7) Her

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When he left, I felt guilt pinching my heart. I didn't mean to sound rude, but that was all I could think of while reading the script. My character doesn't deserve that happy ending. She was swayed by another man, and I thought that the idea of her mother paying Tim was very stupid. How Tim talked to Dory with love couldn't be because of money, it can only be because of true love.

Still, the feeling of guilt and nervousness remained with me, "I... I... I am so sorry; I didn't mean it to come out rude."

Mary laughs with wickedness and looks at me with a raised eyebrow, "so much for having the face and aura."

I frown at a complete loss, "what?"

"You have nothing to be sorry about," Justin says softly, pulling my attention from Mary, "you only said your opinion, and you are free to do that."

George sighs, "Listen, Harper. You are free to say what you think about anything, but you should have thought about Blake more. He put his everything into this story, he wasn't able to write for years, then he returned with this. I personally disagree with you on what you said about the girl, but that's not the point. The point is what you said really hurt him."

I bite my lower lip, feeling even more guilty and uneasy. I stand up, "do you know where I could find him?"

"At the room we once met in, I think," he replies with a smile.

I nod gratefully and make my way to that room, but I don't miss Justin's words, "Why do you always lead them to each other?"

I frown at the sentence, what does that suppose to mean? Before I could think about it much, I am in front of the door. I sigh and knock on the door before opening it slightly for Blake to see who is on the other side. He glances at the door, but once he sees me, he looks at his hands again with an angry face.

I bite my lower lip and decide to enter anyway. In front of his chair, there is a table. I decide to sit on it to be close to him. When I do, I find that our knees touch, he flinches, but he has no choice but to accept the contact. All the way, he refuses to look at me. He is still looking at his intertwined fingers.

I sigh, "I am sorry, I really didn't mean it."

He glares at me and spits, "didn't mean what? Embarrassing me in front of everyone, or showing everyone that you don't like my story?"

"I do like it," I shout, "I never said that I don't, I just didn't understand my character."

He rolls his eyes, then returns to his previous position. I groan, "So what? Should I rip the contract apart and start begging the company, that I used to work for, to give me my previous position back?"

I notice that he tried to suppress his smile, which encourages me to smile and put my hand over his hands. That notion made him look up into my eyes, "come on, Blake, consider it payback for how rude you were before."

He rolls his eyes again, "you have one hell of a way to apologize."

I snort, "at least it made you talk to me."

He keeps silent, but he is still looking at me. I shrug, "if it makes you happier, George doesn't agree with me."

"How could you see her as a bad person?" he asks with slight anger, "she was played by her mother, she is so innocent and naïve."

"How could Tim, with those kind and loving words, be a villain?" I ask with a raised eyebrow, "the way he was talking to her made me hope that I find a man like him."

He stands up and walks away from me to the small window. He messes his hair up and puts his hands in his pockets, "all women get swept off their feet with a few nice words."

I gape and walk until I am right behind him, "excuse me, Mr Evans, but I won't allow you to call me a shallow woman who would be swept off my feet with nice words. I am much deeper than that, and it's not my fault that you made him talk so sweetly and lovingly."

He turns around and bents till his face was in front of me and glares, I can smell the coffee he drank in the morning, "oh please, you look exactly like a hopeless romantic who would fall in love with anyone sweet enough."

His words hit a nerve, a very sensitive one, and I found myself slapping him in the face, I could feel the tears collecting in my eyes, "you know nothing about me."

I turn around to leave, but before I reach the doorknob, he holds my hand and makes me look at him.

"I am sorry, I am sorry, I am sorry, I had no right to say those things, I am so sorry," he says, holding my hands. I look into his eyes; I could sense that he is truly sorry.

"Don't ever say something like that ever again," I say, moving away from him and looking away.

He shakes his head, "I won't, I swear."

We both take a deep breath at the same time, which makes us both crack a small smile. He extends his hand for a handshake, "Forgive me?"

I nod, "only if you forgive me."

He smiles, "I do."

I shake my head, "you have quite the temper."

He smirks, "and you don't know when to stop talking."

I shrug and smile, "guess we will have to stand those things in each other."

His smile turns kind, and so does his eyes, "I won't mind."

I blush and shrug, "then, neither will I."

And with that, I opened the door for us to leave trying to remove the blush before we return.

Hello amazing readers, I know I am so terrible; please forgive me *cries* As always, when I don't update on time, I make it up for you and this time is no different  ;D Wait for a big surprise in the next few minutes XD

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