Drunken Miracles

By Purplepaises1

80K 2.5K 113

Taylor Weaving was plenty of things, but desperate, she was not. Desperate for sex because she two best frien... More

Drunken Miracles
Mistake? Try Disaster.
Your Shorts Are...Short.
Cars Weren't Built For Sexual Tension
Frustration. Not The Nice Kind.
Lab Partners
Having Low Self Control Doesn't Mean You're A Slut. Does It?
Best Friends. Need There Be More Said?
Movie Magic
COD, Old Woman and Curtains.
To Wag Or Not To Wag, That Was The Question.
It's Been Too Long
Simple As That
Nate fucking Presley
Wildebeast Vs Alligator
Birthday Wishes
Those Fluffy Handcuffs
Iron Man
Oblivious, Arrogant Heartbreaker.
Mexican Wrestler
She's Such A Slag, Not Even The Pimps Want Her.
Drunken Miracles
Quite Frankly, The End.

Is Molting A Side Effect For Falling In Love?

2.4K 95 2
By Purplepaises1

Taylor paced the library, wondering why in the world she had to use the library for an excuse. She had nothing against them, and found them quite helpful when her assignments were in desperate need of an encyclopdia's help. Even when Twilight came out, her guilty secret was to sneak off some lunches to read the books without being seen so Kally and Mitch wouldn't torture her relentlessly over Team Jacob or Team Edward.

Personally, she was Team Mike. If she was Bella, she would steer clear of all the freaky vampire- turning into a wolf crap, and just date the damn human kid. Sure, humans didn't sparkle, or transorm into other mammals, but they were safe, reliable, and nice.

Groaning at her wayward thoughts, Taylor slumped into a large, empty desk and yanked at her hair, hoping that the pain would pull the stupid thoughts out of her head, but all she ended up with was a fistful of looser strands.

Yuck. She was molting. Taylor Weaving was falling for the schools player, and molting.

Life can never just be satisfied with throwing one thing at her at a time. No, she had to deal with losing hair as well. Maybe that was a side effect for falling for Nate.

Just as Taylor groaned and banged her head down on the hard wooden table, she felt a presence in front of her and heard a husky chuckle fill the air around her.

"That'll leave a bruise."

Taylor's head shot up from the table to find Nate grinning at her cockily, his arms folded and his typical arrogant bad boy look in his eyes. She looked over his body quickly before her eyes took in his messy hair, tanned skin and steely blue eyes. They burned holes in her skin, and Taylor couldn't help the wave of appreciation that swept through her when she took in his sexiness again. And would you look at that. He fucking sparkled.

It just wasn't fair. Was all the attractiveness sucked out of other boys and put in him? What for? To mess with girls like herself? This was just straight up confusing.

"Why are you here?" Taylor found herself asking as she frowned slightly. Nate's face mimicked her expression before he opened his mouth to reply.

"I came to see if-the new English exam books were in yet." Nate said, lying. Taylor narrowed her eyes when she saw his left eye twitch, a sure sign he was lying to her.

"Exam's aren't until the end of thee year, Nate." Taylor trailed off, and he chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck, one more sign that had Taylor's head chiming with alarm bells.

"I'm eager to get ahead start, alright?" He muttered, and Taylor stood from the desk, snorting.

"Yeah, I believe you," she mumbled, and stood in front of him for a few seconds before clearing her throat and going to step around him.

"Well I better ge going. See you 'arou-"

She was cut off when his hand closed over her upper arm, and he pulled her back closer, halting her steps as well as her breath.

"What's got you so jumpy?" He murmured in her ear, and Taylor tried to not let his proximity get to her, like it did all the time.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about."

"Alright, Miss Stutters. I know you're lying. You only stutter when you're lying."

Taylor closed her eyes, breathing out quickly before turning to look at him. "I'm just a little on edge about...you know what? Never mind."

Taylor spun quickly, her face on fire. She was about to tell him just then. Oh god, what if it slipped out? What if she confessed, and he backed off/

The thought of no Nate made her heart clench and her chest tighten, and she hated the feeling of panic when he grasped her around the waist and spun her, pushing her back into one of the tall book shelves, hidden from anyone elses view.

"Are you going to tell me?" Nate murmured, and she felt his lips on her throat. "Or will I have to force it out of you?"

Taylo shivered, staying tense. "I don't know how to explain it." She whispered, and he looked up, sensing the panic in her eyes. He frowned, not used to seeing her so freaked out.

"Taylor, are you okay, because you seem really-"

The bell cut off the rest of his sentence, and Taylor breathed in relief, before pushing him back, and about to run off when his next words stopped her dead in her tracks.

"Taylor, do you like me?"

She froze, breath gone. Spinning slowly, she laughed nervously and looked at him like he was crazy. "Of course not! No feelings, remember? Besides, you're not my type."

She swore she saw hurt cross his features, before Nate covered it with his normal, most natural cocky smirk-scowl.

"Why? Do you like me?" Taylor asked, folding her arms and watching his expression.

He didn't even falter.

"Only your body."

Well, ouch. Taylor spun before he could see her cheeks that flushed and her eyes full with hurt. "Good," she chuckled over her shoulder. "See you in bio."

Rushing out of the library, Taylor couldn't believe the weight in her chest as she walked hurriedly to her locker. She felt so...disappointed. Not that she should, Nate made it clear that's all he wanted from her. Still, she had just assumed that he might...no, who was she kidding?

This was Nate fucking Presley she was talking about. Of course he didn't like her. He never liked any of his conquests. Why should she be different? But why did he look a little hurt when she lied and said she didn't like him?

Pulling at her hair again in frustration, Taylor looked down at her hands and groaned at the strands of hair in her palms.

Fucking great, now she's going to have to swap shampoo's as well.

Storming off to English in a shockingly bad mood, Taylor just couldn't wait until track after school. She needed to vent out some anger, and there was no way she was going to do that with sex from Presley.


As soon as the last bell had rung for the day, Taylor amst raced to the girls changing rooms and pulled out her running gear, her short running shorts and a tight blue singlet. Pullng her molting hair into a ponytail, Taylor bent to tie her shoes and got out to the track early before anyone else, even Mr. Marven.

Sighing, Taylor sat down on the firm ground and stretched her muscles, watching as the rest of the team trickled in after her.

The last two people walked in. And she wasn't happy to see either.

Alexis gripped Nate's arm while she laughed, practically slung over his body, and Taylor couldn't help but feel the shock of hurt that raced through her blood stream when he leaned in and whispered something in her ear.

She was distracted from the scene when Kally plopped down next to her, as well as most of the others and they joined in her stretching.

Pretty soon, she wished she'd just skipped training and gone for a run by herself. Nate and Aleixs hadn't stopped flirting since they sat down, and they'd even helped one another in some of the stretches. Alexis's face was smug the whole time, and it made Taylor's blood boil.

Kally had noticed as well, and her face was as disapproving as Taylor's. 

"She's a slut anyway, T." Kally whispered in her ear, but it didn't make Taylor feel any better.

"Just ignore them." She continued, and Taylor nodded, thankful for her best friend being there right at that moment. Then Oliver suddenly pulled her up by the arms and dragged her away.

Sighing, Taylor leaned forward to touch her toes and then heard the one comment that she just couldn't ignore.

"You know she only grew boobs because she got so fat."

Taylor literally saw double as she looked up, her eyesight fuzzy for a second as her eyes focused on Alexis.

"What did you say?" Taylor asked in a low voice, and Alexis's smile faltered for second before it was back, full force.

"You heard me. Or was your fat in the way of your hearing?"

Taylor wanting to do many things. She wanted to punch the living shit out of Alexis because they both knew Taylor didn't have an ounce of fat on her due to running. She wanted to scream at the girl for being such a slutty pain in the ass. She wanted to rip her off Nate. Her inner sensitive side wanted to cry at her words. But she wouldn't do any, because Taylor learned a long time ago it was better to be the bigger woman when bitches tried riling you up.

Shaking her head slowly and turning away, Alexis scoffed and brushed a hand over Nate's chest.

"See? She's stupid as well as fat."

That did it.

Insulting her brains as well as her body?

No. No one did that. Not if they wanted to keep their fingers.

"Will you just shut the fuck up for one second and step back and take a look at yourself?" Taylor hissed, her vision once again going blurry at the anger behind them. Alexis's eyes widened, as well as Nate's, but she continued. "Do you realise that Nate's not impressed by your really shit put downs? How dumb can one person be Alexis? And at least I have boobs, you stick talking orgy pole!"

Alexis stood, glaring at Taylor. "How dare you! How would you know what he likes?"

Taylor glanced down at Nate quickly, who was watching her with an expressionless face.

"I wouldn't." She stated, looking away from the guy she was falling for.

"Then stop being a bitch!" Alexis screeched, her eyes narrowed with anger. Taylor laughed in her face, realising the attention they were attracting.

"Me? Being a bitch? On Alexis, you have a lot to learn." Taylor laughed some more, and Alexis squealed, stomping her foot.

"Stop laughing at me!" She yelled, and Taylor laughed a little more at her reaction, just to piss her off.

"I'm not laughing at you. I'm laughing at your pathetic attempts to make me feel hurt."

Alexis suddenly smirked. "Then how would you feel if I told you Nate said you were just another slut wanting attention?"

Taylor felt her smile freeze on her face, and her whole body visibly tensed, but Alexis assumed it was just because of the bitch war they'd started.

Taylor knew it for a completely different reason. Not even glancing at Nate, who had frozen as well, Taylor felt the rage boiling more then it ever had. Another slut wanting attention? Wow. She felt really special right there and then.

Taylor felt her face go blank as her smile remained on place. "Is that so? Well, it's nice to know." She said back in an eerily calm voice, even surprising herself.

"You're so weird." Alexis muttered, and Taylor just turned, picking up her water bottle and took a swig just as Mr Marven arrived. She walked straight over to the track and lined up in lane three, her favourite.

Mr Marven rose an eyebrow and chuckled at her. "Keen to start are we Taylor?"

"You know it, sir."

Taylor broke every record she'd set the year before as soon as she'd started running.


I know I haven't uloaded in forever and I'm so sorry for that whoever's reading! Also, I read through this yesterday to get a feel for it again, and I realised all my really, really bad gramar mistakes, so I'm sorry for that as well!

Thank you for reading! Comment and vote?


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