Jelsa One Shots

By lovetowrite12340

48.5K 1K 653

It's just a bunch of one shots of my favorite couple! *I don't own any pictures or characters I use in this b... More

I'm sorry
Could I?
You're HOW OLD?
Mr. Steal Your Girl
Die Hard
Madly in Love
Valentine's Day
Batting Lashes
Puppy Love
Things I want to do with You
Ice Cream Monster
Please... Don't Go
Please... Don't Go- Part 2
Happy Birthday
Hard Day
I want a baby
That One Faithful Day
Goodbye- Part 2
Ferris Wheel
Happy Halloween
Sisters- Part 2
Sisters- Part 3
Happy Thanksgiving
New Years
Sweet Boy
Mother's Day
Happy Father's Day
Heartbreak- Part 2
Kiss the Air
First Look
The Cookies
My Love


1K 29 30
By lovetowrite12340

Third POV:

Jack was attending his best friends wedding. He was actually the best man. He was newly single because the relationship he was in months ago was not the greatest. His girlfriend started to get really clingy over him and was flat out rude to his friends whenever they would hangout. So he broke up with her, feeling like he needed space. He finally felt ready to date again.

He was attending Kristoff Bjorgman and Anna Arendelle's wedding.

He had met Anna a couple times when she would come by to visit him with Kristoff. They were friends.

Anyway, they were all currently standing in front of the altar... well except for Anna. She still had to walk down the aisle.

Kristoff and Jack watched how all of Anna's bridesmaids walked down the aisle. Anna and Kristoff's daughter was their flower girl. The ring bearer was Eugene's son Flynn.

They were twenty four years old and finally getting married because 1.) they did everything backwards. They met at a club and things went really well. The next couple weeks, Anna found out she was pregnant and her first time was Kristoff so... she knew who the father was. 2.) they finally found the time to get married. Their engagement is over a year old.

The bride was soon to come out and walk down the aisle. Everyone was waiting to see her. Kristoff was starting to feel a little impatient because he wanted to see his woman so badly.

Then the bride came into view. She was in a beautiful long white a-line dress . Her veil covering her face, roses in her hands. She was so excited to be marrying the love of her life. She was accompanied by her sister and/or her maid of honor. They both wished it could have been their father to walk her down the aisle but their parents died in a plane crash.

Elsa, her sister, was wearing a sage colored, halter top dress. The bridesmaids wore the same colored dress but was a little different. They had spaghetti straps but had off shoulder sleeves.

The two sisters walked down the aisle. Elsa couldn't help but smile because her sister is getting married. Sure, Elsa was older and didn't get married first but that didn't matter to her.

Anna had her arm wrapped around Elsa's arm as they walked down the aisle. Anna has the biggest smile on her face. They couldn't be happier.

Everyone's eyes were on the bride. Watching her gracefully walk down the aisle. Which is saying a lot because Anna can be pretty clumsy sometimes.

Jack, his eyes were not on the bride. They were on the woman right next to her. Her hair was down and flowing onto her back. She had makeup on but not too much. She was beyond gorgeous to him. It was the first time he ever saw her. Her little smile she would give to Anna to try and calm her down since Anna started to feel a little anxious. The smile usually calmed her down and it did today.

Once Elsa and Anna made it to the alter Elsa gave her away to Kristoff saying what her father would have said but she whispered it, "Take care of her."
Kristoff of course nodded his head smiling big looking at his wife to be.

Once Elsa stood beside Anna, on the brides side, she took notice to Jack who was staring at her. She couldn't help but blush and smile to him. He smirked at her. She quickly looked away, face red, but the smile still on her face. She thought it wouldn't be right if they were making faces at each other when their attention should be on the two people being wed.

~Time skip~

"You may now kiss the bride," the priest said.

Kristoff took Anna into his arms and kissed her. The crowd cheered. Everyone was smiling and the bride and groom walked down the aisle together to meet all their friends and family outside to say hello before the reception.

They all walked down the aisle. The bridesmaids walked down with their respective groomsmen.

Elsa walked down with Jack.

"Hey," Jack said once they were out of the church and most of the guests were waiting their turn to talk to the bride and groom.

"H-hi," Elsa stuttered but still had a smile on her face.

"What's your name?" Jack asked.

"It's Elsa. What's yours?" She asked.

"Jack," he said. They were silent for a little bit then Jack broke the silence. "So, um... you're a bridesmaid. Why haven't I seen you before? Or I mean at the practice dinner reception?"

"Oh...," she laughed nervously then began, "I'm actually the maid of honor. Anna is my sister. And I couldn't make it to the reception dinner until late and even then I had to make sure everything else was going correctly."

"Ah... yeah that makes sense. I'm the grooms best man, um... I've met Anna tons of times and their daughter. How come I've never met you before until now?" He asked.

"I'm usually working. I don't spare time for myself, it's better to keep myself busy," she said.

"Oh... why is that?" He asked.

"It keeps me away from my thoughts," she said.

"Why not pick a hobby and take time to work on that instead of working all the time?" He asked.

"Why are you so interested in what I do?" She asked thinking "why is this strange man I just met asking me so many questions?"

"Sorry, I guess curiosity killed the cat. I am just curious is all and working a lot doesn't sound fun at all," he said.

"Well, working isn't so bad when you like it," she said. They were silent again.

"You look beautiful by the way," Jack said.

"Thank you! You look handsome yourself," she smiled at him. He grinned. That smile, he loved.

"So when are we supposed to go to the reception?" He asked.

"In..." she looked for a clock anywhere then saw Jack's watch. Without thinking she grabbed his wrist and looked at it.

"Five minutes," she said then let go of his hand. She didn't even realize what she did until it was too late. Her eyes had widened.

"I am so sorry. I wasn't even thinking I just needed to know the time," Elsa said and started rambling.

"Elsa, calm down. It's okay. No harm was done," he smiled warmly at her. She couldn't help but look into his eyes. So blue. It's like the ocean but not because his iris's looked like they had a snowflake pattern in them. Which she loved and she didn't want to look away. But she had to, they had a reception to go to.

~Time skip to the reception~

Anna and Kristoff were sitting beside each other. Anna's bridesmaids were sitting on her side on the long table. And Kristoff's groomsmen were sitting on his side on the long table.

Everyone was talking. There was music playing. The food will be served soon. The little children were playing around on the dance floor. 

"So..." Anna started and got Elsa's attention.

"Hmm..." She hummed as she took a drink from her champagne.

"What do you think about Jack?" Anna asked. Elsa almost spit out her drink but quickly gulped it down. Elsa coughed a few times then looked at Anna.

"W-What?" She asked looking at her in disbelief.

"What do you think about him? I mean I saw you guys talking after the wedding. You guys looked like a cute couple there," Anna said.

"Anna... you know I have a boyfriend," Elsa said still shocked at her sisters words.

"Elsa, you and I both know that you broke up with that ass wipe two months ago," Anna said.

"I know Anna. I'm just not sure if I am ready to start dating again," Elsa said sighing. She was dating this man named Hans.

He was such a charming man but definitely evil. He cheated on her multiple times. They were together for six months until Elsa had enough of it. Sure, now she's fine and over him. She's just not sure if she's ready to not be single anymore.

"Well, I mean you can always start slow with Jack or whoever you end up with," Anna grinned at her. Elsa rolled her eyes but chuckled.

"Alright, if you really want to know what I think about him... he's very nice and his eyes... I can't explain it but the best word to describe them as is beautiful," Elsa said then blushed immediately at the smirk on Anna's face.

"Stop looking at me like that," Elsa said and tried to cover her face.

"Okay I'll stop but you should go talk to him," Anna said.

"Maybe I will," Elsa said as she gazed at Jack who was laughing at something Kristoff said. She looked away when he caught her staring. He only smirked to himself after she looked away.

~Time skip to dancing~

Everyone was able to dance together on the dance floor. The bridesmaids and groomsmen were dancing with their significant others. Well, all except Elsa and Jack.

Elsa was smiling watching her sister, dancing so happily with Kristoff. She looked around and saw her niece dancing with Flynn, her cousin Rapunzel's son. She didn't even notice Jack coming from behind her.

He tapped on her shoulder. She turned around to see Jack. His cheeks were lightly pink. He just couldn't get over how gorgeous she looked.

"I-I um..." he sighed then stuck his hand out for her to take then asked, "Would you like to dance?"

Elsa looked at him a little surprised but then turned a little shade of pink as well. She felt embarrassed about what she's about to say.

"I would love to, only I don't dance. I uh... can't dance that well," she said.

"I'm sure you can. I can teach you," Jack smiled warmly at her. Something about his smile made her feel like she could trust him. Maybe even made her feel like she is safe with him.

So... she took his hand and she let him lead her to the dance floor. She was nervous of course.

"Don't be so tense. I've got you," He said. Elsa smiled at him thinking he's being so sweet to her.

Once on the dance floor, Jack held her hands and moved one to his shoulder and held the other in his hand while his hand moved to her waist.

Elsa oddly, didn't feel uncomfortable with this. She usually would since she is dancing with a total stranger. Well not total stranger. She talked to him a little bit before but... still she didn't know a lot about him.

So... they danced together. Elsa would accidentally step on his foot here and there. And say sorry right away. He would just chuckle and shake his head saying it's fine.

Anna and Kristoff were off dancing but of course they noticed Elsa and Jack. They both smirked, thinking their plan is working.

"They are dancing together!" Anna said excitedly.

"I know. I'm surprised Jack got Elsa to dance with him. Usually she says she can't dance and that's the end of it," Kristoff said. Anna nodded.

"I know! They are so cute!" She said happily. Kristoff chuckled.

"Not as cute as us though," he said grinning at her then kissed her.

~Time skip to cutting the cake~

Elsa watched the couple as they cut the cake together and fed it to each other. She was just so happy for them.

"Did you want any cake?" Jack asked beside her. He had gotten himself some cake but didn't eat from it yet. It nearly scares her to death. He just popped out of nowhere.

"Oh my gosh," she jumped, a hand on her heart. He chuckled at her and she rolled her eyes playfully then said, "No, I'm fine. But thank you," she smiled at him.

"Why don't you want cake?" He asked.

"I am just watching what I eat," she said. Jack looked at her surprised.

"Why do you need to watch what you eat?" He asked as he took a bite.

"Just my diet and fitness routine. I don't eat much sweets unless I absolutely need to," she said.

"The cake is yummy though. You are a literal stick. Let yourself have some," he said putting some of the delicious chocolate cake on his fork and was about to feed it to her.

"Jack really, please don't," she chuckled as he started to pout at her.

"Alright Fine. Just one tiny bite," she said then giggled when Jack's face lit up. He fed it to her.

"Mmmm..." she loved the taste of chocolate.

"Good?" He asked.

"Good," Elsa said smiling looking into his eyes.

They just looked at each other. No one really saying anything. They seemed to do that a lot that night staring at each other's eyes. They didn't break eye contact until little Posie came over to her aunt.

"Auntie Elsie!" She exclaimed and reaching her arms towards her. Elsa broke eye contact with him then picked up the little toddler.

"Hello my rosie little Posie. Are you happy?" She asked holding the little girl in her arms. Jack just watched them. He didn't know many people except for the groomsmen and they were talking with their wives or girlfriends. He didn't want to intrude on them.

"Yes Auntie Elsie. Mommy looks like a Queen," she said. Elsa chuckled.

"I know. She looks beautiful doesn't she?"

Posie nodded. Posie turned her head to see Jack and she squealed.

"Uncle Jack!" She exclaimed and try to launch herself out of Elsa's arms and into his. Seeing this Jack quickly put his cake on a nearby table.

"Posie, sweetie, be careful," Elsa said as she tried not to drop the four year old. Jack was quick to the rescue as he chuckled at Posie's excitement.

"Hello Posie. Are you being a good girl?" He asked.

"Yes Uncle Jack," she said grinning at him. She was playing with his tie.

"You like my tie?" He asked.

"Yeah it looks so cool with the snowflakes on it," she said. Jack chuckled.

"Yep," he said and bopped her nose. Elsa smiled watching the two. She couldn't help but let her mind wonder. Wonder about why her niece was so excited to see him. Or how he's met her sister and her niece but not her before?

The music started playing again and Posie got excited.

"Uncle Jack can you dance with me?" Posie asked.

"Uhh..." Jack looked to Elsa as if asking. She just nodded her head. He didn't want to leave her alone but if Elsa said yes then he would.

"Sure, of course," he said chuckling and put her down. She held his hand and lead him to the dance floor.

Elsa smiled as she watched them dance to the song. Posie was holding his hands as she danced on top of his feet. Jack would look over at her periodically. Posie was grinning and laughing like crazy.

"He's good with kids," Elsa thought.

After the song was over, Jack bowed to her as she curtsied. Elsa couldn't help her smile getting bigger as she watched. Jack bent down to Posie's level and told her something. She grinned and nodded at him.

Elsa was a little confused to what was happening. Posie walked away from Jack and towards her. Jack stood there waiting.

"Auntie Elsie," Posie said and grabbed her hand. Elsa smiled at her and held her hand.

"What are you doing Posie?" Elsa asked. Posie only smiled at her and led her to the dance floor where Jack was.

"Thank you Posie," Jack said. Elsa blushed when he smirked at her.

"What are you doing?" Elsa asked.

"I thought I would dance with you again. I had a great time the first. I wanted another dance," he said smiling at her.

"What if I don't want to dance with you?" She asked catching onto his playfulness. He held his heart and acted as if he was shot.

"Oh... how you've wounded me so..." he said dramatically. Elsa giggled.

"Alright, drama queen. I'll dance with you again," she said. He grinned and took her hands, placed one on his shoulder but kept one in his hand. His other arm was on her waist.

Put You Head on My Shoulder by Paul Anka was playing in the background.

They were just looking into one another's eyes as they danced. Elsa felt comfortable enough to actually put her head on his shoulder as they danced. Jack didn't feel any discomfort when she did this. He was actually hoping she would.

Whether he knew it or not, he was falling for her. Even if they just met. She wasn't that far behind him either.

Once the song was over, Jack bowed to her jokingly of course. Elsa giggled and curtsied back.

"Are you two having fun?" Anna seemed to pop up out of nowhere. It startled the two young loves.

"Anna! Gosh you scared me," Elsa said.

"Well... no one has answered my question..." Anna said with a knowing smile. It made the two blush.

"Yes we are having fun," Elsa mumbled trying hard to not make eye contact with Jack.

"Uh... yeah... she's really good at dancing," Jack said and Elsa smacked his arm playfully.

"Liar," she said looking at him. He grinned and said, "I am no such thing. How dare you claim me as such." He made himself look all hurt.

Anna laughed at the "couple," thinking they should definitely be the next two people to get married.

"Well, it seems you guys are having a great time. I'll leave you to it," Anna smirked and left the two alone.

"Sorry about her. She gets so..." she trailed off and Jack chuckled.

"I get what you mean. I have a little sister of my own and she just loves to embarrass me," Jack said. Elsa smiled then realized.

"You know, you've learned a lot about me tonight and I feel that I've learned nothing about you," Elsa said as the walked to sit at a nearby table that wasn't occupied.

"Well, you just interest me is all. You've made me curious," he said smiling at her. She blushed at how up front he was, but she liked it better being told something blunt rather than guessing all the time.

"Hmm... tell me about yourself Jack," she said as she rested her head on her hand that was propped up on the table.

The two conversed and got to know each other throughout the reception until the bride threw her flowers. All the ladies were crowded on a group waiting to catch the flowers. Anna insisted Elsa be in that crowd.

Elsa usually didn't like attention on her much less being in a crowd of people but it was Anna's wedding day so she did it for her.

Anna turned around and threw the flowers up in the air. The flowers flew behind her as the women tried to reach up for it. And what do you know? Elsa is the one who catches it and everyone cheers.

Elsa blushes madly because of all the attention plus the fact that she doesn't even have a boyfriend yet. Supposedly, whoever catches the flowers is supposed to be getting married next. So... for her this was just a weird coincidence.

After that fiasco was over, she walked back to her seat and Jack was there waiting for her.

"So, you're the next bride to be," he chuckled and she just playfully flared at him.

"Who's the groom?" He asked smiling at her. It was Elsa's turn to laugh.

"I don't even know," she chuckled and sat down beside him again.

They talked and talked the night away. They even danced together again. They both felt truly happy.

~1 year and a half later~

The two lovers were dancing at another wedding. They were at a reception of course but something was different. It wasn't Anna who was in the wedding dress and it wasn't Elsa who was in the bridesmaids dress. It was quite the opposite.

Elsa and Jack Frost were dancing to their first song as husband and wife. Their song was Put Your Head on My Shoulder by Paul Anka. It was the one song they both agreed on. It was the song they always danced to, it only seemed right for them to dance to that song.

Elsa's head rested on his shoulder as they danced. Jack's head was resting atop hers. Everyone around them watched in awe.

Anna was smiling in adoration at the two lovers. Her husband was hugging her from behind watching the beautiful sight. She just knew they would make a cute couple.

Posie, Elsa and Jack's niece was grinning at them. She loved them both so much. She was so happy when she learned that Jack was going to be her uncle. Like actual uncle being married into the family not just a family friend.

Back to the newly wedded couple.

"Jack," Elsa said quietly. Jack kissed her forehead and hummed to her.

"How would you feel if I told you... we have a baby coming soon?" She asked.

Jack's eyes widened and he pulled away slightly as they danced. "Y-you're p-pregnant?" He asked. She nodded feeling nervous at how he's reacting.

She waited for his response. She was starting to think the worst until she felt his lips on hers. She closed her eyes right away. They could hear their guests cheering for them as they did so.

When they pulled away, Jack stared down at her grinning. "You're serious?" He asked.

"Why would I make this up?" She asked him. He shook his head just grinning ear to ear. And pecked her lips.

"We're going to be parents!" He exclaimed quietly to her. She chuckled nodding her head. He held her closer than he ever did before.

Anna could tell, based on Jack's reaction, on what Elsa just told him because Anna was the first person Elsa told about her pregnancy. And Anna knew Jack well enough to know that he loved children and that he would love the child too.

The family couldn't be happier.

Friday June 12, 2020

A/n: update yay! I don't own the song in this chapter. It's just a song I really like. I hope you guys liked this chapter. It took me a couple days to write it because I would lose inspiration or it's weird that most of my good ideas come to me at 2am. I don't know it's weird.
Anyway, don't forget to:

Stay safe and stay healthy!!

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