8) Him

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I should just kill myself already. Why can't I do anything right with that woman?

I huff and groan before I go to the counter and pay for the coffee and the untouched sandwiches. I swear that the waitress is smiling.

I start my walk home while thinking about ways to kill myself, then it hit me. What did I do wrong? Yes, in the end, I lost my temper as always, but in the beginning, I didn't do anything extreme. Was kissing her hand a bold move? Should I have waited to know her feelings? But I only kissed her hand, it's not something serious, I just showed her my affection. My thoughts wondered about that kiss, oh how sweet her skin felt against mine, so soft and so smooth.

I kick the empty air in frustration; some people around look at me as if I was a lunatic. She is making me lose my mind.

Now that I think about it, we always fight. Every time that we meet and spend time together, a fight spark between us. Is that normal? Am I at wrong?

I keep groaning every five minutes from my anger. I don't want to go home, so I leave my feet to carry me wherever they want. I didn't know that they would drag me in front of Harper's house.

From all the places in the world, I am in front of her house. I stay still, thinking about what I should do. Should I knock and ask to talk to her? Oh no, she lives with her parents. If I do that, her parents will think of me as a suitor.

Those thoughts are storming in my mind, as my hand acts on its own and rings the bell. My eyes grow wide at the realization, and I slap my face before the door is opened.

A middle-aged woman with kind blue eyes and the blond hair that I love so much open the door. She smiles kindly, but cautiously, "can I help you?"

I clear my throat and give her my most charming smile, "I am here to see Harper, is she available?"

I can see that she is shocked. Her eyes widen, and she gives me a once over. My smile doesn't flatter even when she tilts her head and asks, "and you are?"

I extend my hand, "Blake Evans, I am the author of the play that Harper is in."

She smiles knowingly and shakes my hand, "I am Harper's mother, Linda. It's very nice to meet you, Mr Evans."

"Please, call me Blake."

She smiles then opens the door widely, "Oh, you are not gonna stay here, I am sure that you didn't eat dinner yet. Come on in and join us."

I smile, "thank you, but I would just like to talk with Harper and leave."

"Mom, who is it?" I could hear Harper's voice asking before she appears in front of the door... In her pyjamas.

I have to say that her pyjamas are cute, it is made of that pink fabric that is so fluffy and helps you in cold days. I smirk when I see her, because of her outfit, but it disappears fast when I see her eyes, her angry and confused eyes.

Before her mom could open her mouth, she asks her to leave us alone. She takes a key chain from a table next to the door then comes out before closing the door behind her.

Now, Harper is standing in front of me in her full glory and pyjamas. She crosses her arms around herself to warm herself up and looks around.

Suddenly, she clicks her tongue and looks at me with those same angry eyes, "so, what do you want?"

"To apologize, of course. I don't think that we can do anything other than apologizing to one another," I declare with a shrug as I take a few steps towards her.

She snorts and keeps looking away. However, she doesn't say anything, which angers me. I clear my throat, which successfully pulls her attention and makes her look at me," aren't you going to say anything?

She keeps looking at me, she doesn't remove her gaze from my eyes until she exhales audibly," when will our relationship change to normal human beings who discuss things? "

I snort, "that's just what I was thinking."

She shrugs, "I exaggerated. I am sorry for that. I could have told you my feelings in another way."

Her words are a knife to my heart, "is my flirtation that bad? Could you not stand it that much?"

She looks at me, and her eyes grow soft. She bites her lower lip and looks as if she is in a dilemma.

She shakes her head, "I can't accept your flirtation while we can't exchange two words without fighting like maniacs."

I exhale, "you are right, but that was what I was doing today. I wanted to sit with you and talk like any two grownups."

She smirks, "how did that work out with you?"

I roll my eyes, and a small laugh escapes from my lips.

She bites her lower lip again and starts hopping on the balls of her feet, "just reduce the physical contact, will you?"

"I will never touch you if that will make you happy," I say, and I am honest. I am not going to push her; if Harper doesn't want me, then she doesn't want me no matter how much it hurts to admit it.

She smiles, "let's not be extreme with it. Just no flirting with physical contact."

I take another step towards her and raise an eyebrow, "then, you are not stopping me from flirting with you."

Her cheeks go red, and she lowers her gaze to her feet while mumbling, "I can't control your actions, can I?"

She is controlling my actions by stopping me from touching her, but I let that slip.

I smirk and duck so I would force her to look at me as I whisper, "nice outfit, by the way."

She frowns then her eyes widen as she looks at her attire. Her face turns into a tomato, and she starts opening and closing her mouth like a fish.

I burst into laughter, and she hits my chest with her fist, which makes me laugh even more.

She rolls her eyes, "good night, Blake."

Before I could answer, she was already through the door and closing it in my face, but she stopped. She opens the door slightly so only her face was apparent, and she smiles kindly, "thank you for this, I really, really appreciate it."

I smile, "see you tomorrow, kiddo."

She rolls her eyes, but a laugh escapes her lips before she closes the door. I stand outside for a few minutes before walking towards my home.

Even if you close the door and the window, I will find a way to reach your heart.

And now, I have made up for you, my amazing readers! I have updated twice for last week and twice for this week XD I hope you liked them. Don't forget to vote, comment and tell me what you think!!

InspirationDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora