Borusara: She Is Mine!

By Flerkuso

77.1K 1.8K 779

this is actually the sequel of my first novel Borusara: should I? so I may not go in details How cute he was... More

1. Angry papa
2. quick kiss
3. Back home
4. A talk with papa
5. A fever from missing you
6. August 1st
7. A jealous Yamanaka
8. A thing that she missed
9. An angry babe
10. up coming day
Not an update
11. Broken: Beautiful Moon
12. Cupcakes
13. A talk with her dad
14. She is mine!
15. Punishment
16. Begging her
17. The next chunin exam
18. underneath her bumbershoot
19. you are my Bolt
20. Hinata's little baby
21. Another fever to be cared
22. clear all confussion
23. Just a letter
24. dressing her up
25. Rivalry
26. Helplessly friendly
27. Little gossiper
28. Tour guide
29. Option
30. Baby Sarutobi
31. To her embrace
32. Last day of exam
33. Spare them some time
34. That night
35. Date
37. She's back
38. A poem has its last sentence
39. His long love letter
40. meet me
41. Dress up nicely
42. YES!
Nine years prior
❤Thank you❤

36. Christmas

1.2K 36 3
By Flerkuso

Weeks pass and it was the day before christmas. The snow was heavily pouring down in Konoha, everything seems merry. Bakeries were busy making christmas breads, doors have green decorations. Expect chimneys have shocks on the upper part, Christmas trees where the center of attention and gifts with different shapes were under it.

It was the most festive holiday of the year, everyone was busy for the preparation on christmas eve. Himawari was running down the streets with her groceries, maybe helping aunt Hinata again.

She was planning to have a christmas party over at her house where team 5, 10, 15 and her very own team 7 over. Better bet that the theme was christmas. But the plan was after twelve midnight, after celebrating a merriful eve with their family then they could proceed with their little party.

As instructed, everyone have to bring that can be chew or exactly food, don't forget about their gifts, that's the centered part of the party. She was walking down on the main street to find the ingredients her mom ask her to buy.

She was a little cold or perhaps too cold. Maybe she didn't wrap her neck with a scarf, maybe that's why?! She was rushing out and complete lost in thought about bringing one.

She's just enduring that bitter cold, not until someone have voluntarily wrap a yellow scarf around her neck. She took a sudden surprise and turn to see who it was.

"Bolt?" Her eyes widen

"Are you stupid not to wear anything to keep yourself warm?!"

His acts had full of concern, his worried face made her feel safe. She loved when he act like her father sometimes, although she was kinda bit harsh to Sasuke by saying he was annoying.

Well, in Boruto's case he was less than annoying but not even irritating, let's just say she was comfortable.

"Hey lady! Didn't you heard me?" He made that cute angry face, ah it was too cute not to take notice.

She shake off her imagination and straightly face him with complete focus, "I forgot."

"You forgot?"

"I forgot... I was rushing and - didn't notice that I - wasn't wearing anything on the - neck."

She was honestly speaking, hopefully that he'd understand that, she rarely do lies. Surprisingly, he just sigh like he had it coming.

"Fine, but what were you rushing for, anyway?"

"Ingredients. Oh, and I have already bought everything except for one."

"What would it be?"

"Sweets." She brightly answered

"Sweets?" His one brow raise

"Yes, sweets?!"

"What would you do with sweets?"

"They are part in our christmas tradition, where it depends if mom would cook the sweets or I'll just by them."

"Isn't a big feast enough?"

"Well, I want my room full sweets in every corner!"

"You aren't a kid anymore?!"

"Who says sweets only meant for kids? You still even eat aunt Hinata's sweet cakes!"

He was awkward, he can't really win against an Uchiha. But even as a prideful adult, once this princess was arguing with, he will be force to lower his dignity. We don't want any break ups, do we?

"Fine, you win!" He fastly surrender

He grab her hand and tuck it in in his cozy thick blue jacket. Making sure that her left arm was warm.

"Then, I'll accompany you to buy these 'sweets', let's go!" He took the first step but was forcefully been pulled back

"Hold on!" This made him look at her with complete shock and wonder


"Why will you accompany me?"

"Well, it's my right and I want to?" That question himself

"Shouldn't you be helping Hima-chan and aunt Hinata prepare for your evening feast? Cause I know for sure they would love your help and even if he wanted to, the Hokage can't help them cause his reason was work. You have free time? Why not just help them?"

"I'll help them, but I'll help you first!"

She widthdraw her hands from inside his jacket, "Bolt, I'm fine on my own. Go help them, we'll see each other at my house, it's a just temporary seperation. And your acts can tell that you can't handle you desperation. Make your helping them as your top priority now, be that big brother and son today and I'm sure they'll be happy." She smile at him with whole assurance

She was right, helping them has to be his priority. He have to balance his attention to his family and personal affair. He rarely goes home cause he always stayed with Sarada's house more frequent. Maybe this is a good excuse to pay more attention to them.

He always listen to her and this was the advantage Sarada has, if Naruto could, he'll just command Sarada to command Boruto.

He gave that affiliative smile of his, tender and warm. "Fine, I should at least spend this day with them."

"Don't say 'at least'!"

"Sorry," he made fiddly face, "I will spend the day with them." He corrected.

"But..." he added

"But what?"

"One more thing." He search for his other pocket and grab something out of it. He hid it behind his back

"What's that?"

"Close your eyes"

"Close my eyes? Why?"

"Just close it, it's a surprise!"

She was hesitating at first but what's the harm? I mean, it's Boruto, her first love and current boyfriend so there's no possible danger if she close her eyes, right?

It took 15 seconds before he said, "okay, now open them!"

She slowly opened one eyes and following the other. His one arm raise up above them where he was holding a sapling with green thin leaves and rounded shape like berries, A mistletoe.

"What's that?"

"You guess."

Her head shown knowledge of what that sapling was, "A mistletoe?" Her answer was a little reluctant to be precise.

"Yes, my one condition is... kiss me under the mistletoe." He grin, it was a long time that he did that.

"Uhm, why would I do that?"

"Because I'll go if you kiss me under this mistletoe." That was the most common to use as a reason to kiss you beloved, it practically normal.

He was waiting, she was hesitating. But something has to happened under the mistletoe and that can't be deny or refuse.

Just this, one kiss. She took a step closer and  tiptoe her way up, once she was place then she gave him that lovely face. Her lips touch his, wrap her hands around his neck, by this he couldn't step back.

Under that mistletoe, on the streets, they share a passionate kiss. It was not deserted nor croweded, hence it was a public act but worth to show it.

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