Trial of the Times

By CourtesyTrefflin

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After Obi-Wan's supposed death, Anakin is devastated. He receives a surprise offer which will hopefully allow... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1 - Alone
Chapter 2 - An Offer
Chapter 3 - Making Arrangements
Chapter 4 - Last Words
Chapter 5 - Sith Apprentice
Chapter 6 - The Face of Vader
Chapter 7 - Hardeen
Chapter 8 - Suspicions
Chapter 9 - The Festival of Light
Chapter 10 - Betrayal
Chapter 11 - Power of the Dark Side
Chapter 12 - Moving On
Chapter 13 - Repercussions
Chapter 14 - A New Strategy
Chapter 15 - Kidnapped
Chapter 16 - Confrontation
Chapter 17 - Truths
Chapter 18 - A Missing Master
Chapter 19 - Answers
Chapter 20 - Revelations
Chapter 21 - A Sith's Plans
Chapter 22 - Rising Tensions
Chapter 23 - The Plot Thickens
Chapter 24 - Laying the Trap
Chapter 25 - Infiltration
Chapter 26 - Launching the Attack
Chapter 27 - The Beginning of the End
Chapter 28 - The Council
Chapter 29 - Snips
Chapter 30 - Passing Judgement
Chapter 31 - Aftermath
Chapter 32 - Clones
Chapter 33 - The New Sith Order
Chapter 34 - A Conversation Long Overdue
Chapter 35 - Uncomfortable Realities
Chapter 36 - Requesting Immunity
Chapter 37 - Ahsoka's Vision
Chapter 38 - Rumors
Chapter 39 - Assassin Droids
Chapter 40 - Mandalore
Chapter 41 - Coming Clean
Chapter 42 - Assault
Chapter 43 - Captured
Chapter 44 - The End in Sight
Chapter 45 - Korriban
Chapter 46 - The Lion's Den
Chapter 47 - Duel of the Fates
Chapter 48 - All Things Must End
Chapter 50 - Back to the Start
Bonus Chapter - Dooku
Bonus Chapter - Sidious
Bonus Chapter - Ahsoka
Bonus Chapter - Obi-Wan
Bonus Chapter - Fox
Bonus Chapter - Padme
Bonus Chapter - Maul
Prologue - Rewritten
Chapter 1 - Dooku - Rewritten
Chapter 2 - The Offer - Rewritten
Chapter 3 - Goodbye - Rewritten
Chapter 4 - The Face of Vader - Rewritten
Chapter 5 - Embracing Reality - Rewritten
Chapter 6 - The Chase - Rewritten
Chapter 7 - Hardeen - Rewritten
Chapter 8 - Betrayal - Rewritten
Chapter 9 - The Festival of Light - Rewritten
Chapter 10 - Aftermath - Rewritten
Chapter 11 - The Subtlety of Change - Rewritten
Chapter 12 - Repercussions - Rewritten
Chapter 13 - Interim - Rewritten
Chapter 14 - Kidnapping - Rewritten
Chapter 15 - Confrontation - Rewritten
Chapter 16 - Truths - Rewritten
Chapter 17 - Resolving Issues - Rewritten
Chapter 18 - Long Overdue - Rewritten
Chapter 19 - Rising Tensions - Rewritten
Chapter 20 - Moving Forwards - Rewritten
Chapter 21 - A Step Ahead - Rewritten
Chapter 22 - Laying the Trap - Rewritten
Chapter 23 - Gamemaster - Rewritten
Chapter 24 - Attack - Rewritten
Chapter 25 - Consequences - Rewritten
Chapter 26 - Verdict - Rewritten
Chapter 27 - Decisions - Rewritten
Chapter 28 - Scheming - Rewritten
Chapter 29 - Freedom - Rewritten
Chapter 30 - Planning - Rewritten
Chapter 31 - A Time to Talk - Rewritten
Chapter 32 - A New Reality - Rewritten
Chapter 33 - Training - Rewritten
Chapter 34 - Reflections - Rewritten
Chapter 35 - Upheaval - Rewritten
Chapter 36 - Infiltrators - Rewritten
Chapter 37 - Political Maneuvers - Rewritten
Chapter 38 - Victory and Chaos - Rewritten
Chapter 39 - The End in Sight - Rewritten
Chapter 40 - The Lion's Den - Rewritten
Chapter 41 - Duel of the Fates - Rewritten
Chapter 42 - Coming Undone - Rewritten
Chapter 43 - Homeward Bound - Rewritten
Chapter 44 - Home - Rewritten

Chapter 49 - Homeward Bound

163 9 0
By CourtesyTrefflin

It's several minutes before Obi-Wan pulls out of Anakin's mind, though he leaves their bond open. "We should get out of here," states Ahsoka flatly. "I don't want to spend one extra moment on this creepy planet."

Anakin huffs out a laugh. "I, for one, agree with you." He carefully pulls himself to his feet, and Ahsoka immediately wraps her arms around him. Anakin can sense the tension fade from her body as she hugs him. She was terrified her vision might occur, but she did a splendid job hiding it. "Let's go," he says finally, releasing her.

"Yes," agrees Obi-Wan. "And we need to talk more, you and I." He gives Anakin's arm a quick squeeze of comfort before turning towards the doorway. "Once we're in space, we can contact your wife."

Anakin gives him a sideways look before following him out of the room, Dooku and Ahsoka right behind him. Along the way, Obi-Wan contacts Rex and Cody, telling them to have the clones and droids leave the facility and wait for them outside. The three clones who had stayed behind in fighters will be coming to pick them up in the shuttles.

A mild pain pulses through his mind, making his brain feel somewhat muddled. The fight had not been easy, and it certainly took its toll on his mind. He guesses it will take a couple days for him to feel normal again. The war is finally over; there's no one left to fight. Now, they can complete the process of restoring peace, but that's not something which he'll really have a hand in. The real question is: what now? He's been used to going on missions as a Padawan, and more recently, fighting in the Clone Wars and planning to destroy Sidious. He doesn't even know how he could survive without something to do.

He's never lived a quiet life – life outside the Order always seemed too surreal to contemplate, but at least he won't be alone. He'll have Padme, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, and Dooku. The clones will be there too. Maybe he doesn't have to give up his life of tension and adventure. He remembers, a long time ago, how he'd promised to return to Tatooine and free the slaves. They could still do it. Rex and the 501st would be more than willing to help him, and it's a worthy goal, one which Obi-Wan and Dooku would wholeheartedly support, if not aid in.

He makes a mental note to mention it to them later. Once they sort out the immediate complications from Sidious' death, he should be free enough to venture on another mission. For now, they all deserve some much-needed rest. Force knows they deserve it. The past week hasn't been easy for any of them, and right now, his brain feels like it might explode. Attempted possessions are definitely not fun.

When they are securely in the shuttles, Anakin dials Padme with Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, and Dooku gathered around him. "Ani," she greets him, an expression of what seems to be relief on her face. "I was getting worried."

"It takes more than a Sith Lord to kill me, Angel," he replies teasingly.

"We have destroyed Sidious," Obi-Wan interjects, delivering the news. "You should inform the Senate of the news, so the Republic can move towards settling the war. With Sidious gone, I expect the remaining Separatist systems will be willing to negotiate a treaty."

"And we are coming to Coruscant!" Ahsoka adds.

"That is wonderful news, Master Kenobi. I will be happy to see you all in person so we can catch up." The last part seemed to be directed mainly towards Ahsoka.

"And Dooku is coming too," Anakin tells her, "We'll be having dinner at your apartment, unless you'd rather we go elsewhere." He can't help but grin. He knows she'll invite them there, but he couldn't help but add the last part. Padme isn't particularly fond of Dooku, unlike him.

"Dooku is coming here? Is that safe?" worries Padme.

"It's not like I'll be announcing my presence on the holonews," Dooku answers dryly, a hint of humor which Anakin didn't realize he had, slipping into his words. "I shall be perfectly safe, Senator. It will be a pleasure to meet you."

"I'll bring the news to the Senate immediately," Padme informs them. "Would you like me to tell the Jedi Council? I know you're not on the best of terms with them."

Anakin exchanges a look with the others. "No," Obi-Wan speaks for them all. "Don't tell them. As you are a Senator, it is your duty to tell the Senator. We will speak with the Council ourselves after our arrival. I am sure they will wish to speak with us."

"As you wish," she answers, eyes seeking out Anakin's. "I see you when you arrive," she finishes before disconnecting the call.

"I imagine there will be a big uproar," Dooku comments, "Sidious had numerous supporters, and some will not be happy with his death. I have a datapad of information which I believe will be very useful to Senator Amidala and her friends."

Anakin tips his head back on his chair. "That's nice. I'm sure Padme will be elated," he murmurs.

"Are you alright, Master?" Ahsoka asks, worry coloring her tone.

He gives her a grin. "I will be. In time," he answers, "What I need right now, is a nap. My mind is still adjusting to being invaded."

"Come on," Obi-Wan urges before anyone has a chance to say anything. "You are going to bed, and I think I'll join you. Fighting Sidious was rather taxing."

Anakin bulks. "Master, I'm hardly young enough for you to be putting me to bed."

"Sometimes, you seem incapable of taking care of yourself." That came from Dooku.

"No. Don't you dare team up against me," Anakin threatens, half-heartedly as Ahsoka snorts behind him. He complies anyways, standing up and following Obi-Wan out of the room.

"I'm sure you can handle it, Skyguy," Ahsoka chirps from behind him and snickers when he throws her a glare over his shoulder.

"There's not enough cabins here for all the passengers," Obi-Wan tells him after they're alone. "We can share if you want."

Anakin shrugs half-heartedly, exhaustion threatening to overcome him. "Sure. We've done it many times in the past."

"Yes, we have," his brother murmurs, guiding him towards one of the cabins.


When Anakin awakens, the entire shuttle seems to be quiet. He can sense the quietness of the people all around him in the Force. Slipping out of his bunk, he glances over at Obi-Wan. His brother is still sleeping, so he quietly leaves the room, heading to the main hold. The only one there is Dooku, who seems to be meditating.

"Skywalker," the Count murmurs, opening his eyes and looking at Anakin. "Would you care to join me?"

Anakin shrugs. "I don't have anything better to do," he replies, sitting opposite Dooku. They've done this before – meditating together. Part of him can't believe how far they've come from when they first crossed paths as cautious allies rather than enemies. It feels like so long ago that they were on opposite sides of the conflict when Dooku cut off his arm.

As a general rule, Anakin doesn't share his emotions with the Count, partially because they're not exactly friends. They're more like acquaintances, with Dooku being somewhat like a mentor at times. Closing his eyes, Anakin gives himself over to the Force, the Light and Dark Sides shifting in a perfect balance all around him. He rests in the perfect balance between them, feeling their harmonious interaction.

Opening himself up to the Force, Anakin senses the path ahead of him. It's long and not always bright, but it gives him the assurance of having no regrets. He will never believe that accepting Dooku's offer was a mistake. He's grown and matured so much in the time he's spent with the Count, that he can honestly admit – as much as it hurt – Obi-Wan's faked death was necessary. It made him a better person, giving him a new outlook on everything in his life.

Words which he feels he needs to say float around just below the surface. Finally, he opens his eyes, turning his attention on Dooku. "Thank you," he says quietly, putting as much sincerity and gratitude as he can into the words, "For helping me and for not letting me Fall."

"Self-reflection?" muses Dooku, blue eyes meeting Anakin's as he raises an eyebrow. "You have changed a lot." There's a pause before he continues. "I know what Qui-Gon saw in you, and I think he would be proud of who you have become."

Those words are the closest thing to praise Anakin has ever heard from Dooku, and he can't help but feel overwhelmed. "Obi-Wan may have raised and trained me, but you helped me in more ways I could express," Anakin manages to reply, eyes fixed on the floor. He can almost feel the Count weighing and analyzing something as his gaze pierces into Anakin.

"You showed me that there are ways to accomplish objectives without tearing apart the galaxy," Dooku admits slowly.

Anakin's head snaps up towards him, startled. "How?"

"Sidious manipulated me into first using the Dark Side after Qui-Gon died," the Count replies, hesitatingly, almost as though unsure whether he should share. "I had hoped to find a way to fix the problems I saw in the Order with Qui-Gon's help, something which I knew I could not accomplish after he died, so I left. I couldn't, in good conscience, stay a Jedi when I was using the Dark Side."

"How did he –" Anakin begins slowly, unsure if he should even ask the question. He and Dooku and never had a conversation like this before. Dooku gives him a questioning look, so he relents. "How did he manipulate you?"

"I thought you might ask that." Something in Dooku's tone is almost resigned and maybe slightly sad. "I had cared for Qui-Gon greatly, though our relationship wasn't nearly as close as yours is with Kenobi. Sidious used that against me."

Anakin knows Dooku well enough to recognize that he'll never openly express or explain emotions, but he's currently saying – without actually saying it – that his attachment to his former Padawan is why he Fell. Interesting. Maybe they're more alike than Anakin has been assuming.

"When I thought Kenobi died, I knew Sidious would use that against you," Dooku continues, "He had already made it abundantly clear that he had an interest in you, which I why I asked you for help. It wasn't because I cared about you. I didn't. I didn't know what Qui-Gon saw in you. I saw you as immature and too emotional to make a good Jedi." Ouch. It's all true, but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt to hear it from someone else.

"It was true," Anakin concedes, despite himself.

"But you do make a good Sith," Dooku adds, "Someday, you will be the most powerful trained Force user in the galaxy."

"I thought I already was," Anakin replies jokingly, lightening the mood in the room. If they're done with their emotional talk it would be just as well.

"You're not," the Count assures him immediately, "You're still too young and inexperienced."

"Thanks," Anakin quips dryly, but he doesn't miss the unmistakable look of fondness in Dooku's eyes as he looks at him. If someone had told him a year ago that there would be a time when he and Dooku would not only be able to have a civilized conversation, but also consider one another friends, he would have laughed it off. Now, Anakin can't help but feel grateful that he was given the opportunity to get to know him.

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