A Devilish Artist (Cuphead De...

By Derpy_Toon_Girl

23.9K 358 230

Art by me♡ Updated!! This OC X Devil Story was requested by @EmmaDreammur24 Plot: Mystic Artist Giddens (My... More

Note + OCs
CH1: Moving into Inkwell Isle
CH2: A New Pal
CH3: The Devil's Catch
CH5: Train to the Casino
CH6: Encountering Dice
CH7: The Deal Between Friends
CH8: Damsel in Hell
CH9: The Devil's Servant
CH10: The Chores Pt.1
CH11: The Chores Pt.2
CH12: Dinner Drama
CH13: The Final Curtains
CH14: Stalemate
CH15: Confession to the taste Pt.1
CH16: Confession to the taste Pt. 2
CH17: Awkward feelings
CH18: Escaping the hounds
CH19: Adoring her
CH20: Dice's Suspicions
CH21: We could be Friends?
CH22: Alone Together
CH23: The Date Plan
CH24: The Date Pt.1
CH25: The Date Pt.2
CH26: The Devil's Trickery
CH27: The Devil and King Dice's fight
CH28: The Train Ride to Hell
CH29: Exchange for Love
CH30: Love was their Sin
CH31: Go to her
CH32: Home and Reunited
A Christmas Special Pt.1🎄💕
A Christmas Special Pt.2🎄💕

CH4: Lost in the City

603 8 0
By Derpy_Toon_Girl

"Enjoying the city so far, kid?" Louie asked, picking his teeth with a toothpick.

"Yeah! The night sky looks so beautiful! It looks so pretty like it was back at home," Mystic pointed at the sky. "Louie? I should really get going. Mom and Dad will worry."

Louie's antennas poked up, he didn't want the night to end. He walked in front of her. "Are ya sure you want to go home? The night is still young, I'm sure they wouldn't mind an independent adult like you wandering the city." 


"Listen, you have me with ya. Everything will be fine, trust me." 

"Okay Louie… I trust you. I just worry a lot," she says, twiddling her fingers.

"No need for worries, doll. How about we hit the bar? My treat." 

"Sure! Maybe later, I can get home?" 

"You have my word!" Louie says, though, his words were convincing but behind his back, his bottom hand crossed his fingers. He was a liar like that. 
Louie took Mystic's hand, leading her to his favorite bar.

Little did they know, a man in a trench coat, scarf around his neck and a fedora on his head, was scoping them out. He grinned, going to follow them.

"Here we are! The Bee's Nest! They have the tastiest beverages that you can imagine! Come along, I'm begging to drink the Comb Cocktail!" 

Mystic followed him inside and the moment they stepped in, a bunch of bees gave them a look of death and disgust. They just raised their chins, ignoring them. 
The bartender bee did the same, going to wipe the counters.

"Louie? Why are they looking at us that way?" She asked, whispering.

"Eh, don't mind them. They're just having one of those days. Let's sit over there," he points to a stool, going to sit down. He pats a seat for Mystic, gesturing for her to sit down. 
Mystic walked over slowly, feeling nervous about the stares she was getting. She went to sit down.

"Benny, buddy? I like two Comb Cocktails, please?" Louie orders.

"How about none?" Benny crosses his arms.

"What? Why not?"

"You never pay up! You shouldn't be here, Lou. You're nothing but a cheapskate, thief who just scams people to get free things. We don't serve people like that!" 

"Lou? Are they telling the truth?" Mystic asked, having a concerned tone, wanting answers.

"Misty, hun, I don't know what they're on about. I pay here all the time!" 

The mysterious man walked in, seeing the events of this argument unfold. He goes over to sit down at a table.

"No ya don't! There are no receipts from you! You just leave with your drink! You disgust me!" He says, towering Louie with a mean ol glare.

Louie was sweating, knowing he would get caught by Mystic. He knew she was a gullible type of character but he didn't want her suspicions to grow. He sighed, "Okay… Yes, I don't pay and I got a very good reason why." 

Benny narrows his brow before leaning back up, eyebrows raised. "Oh really? Tell us."

"The reason why I don't pay is because… Everyday, I am always beaten up, no money in my hands. I used to have a wife until she was… Was… Oh, it's hard to say," he cries in his hands, his fake tears luring everyone in.

"Oh, you poor man," a lady says.

"He sounds really broken," a man says from afar.

"Hey, hey, listen. If you felt this way, you could have told us. Tell ya what, just this once, you get to have your Comb Cocktails, on the house," Benny offers, patting Louie's back.

"Gee, really? I feel like such a burden," he sniffles.

"No you ain't. Not to us." 

The mysterious man leans in his chair, watching still. His eyes couldn't help but to stare at Mystic. 

"Lou…" Mystic sadly says. "Why don't I pay for the drinks? I don't have enough but I got a really cool trick that will pay the nice bartender a tip." 

"Really? Ya don't have to do that-" 

Mystic made Lou pause as she brought out her small inkwell. Opening the jar, Mystic morphed the ink blob into a few coins behind the bartender's back. Some people saw, some didn't. Some of them started to whisper to each other, amazed by this sorcery. 

"There you both go! Comb Cocktails." 

"Here is a tip, Benny, Sir," Mystic slides over the ink made coins. 

The mysterious man blinked, noticing this trick as well. It was an incredible gift he had never seen before. 

The bartender takes it. "Thanks, dear. Enjoy the drinks, you two." 

Louie and Mystic take the Comb Cocktails, heading out the doors.

"That was a marvelous trick, coming from you, toots~" The man said, chuckling at her hidden performance.

Mystic stopped, looking over at the man talking to her. "Really? You saw?"

"How could I not have? I never have seen such magical talent like that before. You're Mystic, yes? A pleasure meeting you," he says, taking Mystic's hand and kissing it. He was being sly and charming to her. "The name is Mr. S to make it short for ya." 

"Wow! No one ever complimented about my talent like that before?" 

"Oh, you need a lot of praise for that type of magic. May I ask, where are you heading off to?" 

"Louie and I are just about to head back home. Mom and Dad will worry if I don't get back soon." 

"I'm sure they'll be fine with you walking alone at night. But do be warned, the city is filled with twists and turns. That Louie fellow, is not all what he appears to be. I suggest you keep your eye on him. Now then, I must go. Here, have a card." Mr. S handed Mystic a card, showing her an ad of a casino.
"Just in case you want to drop down by… Take care now~" He waves off.

Mystic squinted down at the card before leaving. She took a sip of her Comb Cocktail, thinking to herself, "Is Lou really a bad guy? What did I get into?


"What took ya long? I've been waiting by the bus stop," Louie says, drinking all of his alcohol.

"I was talking to some guy by Mr. S. He wanted to tell me something and he gave me this card that leads to a big building. It looks really fun by the sight of it." 

"Really? Let me see that," he tries to take the card but Mystic moves it away from him. "Uh, Mystic? What gives?" 

"Louie? I have a feeling you're not telling me something. Mr. S told me to keep an eye on you. It sounds like I shouldn't trust you." 

"Misty?! How could you say that?! Would you believe a stranger or your new best friend?" 

"Well, hearing from others about you… You sound like a bad person to hangout with. Louie? You promised we would also go home. Will I ever get home?" 

"Of course, you'll get home! Don't worry, nothing will happen!" Of course, something happened. A storm rumbled in the sky as rain began to pour. Mystic sighed, getting soaked by the rain. Louie took her hand, "Quick! We need to find some sort of shelter!" He dragged her away from the bus stop. 

Meanwhile, at the hotel, Mystic's parents were in their bedroom. Mystia had a shattered, panicking expression on her face. She was rubbing her arms, worried about her daughter. 

"Pocu? Mystic has been out for a long time! I'm so worried about her… What if she got lost?" She exclaimed. 

"I'm sure she is doing fine, dear. Mystia, darling, you need to calm down. I'm sure she will find her way. I gave her a map. Besides, I bet she found a job that maybe gave her a night shift." 

Mystia formed tears in her eyes, crying in her hands now. Pocu got in bed, comforting her. "Shhh, shhhhh, Mystia. Don't you fret. Our daughter is smart enough to know what to do. She can get out of whatever mess she is in. Come on now, let's get some shut eye. She will probably show up in the morning." 
Pocu kissed his wife's lips before going to lay down with her. Shutting off the lights, the two cuddle next to each other.

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