17) Her

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"If he strips you naked in front of us, I won't be surprised," Mary says with a shiver.

I roll my eyes, "that's what you wanted to talk about."

"No, actually, I wanted to have dinner with you," She says with a smile.

"With me?" I say pointing at myself and raising an eyebrow.

"Mike is busy with his friends tonight," She explains, "and I don't wanna stay alone, so what do you think?"

"Will you tell me about you and Mike if I come?" I ask with a grin.

She giggles, "everything that you want."

"Though I am tempted, I can't, today."

She pouts, "why?"

"I promised Blake that we would eat dinner together," I say with a sheepish smile.

"Oh, c'mon, Harper!" she groans, "you two are always together."

I scratch my neck, "I know, but I promised him. Plus, I am a bit excited."

Things haven't been going well between us since that day at his house. I still need to trust him, but it is hard. One thing that I am sure of is that I love him.

I feel like going to his house, cooking and eating together, I feel like that will get us closer again. I want to be close to him, I want to trust him, and I want to date him.

"Wait!" she exclaims, "how about a sleepover?"

I raise an eyebrow, "A sleepover?"

"Yeah, after you finish, come to my house and let's have a sleepover."

I sigh with a small smile, "I haven't had a sleepover in years."

"Right? It would be perfect!" she chimes with excitement, "so, what do you say?"

"OK, let's have a sleepover," I say as we squeak with excitement, "but we will have it in my house, mom used to make the best snacks when I had sleepovers."

She laughs, "living with your parents have its perks too."

I laugh and give her my address. Today is gonna be a good day.

I run to the theater door, preparing myself to kiss him if he starts whining cause I am late. Once I reach the door, I find him standing with his back to me, talking to someone.I hear a woman's laugh, "of course, I am, silly."

I move so I could see who he is talking to, she has blonde hair similar to mine, and she is small just like me, but I can't catch her face. I wonder who she is.

"And, I won't get a divorce anytime soon," she says, and I can hear the happiness in her voice.

"P... Pregnant!" he exclaims with a strained voice.

They continue talking, and with every word, I feel my heart shattering little by little. Blake definitely loves her. The hurt in his voice says everything.

Then he says the words that break my heart into a million pieces, "then, what about me?"

For a second, I couldn't breathe. Blake is declaring his love for a married woman while he supposedly likes me.

"The only thing I know is this," he says, taking something from his pocket. I move a little to the right, but I can't see what he is holding.

"You are walking around with my picture in your wallet?" She snaps.

"It was under my pillow," he mumbles, "something happened, and I put it in my wallet and forgot to take it out."

Something! That something is me; our kisses are just something to him; I am just something to him.

"You are sick," she spits.

"We loved each other," he insists, "till your parents separated us."

Parents? Everything is starting to be clear now. Now, I understand his play, why the parents are the villains, why the main character is considered an angel. He didn't let me see the photograph because it was of her. Why he is so fixed with the past, because she is the past, she is everything to him. What else am I gonna find out, now? What else are you hiding from me, Blake?

"My parents did nothing, yes, they didn't like you, and they introduced me to him, but I am the one who chose him... Just like I chose you."

"Harper, what are you doing?" Mary asks, putting a hand on my shoulder, which startles me and exposes my cover.

Blake's body goes stiff, and he takes his time turning around. Once our eyes meet, his eyes begin to plead. I tear my eyes away and look at the girl; I almost chock on my own breath.

I take a few steps towards them; she is the spitting image of me. It is not only the blonde hair and the petite figure but also the face features. My eyes are a bit wider, and her mouth is full, my nose is smaller, and her jaw is more clenched, but no one can deny the similarity between us.

She laughs and speaks my mind, "am I looking at a mirror or what?"

She turns her gaze to Blake, "who is she?"

I look at Blake, and I could feel the lump in my throat, "yeah, Blake, who am I?"

He is pleading with his eyes, asking for a chance to explain; a chance I can't give him.

I swallow the lump in my throat, "the play with the evil parents, the photo that you didn't let me look at, being fixed about the past."

I inhale a sharp breath, "and if all of that wasn't enough, now I know why you chose me for the play."

"H... Harper," he starts, but I look away signalling that I don't want to hear another word.

"Hey, Harper," Mary whispers, putting an arm around my shoulders. I look at her, and she smiles, "how about we start the sleepover, now?"

I smile sadly, "Yeah, let's do that."

She tightens her arm around my shoulder, and we start walking away. I don't look back; I can't. 

At this theatre, I thought that I had found my happiness, and at this theatre, I get my heart shattered into a million pieces.

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