Betrayal Of My Best Friend.

By Whitewolfspirit29

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When Sailor Mars gets tired of being a loyal and trustworthy friend and gets sick of everyone's love for Sere... More

1. Broken Spirit and Hearted Goodbye.
2. The New Sailor Moon.
3. Sailor Moon's Weapon.
5. Why Don't You Join Us.
6. The Group Learns More About Serena's Life.
7. The Fox and the Female Fox as Well.
8. Kagome and Inuyasha's Talk.
9. Rei's Dream Has Come True.
10. A Hot Spring of emotions and Naraku's Defeat.
11. Moving Forward Just Seems Too Hard.
12. Girl Talk.
13. Passionate Lovers.
14. The Truth Has Been Set Free.
15. Good Timing and Bad Timing.
16. Why, why, why?
17. I'm Not Returning To The Present.
18. The Group Together for The First Time in A Long Time.
19. Like It or Not
20. Rei's Actions and Her Protection Over Serena?
21. Darien's Threat. And Rei takes a Stand against him.
22. Serena's Acceptance and Forgiveness.

4. Inuyasha's Inner Heart's Confusion. And Rei's Evil Planning.

229 3 0
By Whitewolfspirit29

So, it had only been a few more weeks since they all left and last saw Sailor Moon face to face, and of course the other's picked up on Inuyasha's odd behaviors towards her, and then of course Miroku put it he obviously likes the girl with the blonde hair. Kagome hoped it would be enough for him to turn away from her a bit, since she met a new guy back in her own time, she hated keeping secrets, but she wanted him badly, in more ways than one, and she knew if she tried it, Inuyasha might get super jealous, but she wanted to go all the way with this new guy.

Kagome had been cooking dinner tonight by herself when Miroku and Sango took a chance to be alone with each other for a moment to take some time for themselves for so they could be alone, and their love for each other was truly growing all the time.

As Kagome looked over at them both, she smiled and prayed she could have that one day. As Inuyasha looked at her and then too the other's cuddling.

"Why are you starring at them, it's not like it's something new, there always cuddling with each other, Just get cooking would you, Say's Inuyasha" gruff tone of voice.

"You know what that girl is right, you are the rudest guy ever, can't you show some respect for once in you're life, Now go bug someone else, Say's Kagome" annoyed. "Well maybe if you haven't been acting so weird these last few weeks, I might be willing to do so, so what the hell are you up too? Asked Inuyasha" serious tone voice.

"Mind your own business Inuyasha, Say's Kagome" growling under her own breath. "Why are you always avoiding me lately, what are you still mad about that girl, she means nothing too me, I still like you, you're still my shard finder, spoken up Inuyasha" trying to be nice or give a complement, but it only pissed her off.

"Sit boy......!!!! Shard finder is that all I am too you, Boy you really need to get some manners, Say's Kagome" angry. As he was in the ground in a hole. Shippo smirked and called him an idoit, He wouldn't ever grow up.

Inuyasha stood up and hadn't a clue what everyone's issues were these days, but he had to admit it, as he looked over at Sango and Miroku down by the lake side, Alone and ignoring them all, just taking in the sweet smell of the night air as he could smell the wildflowers still, And the scent of the fresh clean water, and grass, it was a beautiful night, Under the full moon.

As he noticed Sango and Miroku seem to be chatting and having a drink as well, it was rather special for them to have a sort of date night. Inuyasha thought about a time he and Kikyo did this as well, He had thought back to the night of their last time together before she left this world forever.

As she was sitting with him in the trees, and they both took a chance to wish and dream together for only a night and thought what if and what it would have been like if Naraku hadn't ever existed and there wish to be together came true, would they have been happy.

Yes, she believed they would have been, and grew old together and watching their own kids grow up, Inuyasha smiled and told her she had the right too dream this and apart of his own heart wished it could have happened and truly came true, but sadly it wasn't ever going to happen, because that life was stolen from them, but he swore he would make sure Naraku paid for destroying their happiness.

She understood and told him this battle was going to be a hard one, but she knew one thing and told him, He could still have that life, He still could have a strong and happy marriage one day, and be who he truly is, she was wrong to try and change him, and admitting this, she admitted that she too loved him for who he is too, and so could someone else, and she believed he can have that life for his own future too.

He told her he didn't want to think about that right now, and for now on he wished to spend the time with her as much as he could, before he lost her forever. She nodded and smiled and hugged him and held him for the whole night until the following morning he had to go back to the others, and she had left, but not before a few weeks later they all met up with Naraku in battle, And Kikyo's life was gone, Once Kagome was told to shoot Kikyo, and she did as told and then not long afterwards she was in the field saying goodbye to him.

She soon was gone forever, out of his reach, but he swore he'd never forget about her, but he did promise he would live his life, He wouldn't ever give up, as long as he had someone to protect, His power would grow every time, and he refused to give up no matter what it takes.

Kagome had become strangely different since then, He wondered had she had enough of him. Was she bored of him? He was scared of her leaving him too, But sadly apart of his heart wasn't in it, He still cared for her, And wanted her safety above all others in his life, But at the same time, She was always a reminder of the Kikyo he lost, And he truly hated the way that sounded in his head, But she was still her reincarnation, And as much as they acted nothing alike, It still was there that he loved her too, And Kagome found away too make him laugh, She made him smile, And even cry for her too, He hadn't ever been put too tears before, But she did, And that shows how much they've been through together, But he wasn't sure if he truly loved her enough, And what of her own world? It had brought him too thinking will she leave once this is all done and over with?

"Can I be with someone other than her? or is Kagome the only woman who will ever cry for me, or show me love or compassion, Is she the one for me? Or can there be another who doesn't make me think about my Ex-lover? Asked Inuyasha" worried.

"Inuyasha dinner time...!!!! Shouted out Kagome" calling him down. As everyone went to eat supper that night. Inuyasha had to admit it, He loved her, but would she be able to marry him if it came down to it, but then again, He wasn't sure if he wanted to marry her ever either? He was starting to think she was more like a sister then a girlfriend, and that girl, as much as she bugged him and got under his skin, that blonde haired girl has made him feel strange for the last few weeks since he met her.

Soon Everyone was asleep around the fire.

Meanwhile back in the future, In the present day. Darien hadn't truly gotten over Serena, He sat at his computer screen just watching pictures of Serena rotating and then they were together of course too.

As he kept watching and feeling depressed about losing her all over again.

As he smiled and then he cried even more, As Rei came to visit today. She was worried it was time he got his head on straight. He looked at her confused.

"How do you mean? Asked Darien" slowly moving his hand away from his face. As all the girls were there to support him too. "What do you mean? Asked Mina" saddened still.

"I am not trying to be unkind; I know you loved her, I know how much she loved you, and no one could ever compete with that and ever come between you two truly, but in the end, I hate to say this but I have too, but in the end of the results, we have to honor her by having a marriage still, you promised to protect the planet with her, Sure...!!! But like it or not you are the Earth King or will be once you take a wife, And I am 2nd in line for the throne, if anything happened too Sailor Moon, I am trying to be smart here, but it's time we try and move forward, Say's Rei" seriously.

"Are you suggesting that Darien marry you? Asked Leeta" annoyed.

"I am not trying to be selfish here, I am stating the facts of the truth of the matter that the castle must be brought forth, it's time before the blood moon is over with, it's in the future that crystal Tokyo would be borne by Serenity's hands, but in Darien's hands too, and we can still make that ceremony happen so the world can still be at peace, And I am just offering my hand is all, Say's Rei" honestly. "I hate to say it, but she's right, Spoke up Amy" honestly. "She's not wrong, Replied Mina" agreeing.

"No, she isn't......!!! But even if I could, I am not sure I can go through with a wedding, Say's Darien" scared. "I don't want to do this either, it's not like I like being selfish Serena was like my sister, And I love her too, And I know that this is hard for Darien, but what other choice is there, Replied Rei" crossing her arms.

"But it's in the law of the Scouts if Sailor Moon should fail or if anything happens to her, Sailor Mars becomes the next leader, spoken up Luna" admitting it.

"She's right, so we will honor Sailor Moon with the hope of trying to create peace for all, And I guess that means, we will have to marry in order to share our powers together, and make the future possible at all, as a new crystal Tokyo, Say's Darien" honestly admitting it.

"You sure about this, Darien it might be too soon for this Spoke up Mina" worried.

"I know that, but it's also upon us the Blood Moon is approaching and that was the fate and the time Sailor Moon, and I joined our hands in marriage that day and the castle, And the safety of the world, so it's best we stay focus on the mission and bring peace to our city, so therefore, Rei will you do me the honors of marrying me? Asked Darien" proposing to her.

As Rei looked shocked and played them all like suckers, she made him think she had to think about it and acted all scared as well. But Darien told her to take her time with her choices. But Rei then said it was for the good of the world, it would be selfish of her not to take part and help her people, so she would do this and have an arrange marriage, and she would do it for Sailor Moon too honor her and respect her.

As did the girls they all hated this but were willing to follow her as leader now. So, it had been done and told too the everyone that they were getting married.

Darien hated it, He cared for Rei, but love wasn't a feeling he was comfortable with, but he had to go on for Serena, He once asks her to fight and never let go no matter how hard things got, but now he had to take his own advice and deal with this and make an arrange marriage instead.

Once Rei was alone and completely alone, she let out an evil laugh, it was going her way, everything was going her way, and she couldn't believe how easy this was all turning out, everything she wanted was falling into play, and it was all thanks to the death of Sailor Moon. She thought why she hadn't done this sooner. As she laughed. As then soaked in a hot bath later that night.

Meanwhile Serena was in tree for the night, she was thinking about Darien once again. She looked down at the sword that she had gotten, she had learned it's powers already, she was ready for a battle alright with any demon, but she hated to say it, she was lonely, and wished for someone to cuddle with, she wished for someone to hold her with warm hands and smile at her, she missed her Darien, she missed him so much.

As she fell asleep in the tree alone.

So, what will happen now? Will the girls catch on too what Rei had done before it's too late? Who knows? Will Inuyasha figure out his own heart's desires too? Can Kagome tell him how she feels about him? Keep Reading and Find out.

To Be Continued.

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