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Even after all those years, I still can't get used to the fans. After our first play, we made some kind of a theatrical group. Since then, we created two plays on the stage. Soon Blake became a famous playwright, and I became "the harp of his plays".

When Mary became pregnant with Mike's baby, our group had to be dismantled. Mary and I had our double wedding one year before her pregnancy. Today would be the first day that we all meet since the baby shower.

"Harp!" Blake calls once he arrives.

"Kitchen!" I call back.

"It smells so good," he says as he wraps an arm around me and kisses my neck, a ritual that we created after our marriage.

"Well, it's not every day that we all meet," I say humming with the song on the radio.

He grabs a bottle of water and sits on a chair before the counter, "I have to say, I miss those rascals."

I smile, "Yeah, me too."

He takes a sip of his water then nods towards me, "want a hand?"

I stare at him and hold out the knife that I was using to cut vegetables, "if you come near the kitchen, I will stab you."

He gapes at me, "I am not that bad."

I roll my eyes and continue chopping, "yeah, sure."

Soon, a knock comes to the door, and Blake hurries to open it. From the instant crying, I know that it is Mary and Mike. We all exchange hugs and they sit in the living room, which is in front of the kitchen, while I continue cooking.

"I see that baby Sam is still a heavy crier," I say with a smirk.

Mary groans, "I love him to death, but I really want to sleep more than two hours a day."

We laugh, and Mike says, "you two should enjoy sleeping before you have children."

Blake's face falls, and I see Mary hit Mike in the ribs. We have been trying to have a baby for a year, but with no luck. Blake always shoves the subject with a joke, but I know that he wants a baby, just like I know that he would be a father soon.

"Why don't you give them a drink?" I ask Blake. He smiles and kisses my cheek before preparing a few drinks.

During the next hour, the living-room turns more lively than any other day. George, Samantha, Justin, Carry (who stopped glaring at me a long time ago), Paul and his wife, Sally(turns out that they were married even before our first play) are all sitting and laughing.

We have dinner and tell each other stories new and old, I have really missed our little group.



It was late at night when everybody left. Once I close the door, I go to the living-room to find Harper lying down on the couch, the same couch, that we had our first kiss on. That is the only piece of furniture that we have from my old apartment. Harper insisted that we keep it since it was a turning point in our relationship, who am I to refuse such a sweet offer?

"Everyone had finally left," I declare walking to the couch. Harper scoots so I can lie down then I bring her above me. She snuggles her head under my chin, and I put an arm around her waist.

"They wore you out?" I ask as I play with her hair absentmindedly.

She hums yes, I think she is dozing off. This has been happening a lot. Us cuddling or lying down on the couch and Harper dozing off while I play with her hair.

"Sam is really cute," She says sleepily.

I smirk, "well, she is getting old, but she still has her young glamour."

She slaps my chest, and I smile, "not that Sam, idiot."

I kiss the top of her head, "yeah, he is so cute."

She looks at me with a smile. She stares at me for a while, then she moves and plants a kiss to my lip, "are you sure that you are OK without a baby?"

I smile sadly. I really want to be a father, I want to share all the beautiful things that I shared with my father with them, I want to share my love of theater with them, I want to play with them. If the baby is a girl, I want to threaten her boyfriend like Mr Jones used to do, and if it's a boy, I want to give him advice about girls.

I know that Harp wants a baby too, I know that she tried everything for us, but it didn't work. I don't want to pressure her. And honestly, I don't mind our lives like this.

I kiss the top of her head, "you are enough for me, Harp,"

She smiles and bites her bottom lip, "then, what should I do with the little one growing in my belly?"

I stare at her then start blinking, "what?"

She shrugs and smiles shyly. I move quickly to sit up while holding her shoulders. I look at her stomach, and she already has a hand there.

I look into her eyes and point at her stomach, "s... so... now... there is a child here?"

She nods eagerly, and I shout in delight, "I will be a father!"

I hug Harper, and she falls on the couch giggling, I kiss every inch of her face, "I love you, I love you, I love you!"

I move down to her stomach and kiss it, "and I love you, kiddo!"

She ruffles my hair then grabs my face in front of her, "you happy?"

I envelop her mouth with mine, and she smiles against my lips. When we break it off, she grins, "I will take that as a yes."

I never imagined that I would move from a sleep-deprived amateur writer to a successful married playwright.

Her eyes twinkle, "you helped me break the chains and made me the luckiest girl in the world."

I grab her face between my hands and look straight into her eyes, " and you became the best thing that ever happened in my life."

I want to thank everyone who read this story. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

Don't forget to vote, comment and tell me what you think! XD

See you in my next story, love you all!! 

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