
By AlYahya25

1.6K 299 64

Blake Evans is a new playwright. In search for his leading lady, he desperately puts an ad in the local newsp... More

The Play & Important A.N.
1) Her
1) Him
2) Her
2) Him
3) Her
3) Him
4) Her
4) Him
5) Her
5) Him
6) Her
6) Him
7) Her
7) Him
8) Her
8) Him
9) Her
9) Him
10) Her
10) Him
11) Her
11) Him
12) Her
12) Him
13) Her
13) Him
14) Her
14) Him
15) Her
15) Him
16) Her
16) Him
17) Her
17) Him
18) Her
18) Him
19) Him
20) Her
20) Him
21) Her
21) Him
22) Her
22) Him
23) Her
23) Him
24) Her
24) Him
Not An Update (Sorry :" )

19) Her

16 5 0
By AlYahya25

I love you, Harper.

I begin shuffling in my bed again. It has been more than an hour already, and I still can't sleep. Blake's words are replaying in my head over and over again.

But I loved you because of who you are.

I groan into my pillow. Blake is an author, of course, he knows how to play with his words, but can he be that good of an actor? His eyes told me that he is telling the truth, but those eyes lied to me before.

Walking you to and fro your house was the best part of my day.

Then why did you confess to her, why?

I groan again and sit up. Looks like I am not gonna sleep tonight. I rest on the headboard and take a deep breath. Why did I fall in love again? Shouldn't I have learnt a lesson from last time? Love only means trouble.

But his eyes, they were pleading, they wanted me to listen. His eyes were telling the truth, or were they?

How can I trust him again? Why will I trust him again? For all I know, he could be lying because I am his leading lady. Maybe, he is only doing that for his play.

Damn you, Blake! Damn you!

I have been living the best days of my boring life, the best days! I was fulfilling my dream, finding love, creating friends. I couldn't have been happier, but you just had to come and ruin it all for me.

I curse and slip until I am lying down on the bed again; I really need to get some sleep if I want to trick my parents tomorrow.


I was only able to sleep for a few hours. I have already put my plan into action. I woke up before they did and went out for a walk. It was nice. I was able to clear my mind a little and enjoy the peace and quiet. The smell of the air in the morning is refreshing. It made me more awake. I look at my watch and decide that it is time to head back. I am walking to my house when I notice someone standing near my house. I freeze, Blake is resting on a wall and yawning, what the hell is he doing here?

He must have felt that someone is staring because he looked in my direction. Once he sees me, he smiles his shiny smile, "Good morning, Harper."

He takes lazy steps towards me. I clench my hands, "what are you doing here?"

He shrugs, "I was afraid that you would leave earlier than your time to avoid me, so I came by earlier."

I glare at him, but he looks at me as if nothing happened yesterday. I shake my head and walk past him towards my house.

"I was thinking that we could have breakfast together," He declares to my back.

I stop walking; what did he just say? He is kidding, right? Did he forget what happened yesterday?

I turn around, and Blake is standing with his hands in his pockets, he is trying to look like his usual self, but he is shaking a bit, I can feel that he is clenching his hands, and his eyes are pleading me to accept his offer. His eyes are also... scared? He is scared that I would refuse it. Well, he should be.

I glare and take confident steps towards him, "are you forgetting what happened yesterday, or are you just playing dumb?"

He scoffs, "of course, I haven't. That's why I am inviting you to breakfast. To discuss things."

He comes closer to my face and smirks, "just like Mary said, right?"

I look away, "humph, if you are scared that I will leave the play because of what happened, Mr Evans, then don't be. I worked too hard to just leave for something like that."

There is a long pause, then I hear his footsteps walking away. I look towards him to find him punching a wall over and over again.

My eyes grow wide, and I step back. I have never seen Blake that angry before.

He stops and looks at me, breathing hard through his nostrils, "I am the one at wrong, that's why I am trying so hard to fix things, to make things work."

He is glaring at me, "but if you don't give me a chance, then how will I do anything?"

I gulp and come closer to his face, "you have no right, no FREAKING RIGHT to get mad at me."

His eyes grow wide, guess he didn't expect me to scream at him. He sighs, and I can smell the coffee. He moves away, "I messed up, Harper, I know, but you are the one who voted for George's words about forgetting the past."

He takes a deep breath; I can see tears in his eyes, "I am trying, Harper, but you aren't giving me a chance to be a good person."

He turns around and moves away, and it takes me everything not to run after him.

And the problems continue. Don't forget to vote, comment and tell me what you think! XD

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