Paw Patrol: Campus Life

By Love-Rocky15

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Rated R! For sexual themes, language, violence, and heavy drug use. Filled with stoners, bullies, and a bit o... More

Meet Skye
Meet Zuma
Meet Chase
Meet Marshall
Meet Rocky
Meet Rubble
Chapter 1: Our first day of school!
Chapter 2: Freshpup Friday...
Chapter 3: Football!
Chapter 4: Back to school dance
Chapter 5: Zuma gets stoned
Chapter 6: Rocky's in love
Chapter 7: new member to the gang!
Chapter 8: First football game
Chapter 9: student elections
Chapter 10: Escape From Grover High
Chapter 11: Camping trip!
Chapter 12: Second football game
Chapter 13: Police Chase!
Chapter 14: confessions
Chapter 15: double date
Chapter 16: Swim like Zuma!
Chapter 17: Rocky's death
Chapter 18: Football game #3
Chapter 19: Snow Day!
Chapter 20: Stoners?
Chapter 21: We're what?!
Chapter 22: Chase and Skye get dirty
Chapter 23: GTA VII- Adventure Bay
Chapter 24: GTA VII- Adventure Bay (Part 2)
Chapter 25: Rocky likey
Chapter 26: Rubble and Zuma (Really?!)
Chapter 27: Zuma's crazy
Chapter 28: Hated
Chapter 29: Dad, is that you?
Chapter 30: Meeting the Pups
Note from Love-Rocky15
Chapter 31: Reuniting
Chapter 32: Confusion
Chapter 33: Pups
Chapter 34: Is it time already?!
Chapter 35: Building Realtionships
Chapter 36: Freshpups? I think not! Wait what?!
Chapter 38: The Epic Fight
Chapter 39: Where are you?
Chapter 40: The Lair
Chapter 41: Revenge is Awesome
Chapter 42: The Aftermath
Chapter 43: Forgive and Forget
Chapter 44: Can It Be?!
Chapter 45: Redoing the Lookout/FINAL CHAPTER
Campus Life Movie Trailer (Not Real)

Chapter 37: Preparation

2.3K 20 12
By Love-Rocky15


(Extra long chapter for all my awesome viewers :) thanks for the support all of you! Longest Chapter ever in the history of Campus Life! :D)

Rocky has woken up to find out that his dad took the pups! Rocky went to the garage and took the others with him. The pups are in awe as to what Rocky has in this garage of his, what's inside? Well let's find out.

Rocky pov

"So you invent stuff?" Rex asked. I shrugged as i scrambled threw some stuff. "I wouldn't say 'invent.' But sure, i guess." I replied as i found the thing i needed. "Where do you think my pups are?! Omg i hope they're ok!" Everest panicked. "Follow." I said as i walked towards another room. I used the objected i needed to jump start the lights.

"Wow..." All the pups said as they saw what was on my desk. "Is that a robot dog?!" Alan asked excitedly. I nodded and took out the robot's blueprints. "What is it called?" Gaby asked as they all huddled towards me. "His name is Cybark-8000. He's the final draft." I said as i took out my tools and began to tweak him out.

"Can we help?" Chase spoke for everyone. I nodded and said. "Train. Learn how to fight, because i need all of you more than i've never needed you all." They were shocked, i guessed they didn't know how to fight. "Can't you handle it by yourself?! After all you kicked my ass." Marshall said.

"Can't anymore, i'm the same weak pup i was. My dad took the drug off and now i'm not hulk-like anymore. He's just making himself stronger than he already is." I said as i added a chip to the robot. "Wow, well ok, we'll train right." Zuma said as the other pups nodded. "Ok, go, i'll stay here and finish the robot. He can help us find my dad."

"Ok, we'll leave you to it." The pups said. I only nodded in response and i kept working on my robot.

Marshall pov

"Things are getting pretty weird around here." Alan said as we stepped out of Rocky's weird garage full of gadgets. "Yeah but it's pretty cliche idea of the author to make Rocky's dad get his pups. You have to be an un-original author if you do that." I responded to Alan's saying. I faced the camera and i smirked. "That's right @Love-Rocky15, come get me."

"So how do we train?" Skye asked as we approached the grassy field. "Ask Chase, not me." Cindy argued Skye. Skye only rolled her eyes in response. I saw Spots hold Cindy's hand for some reason, does my little brother happen to have a girlfriend?! "How about we make a tournament off of this?" Zuma suggested, honestly it didn't sound that bad.

"Ok, and what are the rules?" Crystal asked the ex-water pup of the Paw Patrol. "Uh... I don't know." Zuma said with an embarrassed chuckle. "How about no serious attacks and no biting, we can save the biting for Rocky's
Dad." Chase suggested. We all agreed towards Chase's rules, sounds like this could be a little fun.

"So the tree?" Kevin asked his brother. Chase shrugged and suddenly, Crystal got out a piece of paper. "And you carry paper, why?" Gaby asked as Crystal handed the paper to Chase. "I'm an artist, i paint and draw things." She responded. "Pencil?" Chase asked Crystal. I watched as she dug around a purple fanny pack. "How come i ever noticed that?" Alan asked her.

"Because you didn't pay attention to me." She responded as she handed Chase the pencil. "So it goes a little like this..." Chase said as he began drawing out the tournament tree.

Rocky pov

"At last, Cy-Bark is born!" I said to myself as i hooked up his final part. I spotted Cy-Bark's on switch, he resembled much like myself but he has the talents of all 7 of us ex-Paw Patrol members combined and better too. I switched him on and his eyes appeared to be a golden yellowish color. "Oh look who finally switch me on." Cy-bark said, alarming me.

"Huh? What?" I asked. Cy-Bark wagged his tail and responded. "Finally i'm awake!" This made me smile, i also created him with the same power i had. So this means, he can be our ticket to getting rid of my dad once and for all.

Chase pov

So the tree went like this. "Everest, you can't fight by the way, Rocky said you can only watch for here and there." I told Everest, she gave she a disappointed look, i guess she wanted to help...







"So me and you, Chase?" Alan asked i nodded and i handed the paper to Kevin and he passed it to Zuma. We found the perfect patch of grass to fight in, the pups huddled around us. "Go!" Zuma announced.

I ran towards Alan i tackled him down and he punched my face. I responded by punching him back but he moved his head and he kicked me off. I landed on the grass and puffed out the oxygen i had in my lungs. I gasped for air as i saw Alan running towards me. He was about to kick me but i grabbed his leg and slammed him on the ground.

I got up and i grabbed him again and threw him back down, puffing his oxygen out too. He gasped just i did and i punched his face and then strangled him. He was gasping for more air, but i was blocking out his windpipe. He kicked me off and i launched towards the tree. As i hit my back on the tree, he caught his breath. I got up and ran towards him again. I tackled him but he turned my move against me.

He returned the strangle but i tried kicking him off, nothing worked! I only had one thing to do... "Alan wins!" Zuma said as i tapped out. He let go i was chocking for air, Alan offered me a paw and i accepted it. "Good fight, Chase." Alan said. I nodded and gave him a high-five, honestly i thought it would be a breeze for me i guess it wasn't.

"Ok, Skye versus Cwystal!" Zuma said as i hugged Skye. She let go and she went to the patch of grass. She was joined by Crystal and she looked as confident as ever. "Go!" Zuma announced.

Skye pov

Crystal ran towards me but i quickly moved put of the way and she missed me. I tackled her before she can tackle me. I punched her face and she punched back. She threw me off and i landed near the tree, almost hit it too. Crystal jumped on me and stepped on my chest and then punched my face while at it. I kicked her off to the tree behind me and she hit it face-first.

She feel down and when see feel i kicked her face and then scratched her chest. She yelped as i borrowed my claws into her chest and she scratched my face in return. I held on to my face as she slammed me down. Crystal then began to bite my neck and Zuma came in to break it up. "Stop, stop! No biting, Cwsytal is off of the tournament!" He said as he broke us apart.

Crystal sighed and helped me up without a word, my neck really hurt she had some serious teeth right there. "So who's next?" I asked as i held on to my neck. "Me versus Spots." Zuma said as he took the stand, joined by Spots. "This should be good." Marshall said he closely watched his brother get ready to fight the Chocolate Lab. "Go!" Zuma said as he ran towards the little Dalmatian.

Spots pov

I was tackled down by Zuma and he punched my jaw as i went down. Why was i always weak when it comes to fighting?! Marshall's strong and i'm super weak! I tried to kick Zuma off but he got off instead and got me by the neck and slammed me down to the ground, puffing the air out of my lungs. I gasped as i hit the hard Earth.

I flinched as he got on me and i felt something inside of me turn on. I kicked him off and quickly got on my feet and as he hit the floor i punched his chest and kicked his face at it. I clawed his chest and then punched his face. I got his extra skin and i threw him on the ground as he puffed out the air off his lungs.

I quickly got on him again and i strangled him. He quickly tapped out, and like Skye, i did a backflip off of him. "Alright Spots!" Marshall cried as i helped Zuma up. "Good fight little dude." He said weakly. I nodded and we high-fived. I joined up with Cindy and she praised me for being so strong. "Up next is Cindy and Gaby!" Zuma said as he read the paper.

"Wish me luck." Cindy said as our noses touched. "Haha, do good." I responded as she left. She was joined by Gaby and then Zuma announced "go!"

Cindy pov

I realized if i win i could make me and Spots look like a fighting couple, maybe... I was taken off of my thought as Gaby tackled me to the ground. She scratched my chest and then she punched my face with her left. She quickly began to choke me and i tried to get her off but she wouldn't budge!

I tried fighting back but eventually i felt weaker and i fainted... Man so quickly too! I feel so weak...

Marshall pov

Gaby knocked out Cindy, and real quick too. We were all disappointed Cindy didn't really put up a fight... "Ok now Wubble and Marshall." Zuma said as Spots carried Cindy away and Gaby walked towards me. I walked to face up against Rubble, this should be easy. "Go!" Zuma announced.

Rubble growled at me as i ran towards him. I leaped and i landed on him. We rolled across the grass and i punched his face non-stop. He punched me back and kicked me off. I rolled back up and he tackled me down. We departed and Rubble leaped back at me. I dodged him and he clawed the grass so he can stop. He slipped and i landed on top of him.

I smirked and i stepped on his chest and punched his face. I got off and i grabbed his extra skin and threw him on the ground. Before i could attack again, he tapped out.

Rocky pov

"Well, Cy-Bark, try beating up these Robots i built for yo-" I said before i tripped on my tool box, Cy-Bark laughed. "Nice one, genius, next time look where your going." He said rudely. I rolled my eyes and said. "Whatever... Just destroy those robots." I said as i activated the robots. They threw glass bottles at Cy-Bark and he quickly dodged them.

He turned on his rocket paws and flew towards them. He quickly bit them apart and then killed the robot. "Excellent, my dad doesn't have a chance." I said as i smirked and Cy-Bark laughed. "Of course he doesn't you have me! I can easily kill him, just you watch creator." Cy-Bark said as he joined my laughter. "Please, Cy-Bark, just call me R." I told the robot.

"Ok, R, what are my new orders?" Cy-Bark asked. I step up a new set of robots and gave them guns this time. "Test if your bullet proof." I said as i set them up and gave them guns. "Ok, i can do anything." Cy-Bark said as i programmed the robot's their target and what weapon to use. "I know, and that's why i created you, Cy-Bark 8000 version 1.0."

"Ok, from the top." I said as i turned on the robots. They shot at Cy-Bark and he quickly turned on his rocket paws and flew towards them, dodging nearly every bullet. Then he was 6 feet away from them and...

Kevin pov

I punched Rex in the face and out popped a tooth. He kicked me off and i landed on the rough grass, but not on my feet, on my back. I gasped because i landed pretty hard. Rex jumped onto my chest and he punched me again and again. I got his trough before he could strike again and i slammed him onto the ground. He tapped out and thats was that.

"Do you think we're ready?" I asked Chase. He nodded and we all chose it to was time to let Rocky know we all finished. "How hard do you think Rocky's dad is gonna be?" Crystal asked. Spots laughed and said. "You want Rocky's Dad's Dick?! Your nasty!" Everyone laughed, including Crystal. "No, smartass, i meant how hard to fight!"

"Ok, that's a lot less creepy." Marshall added as we walked towards Rocky's garage. We opened our way threw and we saw Rocky and Cy-Bark 8000 preparing for the evil Rocky's Dad. "Back already?" Rocky said, paying close attention to Cy-Bark's actions. "Yup." I replied as we stood by him.

"R says i have to train, did you all train?" The robot pup asked. "R? And yes we did train, but R? Who's R?" Chase asked Rocky. Rocky chuckled and said. "Me nigga." Cy-Bark then destroyed a set of robots with a strong tackle. "Wow, he's really strong." Gaby said as we watched the robot pup bark and do back-flips in the sky. He seemed joyful.

"Yes, yes is." Rocky, or R, said. "So are we ready to take on your dad, or what? We have to wait?" I asked the mixed breed pup. Rocky paused and then turned around towards us. "Today please, we really need to get our pups!" Everest cried as she hugged Rocky. "Ok, later on today, we'll attack my dad and see where my dear little pups are." He said as he hugged her back.

"Yes!" We all said as Cy-Bark landed, joining us huddle up. "Tomorrow we ambush his house and then we attack him all and then snatch my puppies back from his diabolical grasp, deal?" Rocky announced as we nodded. "I can't wait to kick ass!" Spots said with a smirk. "WOOOO FOOTBALL!" Rubble shouted, making us all laugh even Cy-Bark laughed too. "Alright, team pussy on 3." Rocky said, making us all laugh. "What?" Rocky said.

"Nothing, how about we chat out Team instead? Or something." Marshall said with a chuckle. "We're not a sports team, Marshall." Rubble said as we put all our paws together, even the robot pup did so too. "Ok then how about- Kill Rocky's Dad in 3?" Rocky said as we huddled up closer.

"Better." We all responded. "Ok..." Rocky said as we got ready for it. "3...2...1..." We all said together as we wagged our tails to show excitement. "KILL ROCKY's DAD!" We all shouted, ready for action!

Rocky's Dad pov

"So... They're planning to kill me with that robot, huh?" I said as i pet my new slave/minion. "Sir, is that my new opponent?" My newly built robot servant asked in curiosity. "Yes, Cy-Bark 8000 2.0." I responded with an evil chuckle. My Cy-Bark looked like my damn stupid idiot son's robot.

But the only difference is he is the 2.0 version. He is stronger, more serious, faster, more durable, and has no emotions like Rocky's. "Why does he give my opponent feelings?" Cy-Bark asked with blank emotion. "He has an idiotic opinion that robots have the right to feelings. He said so when we were building the beta version of you when he was a little pup." I said as i rolled my chair towards Rocky's pups.

"Why doesn't he live here?" He asked as i examined the one that looked like Rocky. "Because since that opinion took over his thoughts, he began to hate me. So i thought him many lessons. He sees me as the bad guy, but really i'm just trying to help him from something much worse than i." I said as Rocky Jr. Yawned and went back to sleep, reminding me of Rocky when he was at this age himself.

"So you love Rocky?" He asked. I set down the little pup and took a deep breath. "Now that you say that, i think i do. I think i do..." I said as i faced my fellow robot partner. "May i ask what's worse than you, sir?" Cy-Bark asked. I nodded and i expected a wag, but instead, i got a blank expression.

"Just mark this down. This pup has done things worse than I he killed his mother and siblings, but only left one standing, and he hunts the left over one and now hunts me as well." I said as gave a worried expression, why am i feeling weird girly feelings for Rocky? What is he to me? He hates me and i hate him. "Ok so who is this crazy pup." Cy-Bark asked.

I took a deep breath and sighed. I got up from my chair and looked out the window, seeing lots of wildlife. I finally responded to his question.

"His brother."

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