Stay with me

Par iliqblack

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This story is about hope and devotion. About loyalty to yourself and your feelings. About true friendship and... Plus

Chapter 1 When dreams come true
Chapter 2 - When dreams come true. Omer
Chapter 3 - Bring back life
Chapter 4 Reach the Heart
Chapter 5 - How to bring back happiness
Chapter 6 Give me a chance
Chapter 7 - Let the Past Go to Hell
Chapter 8 - Farewell
Chapter 9 Loneliness
Chapter 10 Confrontation
Chapter 11 - I choose you
Chapter 12 I love
Chapter 13 Theorems and Axioms
Chapter 14 - Why?
Chapter 15 - While I'm breathing!
Chapter 16 - The Road to Happiness
Chapter 17 - Day of Open Hearts
Chapter 18 - Dreams
Chapter 19 - Jackals and Falcons
Chapter 20 - Life goes on
Chapter 21 - Healing
Chapter 22 - You are the Best!
Chapter 23 - Fulfillment of desires
Chapter 24 - A roller coaster
Chapter 25 - Endless love
Chapter 26 - Angels and Demons
Chapter 27 - Prelude to the miracle
Chapter 28 - A Miracle
Chapter 29 Light and Darkness
Chapter 30 - Think About Me
Chapter 31 - Windows
Chapter 32 - Above the clouds
Chapter 34 - Redemption
Chapter 35 Fate
Chapter 36 - Loved ones are always forgiven
Chapter 37 - We will call her Emine
Chapter 38 - Because of you
Chapter 39 - Sapphire's birthday
Chapter 40 - Necklace of fiery opals
Chapter 41 - Paradise Island
Chapter 42 - Happiness in the hands
Chapter 43 - At the edge of the abyss
Chapter 44 - Storm in Paradise
Chapter 45 - Kinship not by blood or cuckoo and Madonna
Chapter 46 - Serpent in paradise
Chapter 47 - You are my breath
Chapter 48 Time for Change
Chapter 49 - You are my medicine
Chapter 50 - Angels on guard
Chapter 51 - Doubt
Chapter 52 - Love and pride
Chapter 53 - Watchful eye
Chapter 54 - We are crazy
Chapter 55 - Big tragedies and small mischief
Chapter 56 - Exposure
Chapter 57 - Trust
Chapter 58 - Treachery
Chapter 59 - I love you, Mom
Chapter 60 Surprises - pleasant and not so
Chapter 61 - Turn upside down
Chapter 62 - Dreams Come True
Chapter 63 - Best Day of Life
Chapter 64 - I will be with you
Chapter 65 - What the coming day tells us
Chapter 66 - Almost a detective story
Chapter 67 - A Miracle is born
Chapter 68 - Emine Diana Iplikci
Chapter 69 - The Gift
Chapter 70 - How happiness begins
Chapter 71 - Prophetic dream
Chapter 72 - A stranger
Chapter 73 - Such different fathers
Chapter 74 - One for all and all for one!
Chapter 75 - And in sorrow and joy
Chapter 76 - Wolf Laws
Chapter 77 - Playing without rules
Chapter 78 - Through hardship to the stars
Chapter 79 - Blood relationship
Chapter 80 - God works in mysterious ways
Chapter 81 - Epilogue
Note from the writer Marina Victoria
84 Taming the stubborn ( Тhe story of Jansu and Niko)
85 Taming the stubborn
86 Taming the stubborn
87 Taming the stubborn
88 Taming the stubborn
89 Taming the stubborn
90 Taming the stubborn
91 Taming the stubborn
92 Taming the stubborn
93 Taming the stubborn
94 Taming the stubborn
95 Taming the stubborn
96 Taming the stubborn
97 Taming the stubborn
98 Taming the stubborn

Chapter 33 - Old Secrets, New Hopes

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Par iliqblack

Bubbles of foam burst, and it turned from a snow cap into a layer on the surface of the water. The water itself was cooling, time was approaching midnight, and it was time to get out of the bath, but neither Omer nor Defne wanted this. Relaxed, they basked in each other's arms, gave the warm water their tiredness and the problems of the day. Enjoyed slow touches and unhurried kisses. Defne was sitting with her back pressed against Omer's chest, and he, barely touching the satin from soapy foam skin with his fingers, painted intricate patterns on her chest and stomach.

"We need to get out of the water and go to sleep," Defne said quietly. In contrast to her words, she did not even move.

"Yes," Omer agreed lazily, continuing his pleasant occupation.

"If we don't go now, then tomorrow morning, you will have to forget about your morning sports." You won't get up at five in the morning.

"And let it be," he covered both her breasts with his palms and squeezed slightly. "I'd better do another thing, and then I'll be happy all day and full of energy."

- But you are one...! - Defne was indignant and slapped him on the arm.

- What am I? He purred playfully in her ear and bit his pink earlobe.

- Bad one!

"Very much," he agreed, and his hand moved down her belly.

Defne intercepted it and, throwing her head back, looked regretfully into black eyes.

"If we continue now, we won't fall asleep until the morning." And tomorrow I will be a sleepy chicken. Not good.

"Oof," Omer sighed in disappointment but removed his hands. - You persuaded me. Let's go to bed.

Not shy of nudity, he crawled out of the bath, hastily wrapped himself in a towel, and opened the second in his hands, for Defne. She slowly rose from the water, and he admired her elegant figure, pinkish skin, and locks of wet hair that fell with red snakes on her shoulders and chest. But he didn't have to admire for a long time, Defne stepped forward, and he caught her in the towel. Wrapping up and gently whipping the moisture on her body with a soft cloth, Omer went through the adjacent door to the dressing room and returned with his pajamas. Pulling it on, he grumbled displeased:

"It turns out that for me to love you as much as I want and when we want we need to run away from Istanbul," he put his hands in the sleeves of the T-shirt and never put it on, he froze on the spot and thought. Defne, who had already clothed her own and fastened tiny buttons on her blouse, looked at him questioningly.

- Listen, this is an idea! - He stuck his head into the neck of the shirt and pulled it on the body. And then he took Defne by the shoulders and looked into her eyes with enthusiasm. "How do you look at running away from the city?" For example, to the islands. On New Year's holidays. Imagine leaving damp and cold Istanbul with its winds and rains, and fly away to paradise, where it is warm and sunny. Where there are white sand and seawater is clear, like crystal.

"Do you think that there is a woman in the world who can refuse such an offer?" - asked him Defne.

"Do you agree?" - Omer was delighted.

- Of course!

- Very well! Tomorrow I will deal with tickets and reservations.

- But you are fast!

He clasped his hands behind her and pulled her to him. Looking into the sly, caramel eyes, he winked and answered:

- When the question concerns the opportunity to be alone with you for a week - speed is simply necessary.

Defne put her hands on his shoulders. Her face became serious. Taking a deep breath, she asked:

"Will it always be like this with us?"

- How?

- Life on top. When you forget to breathe, and thoughts fly to shreds. When you just feel. When there is no yesterday and tomorrow. Just now. This minute, this moment. And it is always the best.

Omer's throat tightened, and his voice didn't come out.

He swallowed, and Defne lightly put her index finger, touched his throat. Omer caught her hand and kissed her thin fingers.

- We will always be so. Every moment will be the best. Every minute is special. Even when we grow old, nothing will change. Feelings do not grow old.

Defne pressed her cheek to his chest and clasped her arms tightly around his waist.

"They won't grow old," she promised, like an oath.

They stood embracing and smiling. Because this moment was the best.

"Did I carry you in my arms today?" Omer asked in a velvet whisper.

"You did," she answered.

- So what! He winked and jerked her into her arms. - The limit is not set.

Defne, laughing, threw back her head, and grabbed his neck with her hands.

He brought her to the bedroom and laid her on the bed. He kissed the belly seen from under her pajama blouse, covered her with a blanket, and reached out to turn off the light. His look noticed the balcony door. It was slightly ajar and the handle was lifted.

"How careless we are!" - With a smile, he thought and went to close.

"It's my fault," said Defne. - I did air the room and forgot to close.

"If we are robbed, then let it be the greatest grief in our life," Omer reassured her and, slamming the door, locked it. Then he turned off the light and climbed under the covers. With a habitual gesture he pulled his wife to him, buried himself in her hair and, stroking her stomach, whispered:

"Sweet dreams, my beauties."

Fikret stood on the balcony of Iplikci's house. Closing her eyes, she pressed her back against the cold wall and trembled. Her heart was beating frantically in the chest. When she saw Omer walking towards the door, for a moment it seemed to her that he had noticed her and now there would be exposure. She bounced into a corner and froze. But he only locked the door and the light in the room went out. Silently stepping Fikret went down the stairs and, tangled in the hem of the long evening dress, wandered to her house. The body was numb from the cold, but it burned mercilessly in the chest. There was a picture before her eyes - Omer kisses Defne's tummy. Allah, how did she hate this belly and its mistress? Fikret understood that hatred was becoming uncontrollable and threatening to destroy her, but she could not do anything. She wanted Defne and the baby in her stomach to disappear from the face of the earth.


"Hello," Laura said, glancing into Defne's office.

Defne looked up from her laptop and smiled.

- Hi! Come in, do not stand on the threshold.

Laura entered the office and, before sitting in the chair, put on Defne's table a folder.

- Ahtem and I made a list of materials look.

Defne pulled it toward her. Opening, with notes of self-irony in her voice, she noticed:

- It's strange for a novice jewelry designer to check the work of jewelry professionals.

"Your vision, as a designer, of the final result is more important than our professionalism," retorted Laura. - These are your dreams and ideas, and we are only apprentices who bring them to life.

Defne looked at her gratefully and looked down at the list. It was long and detailed.

"You and Ahtem did a great job," Defne noted looking through dozens of positions. - And when did you have the time?

"We gathered at my place on Saturday and did not budge until everything was finished," Laura answered and Defne rose her eyes that flashed with lively interest.

- At your place? AND? Did you talk? Did he listen to you?

Laura's smile faded. She shook her head and sighed sadly.

- We talked. He listened to me ... but I hurt him too deeply, crushed him ... he cannot forgive. I understand him. "Defne sighed too and in tacit support stroked her friend's shoulder. She smiled sadly at her and nodded to the folder: - If there are no comments, sign the application and I will give it to Mirai, let her immediately send it to Diamond.

Defne put her signature on the last page of the document and gave the folder to Laura. When she, about to leave, took hold of the doorknob, she called to her. The girl looked around.

"He will forgive," Defne said. - Believe me. I know.

She smiled softly and a little sadly.

- Even if he doesn't forgive me, I see him, I can talk to him, and this is happiness.

Laura left. Defne looked thoughtfully at the closing door, and then at the new sketches. Smiling mysteriously, she put them in a folder and stood up from the table. She took the phone out of her purse and called Omer. When he answered, she asked:

"Darling, can I take Sukru and the car for an hour?" - Having listened to the answer, she smiled broadly and said: - Great! Thank! Love you!

Having smacked the air near the phone, she ended the call and returned the gadget to her purse. Wearing a coat, she tightened her belt and winked at her reflection in the mirror. It's time for her to visit her jewelry master and show him new sketches. And at the same time tell him one story in which sadness and longing gave way to happiness. And all because its heroes were able to forgive and believe each other.

Ahtem sincerely rejoiced at the guest. He helped to take off her coat, put her in the most comfortable chair, asked if she was cold and, although Defne assured him not, added the temperature on the heater. She put the sketches in front of him and began to patiently wait until he examined them and told her professional opinion.

"Defne, you are a workaholic," Ahtem praised. "Do you even remember that you have a loving and waiting husband for your attention, or do you devote all your time to work?"

Defne laughed and answered:

- Is it possible to forget about Omer? He is the main person in my life.

"He is very lucky," said Ahtem.

But Defne, looking him in the eye, shook her head and said:

"We were both lucky." We met, we fell in love ... we went through trials and hopelessness. Forgiving a lie that at first glance is impossible to forgive ... to trust again. We realized that without love there is no life ... we do not live - we only exist. And we want to live...

"You say strange things," the man said in surprise. "From the side, you seem like the perfect couple who doesn't even know what quarrels are."

He almost word for word repeated the phrase of Laura and this circumstance pleased Defne. There are two torn halves of one whole and you just need to help them connect again.

"Now - yes, but earlier ..." - Defne's gaze was blurred with bitterness, "I did a terrible thing ... I took money from Omer's aunt for making him fall in love with me and marry me."

- What? - gasped Ahtem.

"I tricked Omer," repeated Defne. - I had extenuating circumstances, but even they are not an excuse for my actions.

She told her story ... their story with Omer. Not embellishing it or trying to justify herself, she simply told him that even the most beautiful love can begin with a big lie.

"And Omer forgave you ..."

Ahtem did not ask. He stated the fact and understanding of this truth turned his mind. Defne saw in his eyes the struggle that is now going on in his thoughts and heart. She smiled and confirmed:

- He forgave me. You know, Ahtem, all people make mistakes or make a wrong choice. And then they repent, try to correct the mistakes. This is the most important thing ... when a person cares. So you mean all the life to him. "She got up and took off her coat from the hanger. Dressing, she looked at Ahtem. He sat as if struck by thunder. "Laura loves you." She repented of her wrong choice a million times. - Defne went to the door, but before leaving, she said: - Do not let pride be higher than love. It will not warm your heart.

Finishing the phrase Defne went out the door, and Ahtem remained sitting, looking at one point and painfully reflecting on her words.

Defne returned to the office just before lunch. She did not even have time to take off her coat when Omer burst into her office and pulled her in a cafe. Defne was not opposed at all. She wanted to eat. Something tasty and more. Surprised by herself, she thought with a smile that pregnancy had turned her into a glutton.

In the cafe, a table was already waiting for them and plates of food appeared on it as soon as the couple sat down at it.

"I thought you and the bead were hungry," Omer answered the wife's silent question and she smiled a radiant smile.

"But how did you know that I want kebab with a tabula?"

"I felt it," he winked and ordered: "Eat!"

Both together took up the forks and knives.

"And where have you been?" - Cutting off a piece from his kebab, Omer asked.

"Ат Ahtem," said Defne. - I brought him new sketches. He said that I was a workaholic and asked if I had time left to devote to you.

- And what did you answer? He asked livelily.

- That you are the main person in my life and work will never be more important than you.

Omer beamed. He extended his hand across the table, palm up, and when Defne put hers in it, he smiled radiantly that made her chest warm.

"You are the most important thing." Always keep that in mind. Good? She breathed deeply and nodded.

- By the way, today is the final meeting before the charity show. Judging by the interest in it, the result should be impressive. And I got an idea.

- What? - Defne's eyes lit up with curiosity.

- Create a fund to help people with cancer. And also make such charity shows regular.

- Great idea!

"But there is one "but." The person who will lead the Fund should not only have an impeccable reputation but be truly honest and decent. All my acquaintances with such qualities are very busy people and are unlikely to agree to leave their affairs for the sake of working in a charity Fund. But it is thoughts aloud. I must first get the support of Sinan and Deniz. They may not like the idea.

"Have you told them?"

- No. You first. At first, I wanted to hear your opinion.

Defne bit her lower lip and looked thoughtfully at her husband.

Omer was worried in vain. The idea of the fund was warmly supported by partners. He voiced it during the meeting. Both Sinan and Tranba liked the idea. Fikret also tried to wedge in with her opinion, but Omer looked at her with such a look under which she fell silent.

"A noble idea and a huge front line of work," Seda's voice faltered, but the next moment she pulled herself together and continued in a businesslike tone. - And there is also a question of reputation. Unfortunately, many Foundations were involved in scandals due to the unscrupulousness of managers.

"This is exactly what I fear," Omer supported her. - We need a person for whom the problems of other people are more important than their own.

"And where can we find such?" - Ironically asked Tranba.

"I have one in mind," said Defne, who was silent throughout the conversation. Ten pairs of eyes stared at her in a silent question. - Kerem Yilmaz, the lawyer whom I turned to. He refused to work in a large law office in order to protect the interests of the residents of the neighborhood.

Omer frowned. He remembered the lawyer and the jealousy that he caused him. But now, stifling this feeling, asked Defne:

"Do you think he will agree?"

"We won't know until we ask," she answered.

Omer sighed and agreed:

- Well then, after the meeting we go to Kerem Yilmaz.

Defne smiled at him and thanked him with a look. He raised an eyebrow and winked, silently warning that he was waiting for a reward for his complaisance. Inside Fikret's mind, observing these sweet glances, opened hole the size of the Atlantic Ocean.

To say that Kerem was surprised by the visit of the former client and her husband means nothing to say. He was stunned and confused. And when he heard the reason for the visit, surprise gave way to shock.

- Charity Fund? To lead? He asked.

"Mr. Kerem," said Omer. - I understand that such an offer is somewhat unexpected for you, but I ask you, do not rush to refuse. Examine the question, think.

"Come to the charity evening," Defne said. - Meet our girls. They are wonderful ... you will see how they need help. And there are tens of thousands of such girls, boys, very young children and adults in Turkey. They live in the hope of a miracle. Is it not noble to help them in the struggle for life?

Her words made Kerem think, and Omer swallowed a lump in his throat. Without hiding, he squeezed her small hand and silently thanked for mercy.

"Good," said Kerem. "I'll come in the evening and think about your proposal." But I warn you right away - I won't leave the practice in the neighborhood. These people need me.

"I think we can find a compromise," Omer smiled and held out the guy's hand, which he, without hesitation, shook it tightly.

"He is truly noble," said Omer at dinner.

They sat in the cozy dining room of their house, ate dinner prepared by Zehra, and discussed the past day.

"Yes, he is," said Defne and smiled mockingly. - And two months ago you did not notice this nobility?

- Then I was jealous. Strongly, admitted Omer. "And I was afraid to lose you." So I saw everything in a distorted light.

- And now?

"Now you are mine."

He looked into the huge amber eyes and kissed her slowly and gently.

Defne touched her lower lip with her tongue and asked:

"So you're not jealous anymore?"

"I am jealous," Omer admitted. - I become a beast when I see how men look at you. And then I tell myself that all that remains for them is what to watch. Nothing else. Your soul, your body, thoughts, and feelings - everything belongs to me. And it lets me go.

"I'm jealous too," Defne admitted.

- You? - Omer was genuinely surprised. - From whom? I don't see anyone but you.

"You do not see, but they see you ..."

"You say we're in the same boat?" Omer smiled at one corner of his mouth.

"It turns out that way," Defne mirrored his smile.

- Come to me.

He pulled her by hand and set her on his lap. He pressed his cheek to her chest and closed his eyes. The voice sounded soft as if wrapped in velvet:

- How good ... The best minutes of the day.

Defne kissed his hair and gently stroked it.

The trill of a bell that sounded was not at all what both wanted to hear. With a sigh, Omer reached for the phone. Defne returned to her seat and listened to the conversation.

"I'm listening, Sinan," said Omer. Defne did not hear the answer, but he was not too pleasant. Her husband's face darkened and eyebrows met on the bridge of the nose. - Is it necessary to do it now? - And again, Sinan said something, and Omer frowned more and more. - Good. I'll be right there.

He threw the telephone on the table and looked regretfully at Defne.

"The problem is with our Croatian shoe delivery." One of the documents does not have my signature and they refuse to load the cargo on the ship. I have to go to the port.

- But it's already evening! - surprised Defne. "Can't they wait until morning?"

- The port is working around the clock and the ship will not wait. If the cargo does not fall into this one, we will have to wait another week, and then we will violate the delivery time," Omer explained. - We have to pay a big penalty plus a blow to our reputation.

- Then, you need to go.

"I know," Omer sighed heavily. "But I don't feel like leaving you alone in the evening."

"And I don't want it," Defne smiled softly, but if such circumstances ... Go! And I will read and do sketches.

"My sensible girl," Omer kissed the tip of her nose. - I am going to get dressed. But tomorrow I will arrange Derya and the logistics department such a scandal that it will hold them in line!

The last words were said in such a tone that Defne sympathized with the employees of Passionis. Tomorrow they are waiting for oh-very unpleasant minutes.

Omer, jumping over two steps, ran up to the top and soon returned already in a jacket and boots. Defne went to see him off. They stopped on the terrace, and he hugged her. Kissed and ordered:

- Run to the house. You will freeze. If I am gone for a long time, go to bed. I took a key.

"Good," Defne smiled affectionately and, standing on her toes, kissed his cheek. - For good luck. Go and don't worry about anything. Everything will be fine with us.

Omer went to the car, but before sitting down he turned around and, looking lovingly at Defne, ordered:

- Quickly in the house! You will freeze yourself and the bead. Get into bed and rest.

Defne nodded and went inside.

Omer left. When the gate behind the Mercedes closed, out of the darkness Fikret came out. Her eyes burned with crazy fire. What is it? Did fate or the devil provide such an opportunity? But she doesn't care. It does not matter! Why does she need a soul? It always burned with hellish fire. Let it burn further!

Like a somnambulist, she moved to the stairs to the balcony. Hеr hands were trembling, her breath was wheezing from her lungs. Each step was given with such difficulty as if hot stones were tied to the feet. Fikret did not see or hear anything. Everything around turned into thick as jelly darkness in which the sounds faded and thoughts were stuck.

On the second floor of the house, it was dark. She stopped in front of the balcony door and closed her eyes.

"I will do nothing! I won't do anything! I'm just hiding in the darkness by the stairs and will push her... She won't even understand anything..."

With a shaking hand, Fikret took hold of the doorknob. It turned easily as if waiting for her. The door opened. Dark glee rose from the depths of her soul and Fikret laughed a croaking, chilling laugh.

A dry, tenacious hand clutched at her wrist and lifted her palm from the cold metal. Fikret did not feel fear. Only anger that someone prevented her. She turned and met a gaze of cold, stern eyes. Grandmother looked at her as in childhood. A piercing gaze. And the fact that she saw her was frustrating and frightening.

- Let go! - wheezed Fikret.

- What are you doing? The old woman hissed. - Do you want to kill an innocent child? What is he to blame for?

- This is her child! Her! And ... him ... - hoarseness erupted in sobs.

- This is a child! Just as you were innocent of your mother's death, this one is not to blame for the fact that his father didn't fall in love with you — Fikret squandered and whined subtly. - Let's go home until no one saw us.

The old woman pulled her hand down the stairs. The dry figure from the side seemed ethereal but she had as much strength as Fikret herself had never had. She followed, like a zombie. Grandma's words pounded in the brain like hammer blows. "To kill an innocent child ... what is his fault ... you were innocent of your mother's death ... it's not your fault that his father did not love you ..." The poisoned darkness faded from her consciousness. Anger gave way to pain and disbelief, and then self-loathing.

- Is that me? When did I become so? When did I turn into a monster? - Fikret did not notice that she was saying the words out loud. At the entrance to her house, she stopped and looked at her grandmother. "Or was I born that way, and the devil always sat in me?"

The old woman silently unlocked the door and pushed her inside. Without releasing her wrist, she pulled her to the second floor, pushed into her room, and locked the door behind herself. Fikret collapsed onto the cold, stone floor and covered her face with her hands. She swayed in place and moaned lingeringly. A howling moan echoed off the empty walls and filled the room with an ominous hum.

Alone. Again alone. Grandmother did not let her commit a crime, but could not find in her heart even a drop of warmth and pity.

Fikret lay on the floor and pressed her chest against the cold stone. Maybe it will quench the burning sensation and ease her pain.

A key creaked in the keyhole. The door opened. Fikret raised herself on her arms and with inhuman anguish in her eyes looked at the grandmother who had entered.

"Get up," she ordered and Fikret obeyed. Slowly rose to her feet. But they refused to keep the lead body, and she, having taken a couple of steps, leaned her shoulder against the wall. Grandmother, not taking her eyes off her, spoke with bitter longing in her voice:

- You thought that nobody loved you? What a fallacy. She loved you more than anyone in the world. So much so that she consciously went to death, just to give you life. Here," she laid a leather-bound notebook on an old, dark table "read it," her face twitched, and piercing tenderness reflected on it. "Maybe she can help you forgive yourself and us." Heal you from hatred and anger.

- What is it? - Fikret pressed her hands to the cold stones of the wall and just looked at the notebook with burning eyes.

"Your mother's diary," her grandmother answered and left the room.

The key turned in the keyhole, but the girl no longer heard the rattle. She separated from the wall and went to the table. And again her hands trembled, but now from trepidation. In front of her lay a piece of her mother. The gray paper in frayed brown skin kept her thoughts and feelings. The light surged so powerfully that for a moment it blinded her soul. She was bewildered, startled, and barely audibly asked Fikret:

"I'm I alive?"

She did not answer, picked up the notebook, and opened it in the middle.

"Doctors beg me to come to my senses, my mother cries, and Halit ... Halit says that if I die, he cannot live without me ... But only I cannot live without you, my heart. "Your life is more important than mine ... most important ..."

Fikret wept and pressed the notebook to her chest. For the first time in her life, she was not cold.

Having cleaned the kitchen, having worked on sketches in the study, and drank warm milk with honey, Defne went upstairs. Turning on the light in the corridor, she adjusted the dried flowers in a floor vase and with her fingers brushed away non-existent dust from a narrow picture frame. She went into the room opposite their bedroom. It was empty. White ceiling and plastered walls. On the floor is a golden parquet. But her eyes saw something else. Funny pink-blue wallpaper on the walls. Fluffy carpet on the floor. White furniture. Crib under the canopy and many, many toys. Defne smiled. Soon, very soon it will be so. This room will be the most beautiful, the warmest. After all, a princess named Emine will live in it.

She and Omer had not yet talked about how they wanted to name their daughter, but Defne did not imagine another name for her and was sure that he would be glad.

After standing another minute, Defne turned off the light and went into the bedroom. She opened the door and felt an icy flow pass through her feet in the cold. A light tulle on the French window, which at the same time was also a balcony door, puff up like a sail. Recalling that she went out onto the balcony in the morning and probably forgot to close the door, she again cursing her carelessness and the bad habit of leaving doors and windows open went to close it. Putting up the latch, Defne drew the curtain, changed into her pajamas, and, grabbing a book, lay down in bed.

Returning after a couple of hours, Omer found perfect order and sleepy silence in the house. After admiring his sleeping wife, he removed the book that had fallen from her hands, straightened the pillow, quietly changed his clothes, and climbed into bed. Defne, like a kitten, purred something and pressed her warm body against him. In his chest felt sweet as always, when he hugged her. The last thought of his consciousness floating in a dream was: "How good ..."

The Iplikci spouses were sleeping, not even suspecting what danger the Almighty had taken away from them.


Defne was awakened by butterflies rebelling in the stomach. They created something unimaginable with their wings. Waves of trembling heat were born in the chest, reached the tips of the fingers, and concentrated in the lower abdomen, making her tremble with desire.

- Good morning, my love! Hot breath touched her ear.

Defne exhaled hoarsely and groaned. Omer's skillful fingers played with her breasts and drove crazy not only the loving butterflies in her stomach. She forgot how to breathe and only eagerly absorbed pleasure. Somehow pajamas disappeared and cool air touched the heated skin, but Defne did not care. Omer's lips and hands on her body - that was all she needed at the moment. He sensitively caught her wishes. А kiss here, bite a little lower. It's easy to stroke here with fingers, and there ...

- Omer!!! She arced. "Please...please...

She clung to his shoulders. Feverishly kissed them and stroked his neck with her fingers. These touches made him tremble a lot. But he wanted slowly ... for a long time, but passion turned his head and demanded complete submission. Omer surrendered to it ... surrendered to Defne...

In the next house, the old woman in black clothes approached the locked door. It was quiet behind it. She froze, listening, and heard a pronounced phrase:

- Come in, grandmother.

The old woman unlocked the door and entered. Fikret, in the same clothes that were in the evening, sat on the bed. She clasped her legs bent at her knees and laid her chin on them, with unseeing eyes she looked at one point. The diary was nearby.

- Have you read it?

Fikret looked at her for a long moment, and at her grandmother, as if a stone fell from her heart. Something subtly changed in the expression of the blue eyes. The crazy sparkle disappeared and the look became calm and deep.

"I read it," she answered and swallowed.

"Then read that, too," she handed her a folded sheet of paper.

Fikret took it and opened it. She immediately recognized her father's handwriting and her heart started beating faster.

"My soul," said straight, neat lines, and Fikret's throat tightened. Never, even in childhood, did her father call her that. "If you read this letter, then I'm not alive, and you never came to say goodbye." I do not blame you. You're right. I was a bad father. And a bad husband. My love killed your mother, and I was afraid that it would kill you too. Therefore, I kept it in my heart under lock and key. Only now I understand my mistake. But it's already too late ... I have made mistakes all my life that cannot be corrected and redeemed...

Forgive me, my girl. If you can.

I'm not afraid of death. I'm only afraid that there, below the line, Melisa will not forgive me...

I loved your mother more than life, and I love you the same way. Be happy, my soul. And remember - our love with mom is always with you.

Your father, Halit Galo

Quiet tears rolled down Fikret's cheeks. She mourned her bleak childhood, the inconsolable grief of her father, the terrible loss of her grandmother. She always believed that her pain was the most acute, without thinking about what they experienced. And now she understood and sympathized with all her heart. Grandma went up to her and hugged her. For the first time. Fikret pressed desperately to her chest. A dry hand stroked her hair.

"Stop crying, honey." God forbid, you will get sick again from longing. Change clothes, wash, and I'll bring you breakfast now.

Fikret pulled away from her grandmother and wiped her tears.

"Don't lock the door," she asked. - This is no longer necessary.

Grandmother carefully looked into her eyes and nodded. When she was at the door, Fikret called to her. The old woman looked around.

- Grandmother, tell me, does he love her as much as my father loved mom? And also cannot live without her?

She looked into sad blue eyes and nodded. And then she went out the door.

Fikret covered her face with her hands and cried softly.


- What was this? Defne asked when her voice and thoughts returned to her again.

"A great start to the day," Omer answered, fingering her hair.

"Beautiful ...," Defne repeated after him and laughed. "Wake me up like that often."

Disbelieving his ears, Omer rose on his elbow and looked into her beloved eyes. They shone with a golden light. They smiled with affection and pure tenderness.

- Are you serious?

- I'm serious.

He quickly kissed her lips and warned:

"You don't know what you're asking me for," his voice sounded hoarse to horror. "I will make love with you a lot."

"Make love," Defne breathed.

The first day of winter has arrived.


Ahtem left his house. He locked the door and looked at the next one. It's cleanly washed windows reflected the rays of the morning sun. They struck Ahtem in the eyes and he closed them. He took a deep breath of cold air and was about to go to the car when he heard voices:

- Where does the police look? Last night, this type robbed Merve, the third day - Munu. Waits and attacks around the corner. Picks up gold, phone, and money.

- Terrible!

Ahtem looked around. Two neighbors were standing on the street near his house and emotionally discussing something, apparently important. He did not stop. Said hello and went to the workshop. But the worm of anxiety inside gnawed him all the way.

Entering the workshop, he hurriedly threw off his jacket and opened the news on the telephone. Indeed, the police service reported that a robber had appeared in the Bakirkoy district, who attacked lonely passers-by in the dark. He threats with a knife and takes away valuables and money. The offender is careful and cunning, works in a mask and gloves, so the police have not yet been able to track him.

Having closed the news on the phone, Ahtem thought for a moment. An indistinct alarm itched inside, but he dismissed it and set to work.

Later, Laura arrived with a catalog from Diamond. They looked at the pictures of the gemstones ready for shipment and Ahtem confirmed that this was exactly what was needed.

"You might not have come," he said with cold indifference. "You know jewelry no worse than me, and you could appreciate the catalog."

"I could," she agreed. - But the look of the master and designer is more important than the appraiser. Defne also looked through the photos and was pleased.

"Have you made friends with her?" - The words fled off the tongue on their own and Ahtem immediately cursed himself for it.

Laura smiled softly and answered:

- With Defne? Yes. She is wonderful. The kindest and most sympathetic person I have ever met in my life.

- She lied to Omer - and again he grimaced inwardly. What is the matter with him today? He says what he does not want at all.

- Do you know about it? - The girl was surprised. - Did Omer tell you?

- No. She told me.

"I see," Laura lowered her eyes. Dear Defne. She sincerely believes that everyone can be so generous as to forgive lies and betrayal. But sometimes this is not possible.

Ahtem looked at her grimly. On long eyelashes lying on her cheeks, shiny, knotted hair, velvet skin of the neck. A thin gold chain gleamed on it. From the moment Laura arrived in Istanbul, it was always on her. By its weight, it was noticeable that a pendant was attached to it, but it also always hid under her clothes. Ahtem painfully wanted to know what was hooked on this chain. His gaze rested on her high breasts and was lit by a dark fire. But the next moment it again became indifferent.

- I read in the news that a robber appeared in our area. Be careful and don't go alone in the evenings, he warned the girl.

"I don't go." Home is work, work is home. That's my whole route.

"It is getting dark early now," Ahtem reminded.

- Taxi drives me to the house itself.

Ahtem nodded silently.

Laura went out of the door, and he went to the window. She walked down the street with the light gait of a confident woman. The shoulders are straight, the chin is slightly lowered. In every movement - an innate grace and refinement. Elegant, sophisticated aristocrat. Countess. And he is a plebeian, as her father once called him. And although he was a rare bastard, in some ways he was right. Two different worlds will never become one.

Ahtem bowed his head and walked away from the window.


After sending an air kiss to Omer, who remained in the elevator, Defne hurried to her office. Greeting the staff on the way, she smiled at them with a sunny smile and was interested in their affairs. In a couple of weeks, she had learned what her subordinates were going through and was now listening to the answers with sincere interest. She had the office people predisposed to herself. All Sapphire employees, without exception, were convinced that Ms. Defne was the best boss in the world.

The office was warm and smelled fresh. Probably, Alina aired it and added the temperature on the heater. What a clever girl! She must not forget to thank her for this.

Taking off her coat, Defne hung it in the closet, smoothed the soft knit of the purple dress, and opened her purse. Without looking, she dipped her hand for the phone. The palm felt something smooth and round. Defne glanced inside. At the bottom lay a large green apple and two tangerines.

"Omer," she smiled broadly.

The phone vibrated in the pocket of the bag with a message. Defne took it out and read:

"You need vitamins. To eat everything by noon! Do not starve yourself and the bead. Love you!"

Her smile widened. Well, how can you not admire such an Omer and not feel the happiest woman in the world? Defne put the fruit in the desk drawer and put the bag away. In her chest, a sun shone with dazzling rays the size of the universe. Warmed by its warmth, she fluttered lightly around the office. She watered the flowers, took a folder from the shelf, and threw it on the table, took a drawing set from the box. The intercom rang on the table. Defne pressed the connection button and replied:

- I'm listening, Alina.

"Mrs. Defne, a visitor to you." Mrs. Fikret Galo. She has no appointment, but she insists on a meeting.

The sun's rays faded in the chest. The cheerful smile faded from her face. Fikret? What does she need? Again came to torment her with hints and ridicule?

Defne straightened and squared her shoulders. Taking a deep breath, she ordered Alina:

"Invite Mrs. Galo to go to my office."

Continuer la Lecture

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