The Play & Important A.N.

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It's me again, did you miss me? ;D Since the book's events revolve around the play, I thought about giving you a plot summary of it.

The play revolves around Dory who has been engaged to Tim for a while. However, Tim has an accident and goes to the hospital. His accident is not life-threatening, but he has to stay in the hospital for a while. His doctor, Drake, is taken aback by Dory's beauty. Through conversations, he falls for her. Dory feels attracted to him, but she convinces herself that her relationship with Tim is better. Meanwhile, Tim and the nurse, Ally, has their own feelings towards each other to deal with. She tries to keep things professional, but with Tim's words and actions, she can't help but fall for him. Tim decides that he will break his engagement with Dory. When Dory's mother visits him, Tim tells her that he has fallen for someone else and that he doesn't want to continue with this act. Turns out that Tim was never in love with Dory and he was only with her because her mother paid him to do that. He found her pleasant and didn't have a girlfriend so he went on with it. During his fight with her mother, Dory was listening to everything. She showed herself and told him how disappointed she is and that she used to truly love him. Nevertheless, she wished him luck in his love life. While she was leaving, Drake stopped her and they talked; he told her his true feelings and wondered if she could give him a chance. The play ends with their kiss.

Though the play has a role in the story, it isn't a major one so I didn't bother by dividing the story of the play into acts and scenes. If you feel confused by anything, leave a comment and I will answer.

Now to the author's note. I have already written the whole story so you don't have to worry about late updates. Each chapter would be divided into 2 chapters, one from her POV and one from his. If you don't understand this part, you will once I update. I will update this story twice a week, if the chapter is short, I might update 2 chapters at once, no promises, though *insert evil laugh*.
In the end, I hope that you like the story, can't wait to read all your comments XD

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