The Girl Who Was Forgotten

By TashaZ17

81.4K 2.5K 168

Magnolia Potter is the lesser known twin sister of the famous Harry Potter. Everyone knows about Harry but so... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39.
Chapter 40.
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43.
Chapter 44.
Chapter 45.
Chapter 46.
Chapter 47.
Chapter 48
Chapter 49.
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64

Chapter 32.

940 31 3
By TashaZ17

Chapter 32.

Magnolia and Malfoy stood in the Room of Requirement, both of their chests heaving after the kiss they had just shared. Magnolia could still feel the tingling in her lips, the heat from where his hands had been on her.

Malfoy took a step towards Magnolia, who stepped back, keeping the distance between them. The grin on Malfoy's face changed to confusion as he saw Magnolia's panic.

"We- We can't."

"Excuse me?"

"We shouldn't- Pansy already cursed me down the stairs. If she finds out we kissed, she'd never forgive me!"

"You're unbelievable." Malfoy blanched, "You shouldn't be worrying about her forgiving you. She should be begging for your forgiveness. Can we, just for a minute, not think about Pansy, or Harry, or George, or anyone else for that matter. For just one minute, can you please put yourself first?"

Magnolia paused, not knowing what to say or do. This was the second time she'd found herself in this situation this year, the difference this time was that her first instinct wasn't to run away from Malfoy.

"I don't... I don't put everyone else first."

Malfoy sighed and pinched the top of his nose, "Yes. You do. It's infuriatingly endearing. Not that you have much choice with your brother."

"I don't know what you want me to say."

"I want you to say what you want." Malfoy stepped towards Magnolia, "I want you to trust me enough to know I wouldn't let Pansy hurt you because of this."

Magnolia felt frozen; they had been able to tell each other things they couldn't tell anyone else since their First Year, but she had never seen Malfoy like this. He was begging her to trust him, begging her to take a chance. To take a chance on him, on them, and on herself.


"You don't have to decide right now." Malfoy murmured as he placed a kiss on her forehead, his hand resting on the back of her neck and playing with her hair.

He stepped back and walked towards the Room of Requirement door, grasping the door handle before he turned back to face Magnolia. She was still stood where he had kissed her; her emotions causing chaos in her mind.

"Just, do me a favour." Malfoy continued, "Don't make me wait another four years."

Before Magnolia could reply, Malfoy had pulled the door open and left her alone in the Room of Requirement. For minutes she didn't move. Eventually though, she brought her fingers up to her lips, a small smile dancing across them.

If she pushed everything aside; her twins intense and bitter rivalry with Malfoy, Pansy's feelings for him, George's feelings for her, her two opposing friendship groups' thoughts on her friendships and relationships, her own opposing thoughts and feelings about Malfoy- she had wanted that. She wanted it again.

But all the other factors were there. Harry would disown her if she started a relationship with Malfoy. He wasn't happy whenever she mentioned him or talked to him in front of Harry already. Sometimes, she didn't like Malfoy either. Sometimes, they fought and bickered viciously. Surely that wasn't a foundation to start a romance on.

He was though, the only person she could completely open up to. Magnolia laughed; how many times had she thought that recently?

She sat back down on the sofa she had been on before Malfoy had come in, thinking back on the other times she had had these thoughts. It felt to her like she had been battling the same thoughts constantly. Magnolia leant her head back on the sofa and sighed; so much for this year not being about boys.

Magnolia felt like George and Malfoy had snuck up on her. But thinking back, had they? Or had she just been ignoring things, naïve to what had been happening around her. Thinking back on all the things she hadn't put too much thought into over the years, all the ways the boys had shown her that they cared.

Magnolia stretched as the memories floated through her mind. She picked up her bag from the floor, putting everything back in it as she smiled and stood up. Malfoy had given her time. He had given her the time he knew she needed. As she was walking back to her dorm, Magnolia couldn't help the smile on her face.

The next morning, Magnolia woke up to Pansy squealing about a diamond bracelet her parents had brought her to wear for the Yule Ball. Tracey looked towards Magnolia from her bed, smiling as she groaned at the loud awakening.

"Merry Christmas, Maggie."

"Merry Christmas." Magnolia mumbled back, still half asleep. "Oh, presents."

Magnolia was still surprised every Christmas morning she awoke to a pile of presents by her bed. She had been so used to Christmas being a dreaded day, that it still shocked her how jolly everyone was at Hogwarts during the season.

Tracey laughed, "Look on your bedside table first."

Magnolia glanced at the table; a large mug filled with steaming tea sat there. She loved how the magic worked here, that cup could've been sat there for hours and it would still be warm enough to drink. She looked back at Tracey with a questioning look on her face.

"Don't ask me." Tracey shrugged, "A house-elf turned up not that long ago with it-"

"It just popped right in here! No warning, no permission from us. The filthy little thing just told us that it had been told to bring you tea." Pansy interrupted in disgust.

"Who would have done that?" Magnolia asked.

Pansy quickly went back to the way she had been behaving the last few days and ignored Magnolia's question. She sighed, picked up the mug and shuffled to the end of her bed. Kaida trotted over to her from Daphne's bed, where she had been playing with the wrapping paper and bows from Daphne's presents.

Magnolia softly stroked Kaida as she stretched out next to her, whilst she sipped on her tea. She carefully balanced the mug on her leg and pulled the closest present towards her. Magnolia smiled at the new charms from her friends, placing them on her bracelet that was filling up every year.

After opening the rest of her presents, Magnolia pulled the last box towards her with a small frown. She had already opened presents from all her friends and Harry. This present stood out from the rest of the colourful, patterned presents she had unwrapped. It was covered in a simple glittery white paper.

Magnolia ripped the paper off, revealing a sleek black shoe box. She grinned and pulled the lid off, chuckling as Kaida immediately jumped into it and curled up in the lid. Looking back into the shoe box, Magnolia gasped.

Tracey glanced over as Magnolia pulled one of the shoes out of the box and gasped too. In Magnolia's hand was the most beautiful heels she had ever seen. The shoe was black, with a silver high heel that had a gem encrusted green serpent wrapped around it into the back of the shoe.

Magnolia couldn't speak, she could barely breath. She placed the shoe back in the box, looking for a note that may say who the stunning shoes were from. She frowned when she couldn't find one. Who would have brought her such an expensive looking pair of shoes and not put a note with them?

She pushed the thought aside as she admired the shoes, noticing that Pansy had stopped mid- sentence and was also staring at her gift. Magnolia gazed at them in awe as well whilst she drank the rest of the tea.

Placing the empty mug on the side, she pulled the heels out of the box and slid them on. Her smile grew; they fit her perfectly. Magnolia moved her foot around, admiring the shoes. Her eyes flitted to the dress that was hung at the end of her bed, the shoes were the perfect addition to her outfit.

"Will you be getting ready with us, Mags?" Tracey asked, sending an uncertain look towards Pansy.

Magnolia followed her glance, watching as Pansy screwed her face into a scowl at Tracey's words. Magnolia looked back to Tracey with a sigh as she slipped off the shoes and put them back in the box.

"I'm getting ready with the Gryffindors." Magnolia replied, "Speaking of which, I should head to breakfast. Harry is going to meet me."

She jumped up and picked up her school bag that she had magically extended the night before, then placed the shoe box, and her dress inside. She quickly showered and washed her hair, getting dressed and heading to meet her brother for their Christmas breakfast.

Magnolia laughed as she approached her brother; they were both wearing the Christmas jumpers they had received from Mrs Weasley this year. Harry had already piled a plate full of breakfast for Magnolia and gestured to a cup of tea that was sat next to the plate.

"Didn't want to feel your pre-tea wrath on Christmas morning." Harry chuckled.

"You're safe, I've already had a cup this morning."

Magnolia dropped down into the space next to her twin, pulling the breakfast close to her and tucking in greedily. The twins were discussing their presents, Magnolia had almost choked on her bacon when Harry told her the Dursley's present had been a single tissue, when Hermione and Ron joined them.

They were both wearing a Mrs Weasley jumper as well, and when the other Weasley's joined them, they all had their own jumpers on too. Magnolia frowned when she noticed George and Fred had swapped jumpers, until Ron started calling Fred, George.

A couple of hours later, the group had moved outside into the snow. Fred and George, who were still wearing the other's sweater, had began a snowball fight when they enchanted snowballs to fly at any member of another house that came within 20 feet of the group.

Harry and Magnolia had been thrust into the game when a rogue snowball from Ron had hit Magnolia on the back of her head. Magnolia had then forced Hermione to play when her friend had started laughing at them.

Eventually it led to girl's vs boys, all the Houses playing together. Magnolia stood aside, watching with a smile as Tracey threw a snowball at Lee Jordan. This was why Magnolia loved Christmas; prejudices were pushed aside, and everyone had fun together.

Magnolia had been pulled away, her hair sopping wet, after the Durmstrang's had joined in. She walked with Ginny and Hermione back to Gryffindor tower, the three girls chatting excitedly about the Yule Ball.

Although the boys had laughed at how early the girls had decided to go back, Magnolia knew they had made the right decision when she and Ginny were stood behind a seated Hermione. The two girls were picking up pieces of Hermione's hair and trying to put them into a updo.

It took the girls twice the time it took Ginny and Magnolia to get ready, for them to get Hermione's hair sleek and in the updo Hermione had described to them. It was worth it though, Magnolia thought; Hermione looked beautiful.

Magnolia was stood in front of the mirror, her curly hair was in a half updo, and shimmered slightly. She couldn't help but stare at her dress though, it accentuated her curves perfectly, like it had been made for her alone.

The dark green dress was floor length, with off shoulder straps, and black glitter that began softly at the top until the bottom became completely black. Magnolia twirled, her skirt fanning out around her, and smiled.

Magnolia pulled the shoe box out of her bag, pulling the shoes out and admiring them once again before she slipped them on.

"They're beautiful." Ginny remarked, "When did you get them?"

Magnolia shrugged, "Mystery Christmas present."

"Maybe they're from Sirius?" Hermione mumbled, making sure Ginny couldn't hear.

"I don't think Sirius would buy me shoes with a snake on. They're very Slytherin." Magnolia quietly replied.

Moment later, the girls were walking through the Castle halls; the boys were going to meet them by the Great Hall. Magnolia couldn't help but watch the other students heading the same way, everyone looked amazing.

As the girls began to descend the final set of stairs, Magnolia saw her friends from Slytherin appearing from the Dungeons corridor. She smiled wistfully, making a mental note to spend some time with them tonight.

A blonde head caught her eye; Malfoy looked dashing in his dress robes. He glanced up towards Magnolia, almost like he had felt her watching him, and his eyes widened. Magnolia grinned at him, her smile growing when he sent her a breath-taking smile back.

Her attention was pulled away from Malfoy when Ginny nudged her side. She looked at her friend, who was looking at her suspiciously, before she followed Ginny down the rest of the stairs. She hadn't even realised she had stopped walking when she had seen Malfoy.

When Magnolia made it to the bottom of the stairs, George was stood waiting for her with her arm out for her to slip her own through. George smiled down at her as they began to walk into the Great Hall.

"You look really pretty."

Magnolia blushed, "Thank you, you don't look too bad yourself."

She wasn't lying, George did look good in his dress robes and the green tie she had given him to match her dress complimented both their outfits well. He gestured her towards a table, pulling her chair out so she could sit down.

The Great Hall was covered in frost, with mistletoe and ivy hung across the starry ceiling. Magnolia and George had joined Fred and Angelina, Lee Jordan and his date Alicia Spinnet, Ron and Padma Patil and Ginny and Neville.

Minutes after they had sat down, the Great Hall doors opened again, this time allowing the Champions and their dates to walk between the tables until they reached a large round table. Magnolia beamed proudly at her brother; she could tell that he was concentrating on not tripping, but Parvati was lapping up the attention.

Glancing around the rest of the room, Magnolia noticed the rest of the students were staring at two of the girls. Everyone knew that Fleur was beautiful, but now everyone could also see that Hermione was too.

When the Champions and their dates were seated, Professor Dumbledore took the lead in ordering his dinner. There were no menu's, no waiters, but Professor Dumbledore simply gazed at his empty plates and said 'pork chops'. The rest of the Hall caught on quickly after that, each student deciding on their own meal.

Magnolia and George chatted together and with the others at the table through their dinner. She couldn't help but laugh at George's jokes and his stories about his and Fred's pranks. Magnolia knew what they got up to, and sometimes she wished that her life at Hogwarts had been more like theirs.

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