12) Her

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I don't know how we ended up like that, but now, he is lying on the couch and I am above him, with my head on his chest listening to his quick heartbeats. One of his arms is around my waist and the other is playing with my hair while my two hands are drawing patterns on his chest. This is bliss.

Suddenly, he strongly pulled on one of the strands.

"Ouch," I half scream while pulling away and putting a hand on my head. I glare at him, "that hurts"

He smirks and cups my cheek, "sorry about that, I was lost in thought"

I raise an eyebrow and smirk while lying back down but now my chin is resting on his chest and I am looking at him, "what about, I wonder?"

His smirk disappears and he looks at me with serious eyes, "what are we, now?"

I frown at his words. trying to understand what he means. I feel him shifting so I move away. He sits on the couch with his legs crossed and I sit like him with our knees touching.

I tilt my head, "What do you mean?"

He sighs, "I mean are we dating or friends with benefits, or just people who kiss when they want to?"

I bite my lip and think about it. His words make sense, we have to label this. I swallow and look him in the eye, "well, we are definitely not friends with benefits. And I think dating is too much for two people who fight every time they meet"

He sighs again, "then, what are we?"

I smile and hold his hands intertwining our fingers, "let's create a new relationship. We are two people who like each other and will spend more time with each other till they are ready to date."

He stares at me with no expression. My heart is beating twice as hard, "that's the longest label I have ever heard."

His lovely smirk appears and I grin stupidly. He pulls me to him so that I am sitting on his lap with my legs dangling on the side and our lips collide. I smile once his lips meet mine but this time our kiss is hungrier. He puts everything into this kiss, how much he wants me, loves me and cares for me. He shows me all his feelings and I can't be happier than this.

Due to how strong our kiss was, he broke it quickly or at least more quickly than I would have liked. Now, we are both panting into each other's faces.

"I accept on one condition," he says breathlessly.

I move my finger along his jaw, feeling his famous stubble, "and that is?"

"Never kiss anyone but me," he says, pulling me closer to him while kissing my neck.

"Never," I whisper, dizzy from his kisses.

I pull away before I moan and make a complete fool out of myself, "I also have a condition."

He smirks, raising an eyebrow, "oh, yeah and what's that?"

I bite my lower lip and avoid eye contact, "if possible, always walk me home and to the theater."

He blinks quickly and I was just about to say never mind when he laughs.

So much to nor making a fool out of myself...

I frown and hit his chest, "Stop laughing, you jerk!

He lowers me on the couch and hovers above me, "I never thought that you could be cuter than you already are."

He starts planting kisses on my lips, cheeks, nose, eyes, ears and my neck. He finds the soft spot behind my ear and starts kissing it often that a soft moan always escapes my lips.

He stops abruptly and moves away, carrying me again to his lap, he clears his throat and his face is a bit red, "anything for you, my leading lady."

A blush dominates my face. I look at my hands then to him and kiss him on the cheek, "aren't you the sweetest?"

He smiles and whispers, "remember that the next time I lose my temper."

I laugh and he laughs with me and for the second time today, I feel that I am in bliss. Here we are, two people laughing after making out... I think I will love that new relationship between us.

A start of something new! Don't forget to vote, comment and tell me what you think XD

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