Trial of the Times

By CourtesyTrefflin

15.2K 620 249

After Obi-Wan's supposed death, Anakin is devastated. He receives a surprise offer which will hopefully allow... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1 - Alone
Chapter 2 - An Offer
Chapter 3 - Making Arrangements
Chapter 4 - Last Words
Chapter 5 - Sith Apprentice
Chapter 6 - The Face of Vader
Chapter 7 - Hardeen
Chapter 8 - Suspicions
Chapter 9 - The Festival of Light
Chapter 10 - Betrayal
Chapter 11 - Power of the Dark Side
Chapter 12 - Moving On
Chapter 13 - Repercussions
Chapter 14 - A New Strategy
Chapter 15 - Kidnapped
Chapter 16 - Confrontation
Chapter 17 - Truths
Chapter 18 - A Missing Master
Chapter 19 - Answers
Chapter 20 - Revelations
Chapter 21 - A Sith's Plans
Chapter 22 - Rising Tensions
Chapter 23 - The Plot Thickens
Chapter 24 - Laying the Trap
Chapter 25 - Infiltration
Chapter 27 - The Beginning of the End
Chapter 28 - The Council
Chapter 29 - Snips
Chapter 30 - Passing Judgement
Chapter 31 - Aftermath
Chapter 32 - Clones
Chapter 33 - The New Sith Order
Chapter 34 - A Conversation Long Overdue
Chapter 35 - Uncomfortable Realities
Chapter 36 - Requesting Immunity
Chapter 37 - Ahsoka's Vision
Chapter 38 - Rumors
Chapter 39 - Assassin Droids
Chapter 40 - Mandalore
Chapter 41 - Coming Clean
Chapter 42 - Assault
Chapter 43 - Captured
Chapter 44 - The End in Sight
Chapter 45 - Korriban
Chapter 46 - The Lion's Den
Chapter 47 - Duel of the Fates
Chapter 48 - All Things Must End
Chapter 49 - Homeward Bound
Chapter 50 - Back to the Start
Bonus Chapter - Dooku
Bonus Chapter - Sidious
Bonus Chapter - Ahsoka
Bonus Chapter - Obi-Wan
Bonus Chapter - Fox
Bonus Chapter - Padme
Bonus Chapter - Maul
Prologue - Rewritten
Chapter 1 - Dooku - Rewritten
Chapter 2 - The Offer - Rewritten
Chapter 3 - Goodbye - Rewritten
Chapter 4 - The Face of Vader - Rewritten
Chapter 5 - Embracing Reality - Rewritten
Chapter 6 - The Chase - Rewritten
Chapter 7 - Hardeen - Rewritten
Chapter 8 - Betrayal - Rewritten
Chapter 9 - The Festival of Light - Rewritten
Chapter 10 - Aftermath - Rewritten
Chapter 11 - The Subtlety of Change - Rewritten
Chapter 12 - Repercussions - Rewritten
Chapter 13 - Interim - Rewritten
Chapter 14 - Kidnapping - Rewritten
Chapter 15 - Confrontation - Rewritten
Chapter 16 - Truths - Rewritten
Chapter 17 - Resolving Issues - Rewritten
Chapter 18 - Long Overdue - Rewritten
Chapter 19 - Rising Tensions - Rewritten
Chapter 20 - Moving Forwards - Rewritten
Chapter 21 - A Step Ahead - Rewritten
Chapter 22 - Laying the Trap - Rewritten
Chapter 23 - Gamemaster - Rewritten
Chapter 24 - Attack - Rewritten
Chapter 25 - Consequences - Rewritten
Chapter 26 - Verdict - Rewritten
Chapter 27 - Decisions - Rewritten
Chapter 28 - Scheming - Rewritten
Chapter 29 - Freedom - Rewritten
Chapter 30 - Planning - Rewritten
Chapter 31 - A Time to Talk - Rewritten
Chapter 32 - A New Reality - Rewritten
Chapter 33 - Training - Rewritten
Chapter 34 - Reflections - Rewritten
Chapter 35 - Upheaval - Rewritten
Chapter 36 - Infiltrators - Rewritten
Chapter 37 - Political Maneuvers - Rewritten
Chapter 38 - Victory and Chaos - Rewritten
Chapter 39 - The End in Sight - Rewritten
Chapter 40 - The Lion's Den - Rewritten
Chapter 41 - Duel of the Fates - Rewritten
Chapter 42 - Coming Undone - Rewritten
Chapter 43 - Homeward Bound - Rewritten
Chapter 44 - Home - Rewritten

Chapter 26 - Launching the Attack

192 9 2
By CourtesyTrefflin

"What is the meaning of this?" cries Palpatine, his expression seemingly alarmed, "Master Kenobi? What's happening?"

"Oh, Sidious, no need to play games," returns Dooku smoothly, his lightsaber flying to his hand, "I have been waiting for this moment. Your reign has gone on for too long. It's time to end it once and for all."

"Yes," agrees Obi-Wan, reaching for his own lightsaber, "I'm afraid your games are at an end."

"Anakin, do something," whispers Palpatine, sounding terrified, "Contact the Council for help!"

Anakin laughs coldly, "Time's up, Sidious." With those words, he steps back, pulling out his lightsaber, but not igniting it.

The realization that dawns on Palpatine's face would be funnier if not for the murderous expression that follows. "So be it," he snarls, a tinge of yellow seeping into his eyes. A lightsaber appears in his hand, its red blade hissing to life. In unison, Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Dooku ignite their own blue blades.

Sidious narrows his eyes at Dooku. "Blue, my apprentice? I should have known you would run back to your pathetic Jedi friends!"

"You mistake my allegiance, Sidious," retorts Dooku, "I am no Jedi. I am a Sith Lord, but I choose to lay down my arms and refuse to conquer a galaxy which does not need an Emperor. The Republic can be fixed in another way."

Fixing Dooku with a disgusted look, Sidious turns back to Anakin. "You're making a mistake, my boy. Your place is at my side. Consider my words," he urges, "You are a Sith at heart. You know that to be true. Search your feelings, Anakin."

"I am no Sith," hisses Anakin, narrowing his eyes, his grip tightening on the lightsaber.

Palpatine cackles, "I sense the Dark Side within you. You are not a Jedi. You know as well as I do that the Jedi would expel you if they knew what you've done."

His words strike a chord within Anakin. He knows what the Sith Lord is referring to. He tries not to let himself be bothered, but it's hard, especially since Sidious is raising fears Anakin has carried for years. He refuses to let himself show how troubled he is, despite his increasing heartrate. He loathes the gleeful smile that appears when Palpatine senses his spike of fear. Oh. He knows he's getting to Anakin. Not good.

Obi-Wan glances at Anakin, concern on his face, though couldn't know what's wrong. "You'll never get him to join you," he states confidently, holding his blade in a defensive stance.

"Master Kenobi, so quick to defend your apprentice?" mocks Palpatine, "Would you really stand with him if you knew that he's nothing more than a cold-hearted murderer?"

Anakin flinches, and he can feel himself paling. He should have known Sidious would bring that up. Force, he should have told Obi-Wan. At least he won't be faced with the chance of losing him right now when his support means everything. It – this can't really be happening, can it? Don't ask. Don't ask. Anakin mentally prays, hoping that for once, Obi-Wan will let the matter rest.

"Killing in war doesn't make one a murderer," retorts Obi-Wan, though Anakin can sense a faint unease in his brother.

Sidious' laugh is colder than the ice on Hoth. "You have no idea," he taunts, "I'm not talking about a war, Master Kenobi. I'm talking about a massacre. The massacre your dear apprentice never told you. He told me." Obi-Wan doesn't respond, narrowing his eyes at the Sith Lord. For a moment, his gaze darts to Anakin and lingers there.

Anakin can't – won't – look at him. He can't bear to see the condemnation in his former master's eyes when he finds out the truth. How could Sidious be this cruel? More importantly, why didn't he expect it? He'd never even thought about his massacre of the Tusken Raiders. He'd never considered that Obi-Wan might find out now. His hands tighten on the hilt, the knuckles on his human hand turning white from the pressure.

Palpatine is definitely enjoying this moment. He's got all the information on Anakin, and they both know it. And now, he's going to tell Obi-Wan everything, hoping to get him to turn on his brother. If not, he'll at least shake up Anakin enough make it hard for him to focus on the battle. Anakin knows all of it, but it's not easy for him to simply pretend it's not bothering him. Dooku was right. Sidious is going at all his weaknesses. He's dragging forth all his biggest fears.

"I'm referring to his massacre of a camp of Tusken Raiders," the Sith Lord continues, "He killed them all: men, women, and children." Anakin clenches his jaw, fighting back the urge to wipe the smug smirk off the man's face. It's infuriating. But if he reacts, he'll simply be helping him in the long run. He did learn from his first duel with Dooku when he lost his arm. He won't repeat the same mistake again. He must control his emotions, hard though it may be.

"I don't believe you," Obi-Wan answers, his voice low.

"Well then ask him yourself!" returns Palpatine, "He'd probably even tell you why he did it, but he'll never admit how enjoyable it was for him to kill them. Or how addictive he found the power of the Dark Side." He turns his focus back to Anakin. "You know how much you want it, Anakin. Join me, and I'll give you all the power you could want."

His control is slipping further and further. He can feel it, and he knows everyone else can to. Anger takes up residence with the lurking fear, pushing him towards the darkness. "Stop it," Anakin chokes out, his breathing irregular. His entire body is tensed as he fights against the lure of the Dark Side.

"You know you want the power," murmurs the Sith Lord, his voice low and caressing, "The power to avenge those who hurt the people you love. The power to keep the people you love safe."

"Anakin, don't listen to him," interjects Obi-Wan. Anakin can feel him reaching out towards him through the Force, sending calming emotions and letting him sense his love.

"The Dark Side is the only way you can keep everyone safe," pushes Sidious, "Especially Padme." Something inside him snaps when he hears his wife's name mentioned.

"Don't talk about her!" yells Anakin, his anger finally breaking loose. It's not dark though. He can still feel. Good. He's not gone dark again, and he'll hold on as long as he has a choice. He won't let himself slip into the Dark Side. Never again.

"I had forgotten that you neglected to inform your master about your marriage," Palpatine sneers cruelly. It takes all of Anakin's willpower to restrain himself from lunging at the Sith Lord.

"Actually, I already knew," Obi-Wan comments blithely, a brief look of satisfaction flickering across his face, "Anakin didn't need to tell me."

Surprise wells up inside Anakin. All this time and Obi-Wan knew? He – they – had been so careful. How could he know? Anakin glances over at his brother, meeting his eyes for a moment. He's being honest. Anakin can sense it in the Force. But what's more, he's – he's not even upset. It seems Sidious didn't expect that either; that much is obvious in the surprised and slightly disappointed look on his face.

"This has gone on long enough," Dooku speaks in a bored tone, "It's perfectly clear that Anakin will not be joining Sidious, so let's get on with this." He brings his lightsaber up into a prepared stance, and Anakin mimics his moves. The three men stand facing Sidious. Slowly, the Sith Lord turns towards his desk before pushing a button.

"I'm sorry," Dooku continues, smirking, "You will not be able to call for help. I know you well enough to know that you have secret communication devices – which are now jammed."

A snarl escapes from Sidious, and Anakin feels a surge in the Dark Side. He braces himself for the coming attack, trying to channel away his dark emotions and reach for his love for Obi-Wan. Even after finding out the truth about the Raiders, he hasn't left him – yet. One thing at a time. He'll just take things one at a time, so he doesn't break from under the stress.

That's when Sidious attacks. He moves so fast in a blur of crimson Anakin can hardly see him. That's fine. He doesn't need to rely on his eyes. The Force will be enough. His blade crashes into Obi-Wan's, but the Jedi Master hardly moves an inch. Dooku swings towards him, Sidious blocking his blow. Anakin attacks next, falling into the normal pattern he uses when fighting with Obi-Wan. He generally goes on the offensive, while Obi-Wan remains defensive.

Their lightsabers clash over and over, no one able to score a successful hit. Dooku was right again. Sidious is one of the best duelists Anakin has ever seen. He can't even recognize the pattern he uses to fight, but as the duel progresses, he slowly adapts his own strategy to counter it. Soon, he leaps over Sidious to launch an attack on the other side, but the Sith is ready.

He extends a hand, and the Dark Side surges. Anakin is sent flying back. Without wasting a second, Dooku and Obi-Wan increase their attacks to keep his attention diverted. Sidious stabs towards Dooku who ducks just in time. Regaining his footing, Anakin lunges towards Palpatine, sending a Force push towards him to throw him off balance.

The Sith Lord stumbles, almost losing his arm to Obi-Wan's lightsaber. By now, they're in the outer office which provides much more maneuverability. They're successfully keeping Sidious at bay, but Anakin gets the sinking feeling that they'll need a lot more to actually win. He's still too shaken up by the revelations to properly channel his emotions, but it's now or never. If they don't win now, they'll likely never get another chance. The Senate will have too much security. Something must change and fast.

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