19) Him

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We stopped talking altogether, but for some reason, I walk her to work every day. I can't walk her back home because she leaves before I can catch her. The only words that I say to her are instructions, and she doesn't even reply to those.

I have to admit, though, she is an amazing actress. I thought that I wouldn't find her heart in the play after our fight, but honestly, nothing changed. She still acts beautifully. However, she looks miserable in real life. I see Mary trying to cheer her up, but she would always crack a small smile or a half-hearted laugh. Everyone noticed the change between us. I can see Justin roaming around her again; I would merely look away when that happens.

While silently walking her to work today, I started wondering why she is letting me do that. Should I get my hopes up, or is she just tired of chasing me away? I notice that we don't even greet each other. I only wait till she comes out and then we would walk. I would walk behind her in order not to annoy her. I look at her back, and I try so hard not to grab her in a hug.

When I left on the day of our last fight, I came back after an hour. I just needed to be alone for a while. When she came out, she stared at me for a long time. I didn't give her a witty comment or a smirk. I just waited for her to reach me; I was too tired physically and mentally to do anything. I remember that day, George got angry at me and gave me a lecture about separating my personal life from my professional life.

I haven't been that angry since my breakup with Kristen. I just wanted to grab her and scream I love you, idiot, I love you.

I can't believe that she thinks so low of me, but who could blame her? I haven't really been the ideal person.

I don't want to lose her, but I don't know what I should do. She doesn't want to hear me, and if she doesn't trust me, all my efforts will be useless.

We are in the middle of a rehearsal when one of the people responsible for the decoration calls George. We give them five, and George goes to see what is wrong. I sit on one of the chairs and yawn. My sleeping is getting worse by the day. I close my eyes and try to relax till George comes back.

A few moments later, I could feel someone in front of me. So much for relaxing. I open my eyes to find Mary with her hands on her hips. I roll my eyes, "What do you want?"

She snorts, "So you two are just gonna live in misery for the rest of your lives."

I roll my eyes again then close them, "ask your friend, she is the one who is doing this."

I can feel pain in my foot. I glare at her cause she stomped on it, "ouch, what is that for?"

"For being a pathetic coward," she grumps.

"I tried, Mary," I say between clenched teeth, "she is the one who doesn't want to listen."

She groans, "you tried the next day, of course, she wouldn't want to talk."

I raise an eyebrow, "weren't you the one who told me to wait for the next day?"

She gulps, "I was trying to act as a love expert, that's not what's important, now."

I shake my head and sigh heavily, "she thought I was only apologizing cause I don't want her to leave the play."

She sits down next to me, "She is the bitter type when she gets angry, and can you blame her? She saw you declaring your love to your ex."

She puts a hand on mine and squeezes, "please, try once more for both of your sakes."

"To your places, ladies and gents!" George shouts.

Mary cracks a small smile and pats my hand before leaving. Who would have thought that the predator girl could become such a good friend?

While George was explaining some things to the actors, Justin comes closer to me, "if it was just a few weeks ago, I could have made a move."

I snort, "it's not like anything is stopping you."

"Of course, something is stopping me," he says, offended, "I am already dating another girl."

"It's not like that stopped you from roaming around her," I bicker.

"It's called working, playwright," he says, rolling his eyes, "have you heard of it?"

I don't have the energy to answer him.

He shrugs, "well, I guess I should thank you after all."

I raise an eyebrow, "what for?"

He smirks, "I am dating your ex-crush."

I frown, "what are you talking about?"

"I am dating the barista from the coffee shop next door."

I gape at him, "you kidding me?"

He smiles, "nope; she is a really nice girl. Once I saw her glaring at Harper, and we started talking."

"Good for you," I say because I don't know what else to say.

He nudges, "listen, man, it's hard for me to say that, but... she loves you, so try to fix things again."

I sigh and look at Harper; everyone is becoming my romantic counsellor.

"Hey, you two!" George shouts at us, "can you bond after work time?"

"Sir, yes, sir," I salute.

And with that, we return to rehearsing.

I wanted to create a story with no villains for once. Don't forget to vote, comment and tell me what you think! XD

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