The Mitchell Boys

By FightingAndSurviving

445K 16.5K 4.6K

𝐌𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐚 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝. 𝐌𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐠... More

Chapter 1
Character clear up.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
chapter 43
Chapter 44
chapter 45
Chapter 47
chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 46

5.6K 256 431
By FightingAndSurviving

You have all been begging me and asking for it. And here it is the long awaited update. I'm sorry i went off schedule again i just didn't feel like writing. For my apologize there is a boys POV in here! You're very much welcome. I will try to update THBOAH tomorrow or later today technically. Hope you enjoy the chapter, i will be attempting to going back to my already vague schedule of updating Saturday-Monday. 

 "Where the hell are we?" Leo asked seriously while gawking at the little hallway dumpster area. I gnawed on my bottom lip while trying not to laugh out of nervousness. "I told you I'd take you somewhere you've never gone before." I said with a laugh.

Leo looked at the dark little alley way we found that had a black gate and was completely cornered. I said i was going to try to find a short cut inside of the school and led us to i don't even know.

"We may or may not be lost." i took a long pause before continuing, "But, we found a really cool dumpster." I added chipperly while tapping the dumpster. "Who knows, dumpster diving is the new target." I rubbed my elbow on his chest with the expression saying huh huh!

Leo just blinked for a hot second before bursting into fully belly laughter. "How the hell did you get us lost in a school I've been going to for four years!" He wheezed almost in tears. "The expression you made when we came in here! I can't!" He gasped for air in between laughing.

Glad he's seeing on the bright side. I was nervous that he would be mad for a second. "Okay let's head back into the school and I'll try to un lostify us." Leo told me once he was done laughing.

He reached for the door but it didn't move. He gave a nervous laugh and smiled, "That's weird." He pulled again harder this time starting to frown.Me trying to be helpful offered some unhelpful advice. "Maybe push instead of pull. You know how many doors I've run into because of that shit."

He gave me a forced smile before pushing and pulling the door so hard I feared for his shoulders. "Okay, I've come to the conclusion that we are locked in."

He gave me an unimpressed look before giving up on the door. "Not only did you find a random ass room in this huge school. You got us locked in it." He stated dryly. I shrugged my shoulders like this is an everyday occurrence.

"It's fine, there's a fence right there. We can just hop the damn thing. Then you can lead us, because I am clearly directionally challenged." I turned and jumped onto the dumpster.

"I'm not even sure what to call this." He said while waving his finger around the small alley hallway thing. "Hurry up big guy, I'm moving faster than you in heels." I gave him a look and pointed at my 1 ½ inch heels. Being decently tall for a female I don't usually get super high heels.

"I hear yah." I held out my hand to him so you could hop up onto the dumpster. The fence was one with just horizontal bars upward, which would have made the whole ordeal more difficult without the dumpster.

"Let me go over first so i can help you down. Don't want you to twist an ankle before your performance." Leo offered while pulling himself up onto the top of the fence. Awww how sweet, I felt like barfing.

I mean it was considerate but i have done worse shit in higher heels and dont need a mans help getting down from a measly fence. He was jumping off the fence to the other side when I jumped onto the top of the fence and jumped down beside him.

I saw his eyes widen as he saw me fly down next to him. He was just getting his footing so he wasn't ready or prepared to see a giant red head land next to him. I stumbled forward on the grass a bit but caught myself.

I posed in a gymnast landing position just to add some dramatic effect. "And she sticks the landing! 10 out of 10 and the crowd goes wild." I made cheering effects while turning to Leo's surprised face.

"You coming slow poke?" I asked him with a smile. He blinked for a second before smiling, "I could have helped you, you know." He said lightly. Clearly not mad, just stating it.

"Yeah, but you forgot i didn't grow up here. I've hopped plenty of fences in my days." I said dreamily, as if I was a middle aged woman looking back on the old days. He chuckled softly before pulling his phone out.

"Now lets see where the hell we are." He was pushing things as we stood there in silence. I looked at the sky watching the clouds move and the sun slowly dimming.

"Holy shit!" He announced sounding surprised. "What? Is it bad? How badly did i fuck up?" I asked concerned. I was not in the mood to walk back around the damn school.

"The opposite actually." he pointed to his left, "Just down there is the parking lot in front of the football field." He said, shocked. I smiled and had to keep myself from squealing.

"Right fucking on. Let's go then." I grabbed his hand and started pulling him towards the field. Excited to see what all the hype was about this day. I felt his hand stiffen in my hand but then quickly relaxed gripping my hand.

Maybe he didn't like holding some random girl's hand. I'm used to hanging around guys and having a lot of guy friends and random males that weren't shy with touching. So it kinda rubbed off on me, i'm not a prude or shy or anything.

Which makes me a little insensitive at times like this I guess. Because I'm so used to it and comfortable with it that I forget others might not be. I released his hand, "Oh sorry, that might not make you comfortable. I sometimes forget that others aren't like me." I said nervously.

He looked surprised then grabbed my hand again and pulled me forward. "It's completely fine, I was just surprised." He turned back and gave me a grin while pulling me forward.

I stared at our conjoined hands in confusion and his smile. I hope he's not reading too much into this. I just grabbed his hand because I was excited to get going and wanted him to move. But he was good looking, and i haven't done it in a while.

And Being surrounded by hot guys that make me blush with anger and desire really has me pent up. Maybe i'll let him read into it for now. But am I that desperate to itch that itch or should I just let it be and do it myself.

Then I had a thought of Ash running his fingers up my hands while cleaning my wounds. Then Brian pushed me up against the counter and Cameron whispered in my ear.

The short walk we had to the field was just me thinking if i should tap that or not. "Here it is." he said excitedly, pulling me from my perverted thoughts. My face was warm with embarrassment letting me know I was blushing.

He quirked an eyebrow at me asking what was with the blush. "Don't worry about it." I said with a nervous laugh, "red head, our faces become red very easily." He nodded and mouthed ohhhh as if he understood. Not realizing i was lying.

"Well then let's hurry, student athletes get in free." He grabbed my hand again and started leading me through the gate. Nodding at the ticket checker and freely passing though. "Another benefit is being friends with Brian and them, comes with benefits." He said lightly.

I nodded ignoring that I unfortunately knew them decently well too. "It seems like you get along pretty well with them which is uncommon for new students." He said while snaking our way through the crowd onto the field.

"And here we are." He extended his arms to his side presenting the massive field filled with people and activities. The stands were full of people that just wanted to watch while the ground level was filled with almost every kind of game. "There are more games inside the gym over there and the lounge or for none active games. Like board games, ping pong, Foosball, air hockey. Food trucks are down there by the soccer field. Where there are just as many activities. And might even be one or two water activities and bouncy houses or those things."

I unconsciously whispered "Eat the rich." He looked at me,"What did you say, sorry I couldn't really hear you over the noise." He pointed to the DJ booth and flashing colorful lights filling the whole stadium. I sighed deeply and smiled, "Nothing."

I'm just going to enjoy this and ignore the fact that my old school didn't even have a back board for our singular basketball hoop because it collapsed. So now it hooked onto the roof of a building dangerously low. Then dumb ass will come up and try to dunk, breaking the roof.

I shook my head just thinking about Miguel. "So, what do you want to do first?" Leo asked me. "I don't want to waste my energy before the dance. So..." I tapped my chin with my finger looking around the area.

"You don't dance until the varsity team goes against the JV, correct?" I looked up at him and nodded. "Well then you have a few hours, it won't hurt getting a little dirty before everything is put up." I nibbled on my lip realizing he was right.

I wasn't going to fight too hard because I honestly wanted to participate. My competitive nature was coming out in full force. "Okay." I smiled while examining the vast field.

"There." I pointed at the obstacle course. His eyebrows rose as he saw what I was pointing at. "You sure?" I nodded vehemently. "You might get dirty though?" I shrugged indifferently, "Well it seems to be a partner activity, so you'll do all the dirty work."

My eyes flashed with a calculative gleam, he smiled and shrugged. "Whatever you want." I clapped my hands together and grabbed his wrist to pull us there. He slid his hand into mine making my quick glance at it but ignored it. My eyes set on my prey.

"Yo, we want in." Leo shouted out to the worker of the obstacle course. The small guy looked at him nervously before answering. "S-sure, right away." He showed us where we were supposed to go while me and Leo got a lot of looks and whispered.

I frowned confused at why then realized he was still holding my hand. I shook it off playing it cool, "Sorry, kinda getting sweaty." I looked around at all the people in the area completely taken aback. It was about triple the size of my old school.

And my old school was completely over filled, like some of our classes were in trailers. It seemed to mainly be guests from other schools, families, and more. This seemed like a pretty big deal here.

"Come on they're starting." He grabbed my arm and led me to where everyone else participating was. We stood in a line looking at the overly complicated obstacle course filling my body with excitement.

"Oh, wait." I gave Leo a finger telling him one second as I pulled off my shoes and socks. Cant have my shoes getting covered in dirt, and risk breaking an ankle running on a field doing an obstacle course in heels.

I hurried over to the dude that was Manning the station. "Can you watch these for me during this. Thank you." I didn't wait for an answer before running back. Leo looked down at my bare feet with a small smile.

"You're weird yah know." I pointed a finger at him with a grin, "Not weird just different." Then I started to stretch and crack my fingers, knuckles, and neck while the DJ announced the beginning of the obstacle course.

We first had to go onto our partners shoulders as they ran zig zag through cones then set them down. Then they knee high through a net where they jump over five chest height rectangle boxes. Then the partners separate, one goes onto monkey bars making their way across onto the other side to jump onto a pull up bar. While the other partner has to do 10 pull ups. Then they both meet again and have to walk across a balance beam to a table that has candies. Your partner has to stand on the red line while the other throws the candy. The partner has to catch three in their mouth before you have to wheel barrow to the finish line.

"Wow, that's a lot to take in." Leo said dryly. I turned to him seriously. "We need to win no matter what. This is do or die. We better win even if we die trying." I stared into his eyes without blinking to show how serious I was. "It's them or us."

He blinked a few times before nodding. "Okay." He said slowly. I nodded my head and looked around. What I didn't expect was to find a gaze that was so intense it felt like holes were burning in my head. Brian standing with his brothers glaring at me with such intensity I'm surprised I didn't combust.

I guess he was mad that I stole his friend. I quickly turned around pretending I didn't see him wishing me death. The DJ was announcing our names as participants when I noticed the screens up. Oh my god we were going to be on one of those huge as screens. I thought to myself in horror. There is no possible way I can lose.

"When the buzzer goes off you can start!"

I quickly turned to Leo and went over the game plan. "Okay anything that goes with brute strength you do. Agility and flexibility I got. You do pull ups, i'm on your back, you'll hold me during wheelbarrow ext.. You get it."

He nodded at my half assed quick game plan. "Let's crush the competition."

He squatted down so I could get onto his shoulders then he stood up. "Oh god!" I cried out because of how tall he was. I couldn't even imagine going on one of the Mitchell boys shoulders, I would pass out from the air density.

"On your marks, get set....GO!" Leo took off in a flash while I tightened my legs around him in a vice grip. "Giddy up bullseye!" I cried out my toy story reference as he swiveled through the cones like a pro.

"Off!" he shouted clearly getting into it. I didn't even wait till he stopped, I used my past, cheer, dance, and gymnastic training and flipped off his back landing on my knee. I scrambled up and we went through the net to the jumping. Which was my expertise from all the time I had to run from the cops.

We flew over them in unison before separating. He opened his mouth to ask me if I needed help but I threw myself up onto the bars before he could get a word out. So far we were first and i plan to keep it that way.

He started the pull ups and as in his last few when i threw myself onto the pull up bar. And just to show off I did a flip on the bar before landing. He smiled when he saw me land and jump off to follow me.

I sprinted across the balance beam and was clapping and waving him off to hurry. He did and we made it to the table. He ran across to the red chalk and opened his mouth while I grabbed the gummy bears.

I started throwing them, he got the first one but missed the second and caught the third but had to fall onto his knees making me laugh. The other contestants had already caught up so I was feeling the stress. He missed the fourth and fifth but somehow made the sixth.

"Hurry!" I screamed running to him. I threw my body down into a handstand where he caught my feet. I almost fell but he somehow managed, his reflexes needed work. "Run!" I screamed smacking the ground quickly trying to go as fast as possible.

I didn't hear anything from the announcers, the crowd, or the other participants. I was in my zone. I saw the red chalk signaling the finish line where I stretched my arm as i far as i could slamming it against the chalk line.

I tried to wiggle my feet out of Leos before standing up. I had a light sheen of sweat on my forehead and dirt on my hands and feet. But other than that I was clean, and we won!

I cheered and threw my fist up while jumping. I was always a terrible winner. "Fuck yes! We fucking won!" Leo was panting and rolled his shoulder. Now having my adrenaline slowed down a bit I wanted to wash my feet off and put my shoes back on.

"Can you show me where the restroom is? I kinda wanna wash up." I showed him my grimy hands and he nodded. We grabbed my shoes then went to the bathroom.

Brian POV

Me and the guys all were dragged to this stupid over hyped sports festival. We've been every year since freshman and I'm honestly bored of it. I just want to punch half the mother fuckers here.

We stood around on the field bored and on our phones. Cameron was buzzing after filling his water bottle with vodka. Grinning at people and just acting like a fool, so nothing unusual. Jordan was pissed because he had to miss band practice for this event because of our dad.

Ash looked like Ash, shut off, annoyed, and mad. His get away from me aura was on high being surrounded by so many people. Austin just looked resigned to the whole thing. His shoulders were sagging as he tried to look happy for others.

We had to keep up appearances and continue our deal with our dad. If it wasn't for that none of us would be here. Jordan was talking to a group of girls that came up, being his naturally flirty self while i sighed. Exhausted of this whole ordeal.

"Did you see Leo?" "Yeah who was that girl next to him." "Damn it, I thought he was single." "Isn't she that new bitch that transferred into school. The one with red hair."

That was when my attention was caught. I stalked up to the girls and put a charming smile on. "Have you guys seen Leo around? I've been looking for him." Their eyes widened in awe and shock. They were definitely freshmen and i don't go for freshman.

The first girl stuttered, "U-uh y-y-yeah, he went that way with some chick." She stared at me wide eyed. "Could you tell me what she looked like? It'll help me find him better."

They nodded and gave a perfect description of an annoying vixen redhead that has been haunting my every thought. I smiled at them quickly before walking off and letting the look drop, replaced with annoyance.

Why would Chris be here with Leo of all people? I walked back to my brothers and wondered did anyone else know. I asked nonchalantly, as if I didn't have a care in the world. "Did anyone know that Chris was here?"

The mention of the fiery red head seemed to get all their attention. They all gave some sort of reply as yes or kind of. I nodded my head, "Anyone know who she's on a date with?" I once again asked with forced disinterest.

What little attention they seemed to have seemed to be 100% on me now. "What?" Cameron asked, looking confused, "She was asking me questions about the festival earlier but that's it."

Jordan started to frown walking away from the girls that surrounded him. "Wait, what?" Then his eyes flashed with some sort of realization. "There was this one time in French where she was acting weird and flirting with someone at the door." He said quietly to himself before quickly adding.

"But it's not like I care, her life she does what she wants." He took the water bottle of vodka from Cameron and took a big gulp. Yeah fucking right, he has been seeing a lot more girls recently since Chris moved in with us. Austin shrugged looking away, "I don't know, but it is her life."

Ash didn't say anything, he was just glaring looking even more moody than usual. "The Partner Obstacle course is about to start, everyone. If anyone else wants to join you better hurry up!" The DJ announced loudly through the mic.

I turned to glance at the obstacle course to see a curly long haired curvy redhead standing next to Leo. But what caught my attention was their hands, that were in each other's.

For some reason I felt even more mad and irritated than usual. I just wanted to run up and beat the living shit out of people. Then Chris turned and made eye contact with my fuming form.

Her beautiful green eyes widened as I was glaring daggers into her and Leo. I guess a part of hre realized that she couldn't get with us so she moved to the second best. Even as I told it to myself I couldn't bring myself to fully believe it after finding her paperwork. Knowing that Leo was even more of a man whore then we were and would fuck anything that had a hole. Which pissed me off even more.

She dropped his hand and faced forward, laughing and smiling about something. I guess I wasn't the only one who was going to notice. "Why is Chris with Leo?" Cameron said slowly. Seeming as though his buzz had worn off.

He seemed to get along with Chris after having detention a little. He seemed to be somewhat more interested in our paradox of a red head living under our roof.

Cameron's announcement caught all the other guys attention. By far Austin was the most level headed one in our group so i was waiting for him to say something. Because I was oddly pissed beyond belief.

What really set me off the edge was watching her jump onto his shoulders and wrap her thick toned thighs tightly around his neck. I heard a deep inhale next to me, shocked to see it was Ash. Who happened to look like he could commit murder.

Before I could even attempt to tell him to calm down he stormed off the opposite way. Not having to witness the horrid show of her and Leo working together on the obstacle course. Showing her agility brilliantly.

I was mesmerized and became more and more pissed seeing her and Leo talking and smiling. And i don't know why because i hate her. She's persistent, stubborn, annoying, has terrible timing with humor, overly sarcastic, speaks her mind without fear, is open and oddly sentimental.

Fuck! Stop! Now I want someone to punch me. I saw my other three brothers watch the whole thing with different emotions ranging from angry, annoyed, confused, sad, and more. This is a hot mess and she's the cause of it.

I saw her and Leo walk off and for some odd reason I followed them. People naturally get out of my way when I walk but know they're almost trying to jump away from me. The glare on my face not wanting to fade or go away.

I saw her walk into the bathroom and him walk into the hallway that led to the boys locker room and bathroom. I picked up speed and slammed him against the wall. "What the fuck are you doing?" I hissed at him.

He looked at me wide eyed as I pin him to the brick wall. "Woah, whats up man? What's with all the violence, let's just talk." I took a deep breath trying to regain control but didn't let up.

Slowly i asked him, "Why were you with Christian?" He laughed loudly and relaxed making my blood boil, "Oh her? Did you want her first or something? I asked her out because her body is fucking rocking. She wasn't really down at first but agreed." He smiled as if it was a joke.

I don't know why I'm this mad or why I really care that badly. Is it because I read her files? No, she has been plaguing my thoughts since I saw her at that party. But just because she's been through a lot of shit doesn't mean she's trustworthy. That she won't just use us then leave us. Betray us, hurt us, and use us.

Leo did not realize how angry I was kept talking. "Yeah and she's weird too, like i've never really met anyone like her. She switches like someone repeatedly skimming through a snapchat story. But it's kind of interesting. And she does have a banging body, i would totally tap that. If you're interested you can have her after me."

I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and yanked him to me. "Shut the fuck up." I growled, second away from punching the shit out him before remembering our promise to our dad. "You are this close leo, this fucking close."

His eyes widened in shock. "Holy shit, do you like her Brian?" he asked me with laughter in his voice. "Of fucking course not. Why the hell would I like her?" I growled throwing him away from me on the wall.

He stood back up from his fallen position on the wall fixing the collar on his shirt. "Are you sure, because like i said before i find her interesting." he rubbed his thumb against his lip making mine curl in disgust. I grabbed his collar again and slammed him into the wall. Enjoying the sound of him grunting in pain.

"You won't fucking touch her. I fucking know how you work Leo, you're even worse than me." He shrugged his shoulders not denying it. "So you do like her?" He asked me again smugly showing more of his true colors. When I pick up girls I at least let them know what they're getting into.

He'll bewitch them, fuck em, show the ass hat he is, then leave them. Leaving most of them in emotional tatters. I'm fucked up but not that fucked up. And he prefers to pleasure himself more than the female, not caring if it's only enjoyable for himself.

"I don't fucking like her, but like you said she's interesting. Now you will leave her the fuck alone before my fist breaks your whole fucking face." I threw him back again leaving him alone in the hallway even more mad.

I dont fucking like her nor will i ever like her. She's just another girl to toy around with. Another basic girl that would do anything if it means she can get what she wants and can get on top. I snarled in disgust while storming off. I'm really in the mood to tackle some fucking freshman.

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