Prince of the Underworld

By stayleyhasmyheart

113K 1.8K 329

I am Haden Deimos, Son of Hades. I'm the Prince of the Underworld. I'm a VK. The kid of a villain...obviously... More

Character Profile
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 20

2.4K 41 2
By stayleyhasmyheart


I stood next to Celia inside Hades' lair. Celia gestured at the lack of Cerberus in the room. I spotted Hades lounging in a chair with sunglasses on. Celia pointed next to Hades who was asleep. His ember was on a table next to him. We quietly walked down the steps as barking echoed throughout the room. Celia nudged me before pointing at a recorder player playing Cerberus barking. I started to sneak towards Hades before Celia stopped me. She pointed to the side so I could sneak behind the couch Hades was sleeping in. The sound of the record stopping pierced the room. "What are you doing here?" Hades asked. I froze behind him with wide eyes. "I noticed you were low on canned corn." Celia said pulling out a can of corn and tossing it to him. Hades caught corn as I stealthily reached out to grab the ember. But before I could grab it, Hades' snatched my wrist. I gasped looking over at him. He took the ember from my hand as he turned around and looked at me, leaning his chin on his black gloved hands. "Hi, Dad." I said. Hades pulled his sunglasses off before waving his fingers at me. "Quite a show you and your brother put on the other day." Hades stated. "Right back at you." I told him. "Hmm. I was just coming to see you." He said getting to his feet with a smile. "Really? I wonder why." I asked. "Is it because I"m gonna be Queen?" I asked. Hades sighed. "Ah!" Hades said with a laugh. "No! Now, Mal, don't be bitter." Hades told me as he looked into a mirror. "You abandoned me when I was a baby." I told him crossing my arms. "No. No, I left your mother." Hades argued looking back at me. "She's not the easiest person to get along with." Hades added. "You think?" I asked. "Huh. You see? We have something in common already. We both hate your mother." Hades said. "No. I don't hate my mother. She may be an evil lunatic, but at least she stuck around." I shot back. "Oh! Boo-hoo. Wake up and smell the stink. You think you've had it rough? I used to be a GOD!!" Hades exclaimed. "I had an entire world which bore my name. And now I have NOTHING! And you have no idea what that feels like." Hades shouted throwing a can to the floor before pointing at me. "Really? Because for 16 years, I had nothing. And now, I have a whole world. But unless I get that ember, it's game over." I said. "And what does Haden think of this? Hmm? Does he know about you being his little sister?" Hades asked me. "He doesn't know. And he's never going to." I said. "Are you sure about that?" He asked raising a brow. "Why do you hate him so much?" I asked. "You think I hate him?" Hades asked. "It's kind of obvious seeing how you tried to kill him for so many years whenever he "fails" you." I said. "I DON'T HATE HIM!!" Hades exclaimed before taking a deep breath. "I'm just angry, okay? I'm angry at the world. Angry at my brothers' nephews for throwing me in here so many years ago. If you haven't noticed, Mal. I'm quite prone to fits of rage." Hades explained. "Since I couldn't express my rage and pain at Hercules and that wretched sea filth, Percy Jackson! I expressed it towards Haden." Hades explained. "Yeah...and now he hates you for it." I pointed out. "Yeah...thank you, Captain Obvious. I kinda got that idea when he blasted me back onto the Isle." Hades said obviously annoyed. "And on top of that...he fears you...actually...he's terrified of you. Just hearing your name sends him into either a anxiety attack or into an explosive outburst of anger. You did that." I said jabbing a finger into his chest. Hades grabbed my hand before pushing it away. "Please, hold." He said turning away.

Listen, little girl, you're talking to a god
And I don't wanna hear the drama
Kindness ain't my brand

Oh, I guess, that's why you ran

Try being married to your momma!

You stink at being a dad

Poor Mali, are you sad?

Not as sad as you without your powers
I didn't come to fight 
For once
do something right

I steal souls, were you expecting flowers?

I only need you 'cause I came here for something

Hades & (Mal):
I've given you everything,
By giving you (me) nothing

Hades (Celia):
I did what I had to do

No, you only did what's best for you

Hades (Celia):
Well, you could learn a thing or two
When push comes to shove
You do what you gotta do

You were never there
Guess you don't have a phone
You never called to say "I miss you"

Hahaha, are you kidding?
Is this a joke?
You need to let it go
You're stronger with those daddy issues

Oh! Thank you!

Show me some respect
It ain't easy to neglect
My attention would've made you softer

Should I be proud?
Don't turn this thing around

I guess you are your father's daughter

Don't think I need you
I just came here for something

Hades & (Mal):
I've given you everything,
by giving you (me) nothing

I did what I had to do
I made it on my own
No thanks to you

Hades (Celia):
Well, you could learn a thing or two
When push comes to shove
You do what you gotta do
How 'bout I go with you and we'll spend some time?

How 'bout you stay here
'Cause you're out of your mind!

Let's make new memories
You can show me the town

No, you can keep your memories now

Get over it

I am over it!

I'm over you being over it!

Let's dance!

Both (Celia):
I did what I had to do
No, you only did what's best for you
Well, you could learn a thing or two
When push comes to shove, you do
When push comes to shove, you do
When push comes to shove
you do what you gotta do

I looked at Hades. "Do you wanna make up for being a lousy dad? Give me the ember." I said putting my hand out. "The ember only works for me." Hades said. "No. It'll work me and Haden. We're blood." I answered. Hades chuckled. "You're only half Hades. The ember won't do everything for you that if does for me." Hades explained. "I'll take my chances." I said. "I suggest you let Haden use the ember. Given how his blood isn't tainted like your's with fairy blood. His blood is completely divine...Well, now anyways, since Zeus went and turned him into a god to replace me." Hades explained. "I'm actually surprised he didn't kill me at the barrier when he had the chance to." Hades added. I squinted my eyes as I furrowed my brows. "Okay, first of all, Zeus replaced you because you deserved it. You're a horrible person and you know it." I started. "And two, Haden hates you. There's no denying it...but that doesn't mean he that he wants you dead. If he wanted you dead, you'd already be dead. But he doesn't. You want to know why? Because he'd rather have a hateful and cruel dad than no dad at all." I ranted. Hades stared at me before he dropped the ember into my hand. I went to leave. "And Mal...When you see Haden...tell him I'm sorry." Hades stated. "Tell him yourself." I shouted back before leaving. "If it gets wet, it's game over." Hades called out one last time. I headed down the tunnel with Celia to the exit. "I guess that's the reason why he's always asking about you two." Celia said breaking the silence. I stopped walking before looking at her. "Evie is the only one who knows that he's my dad." I told her. "And as far as I'm concerned, he doesn't even exist." I finished before leaving Hades' lair.

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