

"This just in, over 500 villains have escaped from Tartarus prison, including famed hero killer Stain. Heroes have taken to the streets in search of the wanted criminals but it is best advised that all citizens remain indoors for 24 hours. Suspects in questioning behind the prison break are rumored to be Dabi and Ronin, both members of the league of villains. It has also come to our attention that the infamous villain All for One was found dead in his cell after the authorities stabilized the prison. We are unsure as to who is behind the murder but investigation is well underway. The administration currently is holding one of the two major suspects responsible for the events that have happened today, Ronin, formally known as Izanami Sh—" The Television screen cut off causing me to purse my lips and shift my attention to the lone administration member. The other administration members, including Nezu were to busy handling the mess that me and Dabi had left them.

"You've been a busy girl, Izanami."

"I've only done what you asked." I replied, shifting in m sweet uncomfortably, raising my handcuffed hand with a raised brow. "Was this really necessary?"

"Only to those unaware of your true intentions. Be glad I'm not talking to you behind bars and those cops out there trust my judgement enough to talk to you unbound."

"Fair enough." I murmured, letting myself melt slightly into the chair. A heavy sigh escaped my lips as I craned my head to stare up at the ceiling above me, eyes empty and filled with several emotions that were anything but positive.

"In exchange for a clean slate, you were instructed to infiltrate the league and assassinate All for One. If I had known such a simple task would've cost us this much trouble I would've rejected Asuna's proposal."

"Simple?" I snorted, casting the administration member an incredulous look.

"In order to infiltrate the league I had to betray everything I thought I stood for, including having to nearly kill my best friend." I started lowly before leaning forward causing the administration member to flinch slightly at my dead hollow orbs. "I put an innocent girl through torture...I had to kill my mentor, the woman who was like a mother to me to please my real mother just to find out an hour later that everything I've sacrificed has been for nothing and my mother could give a shit about me. So trust me, the trouble that I've cost you is nothing compared to the hell I've been through these past couple of months."

The administration member was frozen in shock as I shifted back into my lazed position, taking in everything I had said. "And get this, my dear old mommy is actually a double agent for the league not for the heroes, and I was actually set up. Turns out if I hadn't taken this mission, my own mother would've killed me because the league decided I was more of a threat to them alive than an asset. So yeah, I'd keep a look out for her."

The administration member's jaw dropped as I continued my report. "You lot were so hell bent on getting fucking All for One out of the way, you failed to assess the bigger threat, Shigaraki. A bigger threat that's gonna be pissed when he finds out that I killed All for One and that me and Dabi betrayed him. I hope this mission was worth it because after Captain Chap has All for One transferred, Musutafu's gonna be nothing but a war zone. And, If you aren't ready, society as you know it, will burn." I breathed before a small fake smile made its way onto my face.

"Questions, comments, concerns?"

The member continued blinking in shock, trying to wrap their mind around everything I had just said. "Wait Dabi betrayed the league? Is he a spy for another hero organization like you? And What do you mean by war?!"

"I don't know you tell me, only thing I've got from him is that he was only in the league for Stain. He handed the guy an army, practically declaring war on the league. A war between every hero and villain in Musutafu...a civil war. U.A...especially a specific person from class A is on the leagues shit list. You have to prepare them. With the recent outbreak, you're gonna need all the help you can get. If Dabi is a spy then—"

"Enough." The member silenced me, causing my brows to furrow in confusion as he stood up abruptly. "We will finish this conversation in a more formal setting, a trial of sorts."

"Trial?!" I hissed in my seat as the chief dog came in and unlocked my cuffs. "Despite your mission, you still have to be held accountable for the things you did as a villain."

My anger flared as I took a step toward the administration member. "Izanami." The chief warned causing me my jaw to clench tightly.
"Why do I need a trial as if I'm the bad guy here?!"

"Izanami, as much as the administration is grateful for your efforts, it still doesn't excuse what you've done thus far...It's much more complicated than you think. The administration and the chief here are the only ones who knows about your mission excluding Nezu, to others it seems as if we're letting a villain walk away scot free. The world mustn't know that it was your true mission to kill All for One. It also can't be revealed to the public that your mother is in line with the league, doing that will shake society's trust in heroes even more than it already has. If the truth is revealed, ethics will come into play and that will look bad on the administrations part. Remember, our deal. The administration can wipe your slate clean, but we can't do that if we have others questioning our authority."

"Are you kidding I just supposed to take the blame for everything? As if I had any choice in all of this?!" 

"Gomen, Izanami. This is just the way it has to be for now. I promise at the end of all of this, the administration will grant you anything you see fit for all that you've sacrificed. Until then, the  administration managed to get you temporary immunity before your trial. I've notified your guardian Nezu of your situation and return home. Right now, because of the jail break, students are strictly advised to stay on campus. Because of well, your reputation, only a select few have been notified of your return to U.A such as the teachers and your former class. Now," He paused standing up and turning to leave "An escort is waiting outside to take you back to the campus."

I stayed rooted in my spot, bangs shadowing my eyes as I was left alone with the police Chief. "Izanami."

"Don't." I snapped. Spinning on my heel, I make my way out of the interrogation room, to see Endeavor in all his blazing glory glaring down at me. "Let's go." He grunted. I followed the man without protest out of the station and my eyes widened slightly at the chaos the city had been thrown in by the prison break. Police sirens ring throughout the air, smoke, and I could catch glimpses of some of heroes trying to detain the escapees. "This is all on you."

I stiffened at the flaming heroes hostile comment turning my head to see his gaze on the city around us that was in turmoil. Barely anyone was outside with the exception of one reporter and camera man whom waited at the bottom of the steps below anxiously with Eraser head.  Endeavor nodded his head toward the people that stood below, his arms crossed. Sweat stained my forehead slightly feeling his critical watchful eye on my spine as if I was some ticking time bomb. He wasn't the only one whom had the weary look, even my own former teacher had his quirk activated keeping me from using my abilities. Despite not being able to use my quirks at the moment, that didn't stop the fearful expressions on the reporter and cameraman's face as I approached them.


"Aizawa." I greeted my former teacher in return awkwardly before shifting my attention to the female reporter whom didn't know if to stay back or come closer. "Hi, we're with Musutafu news...and I was wondering if I could get a quick interview with you...With the prison break and your reputation, well...the public wants to know..."

"The truth?" I finished causing her to nod meekly. I stared at the woman for a moment before nodding.

The woman seemed shocked by my compliance to the interview as she signaled for the cameraman behind her to start recording. She turned to face the camera, feigning a fake smile. "Hello, this is Kiyoka here with Musutafu news here to give you an exclusive interview with one of the major suspects behind the Tartarus prison break, Izanami Shi. To give some back story, Izanami Shi was formally a student from the hero course at U.A highschool but unfortunately defected and betrayed hero society by aligning herself with the big show villain Overhaul to then betray him and his organization to join his rival organization the League of Villains."

The woman turned to face me, "Miss Shi, I think we all would like to know why it is you are being escorted by the number one hero Endeavor instead of not being behind bars back at Tartarus?"

"Well, despite my past actions..." I started.

"—The world mustn't know that it was your true mission to kill All for One. It also can't be revealed to the public that your mother is in line with the league, doing that will shake society's trust in heroes even more than it already has. If the full truth is revealed, ethics will come into play and that will look bad on the administrations part. Remember, our deal. The administration can wipe your slate clean, but we can't do that if we have others questioning our authority."

"The truth is..." I stared into the camera emotionlessly. "I was actually a spy for the hero administration. My betrayal...everything I did was for the sake of my mission."

The reporters eyes widened in shock. I briefly cast a glance to my teacher whom was just as  surprised by the revelation.

"Oh my..." The reporter looked at the camera, nearly forgetting how to do her profession for a second. "M-mission, you mean to tell us that—"

"My mission was to infiltrate the league of villains and..."

Kill All for One.

"Become a spy for the heroes."

The reporter was stunned once more before pulling back the mic, "B-but why would the administration ask such thing from someone so young? Aren't there older, more experienced heroes who were more fit for the task." She inquired.

I was silent for a moment.

Well there is Hawks but it's not like I can tell her that and blow his cover...besides...

"In exchange for your aid and compliance with my undercover mission, any record of Ginzu and other allegations for your imprisonment will be cleared."

"No, any hero sane enough wouldn't have been willing to make the sacrifice for the mission." I answered vaguely.

"But were you not a rising hero at the time?"

Even if it meant sacrificing my friends
My family...
My life...
Because I wasn't a hero...

"I'm not a hero." I paused. "I'm not the villain Ronin either... just someone who was trying to do the right thing."

The reporter shifted awkwardly in her position as I gave her a lethal stare, "I-I see...are you still apart of the League of Villains?"

"I...never was." I replied hesitantly.

"What do you have to say for your crimes committed while you were in the league..."

"I did what was necessary."

"Do you feel it was necessary then to kill your former mentor, Dragon hero." An image of the Dragon hero made my entire mood shift. My chin trembled slightly as I fought against the knot that slowly formed in the pit of my chest. The thought that killing Ryuko wasn't necessary...the fact that Asuna manipulated me into killing Ryuko left a bitter feeling in my stomach.

I...I had to...

I didn't have a choice...It was either her or the mission...

"And what of you taking that young girl hostage before your arrest a few months ago, and the abduction of those civilians the day of the terrorist attack by that Nomu—"

"No comment." I bit out and with that, I shifted my attention to Aizawa. "I'm done here."

And with that, I walked off camera toward the escort car but the reporter trailed after me. "W-Wait, there are still more questions, don't you think you owe the public some answers after all that you've done-" The reporter yelped as I spun around and snatched the microphone from her. Standing at the open car door, a scowl on my features. I stared dead into the camera with animosity. "You know what, as far as I'm concerned I don't owe you idiots watching anything. It was my mission to play the fucking bad guy so I did! I did what I had to do, there's your fucking answers." And with that, I dropped the microphone and climbed in the car with a huff, slamming the door in their faces.

I was beyond annoyed with the predicament I had now been placed in. Being a 'hero' isn't always sunshine and rainbows. You're not always gonna save the day, and sometimes, you have to rain on the fucking parade to give everyone the rainbow. Bad things happen to good people and sometimes good people have to do bad things for the sake of other people. But now...knowing that everything had been a set up...and my mother had been using me. It made me begin to question everything I had done.

In the end...

Was any of it worth it?

"You have a Hiraeth and there's only one way to cure it."

So much for coming back...

The only reason I had come back was to tell everyone the truth but I couldn't even do that without truly making everything I had done for nothing. I was surprised that I wasn't as choked up about Asuna's betrayal. My own mother had practically sold me out and I didn't even care. It hurt but I couldn't t even be bothered to cry about it.

Probably because I've been screwed over so much at this point I'm not even surprised anymore...

Despite being used, Asuna's intentions didn't interfere with my own agenda. I completed my mission and she failed hers which stabilized the emptiness in my heart. I needed to constantly remind myself why I had done was for something and to not let that interview get to me.

I had joined the league to protect protect the people I thought were my friends... to save Eri.

My family...

I joined to help the heroes...
To put Ginzu behind me and start fresh...

But now I can't help but think...

Was it worth it...

"Go home, Izanami"

I could only hope that going back to U.A even if for a little would bring me some closure.

Izanami can't catch a break. 🥴

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